Disappointed on legendary weapons :P

  • The last month or so I have been grinding on Arena to get the captain of silver water commendation and then going for the legendary sea dog title so i can finally buy the legendary weapons.

    I stopped playing adventure with my friends, Arena is toxic many times and well each match takes me between waiting in the lobby, loading and the actual gameplay about one hour.

    I saw what now I realize is an old post of needing to place 100 times on 1st place to unlock this title, so i was all for it, you play 5 hours, get 5 games in lets say you win 3-4 first place if you have a decent teammate and well now Im over 50 first place wins.

    I finally bumped into a recent thread of the sea dog title where it says this change was reverted to having to need 240 first place wins and that was a complete disappointment for me.

    Not because is impossible but because that is absolutely too much grind, it completely affects your quality of life if you try to reach this title lets say within a month.

    If you can click play and within 5 minutes be in a game that you get done in 15 minutes then it would help, but the loading times, the occasional hackers and all the other stuff that comes with it is just absolutely discouraging.

    I am giving up on these weapons, I already wasted enough time grinding arena, 240 first place wins is an excessive amount of required game play no one should be put through .

    This is the last item i need to unlock and the demand is so high i just cant. I have a busy personal life and cant give so much time to this, lets say you win 80% of the matches, so for 240 you need about 300, each one takes about an hour so thats 300 hours of grinding, if you really neglect your life and burn 4 hours a day thats over 70 days , almost 3 months, is just insane.

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  • It's a marathon not a sprint, it's fine that it takes time, you appreciate it all the more when you get it. The lobby wait times are indeed a pain though I believe a fix is in the works as mentioned in today's weekly dev update. It used to take 500 hours or so to hit pirate legend when the game launched, now people can hit it in about 150 hours. Athena 10 can be gotten faster too as a result of Fort of the damned spamming and alliances. Leave legendary weapon requirement as is I say, even if you chip away at it and it takes you 6 months, so what? I've been doing it and only need 15 more wins, never did I complain that 240 was too much. Still need to sink 400 more skelly ships too for the legendary cannons but does that bother me? Nope, I'll just chip away at that too whenever I'm in adventure and see one roaming about 😊 cheer up and enjoy the game buddy, don't focus so much on the grind. Hell.... I'll still be playing arena when I have the weapons coz my mate only recently started so I'll likely end up with 480 wins eventually 😜

  • @wudadnoiz Well, nobody said these weapons were supposed to be easily obtained. And since you're giving up, i guess you didn't want them enough. :)

    That's fine. :3

  • Your not the only pirate that has to let go of that dream to possess those weapons.
    Since the Anniversary Update I have dedicated myself to reaching Glorious Sea Dog level fifty, all with random crews.
    I used to enjoy the adversity and dysfunction. I even advocated for mixed arena with all ships in every match.
    I also remember spawning into live matches more often back then.

    Sadly, at level forty-eight and only sixty wins, I'm losing my resolve.
    I know there are options like Discord and LFG, but getting 250 wins was never my focus. I'll probably buy the last couple of levels and be done with Arena.

    Either way, I'll not be flexing with that carbon fiber cutlass.

  • SoT is "Grindy" across the board. My advice is to just do the stuff that you like and occasionally try something new.

    The commendations and achievements will come (or not). But none of them are worth sacrificing "having a good time".

  • Yea, it was disappointing when Rare had announced that they were going to make the reqs for them more reasonable but caved to a very petty and vocal minority.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Disappointed on legendary weapons :P:

    Yea, it was disappointing when Rare had announced that they were going to make the reqs for them more reasonable but caved to a very petty and vocal minority.

    You mean the "But, my prestige! D:" guys? xD

  • Rare has been artificially extending the life of their failed sailing simulator since it was released. All you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it

  • @wudadnoiz it's awful..

    It's something that as a Xbox player is almost impossible to achieve right now, for a couple of reasons...

    First, dedicated servers are almost empty. It takes huge amount of time to find a match and even more to start it. So if we want to actually play something we need mixed pool.

    Second, PvP mechanics aren't Xbox friendly at all. I play SoT for almost 4 years and Everytime I face other player that plays on PC it doesn't matter the difference of experience between us, it will certainly end up with me dead.
    Every single update released turns the PVP mechanics even worst for me.

    Xbox players in my community are almost none, so if I want to play with my people I end up playing against this scenario Everytime.
    I end up stick to ship work and chest digs, because Yeah, I can't be such helping hand when it comes to face other players. And I too tired of this situation at this point.
    Already thought about give a huge break on SoT due to this.

    So basically yeah, I can't remember the last time I got 1st place in the Arena, I only have around 30 victories since April.. I already gave up of the idea of getting those beautiful weapons. Even being Arena the only faction I have left to grind...

  • @wudadnoiz

    The requirement is fine... There is nothing wrong with the commendation itself.

    Everything is wrong with Arena itself, that's the problem. Arena has limited options for how you play, matchmaking is terrible, and the population is very low.

    The cherry on top is all of the arrogant sweats who antagonize everyone instead of competing gracefully. That wouldn't be a huge problem, but it just puts an ugly face on something that already isn't that fun.

  • @chronodusk said in Disappointed on legendary weapons :P:


    The requirement is fine... There is nothing wrong with the commendation itself.

    Everything is wrong with Arena itself, that's the problem. Arena has limited options for how you play, matchmaking is terrible, and the population is very low.

    The cherry on top is all of the arrogant sweats who antagonize everyone instead of competing gracefully. That wouldn't be a huge problem, but it just puts an ugly face on something that already isn't that fun.

    you hit it right on the head, that is exactly right, a terrible long wait, to compete against people who often are toxic, and your only reward is that if you want the legendary weapons which is the only attractive reward you have to do this over and over hundreds of times is unfair.

    After you play like 4-5 matches you are so sick of playing arena you dont want to ever try it again, in all honestly this has taken so much of my time that I am no loner enjoying my adventure games with my friends who dont care about arena, so technically broke our friendship in a way, my buddy doesnt play anymore because i am not online to do any more forts or athenas, I am always on arena just frustrated in the grind.

    I was hoping to just grind once 100 first place and then get the heck back to adventure with my friends, but now looking at 250 under the current arena conditions is unrealilstic.

  • @wudadnoiz I am at 84 and still slowly going. But as @Chronodusk said the problem isnt the commendation, its the arena itself. If the arena was fun to play we would get more people there.

    My suggestions would be

    1. matchmaking
    2. hit reg...
    3. play modes, random, and announced at the start of a match.
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