Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?

  • With the recent patch, almost everything has become... Easy.
    For a lot of the elements, I can understand why, but I dont understand why decide to follow through with it. Megalodons are now easier to avoid, no more EoR skellies, Skellie island cannons are now Stormtrooper levels of bad, and maybe so do the Volcanic rocks. (I just wanna throw in a quick JAB at sword combat being made easier and thus worse since may February 6th [removal of Sword swinging slowdown])

    I dont know what to make of this, is this to prepare for new dangers in the future patches? Everything has been more nerfed than anything.

    The best "easy" decisions Imo is the mermaid gems being found all over and Hunters Call changes. I honestly started feeling a bit bored. Im here suggesting that we add Megos and Krakos and all ships to the same Arena server with cursed cannonballs and maelstroms, and all im getting is easier to use and fight EVERYTHING.

    [I just want to eliminate the argument of Powder Kegs and players. Players will always make things "harder" no matter how little or much threats there are in the sea]

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  • @mr-dragon-raaar I think I counted about 15 cannon shots to take down a mego on a solo-sloop. I remember it being 25^.

    However, there is one thing I noticed.

    I dont know what to make of this, is this to prepare for new dangers in the future patches? [...]

    Going down into shiprwecks, I found myself starting to drown earlier than usual. And with the recent surfacing of mermaid gems everywhere (Got 2 emerald and 1 Ruby from a single mego), I think... mermaids are on the rise.

    Still tho, whatever comes next has really got to overlap with the rest of the game and add to some difficulty.

    This just IN:
    Another megolodon encounter straight after a Skellie ship fight. This one was hyper aggressive, I kinda liked it, until I noticed it only ever did 2 holes on my ship per attack. Resulting in me just systematically grabbing my loot from the skelly ship and dashing back from rowboat to repair a bit. Only promptly there after, 16 cannon shots to kill the Mego.

  • @crafek It is not just you. Rare is reacting to the repeated posts from players complaining about one thing or another. But like reviews of products, people usually are not motivated to share when they are content or pleased with something. Maybe most players do want the game toned down and I'm here in the minority. It feels like I am walking through the world in god-mode now. Nothing in the environment is a challenge, and most every player bouncing around in Adventure Mode just avoid one another. In fact, many players are indignant that I would dare interrupt their voyage with PvP rather than going to Arena (which I hate BTW).

  • @crafek

    Could be a matter of quantity. There's been a lot stuff added since launch, so maybe some rebalancing was in order?

    I mean, sure, some of the threats are being toned down, but there's also more of them. In the beginning all we had was Karen and other pirates. Then we got Megan and after that, skellie ships. Maybe Rare felt the added threats required a rebalancing of the threats themselves?

    As for the EoR skellies, while I don't know about the gameplay reasons, it does make logical sense. A sniper rifle's advantage is in it's range, so why use it for midrange to close quarters combat?

    Of course, I doubt that was Rare's reason for changing it. =P

  • @ghostpaw wrote:

    Rare is reacting to the repeated posts from players complaining about one thing or another. But like reviews of products, people usually are not motivated to share when they are content or pleased with something.

    This is an interesting point. Perhaps, we who love the game as it is should say what we love more often. Let me start:

    • I have never encountered the Shrouded Ghost; nor the Ashen Box of Secrets. I love that! Keep them rare, even mythical. They should never be made more common,
    • I like that gunpowder explosions will take down masts.
    • I like that it is almost impossible for a crew of two to destroy a Ruby Mermaid Statue when it is deep in the water. (There are tactics that work, when it is poking out the water)
    • I like that sailing against the wind is slow. It should be!
  • Everything in the game has become easy. It's ridiculous and I'm watching one of my favorite games become less and less of what it was.

    Heck, our clan got someone to Pirate Legend in 8 days.

    Also, after the "double gunning" "fix", swords are pathetic and almost ALL actual cutlass duels are gone. Sea of Thieves is basically a First Person Shooter now.

  • Haha, yeah in the next update (nerfdate) gunpowder barrels will shower you with confetti and provide instant health regen!!

  • I dont mid them its not like Skellies randomly shooting at you from an island effects your game play if you are in a group but for solo people and majority play solo as I have seen its a little annoying when they hit you from 1 mile out.

    Or you are looting an island and they spawn back after 10 minutes and sink your ship anchored.

    Someone said 25 shots for a Meg, I did one last night before patch and it took me 14-15 shots solo in a sloop so I dont know where they get these figures from. Obviously they are counting missed shots...

    Changes are fine in my opinion they really dont effect anything but I guess people like to complain about anything these days.

  • @kobra4killz said in Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?:

    @dislex-fx said in Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?:

    Everything in the game has become easy. It's ridiculous and I'm watching one of my favorite games become less and less of what it was.

    Heck, our clan got someone to Pirate Legend in 8 days.

    Also, after the "double gunning" "fix", swords are pathetic and almost ALL actual cutlass duels are gone. Sea of Thieves is basically a First Person Shooter now.

    I doubt you did the Hunters rep in 8 Days nice story though.

    What? You don’t have to do hunters to get to PL.

  • @kobra4killz said in Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?:

    Or you are looting an island and they spawn back after 10 minutes and sink your ship anchored.

    That statement communicates so much more than you probably realize.

    EDIT: Sorry about the tone there. It was a reaction to the previous posts. It was unnecessary for me to belittle what you are saying.

    To respond in a more mature way, the difficulty forced players to learn the world. “We need to approach from this side to avoid the cannons. And we will park on the west side close to shore to be safe from cannonballs. We’ll keep the anchor up and the sails raised in case any other ships approach.” Why did they even bother creating volcanoes if they are just going to make them safe to ignore? They should be a reason to stock up on planks, grab a rowboat just in case, and be prepared to drop sails if the earth begins to shake. Instead, this is the second time they have nerfed them. They will be merely cosmetic soon.

  • @crafek said

    Megalodons are now easier to avoid, no more EoR skellies, Skellie island cannons are now Stormtrooper levels of bad, and maybe so do the Volcanic rocks.

    They were already this way. Are you saying they are even worse now?

    [I just want to eliminate the argument of Powder Kegs and players. Players will always make things "harder" no matter how little or much threats there are in the sea]

    Obviously you've hedged your argument with this statement. And... isn't this how it should be? If everything is hard, then adding in players just makes it frustrating. The way I see it is like this: if getting loot is easier, then players are more likely to have loot to steal.

  • @wildbloodoz said in Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?:

    @crafek said

    Megalodons are now easier to avoid, no more EoR skellies, Skellie island cannons are now Stormtrooper levels of bad, and maybe so do the Volcanic rocks.

    They were already this way. Are you saying they are even worse now?

    Yes. The recent patch notes stated a lot of things were nerfed even further. Most of the things they toned down had already been dialed back at least once over the last year.

  • @ghostpaw Sorry i thought you did hence why they increased the rep gains for it now.

    And yes if you had a good team helping you with Strongholds I can see getting the rep would be easy. Ive been playing for a couple weeks and my reps are over 35 and thats mainly solo play.

    Also buying the last few lvl's make it easier like some people do.

    My Hunters is at lvl 8 as I sell my Mermaid Gems to them but still a grind which I didnt mind to be honest.

  • The thing I'm most sad about is that they nerfed the roar again. I love it because of the extreme difficulty, especially when I'm solo. Back when they first nerfed it, I literally didn't even care when volcanoes erupted, and it sounds like they brought it back down to that level. Maybe they should rename it to the devils meow for reals...

  • Players should no longer complain about the PvE being too hard. I hope this allows PvP encounters to be more rewarding also, because we now have more and easier ways to build up a stockpile of loot.

    @blazedrake100 said
    The thing I'm most sad about is that they nerfed the roar again. I love it because of the extreme difficulty, especially when I'm solo.

    Their wording was interesting: "Volcanoes encountered in the Devil’s Roar do not hit ships as often".

    This suggests to me that the game auto-targets your ship, which is stupid anyway. It should always be completely random. If they auto-aim but with a bit less frequency, it isn't so bad, so long as they keep the eruption frequency the same.

    I hope it also encourages more ships to go there. I spend most of the game in that region because of the higher rewards. I do not see other ships very often in that area.

  • @kobra4killz

    Yeah, I'm kinda surprised people are complaining about the Meg. They've never struck me as particularly difficult. The only time they ever gave me trouble was when they spawned while I was fighting a skellie ship.

    And even then, if it aggroed the skellies first, I could avoid it till the other ship sunk. After that it just depended on how many resources I had left.

    If they take a few less shots when I'm soloing on my sloop, that just means fewer cannonballs and planks to replace at my next stop.

  • I’m anti leveling. Like I get it on NES Rpg’s. It made sense you can’t fight a “Dragon” at level 1.

    I get it for WOW....but when they start putting it in FPS Shooters and everything else it’s stupid. It separates the player base and I don’t like that.

    That and I worked in the Game Biz at the time it started spreading and the reality is leveling was never implemented to make the game
    “Better” it was implemented for player retention.

    How do I get this human to keep playing my game when the competition releases their game 2 months after mine?


  • No idea what Rare are doing making the game even easier. The NPC’s were already very simple to defeat with no AI.

  • EoR skellies being removed from island spawns is horribad. So is the devil's roar nerf. Not too happy with mermaid gems being found loot either. and what the crapscicle, I can close my windows? Who was asking for that?! Haven't seen the stormtrooper cannon skellies yet, but they seem to turn their accuracy up and down on the roll of a die, those might get adjusted again soon. Still not going to keep loot on my ship for the pvp murderlords tho.

    Solo slooper btw.

  • Upvoted. Additionally nów megalodons are Just swimming away, we can't kill any because they all are cowards

  • @blazedrake100 sagte in Has Adventure mode Switched to Easy Mode?:

    Maybe they should rename it to the devils meow for reals...

    This is funny, mate. Devils Meow... I'd go further: Devils Purr.

  • @crafek 100% agree.

    I complained a few times in the Insider forums.

    They haven't made Adventure easier but kind of a joke. Most of the changes were no needed at all.

    Kraken is too easy in sloops, now Megs too. This'll make our long sessions last a bit less but less challenging.

    Both, megs and skellie ships don't chase you barely. Less frecuency of cursed cannon balls from skellie ships (not bad at all...).

    The mermaids?? We anchored the ship at mid-distance cause we saw a gem in the shore... and the mermaid appeared in the island! I like the point that the spawn closer to you, and not at the other side of the island, but please.... keep the distance with the ship like it was before. Now there's no penalty for those who always jump to the water to anchor the enemies. If you miss, you instanly come back.

    And the effect of the cursed cannon balls reduced?? So what's the point to use them any more? You are adding features to the game, just to nerfed them a months later making them useless, like dropping the anchor with regular cannon balls, EoR skellies, Devils Roar...

    Cannon skellies nerfed... so now they are just there for decoration. EoR skellies erased.... well, I don't mind but I kinda like them.

    Even now you can find anything anywhere: supplies crates, meat, kegs. It was more specific before and required some knowledge: supplies in water barrels, food in shipwrecks, kegs in forts.

    I haven't go to DR but I have to admit the volcanoes were a pain sometimes. I'm glad their aim has got more random over ships.

  • @goedecke-michel
    Yeah, I mean, back when everyone called it the meow, it was hopefully worse, but I haven't gotten on to check since the update.

  • @wildbloodoz
    The auto aim was to make it difficult without having to render as many rocks. To balance out no auto aim, there'd need to be way more rocks shot out of the volcanoes. And yes, twice the rewards should have an extreme challenge.

  • @crafek You mean everything has become better. Much better. The recent patch literally enhanced everything. I played last night and the game was so much more balanced.

  • Yes, it has all become easier..
    Probably needed too due to the lack of people willing to engage in quests and missions and not simply logging in to steal of someone elses in the name of pirating.. Nothing wrong with that of course,, but you need players to quest and find treasure, or no one has any..
    What happened to all those players that used to quest like crazy and have ships full of booty? All either maxed out on levels and see no point in doing anything to earn more gold that they no longer need, or in the case of most players on my friends lists, Simply left our shores due to something not being implemented that makes a huge difference to their overall experience of this game..
    Year two has been very poor in comparison to year one..
    And now they are doing what they said they woulf never do again and announce monthly updates to gameplay.. I'm sure they never wanted a set road map to follow ever again.. Too much grog being drunk!!

  • I am guessing someone is reporting feedback from the community forums in a way that is not accurately reflecting the desires of the larger player population. It is a skill. If they are simply recording the overall themes and volume of discussions ("aimbot EoR skeletons are too hard", "too many cursed cannonballs", "bloodthirsty PvPers") then they are not gaining an accurate picture of things. Most players do not come here to share their satisfaction with things, so that already creates a bias in the data. That bias must be acknowledged when interpreting things. It is one thing to be responsive to what players want, but it is another to be overly sensitive to feedback.

    When a few players come here to say their three hours of gametime was wrecked by a crew of PvP players or a skeleton ship, that is not necessarily an indication of an issue. For three hours they were not bothered by anything. Also, if you are looking for evidence of a particular problem when you review the numbers, you may have already biased your conclusion in one of many ways (e.g., confirmation bias). Being overly sensitive to the overall themes of feedback means a few persistent posters can create a distorted picture of things. This is why I have taken time to respond to calls for PvE servers. Not doing so risks Rare mistaking the poster's demand as something we all want.

    Three hours of work sinking to the bottom of the sea after a skeleton ship attacks a crew is not a reason to react by toning down skeleton ships. Being sunk with hours of loot and no supplies only shows that the crew ignored (or were unaware of) a valid threat. One that the crew should learn to deal with or avoid next time. Each time they tone these things down it removes another element of danger from the game. Accurate cannons on land can be dealt with by learning safer approaches, asking yourself if you are pointed in a direction that will make the situation worse if you are knocked off the boat, and not crowding together in one spot on deck. Or you can just nerf things based on a handful of complaints in long but repetitive threads, assuming most players are not bright enough to adapt. But then the game suffers because it becomes this beige, vague, non-challenging thing that simply doesn't displease most people as they pay it very little notice.

  • @crafek I agree the PvE has been nerfed way too much but how did they make the cutlass easier since May?

    If anything, removing the environment combo feature made it more difficult IMO.

  • @ghostpaw Well said, sir. This reminds me of when the student gets a poor grade and the parents yell at the teacher. Meanwhile there are 20 other students in the class all managing just fine.

  • @ghostpaw

    Were there that many posts complaining about lost time due to PvE threats?

    Mostly those seemed to be directed at the PvP threats, but I don't read the forums too extensively, so I might have missed it.

    As I said earlier, the Meg has never been that much of a threat anyway. The Kraken is a little trickier if you want to defeat it, but easy enough to simply escape if you've got the planks.

    The skellie ships I don't have much experience with, as I always give them a wide birth. But I do remember people having issue with how hard and fast they pursued ships. Whether or not it was fair or egregious, I can't speak to, but I don't see much of an issue in making them a bit less dogged in their pursuit.

    I guess my view of it is that the threats rebalanced were fairly avoidable and/or defeatable in the first place, so any changes don't seem like that big a deal. I suppose, for me, the draw of SoT was never the challenge, so rebalancing it doesn't really matter to me.

    But that's just me, after all. I generally trust that Rare makes these changes based on more than just a few forum posts, but who knows.

  • @xCALYPT0x The sword change in may February, (I missremembered it as May) was also when the firearms got their delay, they removed the slowdown that you got when swinging your combo. This slowdown made actually blocking possible and not frantic, and a back and forth between your opponent and yourself, when 2 kept pressuring each other like that, one would eventually had to switch gears to sword charge or switch weapons.

    Basically, you actually swashbuckled and only a steady head would win in the end.

    But, the slowdown was hard to keep in mind for casual players. Instead of fixing stunning mid-air pirates (Like it still does not do), or denying the ability to combo off of environment, they removed the slowdown which completely destroyed the dynamic of blocking, sword-hopping etc, and they had to fix and re-do the blocking. And only AFTER this change did they give a "Cant combo off of environment" patch. Only AFTER did they also make it so you can switch away from the sword. They added a DELAY when missing with the sword, but does not apply when you hit the environment. And since that sword patch, things have felt very flimsy, mindless and not right.

    at 0:45

    They still have not addressed the effects that removing slowdown has done to sword combat, and how strong it has become in general. They had to fix and work around minor inconveniences more than actually balancing it. Resulting in more exploits added to the sword that overpowers it more for those who can wield the exploit.

    Previously, you could block, have a moment with your opponent and fence back at him and switch things up. But now, with full walk speed, the sword combat is now "First person to hit" wins. (Or gains a large advantage).

  • @vac(a)-hombre Yes, in a variety of places there have been complaints about the difficulty and/or frequency of the Kraken, megalodons, frequency of curses from skeletons ships, the difficulty dealing with EoR skeletons, skeletons with gunpowder, inability to take down red mermaids when playing solo, trouble dealing with volcanoes, you name it. I want to believe they are basing this decisions on more than posts around the web.

    The ease we feel in dealing with a threat is not a justification to weaken it further. Why even have them then? I'd argue it is reason to recognize threats like megalodons and Krakens are too predictable and that they need to be strengthened. I am sure there are players interested in sailing around a Bob Ross painting while enjoying some elevator music and a couple of egg white sandwiches with their tepid tea (I realize I might be laying it on a bit thick here). I hope there are more of them than people like me.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I am sooooo tired of the re branded merchant quest. It was fun the first time. Now the 6 time its getting lame. I have always stuck up for this game to my friends and other on forums but it's getting harder and harder. Repeating the same thing 20 times, 5 times , x times is not content. It's boring.

    And turning in the gems for the 3rd time sucks. Why couldn't they atleast make a new item? Come on Rare!

    And lastly this game is meant to be about horizontal progression... showing off your rare and hard earn cosmetic... there are hardly any cosmetic. They release a sail and flag once a patch is lame. Not even a full ship. And on top of that it's just a grind. Nothing special. Turn this in x times do thos voyage x times... lame.

    Sorry for my rant but I am getting super frustrated with them doing nothing we want. I really love this game and hope Rare sees this but I haven't logged in for 2 months.

  • @crafek Oh yeah I hated that change. I was just confused because that was before May. I liked the cutlass as it was at launch.

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