Skeleton ship, megalodon and Kraken at the same time

  • It has been happening quite often lately, since last update it has been more common to see spawning both kraken and skeleton ship/megalodon and skeleton ship at the same time than just one of them at a time. They even spawned all 3 at the same time a few times in my experience with this update, it never happened to me before tho.

    Is it just me? Do you guys know why this is happening?

  • 15
  • This is common in the game. It's all RNG, so it's common.

  • @Pellahh

    Great challenge, try to beat them all.
    We did it and it was amazing :-D
    But i agree you need a little luck with them shooting not too many cursed cannonballs.

  • Sounds like fun to me.

  • @targasbr Yeah but it never happen before the last update (at least for me), that's why I think it's weird.

  • @pellahh I have also been experiencing this more often and I love it. I have actually been sunk by PVE (mainly due to lack of supplies or me telling our crew we need to run and they don't run and then we make a mistake or two and sink) recently. Imo PVE is the most fun in the game when you have to deal with all these threats at once as it is actually semi-challenging and chaotic.

  • I find it very annoying. Happened to my buddies and I twice yesterday. Takes away the fun.

  • @pellahh must be playing on empty servers.

  • It has happened to me every time I have gotten into the game lately...and I don't have a lot of time to play.
    It has certainly changed how I start the game. I used to just grab what I could carry in the way of supplies, now I am taking some time to supply the ship.
    So far, I have only come close to defeating them. I am getting better.
    Aye! I'll have them yet!

  • Happened to me twice in a row past 2 days.

    Got a kraken & skelly ship at the same time while trying to steal a FotD.
    Atleast you can escape the kraken & meg, but im done with forced PvE with the skelly ships.

    They should honestly remove skelly ships spawning in on you, wen we already have roaming skelly ships & skelly fleets.

  • @pellahh
    My crew was fishing at a Seapost for the Hunter's Haul event and we sent our brigantine off on a slow trip on its own. We got to watch it get attacked by a kraken and a skeleton ship. It provided us a bit of entertainment while we slogged through those Ruby Splashtails. 😂

  • This has happened to me twice and both times it was in a storm. Also the first time it was during an emissary voyage the second time it happened right after a fort

  • This has happened to me and my crew about 12 times in last week of playing. We find it extremely annoying because we will be in mid pursuit as a reapers emissary and get krakened. We played today and we saw the kraken 3 times in the same session. I miss when the kraken was rare and scary and you never knew when he was going to show up and when he did it was amazing and fantastic and exciting. Now it is just annoying and we usually just want out. We stopped fighting it because we know we’ll see it again later. I really hope Rare fixes this because it’s got to be a bug that we see all three PvEs at once multiple times on the same ship.

  • Happened to me today, and this was not the first time. While i woulnt mind this in a normal pve situation, why the hell does this happen when there is another player chasing me as well? The PVE quite literally gave my ship to a PVP player without them even needing to sweat. Not to mention that the Kraken pulled both of us off the sloop and sank it before we could do anything. There should be some failsafes that prevent kraken, megalodon and skelly ships from spawning at the same time when near another player who is not friendly (in the same guild or alliance). Sorry for the necro but apparently this didnt get enough attention.

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