Just stating, the world map could be connected from all ends.

  • So, it just dawned on me bcuz of someone elses post I read recently but cant find it when scrolling through on the forums but, would it change anything if the world map was like a globe to where we could sail around the entire thing?

    If this is an open world game, do we really need boundries to stray from besides the area in which you have to use the shroudbreaker to traverse the red sea towards the golden shores? Wouldnt it make more sense to be able to sail from devil's roar to the west side of the map just by going east from there?

    To me I think this would open up more room to attack and invade someone doing that skullfort located at the legit end of the map, eliminating that little "safe" area ppl use when over there (not that it would change those situations much) but other than that, we should have more regions be invented to help this idea expand into it, so that way maybe having a globe like map to travel on would make more sense.

    I know ppl will probably have their opinions on this aswell but I just wanted to see what the majority of players think of this, maybe give thoughts about how this could work better or not, or how it woukdnt work. I dont see anything wrong with it yet really, but if anyone's got some insight about this, please let me know. I wanna know how players would react to this. 😊

    (Edit) I just noticed that this subject title definitely sounds a bit different than how the actual description sounds lol

  • 13
  • @xix-zeno-xix Well, lore wise it wouldn't make sense since the sea of thieves is actually in a location on the current globe and the shroud surrounds it.


  • @xcalypt0x well that sound fair lore wise but, what about gameplay wise?

  • Gameplay-wise, there'd be far less travel through the middle of the map, no Shores of Gold, and by extension no Tall Tales either. If there are no TTs, then there's no lore, and if there's no lore, than there's no SoT...

    ...just a whole lot of water with nothing particularly interesting in it.

  • @galactic-geek what a crazy comment lol

  • @xix-zeno-xix wouldn't really work as there's more sea of thieves hidden behind the shroud and the map will open up more in future. I prefer it how it is now.

  • @galactic-geek well what if they just kept the area of golden shores alone but opened up the rest of the world map?

    So that way they wouldnt have to get rid of TT's.

  • @starquest fair enough, I like how it is too, just was curious about it. I wouldnt really think it would change much about the game myself, but if they could connect all sides together they could just insert and expand the map a little wider when they do come out with more regions and stuff.

    I just feel like for an open world game to have "corners of no return" all around, (red seas) doesnt feel all that open anymore. Despite how big the overall map is, it would also be cool if you escape pirates trying to corner you in from the west side of the devils roar down into each corner south east or north east by sailing away in the east direction to reach sanctuary outpost if needed.

  • @xix-zeno-xix Then they would either have to squeeze things together as more things are added, leaving very little sailing to do (which might make some players happy, but not me - it'd make you easier to spot, catch, and there'd be a lot more crashing into things during battle and less time to fish on the move) or they would have to do the opposite and expand the watery in-between (and I suspect that Rare may have already used these methods early on to strike a balance and make room for the DR and future content). I'd rather they keep it as is, and just fill in the shroud over time like the newly-added spots to the northeast and southwest.

    I also happen to enjoy how the shroud and red sea add to the lore - the idea that you're trapped in a pirate's cursed paradise has a nice juxtaposition to it.

  • Would make the world feel smaller, would it not?

  • @xix-zeno-xix you do know all open world games have boundaries?

  • @captain-coel well geez, lol I do now that I look back some of the games I used to play.

    And all 3 last posts make sense to me, I'm probably gonna take this post down (delete) soon if noone else has something to add, but those especially galactic geek saying what they did, I can see how this would cause issues and therefore, I no longer wish for this.

    Thank you bros for all your guy's insight on the manner cuz I honestly didnt think that it would change a lot but you guys proved it so.

  • I wonder if this post of mine was the inspiration for this idea. I was proposing that storms be blown by the wind and, if they got blown "off the edge of the map" and into the Devil's Shroud, it should respawn on the other, windward side of the map.

    However, I do not agree that ships should be allowed to do the same thing. The Sea of Thieves is just a small part of the world, after all. With the Storm idea, it could be argued that the storm does not "wrap around" per se; but rather as one is blown off the map, a new one appears.

7 out of 13