Creating an essay over PVE-only implementation, need help from the community

  • @inboundbomb can you elaborate on that question? If I understand correctly, you're asking how having PVE-only players/community can benifit the PVPVE players/community?

  • @grqk again... I have none. I just don't care about it at this point.
    What I care is about the amount of topics about the subject and you created another asking for opinion just to create ANOTHER! why?!

    This is the only thing I want to you understand, there's no need! You want opinions there's tons of it already on the forum.

  • @grqk Its a PvEvP community to me. You can PVP all day long and not gain a thing without the PvE. Hence why it's PVEVP. Yes, what does those servers bring to our (the community) table. Thanks.

  • Honestly I would put all this effort into "playing" the game and I assure you the more you "play", you will come round to our way of thinking.

    As a help, I will admit that you have a lot of PvE threats that we didn't when we first started. As such I think the problem is with the learning curve for any new players.

    We were able to get better easier as those threats were drip fed in. As such I can understand people felling the whole world is against them (megs, volcanoes, krakens sometimes all at the same time) then throw on the unpredictability of other People Players and yes I can understand frustration.

    The issue is you are bring up something that has been discussed AD NAUSIUM and it is getting on people's nerves.

    Play the game or don't,
    Make suggestions for new additions, but for the love of all that is holy STOP trying change a game you just don't understand yet.

  • @nunoazuldimeter as I said before, I'm hoping to get unique arguments. I'm done replying to you in this topic if you're not offering anything productive.

  • I will also say this is starting to look a lot less like a discussion and more a way for you to counter all the issues in one post to then mic drop and walk off, I guarantee you won't be bringing anything to the table that hasn't already been said in the 100's of previous posts.

  • @grqk because this topic is a lot of productive... Since you join 4 days ago every single topic is unique TO YOU! not to the rest of us.
    What is that in a way of productive for the rest of the community?

    Just waiting to see the post you'll create from here, with all the unique points of view. ..

  • In fact I want you take a look at the thread

    for an example of someone who gets it

  • @badassfro like I said, I think the change I would be suggesting wouldn't hurt the PVPVE community. My plan isn't to shaft any side. I only want to play the game how I and apparently several others would like to.

  • @grqk you not realising by bring more "PvE only" people to the game that is exactly what will happen.

    Not to mention the total waste of time, money and effort on Rares part. I would much prefer Adventure getting balanced

  • @inboundbomb to be fair, you can get loot strictly by stealing from others and completely avoiding PVE =p

    So your question is a tough one, I'll admit. I think PVE could indirectly benifit both Adventure and Arena modes, but not majorly. More than anything it would satisfy the disgruntled PVE community. I would like to go into more detail, but I would also like to wait until I'm finished with the semi-essay. Read it when I post it and hopefully you'll have your answer.

  • @grqk Again you cannot. PVE has to happen somewhere on the server for loot to exist, including picking up from the beaches or sunken ships. If we all started with what everyone claims as a PVPVE server and we PVP first all the time nothing will be earned ever. So again it's a PVEVP community. Besides that though I don't want to keep drowning myself through these topics of such so just humor me and give me a sample if you don't mind sir.

  • @badassfro I'm not trying to do this for the sake of winning an argument. The game has so much potential, I want nothing more than for it to shine brighter. I lit into bungie devs over D2, and I've gotten multiple responses from devs. Maybe I can convince Rare.

  • @grqk But you are failing to see the EXTRAORDINARY work already put in.

    Again if you really truly love the game you would stop trying to change it and talk about ways to balance it.

    A bounty system to highlight crews that kill others. There are endless ways to balance PvEvP instead of segregating it.

    But that doesn't get covered, instead it's a case of only my Ideas are worth anything. It doesn't matter about the 100's of other threads like mine as they weren't done by me. It's not a good look for you

  • @inboundbomb I like your "PVEVP" reference, I'll start using it. Wait for the essay. My intentions are purely for the players, I'll have an answer for you.

  • @grqk [mod edited] PvEvP is not a new term that is how SoT is marketed [mod edited]

  • @badassfro I'm sorry, I've only ever seen it referred to as PVPVE in every game I've played. Look, I get the feeling that you think I'm trying to change the game for the worst. I swear I would never do that. I know what it's like to get shafted because casual players cry to devs for change. I'm not taking that route. My solution won't hurt PVEVP players. And let's be honest, the devs probably won't even read my essay, so don't worry about it.

  • There is so little PvP in Sea of Thieves now already. The game is almost entirely PvE. I must have played the last 20 sessions without anyone attacking.

    As a Pirate Legend that is pretty much done with the game due to no Pirate Legend content, the last thing I want Rare working on is PvE only mode.

  • @grqk Unintended consequences.

    You don't know what you are doing.

    But it is looking and sounding VERY arrogant "my feedback is better than yours"

    Just play the game and chill out, this is all wasted effort on your part, because you are failing to listen to what is being said.

    Did you read that other thread I linked? Please do

  • @biter-wylie understandable, but what percentage of the current player base has the title of "Pirate Legend?"

  • @biter-wylie hes not thinking about anybody else but himself, and his GREAT ideas.

    I will take great pleasure in linking every mention to everything that he comes up in his essay with previous posts

  • @grqk The percentage in achievements have been Skewed (there was a time they weren't working) then there's the fact that every man and his dog has probably downloaded it and "tried" it in the free week or the GamePass trial, and therefore you cannot use achievements to work it out accurately.

    But that's not the point, you cannot disregard people's feedback because they are the minority.

    I mean if we could we would trust me

  • @badassfro you're over-reacting dude. For all I know I may have the worst ideas in the world. I'll let y'all be the judges of that. If my ideas are deemed bad then they are bad. I dont have some egotistical view about myself, I'm just trying to lay out a solution to a problem. I keep mentioning my essay and ideas and that's probably annoying you. I'll stop with it and just listen to the replies to this topic.

  • @badassfro "you cannot disregard people's feedback because they are the minority."


  • @grqk said in Creating an essay over PVE-only implementation, need help from the community:

    @badassfro I'm not trying to do this for the sake of winning an argument. The game has so much potential, I want nothing more than for it to shine brighter. I lit into bungie devs over D2, and I've gotten multiple responses from devs. Maybe I can convince Rare.


    My issue is you are not even willing to discuss that what might be needed is balancing and not a "new system" or what ever you are proposing. You seem to be about the change, nothing more.

  • @grqk I see you missed the line after that, cause trust me we would if we could.

    And I'm not ignoring your feedback im explaining how the feedback is misframed

  • @grqk said in Creating an essay over PVE-only implementation, need help from the community:

    @biter-wylie understandable, but what percentage of the current player base has the title of "Pirate Legend?"

    A10 Legend here. Legend by 6/10/2018. Before the dabloons that gave you level upgrades. So yeah a TRUE PVEVP player here. The grind was real but so enjoyable because I truly understood what the game was about and not what I wanted it to be.

  • There are countless people here telling you your ideas are bad, and that the idea of your idea is wrong for this game.

    just look at the upvotes

  • @badassfro look I totally get the concern, just have patience. I said I wouldn't use those annoying words again, but please just wait for my essay. You're trying very hard to sway me when I havent even presented my full argument.

  • I don't need your essay to know its nothing that hasn't been said before, please you are not listening.

    Link your essay and let me link to previous posts of every idea in it because I guarantee you it will all have been said before.

  • @inboundbomb Respect. There are some games I don't enjoy the grind in, most recently it was the Division 2. But for me Sea of Thieves doesn't feel grindy. It feels fun and adventurous. I love fighting the crazy ai enemies and finding loot. Some grindy game just suck, but I think SOT has it right in that aspect.

  • @badassfro read the essay when it's released, or don't, I don't care. Sounds like you've already made up your mind on it.

  • @grqk said in Creating an essay over PVE-only implementation, need help from the community:

    @biter-wylie understandable, but what percentage of the current player base has the title of "Pirate Legend?"

    No idea how many active Pirate Legends.

    I can only use myself and my crew as an example. I played since launch. Probably 10 hours a week and made PL in October 18. My crew play about 5 hours a week and are all turning Pirate Legend now.

    The issue I see is that, the number of Pirate Legends is not going to shoot up, as when you get there many PL crews will leave for other games. I can see this very clearly from my Discord Fleet. Almost no one is playing anymore. And there was 50 or more some nights in the past.

    We have loved our time on the Sea of Thieves, but already have the next game lined up. That is because there is no Pirate Legend content awaiting us.

  • nobody has shown me how any PvE only style anything will bring anything to the game

    The funniest thing is if you look at some of my first posts, it was for the same thing a safe place. the unfairness of solo slooping against fully crewed galleons. I got over it and exerienced the game

    for you it seems to be the only way is to introduce PvE only "stuff"

    but the focus NEEDS to be on balancing the game.

    Bounty system for hostile ships,
    being able to pull up ladders to help protect against boarders,
    Friendly fire with the cannons so that any boarders cant simply walk through splash damage as you try to defend your self

    These are solutions, PvE only anything is not.

  • Another issue to keep in mind is the months leading up to and the launch of Arena. That has stirred up the people interested in PVP only play. Couple that with Tall Tales which really has no stealable loot for other pirates to profit from, it kinda creates a Griefing scenario on the high seas.

    It'll calm did after the game launched too.

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