New ship style otherwise known as plane

  • Wouldn't we need anti aircraft guns to fight? Personally I'd like a 40mm bofers mounted on the back of me sloop. Pop that sucka like a can of Navy beans.

    Ack ack ack ack!!!!!

    Or maybe a depth charge launcher. Throw them gunpowder barrels baby!!! 🤪

  • I think the next logical step is giant mechanized suits that our pirates can sit in and pilot.

    I want one with dual LRM racks and a PPC

  • @bactatankbill
    Sea of Mechas is Coming!!!

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • it is necessary to modify the existing ships and not add the airship, add small-caliber guns on the bow and stern of the ship, glazed cabin sloop and add interior items

  • @goedecke-michel great Idea, then we can add the expansion. Nuclear Seas where they add in Nuclear Submarines & Nuclear Power to run the Submarines with nuclear torpedoes. Great Idea.

    P.s. I know you were being Sarcastic, just found it really funny.

  • @scoot939 good prank bro now talk serious pls

  • @biteablebark676 sagte in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    P.s. I know you were being Sarcastic, just found it really funny.

    Ironic (the opposite of what is said is meant), not sarcastic (degrading, pointedly aggressive, attacking statement), but let's go ahead, thank you. 🤗

  • @sweltering-nick said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @scoot939 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    There should be a new “ship” type that functions like a small plane. It will be crewed by at max 3 people. The plane will function like a sea plane meaning it can land on the water and if you run out of fuel for the propellor which will help you fly then it will just function like a very small very slow boat. The fuel will be bananas you will put them into a funnel next to the steering shell and that will add more power to the plane which will be displayed on a gauge attune to the compass on ships. It will have one weapon a single cannon pointing down from the middle of the plane thusly meaning to attack ships planes will have to perform bombing runs and fire down upon ships they are attacking. Pirates will also be given parachutes in the plane but they can also spawn out in the world in barrels they will be able to activate after falling for more than 2 seconds and will slow down your descent and stop all fall damage. If the plane runs out of fuel in mid air it will just slowly begin to glide down before touching down wherever it descends too. There shall be 2 controlling devices a steering wheel for going left and right and also a yoke to control up and down they shall be right next to each other in the front of the plane. The plane shall be designed similar to all the ships meaning it’s made out of wood and seems sort of hodgepodge like cracks in the wall the rudder is missing parts some of the propellor is broken. There Will also be walking space between the wheel and the cannon where barrels and supplies can be store at the back of the plane will be a hatch which pirates can use to get out of the plane when landed or Jump out of in the air.

    This is the look of disapproval, this suggestion seems like trolling, if you ask me.

    Broken, over-the-top, blatantly ridiculous.

    EDIT: Though you did inspire me to make a meme, here you go!


    lol nice meme mate

  • @goedecke-michel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Are you kidding? An airplane in an old pirate game? That's the age from ~1714 to 1722, buddy. How about anti ship rockets, nuclear submarines, satellites and GPS...

    yeah it's stupid when you think about it

  • @goedecke-michel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Are you kidding? An airplane in an old pirate game? That's the age from ~1714 to 1722, buddy. How about anti ship rockets, nuclear submarines, satellites and GPS...

    idk... pop this in front of anything should make all those ideas time appropriate :)

    I'm joking

  • @ultmateragnarok said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:


    Some form of fantasy-style airship, with it being a standard ship with a massive balloon above it keeping it aloft, wouldn't be too unbalanced. It's a whole lot faster than anything else we can get, and a few good shots brings it down to the water where it functions like a slower normal ship. Feeding a fire with planks would be a good balance for it, where you'd have a high supply of them to begin with, but must set down and restock somewhat often.

    On a personal level, i would literally cream my pants if i could fly an airship. It would be the perfect game for me but i think others will not like that they exist in Sea of Thieves.

    I do love that idea though i really do.

    Perhaps even little one seater balloons that you can stow on the ship, problems with aerial travel though is that its too easy to escape.

    but not gonna lie, it would be so cool, just i think some players are set in their ways and think it would be too bizarre.

    personally i love it tho good idea.

  • This entire thread is utterly ridiculous. Lunacy!

  • @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    I stated that in the context of this forum, Sea of Thieves, going to the air are not true pirates, cause that is what we are discussing on these forums; the game. There also other types of pirates in fiction... also don't think those are the type of pirates that are pirates in the context of this game be it: space pirates, sky pirates, sand pirates....

    By the time I drew the analogy from 'air pirate/pilot' to '(maritime) pirate/sailor', you had not said any of this.

    so before you make claims on 'my' logic, maybe get to know me or inquire on my idea.

    If you think I made claims on 'your' logic, quote them.

    Cause you clearly aren't aware of my logic, so who is jumping to conclusions - which you accused me of doing. It is being hypocritical and to be honest you are the one that is claiming to understand how I think... yet I am drawing wrong conclusions of you supporting the idea while answering the quesiton (by quoting it) with "Air Pirates".

    Holy cow! What question?
    I quote you again, cause you seem to be unaware of your own posts.
    @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @scoot939 I am a pirate, the sea calls to me not the skies... you are mad to want to head to the heavens.

    Stating that you are not called by the skies and calling the OP mad is not a question. By no means.

    I also did not say or imply with any word that I support the OPs idea (if it's even to be taken seriously). This is A) irrelevant to my comment and B) simply not the case.

    But I will try to understand you. Since you say, you had no idea, what you are looking at and given that I headlined it "Air Pirates", does the crew in that picture not look like they could be about to commit an "act of robbery or criminal violence"? Or did you think robbery and criminal violence fits the description of a pilot?

    Of course they don't roam the seas. They've traded one fluid for another. That's the whole point about air pirates.

    Encyclopædia Britannica

    Piracy, any robbery or other violent action, for private ends and without authorization by public authority, committed on the seas or in the air outside the normal jurisdiction of any state. […]

    Even the Wikipedia article you quoted mentions other forms of piracy besides maritime piracy.

    @cotu42 said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Ok... you want to talk about proper referencing... don't use pictures without mentioning where it is from, what it is while it is completley out of context. You are trying to school me on 'proper' forum usage of what a game forum? People can type in any shape form or reference how they feel like it without providing proof. This isn't a report or grade paper. This is just being rude...

    That picture is just an url (which is a reference on its own), I did no fancy formatting. Nothing less than I asked you to do. "According to Wikipedia: […]" would have also been enough. My critique isn't about how you did it, but that you didn't do it at all. When you bring up definitions to make an argument, marking quotes as such is the minimum.

  • @daringclarky

    It's not a thing which would be accepted by all, especially giving it to a player, but even just seeing the thing would be impressive. I drew up an idea for one long ago, though it's modified in many, many ways to make it unbalanced (it has top deck armor, cannons on the lower deck, a counterweight for the anchor and several for the sails, and a skeletal crew).

  • @goedecke-michel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Are you kidding? An airplane in an old pirate game? That's the age from ~1714 to 1722, buddy. How about anti ship rockets, nuclear submarines, satellites and GPS...

    I picture hot-air balloons imprinted with "GPS" and NPCs with telescope and speaking trumpet yelling coordinates. :D

  • @crimsonraziel sagte in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    @goedecke-michel said in New ship style otherwise known as plane:

    Are you kidding? An airplane in an old pirate game? That's the age from ~1714 to 1722, buddy. How about anti ship rockets, nuclear submarines, satellites and GPS...

    I picture hot-air balloons imprinted with "GPS" and NPCs with telescope and speaking trumpet yelling coordinates. :D

    Oh, well, in that case it would be a "Yay" from me, lol.

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