[Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback

  • Our April content update, Ships of Fortune, is live! This month's bundle of brand-new features is a fairly big one one, introducing the Emissary system, the Reaper's Bones Trading Company, Cats, and Arena overhaul and much, much more.

    See below for new trailers and the latest patch notes!

    Ships of Fortune: Official Sea of Thieves Content Update

    Emissaries Explained - Official Sea of Thieves Gameplay Guide

    The latest release notes can be found here once available: https://www.seaofthieves.com/release-notes/2.0.14

    This topic has been set up to provide feedback on the new features, updates and activities that update 2.0.14 brings.

    As you participate in this thread -

    Keep to the Pirate Code

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines (though the reference really never gets old), but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    We also have Forum Rules, which we moderate to.

    This thread is for feature discussion and feedback only. If you're looking for help with anything then head over to the Gameplay Guides + Tips category linked below.

    Are you in need of any help? Then look no further!

  • 227
  • I cant buy my athena 10 promotion.

  • Do I jump into adventure or arena first once I've finished trying on various beards?

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    Do I jump into adventure or arena first once I've finished trying on various beards?

    Emissaries and the Reaper's Bones are in Adventure, reviving should be in both modes.

  • server problems - constant alabaster beards

  • waited 5 minutes for gold hoarder counting coins. had to have teammates brig me so I could leave the hoarder and didnt get the voyage I was in process of buying.

  • cant get in repeatedly... but i can edit videos upload videos and surf web... not my connection methinks

  • I can get all the way to starting a crew, then i get constant alabasterbeard errors. Tried both re-joining current session and completely restarting the game. no luck.

  • I watched my game download and it only went to about 6.2 GB out of the 11 GB and I'm able to get it open but I can't load into a server due to the alabaster beard error. Any help is useful to me.

  • Folks, it's update day and 90%+ of the world is looking to kill some time. Its gonna be super busy with everyone who wants to sail all trying to log on at once.
    Give it a few hours and things will settle down. Always does.

  • can we get the release to ferry function disabled for solo play? we can't even take advantage of the revive system... why must we release to the ferry? I would prefer to go straight to the ferry instead of release. thanks,

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    Folks, it's update day and 90%+ of the world is looking to kill some time. Its gonna be super busy with everyone who wants to sail all trying to log on at once.
    Give it a few hours and things will settle down. Always does.

    @needsmokes But then I won't get to be top Dog in the ledgers! 😫


    Looking forward to seeing 100% Reaper's Bones servers... 🤣

    Also, I like the idea that you can camp the RH to get your loot back from the vile agents that stole it from you. 😁

    I 😍 the new action icons! More communication with less communication! How awesome is that!?

    New revive mechanics and sword damage is a game-changer in my eyes (and in a good way). 4 hits instead of 5? Woot! 🙂

    I also like the idea of the temporary emissary levels that can lead to greater rewards or that can be taken from you. How dynamic of you. 😏

    The RB lvl. 5 ability to see all other emmisary ship locations? Scary! 😱

    So much more to do! So many more cosmetics to earn! 🤗

    I give this update 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈.


    Q: What's to stop pirates from gaming the ledger system by creating server-wide alliances?

  • Cannot purchase Athena flag (game hangs up at "counting coins"), cannot purchase Athena level 10 title (says "I cannot find that, ask again").

    So far this isn't looking too promising. Now on my fourth restart, let's see what happens.

  • @galactic-geek said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    Folks, it's update day and 90%+ of the world is looking to kill some time. Its gonna be super busy with everyone who wants to sail all trying to log on at once.
    Give it a few hours and things will settle down. Always does.

    @needsmokes But then I won't get to be top Dog in the ledgers! 😫


    Looking forward to seeing 100% Reaper's Bones servers... 🤣

    Also, I like the idea that you can camp the RH to get your loot back from the vile agents that stole it from you. 😁

    I 😍 the new action icons! More communication with less communication! How awesome is that!?

    New sword damage is a game-changer in my eyes. 4 hits instead of 5? Woot! 🙂

    I also like the idea of the temporary emissary levels that can lead to greater rewards or that can be taken from you. How dynamic of you. 😏

    The RB lvl. 5 ability to see all other emmisary ship locations? Scary! 😱

    So much more to do! So many more cosmetics to earn! 🤗

    I give this update 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈.


    Q: What's to stop pirates from gaming the ledger system by creating server-wide alliances?

    To answer your question about halting those imposter pirates is us real pirates! Sail hard and fight harder good sir!

  • @inboundbomb said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    @galactic-geek said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    Folks, it's update day and 90%+ of the world is looking to kill some time. Its gonna be super busy with everyone who wants to sail all trying to log on at once.
    Give it a few hours and things will settle down. Always does.

    @needsmokes But then I won't get to be top Dog in the ledgers! 😫


    Looking forward to seeing 100% Reaper's Bones servers... 🤣

    Also, I like the idea that you can camp the RH to get your loot back from the vile agents that stole it from you. 😁

    I 😍 the new action icons! More communication with less communication! How awesome is that!?

    New sword damage is a game-changer in my eyes. 4 hits instead of 5? Woot! 🙂

    I also like the idea of the temporary emissary levels that can lead to greater rewards or that can be taken from you. How dynamic of you. 😏

    The RB lvl. 5 ability to see all other emmisary ship locations? Scary! 😱

    So much more to do! So many more cosmetics to earn! 🤗

    I give this update 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈.


    Q: What's to stop pirates from gaming the ledger system by creating server-wide alliances?

    To answer your question about halting those imposter pirates is us real pirates! Sail hard and fight harder good sir!

    But a server-wide alliance, by definition, can't be 1 unless everybody's in on it - so, technically, there would be nobody to stop them...

  • @galactic-geek True. Sorry I misread that sir. I was thinking of smaller Alliances like 4 to 5 ships not full take over. Well since they have always existed there is nothing we can do about it other than Rare shutting down the server and refreshing things every so often.

  • I love the idea of trading companies building up their own private armies of pirates and offering specific gilded voyages in exchange for loyalty. 10/10 Rare

  • Adding more to the problems:

    1. Unable to purchase any emissary flag. Game hangs at "counting coins", the only way out is to restart.

    2. Unable to purchase lvl 10 Athena title. Game says "I can't find that, ask again" repeatedly.

    3. After attempting one last time to try buying an emissary flag and having the game hang again (forcing a restart), now I am getting constant Alabasterbeard errora.

  • Our crew experienced instant crashes when a crew member is switching to their fishing rod while bait has been previously on.
    How to reproduce:

    1. Switch to fishing rod
    2. Put bait on the fishing rod
    3. Switch to other gear / weapon
    4. Switch to fishing rod (that already has bait on)
    5. Game crashes for all other crew members, possibly even other people on the server (in range?)

    Another thing: when rejoining a party, treasure chests are invisible, content of them is still visible.
    Workaround: pickup and place treasure chest again and it turns visible.

    Skeleton ship goes under water when we are actively in battle and next to it, strange: https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyEnticingKaleOSkomodo

  • Perhaps a SoT dev or someone more experienced than myself can help me out here. I have a few concerns and questions about the new update. Let me start by saying I am glad to have new ways to level up and expand on current trading companies and new cosmetics to earn there, but I'm worried that with the level cap being pushed up and the last few levels to 50 being a bit tough, the game may become more "grind-y" than before. Furthermore, I am also worried that the game may be becoming too PvP oriented. Yes, I understand it is a "pirate" game, but I feel the community is somewhat divided into the PvP fanatics and the PvE ones. I will be the first to admit that I am not good at PvP and therefore do not enjoy it. However, I feel that much support and many more options are given to the PvP fans. The Arena and Reaper's Bones being those. The Arena I have no complaints about. You know what you are signing up for. But with the Reaper's Bones, I feel as if PvP and being rude or bullying other players is being rewarded. Yes there are Commendations for turning in stolen loot and stealing the loot itself, but that is all that was there initially. Now that the Reaper's Bones is added, I am now in more fear than ever of bloodthirsty crews searching me out and chasing me for hours. With the new Emissary system being for one ship on one server, I am worried that I may not be able to enjoy the new features for fear of having the experience ruined by Emmisary hunters. Also, as someone who primarily prefers the Sloop and often being solo, I am also worried that these crews who are better at PvP than myself will have an even greater advantage with the revive system. With the full competitive Arena in the game and now with Adventure being less safe than ever before, I would be very interested in a PvE only option. Perhaps with failsafe in place where one cannot attack another player or their ship? Or a preference where you only sail with other ships of the same size? Perhaps I'm being overly anxious or should just "Git Gud." But I would like to end on a positive note. Thank you Rare for continuing to support this game, especially with the virus issues. I have enjoyed the game in the past and hope to continue in the future. Smooth sailing to all!

  • @galactic-geek said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:


    Q: What's to stop pirates from gaming the ledger system by creating server-wide alliances?


    This is very true unfortunately.

    Server alliance exploiting/farming is going to make a mockery of the Emissary Ledgers.

    This really should be looked at...

  • Depending on how long you guys plan on keeping the "Athena's Run of Thieves Haven" around, I'd like to make the suggestion of adding the ability to gain nautical mileage towards the "Sailor of Athena's Fortune" commendation/achievement while sailing on this quest.

  • I went to spend some doubloons to level up factions with Duke and the ones I had at 50 did not work. Are they not supposed to level you up above 50 or was it a glitch?

  • I was watching my brother play (my game is updating still) and he found that while using an emote, he could not do a "360 spin" to look at himself (he is on an Xbox One). When he spun around 180 degrees, it would automatically switch to first person again. His friend/crewmate did not have this issue, and could look at himself from all angles while performing an emote. While this issue seemed to resolve itself after a while, it was still quite...annoying.

  • I want to start out with saying that I have never had a reason to make an account on this forum— never had the urge, and never really had the need given that most people voice my concerns already, and the tips and such on here are always accurate.

    That being said, obviously I felt compelled to finally make an account to comment and it is for this new update—

    I enjoy PvP; it’s a challenge, gives some generally good game play, and what have you. However, like a good few people, I don’t want to PvP all the time— especially when there are storylines I can follow— storylines we can not pause, or checkpoint, and have to be finished when you get them or you start all over again.
    Today, as soon as the new update was up and running, my usual crew and myself hopped in looking forward to getting a feel of things.
    To be immediately spawn killed, by a ship that clearly saw us spawn in at port.
    To only be agro’ed on after respawning moments later.

    I had my worries for the new update, but I was enthusiastic and excited and still a firm believer in the current PvP system even though I have been griefed quite a bit during Tale Tells in the past. But, after today, I’m going to be taking a loooong break from the game, and I’ve firmly have joined the PvE camp in the matter— all other MMO’s have the choice of PvP and PvE, and up until this point I could understand why SoT did not have it— but I firmly believe now is the time to think of having some sort of option for players to play at least somewhat more peacefully.
    Does my opinion matter— probably not, because who the heck am I? Am I still going to complain? Absolutely, as anyone who plays has the right to do.

  • The canon points are still at 25 per hit even though in the patch notes it states that the points were increased

  • 74 active friends on my Xbox friends list, and 1 is currently playing sea of thieves on new content day.
    What have you done with this update?
    Everyone I know is hating it!

  • @hupy-hupy Yeah what's up with this? Patch notes specifically mention it and I heard talk about it from nearly every community member. Why the sudden pull?

  • Dude this responing with the new update in the normal game is not a good idea, so my first experience I log on sail around on a sloop and a gallon of 4 attack us we are doing fine at first killing them getting good shots but then they all 4 boarded our boat and we were killing them but it didn't matter we were not able to kill all 4 at once and when we did kill them 1 guy would just respawn all of them and they would just spawn trap is didn't matter if we were better what can we do against 4 people all on a sloop with blunders and swords And we kill three all of them come back in a matter of seconds it's just unfair mostly to a guy on a sloop like me yeah I understand it's pvp I shouldn't be crying but it's a real problem with respawning in the normal game and it's frankly unfair so in conclusion the respawning in normal game was a bad idea.

  • Non-Pirate Legends shouldn't be able to get the gold and reputation boost from emissaries, or at least not as big of a boost. If you have a PL friend to play with you can get to PL yourself insanely fast. At this point Level 75 is the new Pirate Legend and normal PL means nothing.

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    74 active friends on my Xbox friends list, and 1 is currently playing sea of thieves on new content day.
    What have you done with this update?
    Everyone I know is hating it!

    Perhaps your friends know by now that on update day the servers are up later than you expect, and if they are up they might not be reliable or fully functional.

  • hit grade v reaper bones... and no emmisaries on the server ... RIP.... z z z z z

  • I had not considered it till now... but

    Galleons are buffed due to respawning, a sloop vs galleon no longer has a chance

    Every time im in a storm client crashes.
    Now it crashed after killing a skeleton sloop, my wife is still logged in with loot, but i have been trying for 20 minutes "searching the seas" in the lobby... client restarted 3 times nothing. again, 10 feet from me same internet my wife is still sailing waiting to turn in until i get back in game.... why im stuck idk no beard errors just infinite load

  • So. Friend and I on Reaper's Bones Emissary and we went after an order of Souls ship that scuttled before we could sink them. They did not drop their Emissary flag. However this happened, not exactly too happy with it :/ We spent a while trying to chase him down.

  • @treefittymonsta I wonder why

15 out of 227