Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Appreciation Screenshot

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo here!

    While Guess for Gold takes a break for a while, us Deckhands are bringing you a bit of fun until it returns.

    Winner of this competition will receive a very special code this week. Kindly donated by one of our Community Members.

    The Lord Guardian Sails

    Your mission?? Should you choose to accept it?

    For this weeks screenshot show me what impact Sea of Thieves has had on your life.
    Maybe show me comradery, show me appreciation, show me applause for your friends, your crewmates, those others that make your time in Sea of Thieves special!

    Crewmate Comeradery!

    To add you screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site like Imgur then copy/paste the link straight into your post.

    Note that only your first screenshot will be accepted, all others will be deleted and it must be posted in the competition thread.
    Deckhands decision on the winning screenshot is final.
    Code will be DM'ed to the winner so please remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the forums :D

    Entries will be taken up until Monday 27th April at 4PM BST
    May the best Pirate win!

    Get your thinking caps on!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

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  • @lizalaroo

    This was taken after a long fort of the damned grind. I was overlooking the fleet from the water tower watching everything get turned in when @K7BoNeS and El Jamon decided to join me. Anyone that has tried, knows it's difficult to get together friends in an alliance on the same server. Sometimes those games are the best though. We had 1v1 sword duels in the main chamber of the fort between runs. Most of the time, I was sitting on top of the skeleton's cage acting like the Mortal Kombat announcer.

  • I’m sorry, but I’m not able to post a correct screenshot. =[ The sound designers of Sea of Thieves are such great artist - especially in designing the sound of water - that I’m always having a toilet stop when my alliance homies are in the perfect screenshoty formation. But hey - that is also the biggest true impact SoT has in my life.

  • We are a relatively new crew and... OMG how incredible are the Tall Tales?! This photo in particular was taken at the end of Shores of Gold, we were all hyped up and felt like real adventurers in a real crew!

  • Am I allowed to enter with a Twitter link?

  • @gaming-4nj4 If you want me to see it!

    I’m loving the little bio that comes with each picture!


  • @lizalaroo it’s almost exclusively a SoT related gaming account with nothing to hide, so maybe you’ll find one thing or the other, that you’re interested in 😉 so here we go: my link to enter the competition is
    It was before I took the poition so my male pirate is still in the screenshot, but mate, it was so much fun to bring this project of ours into “being” 😁

  • Sometimes the best crew give you some amazing views. Especially when fishing.

  • Well I think I might have to jump in on this one.

    Got a golden oldie of me and Tartan pretending to be new players in hopes of ambushing the ambushes.

  • Made some great new friends and strengthened bonds with old ones through the game. Never thought I'd have this much fun just roaming the seas.

  • Looking back at old pics, it gave me a lot of new friends. Like these:


    p.s.: going through my old uploads it apparently also gave me anxiety:

    still salty

    Don't count me into the competition, i don't really need those. :D

  • A screenshot from the Open Beta that I really like.
    It was with my brother, it makes a really unique souvenir.

  • The cracking of the wood under the impact of cannonballs, the clash of swords and the whistling of bullets.
    That's what will happen to you if you encounter this silhouette !

  • Crescent Isle has always been my favorite of all the isles!
    I'm glad that I took the picture since I only had 1 chance from that angle!
    ..and pretty much never going to get a picture again that far above..

    Happy sailing!

  • In honor of my (first) pirate that I received when I joined Technical Alpha, here is my entry shot.

    alt text

    I know it doesn't have a good quality but I just took it before logging off. I believe it was the last hours of that beta session. Also, I had the admiral set which was a cool grind!

    This pic means a lot to me, brings up good memories from the early stages of the game (which were great, even with little content) and it will always remind me of how far I've got. The pic was taken on 27.01.2018 which is crazy btw.

    GL everyone, looking forward seeing your shot and the story that comes with it!

  • @lizalaroo

    like normal day in sea of thieves


  • @lizalaroo

    A proper great time on the Sea of Thieves after doing 14 hours of Fort of the Damned. I've made amazing friends in this game and it is a true testament to friendship (and piracy, I guess).

  • Old memorie but my best so far

  • My OG crew. Will never forget our adventures together. Many plundering experiences.

  • Greetings from the French Royal Navy! - "Buy my stuff" text alternatif

  • The day one of my friends and I became Pirate Legends was one of the cutest days ever. We'd been playing the game off and on since Day 1, but both of us are super busy -- i'm a graduate student and he runs a mechanics shop. We've never met in person before, but are close through a mutual friend of ours and play a ton of games together. Since he and I both love this game we often play together and over the last two years have been keeping pace with each other on our slow ascent to Pirate Legends! Just as we both were about to hit 50/50/50 we made a pact: we would reach PL together. So, we timed it: I had one last chest to reach GH and he had one last skull to reach OoS, so we sailed one final mission together, got on Discord and counted down: 3, 2... 1 and turned in our last treasure together! It was so fun to reach that point with my crew mate, and we immortalized that with this photo here: with me on the left celebrating, him in the middle stoic as ever, and my pet monkey, Ma'Khakis, giving us the cheer of a lifetime. Such a beautiful game -- thank you for sharing with us, Rare!

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    Sea of Thieves has been a great way to spend time with friends. We have a lot of fun coordinating towards a common goal: getting as much loot and glory as possible! Me and my friend got pirate legend, playing together through launch. Ever since COVID-19 started, we've been spending even more time on the seas, and we look forward to playing for much more time to come.

  • Moments before the start of The Race of legends. I have had the pleasure of sailing with BBXH for a couple of these community driven events and cherish every moment of them.

  • The end of the first Athena's quest we did with my mates. We had a lot of problem with this fire, and it tooked us 10 minuts at least while we were burning each other without paying attention and burning ourselves to death. Finally got the screenshot, and it's totally worth it. We had so much fun doing this quest, and we were so proud at the end aha

  • Sea of Thieves

  • @lizalaroo

    Well, this picture represents my character, wich is me inside the game. I have Galeophobia (Phobia of sharks/fish) and Thalassophobia (Phobia of the ocean) (I know this might not be the exact confortable game for me). I always yell when I see a shark behind me, and I never go into deep waters, if I fall I scream aswell and get very nervous. I always never go into the water, only if its a MUST, and a BIG one. I dont know why I have this phobia, but I can't even go to an aquarium. In this picture it shows my Title (Proud to kill and metaphorically beat my biggest fear), and where I usually sit most of the time, trying to break free from these phobias. I think this game is helping me a lot with them, its making them a bit bearable. It is having a big impact on my life. I just wanted to say thanks to de devs and everyone involved, you are helping me a lot. :)

  • This is what me and my crew normally do after a long voyage. We head to Old Salts Atoll, have a seat and watch the sunset.

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    a game i wish i could play in peace at pve but also enjoy the company of friends. salty seas and players around each isle but also thoose rear gems of players and mermaids. solo pvp or with friends can bring lots of fun and even tears when you cant defend your loot good enough. still searching for the great white.

    but for sometime i was lost and broken (picture) and had a little company with some chickens and sea of thieves. so thank you for that

  • Mid-way through my Shores of Gold tale, i had fallen into a pit and died, only to meet on the ferry some close friends from the official discord, i finished my tale, set sail to find them and had the best session i think i've ever had playing this game (so far hehe), ending the night off with screenshots atop the Seadog Tavern and some questionable table dances.

  • @lizalaroo

  • Through this game I met a grand order of truly dangerous pirates, and we've been sailing for more than two years now. I don't expect us to part; even if the servers shut down for good.

  • @lizalaroo

  • @lizalaroo Picture from when I was hopping from crew to crew in open sloop crews, trying to find someone fun to play with. I ended up finding this guy and guiding him through his first Tall Tale. We are now good friends!

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