Crossplay opt out is perfect!

  • Thanks Rare just like arena instant matches no problems, best session I have had in months. Contested a mega fort, bullets actually missed. Much better exp all around!
    You really did well this time.

  • 44
  • Met Galleon crews who actually attacked my Sloop, stole my loot and left me to sink.

    It good, far from perfect but good. Will continue to use the feature.

  • @burnbacon

    They took the loot and did not fix to spawn kill?
    🙆‍♂️ why do i never meet real pirates

  • @princessasuna96 My buddy on Xbox is loving it too! He can run the seas without any fear of being sunk now. I laughed when he showed me pictures of all the loot he stole today alone.

  • Yesterday tried Opt Out for Xbox! First time feel that all players are equal in session.

    There is no "Neo" from PC that can kill three people on Brig anymore.

    Now it is comfortable and fair game!

    Thank you Rare, we have waited for this moment a lot of time, but it was worth it!!!!!

  • I can only imagine some red beard superdude pirates reading this while chewing on their hat 🙆‍♂️🤭

  • PC captain here. Glad to see you're all happy. For us things are going well too! Had my first real battle in ages since the update. No more 1 cannonball and the enemy is down. I feel this will be the end of the era of the cross platform madness, finally.

  • But who are we going to blame when we sink again?🙆‍♂️

  • I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

  • Played for 6 hours yesterday on a galleon doing the new event. 2 pc and 2 Xbox in our crew. We covered the whole map and seen two sloops and a brig. Sank the bring in seconds and finished up for the day. Was a bit of a snooze fest to be honest.

    Dunno how much of this has to do with opt out (probably very little) or is just a sad state the game is in atm.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Not sure how this post hasn't been locked for bait, it clearly is.. as I've seen other posts being locked for less tbh.. intresting!

  • @PrincessAsuna96

    I only had an hour spare last night but logged in solo on opt out servers and found myself in a very feisty server, it was full of sloops all attacking each other, so i joined in. Sunk a few, and got sunk myself. But at no point did i get killed and was left scratching my head how that happened. The game played as it is designed to play. Imagine that!

  • @faceyourdemon Not my experience. Had a great night, bought everything new then made all my money back and then some. Full Alliance Server. Met some very nice players, gave away two Athena chests and helped a lot of people out. Great times.

  • Flicking that xbox players only switch in matchmaking was amazing.

  • @princessasuna96

    I am happy that you and other controller users are enjoying a more balanced gameplay. However I would not state that the current state is perfect, as people are being excluded from the same balanced experience based on the machine they use, which is unfair and discriminatory based on financial choices and options of people.

    For more info, view the following topic and feel free to provide feedback

  • sounds like new update is going well great news.

  • @n1njah1 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    PC captain here. Glad to see you're all happy. For us things are going well too! Had my first real battle in ages since the update. No more 1 cannonball and the enemy is down. I feel this will be the end of the era of the cross platform madness, finally.

    But crossplay is the future. More and more games are(or should) push crossplay as a part of them. This isn't the time for separation any more.

  • @blazedrake100

    Crossplay is not the future. It hasn't proved popular with many on console on various games.
    Xbox live since the introduction of the current gen of consoles has been all but cheat free.
    Enter crossplay and all hell breaks loose. Xbox Players have noticed this and have been speaking up on all games effected by it. So is it the future? I doubt it.

  • @needsmokes
    Minecraft has still been successful with crossplay. Also, some with an opt out, more and more games are adding crossplay.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    Minecraft has still been successful with crossplay. Also, some with an opt out, more and more games are adding crossplay.

    Optional cross play is ok, it's the forced cross play that people had a problem with myself included.

  • @blazedrake100 I know but you have to admit shooters like this aren't really balanced for crossplay. And since you surviving is essential for keeping your ship from being sunk, controller players didn't really stand a chance (with some exceptions of course) against mouse and keyboard users.

  • @usualbarley8154 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    Cool story but yea thats not how it played out for me.
    Its like night and day.
    Its amazing how much more fun the game is when people die when you shoot them.

    I'm on PC and suffer from 'hit reg' too, as do most people. I don't think crossplay has anything to do with that?

  • @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    oh the whine about the whiners but you are the only one whining in this thread.

    I suggest you settle yourself down, be happy more people can play SoT the way they always hoped they would and you carry on playing it how you do, everyone just took almost 2 years for it to happen.

  • @usualbarley8154 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @octopus-lime said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @usualbarley8154 said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    Cool story but yea thats not how it played out for me.
    Its like night and day.
    Its amazing how much more fun the game is when people die when you shoot them.

    I'm on PC and suffer from 'hit reg' too, as do most people. I don't think crossplay has anything to do with that?

    Not here to argue about it, just reporting that its SO MUCH BETTER without crossplay.

    Fair enough, I'll dust off my xbox and give it a go on there with opt out enabled and see if hit reg is any better. Although I'm not looking forward to how big the update would be for it!

  • @x5h3ar3rx said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @faceyourdemon said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    I just cant wait till opt out players will find out that nothing is diffrent, players are still going to ambush outposts and destroy them in the seas because they are just better then them and they are still bad at the game, they just cant throw in the same excuse XD
    Good luck im glad i wont see this petty whine over and over from a salty minority.
    I thank all the cool xbox players for sticking around in crossplay its a great feature and im glad to meet cool people from diffrent platforms.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Not sure how this post hasn't been locked for bait, it clearly is.. as I've seen other posts being locked for less tbh.. intresting!

    Thread isn't bait just because "you" were baited to come in and remind people you were against this happening.

    Of nothing else, this thread has shown from those who have benefited from it, that it has had an immediate effect which is what we who wanted it hoped for and wait RARE waited it to do.

    Happy sailing everyone.

  • @cotu42 easy fix, go get an xbox.
    Personally, I stopped playing PC games years ago. Because of the reason that you stated. I started playing xbox for a more fair environment. Best part is, xbox is much cheaper, I was able to buy several of them. Now everyone in my house has an xbox, so we can all play for what it costs to buy one PC.

  • @captgraykid I love how people are demanding others to buy an Xbox if they want to play with them when these same people wont shell out 50-80 bucks on an input device they deem advantageous, it's a my way or the highway mentality which is honestly kinda toxic. And as far as fair environments go every Xbox variation has different performances and once the new one comes out what then? The new Xbox is going to perform better than the X so we just gonna have an opt out for the Series X as well? If we talking about hacking then honestly that's so minimal it might as well not even exist, in my 2 years of playing this game I haven't encountered a single hacker, so not sure where this argument is going.

  • @navillicious said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @captgraykid I love how people are demanding others to buy an Xbox if they want to play with them when these same people wont shell out 50-80 bucks on an input device they deem advantageous, it's a my way or the highway mentality which is honestly kinda toxic. And as far as fair environments go every Xbox variation has different performances and once the new one comes out what then? The new Xbox is going to perform better than the X so we just gonna have an opt out for the Series X as well? If we talking about hacking then honestly that's so minimal it might as well not even exist, in my 2 years of playing this game I haven't encountered a single hacker, so not sure where this argument is going.

    it doesn't have to go anywhere, the argument is over. Crossplay preference is now here for Adventure and Arena, no debate to have, nothing to argue.

    People wanted it from the alpha days, it was announced a year ago, it took another year to happen, it is here.

    I suggest you get over it instead of going into any thread you can to try and make the fight alive again. Everything you have just complained about is something every Xbox player who wanted to opt out has been told no shouted at so yeah, if you feel it is toxic to hear it on your side, now you understand what it has been like to have that...only we had it for almost 2 years.

  • @cokney-charmer You misunderstand I'm not asking for it to be reversed I know it's here to stay my point is the hypocrisy in saying "buy an xbox" and these are the same people who aren't willing to spend less money than an xbox to compete with an input device they deem as an advantage.

    All this update is going to do is bring out more toxicity and discrimination against PC players.

  • @satanicnemesis I wouldn't worry too much about the server population for now.

    As I said in another thread the skilled Xbox players who can handle themselves won't opt out as they want a challenge. The less skilled Xbox players will probably opt out so they have an easier time, unfortunately that is probably the majority so you may notice it on the server population but it is too early to tell.

    The good news for PC players is that when you open crew, if you get paired with an Xbox user who hasn't 'opted out' they are probably a decent player (or unaware of the choice) so it will be good for your crew.

  • @navillicious said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @cokney-charmer You misunderstand I'm not asking for it to be reversed I know it's here to stay my point is the hypocrisy in saying "buy an xbox" and these are the same people who aren't willing to spend less money than an xbox to compete with an input device they deem as an advantage.

    All this update is going to do is bring out more toxicity and discrimination against PC players.

    no I totally get your intention, you made a "how is opt out going for you PC Players" as a response to this thread so you could complain about it.

    You came into this thread to state why you feel it is a bad idea and not a long term solution for when the Series X console is released....I get your point.

    There is no hypocrisy here in what you have read, think of it more like a mirror being held up to everyone who said "get good/get a pc/buy a keyboard and mouse" to any Xbox Player.

    The preference is here and so far for the Xbox players in this thread, appears to be working as intended.

    Get over it, and may your voyages be as happy as those benefiting from the preference

  • @octopus-lime said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @satanicnemesis I wouldn't worry too much about the server population for now.

    As I said in another thread the skilled Xbox players who can handle themselves won't opt out as they want a challenge. The less skilled Xbox players will probably opt out so they have an easier time, unfortunately that is probably the majority so you may notice it on the server population but it is too early to tell.

    The good news for PC players is that when you open crew, if you get paired with an Xbox user who hasn't 'opted out' they are probably a decent player (or unaware of the choice) so it will be good for your crew.

    still on the "skilled" and "not skilled" player nonsense about why crossplay opt out was requested by console players. God it is so tiring to hear it over and over...when it is so completely wrong.

    But enough of taking this thread off topic. For me, each of the times I have tested the preference to opt out it has put me in an Xbox console/conroller only sea...impressed.

  • @cokney-charmer Again, I'm not saying anything against the OP, my comment was directed at those saying you need to buy an Xbox and using a controller on PC is still a no-no. The hypocrisy in that is demanding others to buy their platform of choice when they themselves refuse to either pay for a platform that is better or an input device they deem as better.

    I'm cool for input-based matchmaking, but it makes sense to have it for both sides and not disallowing the choice for one platform. But that's besides my point.

  • @cokney-charmer said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @octopus-lime said in Crossplay opt out is perfect!:

    @satanicnemesis I wouldn't worry too much about the server population for now.

    As I said in another thread the skilled Xbox players who can handle themselves won't opt out as they want a challenge. The less skilled Xbox players will probably opt out so they have an easier time, unfortunately that is probably the majority so you may notice it on the server population but it is too early to tell.

    The good news for PC players is that when you open crew, if you get paired with an Xbox user who hasn't 'opted out' they are probably a decent player (or unaware of the choice) so it will be good for your crew.

    still on the "skilled" and "not skilled" player nonsense about why crossplay opt out was requested by console players. God it is so tiring to hear it over and over...when it is so completely wrong.

    But enough of taking this thread off topic. For me, each of the times I have tested the preference to opt out it has put me in an Xbox console/conroller only sea...impressed.

    It's not meant as a personal attack, that is just my point of view and opinion on the subject and of course you have the right to disagree with it completely. I'm glad you are happy with the changes.

  • @octopus-lime no it really is, if you want the opt out you are clearly unskilled in the game and scared, remain in the crossplay pool and you are clearly mature and highly skilled blah blah.

    It might be your personal opinion but IMHO it is a tired, disproven nonsense drummed up by PC Players worried about the opt out having an impact on the seas you sail in the game.

    I get it, as long as everyone can play the game and have a good time, in or out of crossplay, all that matter my friend.

    making the assumption this is a "skills based" issue is just not the case.

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