Private Server

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @dadiodude You have admitted that you have only just started the game. I have acknowledged you face a lot of threats we didn't, and not just that but for us those threats were drip fed in allowing us to master them in time for the next changes.

    You have admitted your self most people are just asking for private servers instead of asking for the game to be balanced. and I'm saying this is the problem. If people were only asking for the game to be balanced for new players we wouldn't be having this conversation, but instead like you have said all everyone is asking for is private servers.

    Again just cause a lot of people are asking for something doesn't mean it is right.

    No more discussion about Elite Dangerous - it’s going nowhere.

    I would guess that if some of the current issues are addressed and the game becomes a little less “toxic” (not a term I like but one that’s used a lot) and there was a little less mindless attacking where the only goal is to spoil the game for others then the requests for a separate PvE server would reduce dramatically. I’ve read very few posts from people wanting no PvP interaction.

  • @dadiodude First of all to double cross someone is something that i pirate would probably do hahaha i have never done that but i understand people that do,and the second thing being on a sloop is your choice,and solo if pretty much hard mode its your problem sloop is not design for solo but you can avoid player in many ways if thry are chasing you like sailing into the fog or agsinst the wind and if you are brave sail to one direction and try to drop their anchor as your ship is sailing to buy yourself time.
    And by the way when RARE made the alliance trailer they even have warned us from traitors so it was their vision aswell.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Private Server:

    @dadiodude First of all to double cross someone is something that i pirate would probably do hahaha i have never done that but i understand people that do,and the second thing being on a sloop is your choice,and solo if pretty much hard mode its your problem sloop is not design for solo but you can avoid player in many ways if thry are chasing you like sailing into the fog or agsinst the wind and if you are brave sail to one direction and try to drop their anchor as your ship is sailing to buy yourself time.
    And by the way when RARE made the alliance trailer they even have warned us from traitors so it was their vision aswell.

    Of course, but it’s because of these limitations, restrictions and inability to trust that this game looses so many players and there are cries for segregation.

    The sloop is my choice only on the basis that a galleon is a handful for one.

    I didn’t mention any issues when at sea, only when at anchor.

    You could argue that I should join an open crew but have you tried that recently? The game is populated by idiots. I’m afraid SoT is a bit of a mess and not really delivering what I and many expected.

  • @dadiodude I would say you are still approaching this slightly wrong when you say "mindless attacking where the only goal is to spoil the game for other".

    Who's to say what the intention was, so be careful when attributing blame in the "fight" (a hypothetical fight in SoT)

    I have only come across a few crews out to spoil peoples days, those were actively camping the Tales location, and a couple times when Hungering Deep came out, they were camping Shark Bait Cove preventing people from getting to Merrik.

    These are the only instances where it was clear the intention of the other crew.

  • @dadiodude I have and yes most of the times when i do that i just yell on them how dumb they are rage quit and play solo hahahaha but there so many groups you can find here in the forum, discord teamspeak xbox groups all you need to do is to try but we have great community.
    I have said what i think about the situation.

  • @dadiodude I think you have hit the nail on the head with your line "I’m afraid SoT is a bit of a mess and not really delivering what I and many expected."

    The only issue with the sloop is the fact that against a gally its max 2v4, and at worst 4v1.

    And you also mention "I didn’t mention any issues when at sea, only when at anchor." I'm going to use this of an example of something you are doing wrong, which will make it harder for you. never stop with anchor down.

    Please don't think I am against you or anything I do think we agree on alot. It is interesting to discuss this with someone this thread hasn't really brought in the PvE crowd as I was hoping, you were the next best.

    I like the fact that you have only just started now, and have a different view on things.

    TLDR: please don't think I have anything against you or your ideas, just keeping the discussion going.

    Also, Please can anyone explain what Private servers will bring to the game

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in Private Server:

    @bugaboo-bill Of course again i was kidding hope to see you one day and i truly believe this game to standout.

    Lets hope you are ready then XD

    I think i will play it until it shuts down or has become a vertical progression, beim to this island game and gimme a ! in the air where the treasure is rodl

    It's not rofl because we have decks not floors XD

  • @caixaderemedio

    Private Servers are something they would like to add. The purpose of them would be something where people can get together and have ship battles, races, and other little games that players can make up. Gold and rep would probably not exist in private servers.

    They've made it clear that they do not want something like this to exist as a "safe mode" alternative to the normal game. This game does not need a safe mode or anything like that...

    They even said that the biggest concern would be gold and rep, because they don't just want people farming PvE like that. You can read the article I'm getting this info from below.

    P.S. (not included in the article below) - Something else they have to think about is that they can't just allocate resources for private servers where only one or two ships are on the server. Can you imagine if everyone playing solo sloops just made their own private server to play in by themselves? That's a whole lot of resources wasted for a whole lot of nothing.

    Interview with Joe and Shelley with Shacknews

    Gold and rep should only be earnable in the PvEvP public adventure mode setting that we normally play. This part of the game is the base experience, and there needs to be a reason to keep people playing the main attraction so that we don't lose the unpredictable player interactions that make this game special.

  • Private servers are said to be on the table, just not what they actually will be. Hopefully the will mean a player can host the entire game with no restrictions.

    You will find the forum zealots will say never. Some will say only if nothing cannot be saved. The idea of a private server is they are just that private and separate from the retail game. It would not matter. Many more people would play this game without the trolling and toxicity the PvP can constantly bring to this game.

    That is the problem. The forum zealots are mostly PvP first or only or the game must remain pure, which is laughable. They are just afraid that there would not be players to chase, sink, and harass in the name of “I am just being a pirate”. They keep chasing players out of these forums and off the sea they will see their worst fears for the game come true.

  • I don't have a problem with private servers but I would imagine that Rare is not going to freely give them away for anyone who asks. Given that its likely deeply embedded into the Microsoft ecosystem, and linked to their own db of player characters with reputation and stats, you are likely not going to be able to run your own instance so you'll have to rent one. I have no idea what the requirements would be to run an instance capable of hosting up to 6 ships but it could get pricey:

  • @x-crowheart-x

    So I am one who thinks that Sea of Thieves core design should be preserved.

    In my opinion, Sea of Thieves should not cater too much to PvE or PvP. The game is and always has been based off of a mix of friendly and hostile interactions between players. It is what Mike Chapman describes as "seeing a sail on the horizon and not knowing it's intentions."

    Rare should not attempt to make the game more driven for friendly behavior, nor should they encourage more fighting and hostility. The proper way to expand on this game's player to player interactions is to add more layers to how interactions can play out. Alliances are a great example of that - you can choose to cooperate with others in a formalized way and profit from that behavior, but you can also weaponize the feature for your own gain but the game doesn't tell you how you should be using it.

    So "tools, not rules" is very important. Keeping everyone playing together no matter their choice of play style is important. I'm not the type who looks for easy targets or seeks to ruin other players' experiences intentionally. What made me fall in love with this game in the beginning is the fact that I could attack another player and steal from them, and in the same environment I can choose cooperate to take on a larger threat, be it a PvE event or another crew that happens to be a common enemy. It's that randomness that creates the stories, and this is also very much what Sea of Thieves was created to be from the very start.

    If players are allowed to divide themselves based on how they want to play, I feel this very important aspect of the game would die. At the same time, with the freedom that Sea of Thieves offers, people will use that to excuse poor sportsmanship and verbally abuse others which is something that I find to be disgusting. What we need is more ways to ensure that players are being good sports about what they do in the shared world rather than thinking of ways for players to be able to escape from Sea of Thieves' core concept.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Private Server:

    @natiredgals Even dumb flash phone games have a minimal economy logic and they wont create such an opening for grinding, so whenever you care or not it dosent bother me i want RARE to care its kinda their job.
    They took in mind PVE&PVP into their core economy so you cant just ruin that with "easy mode".
    And if items and loot are so unimportant for you then why wont you give them up for greater cause?
    My answer is that all you care about is loot and you want to grind it so please instead of suger talking us into "oh it can be great to sail with friends" blah blah blah state your real reason.

    I've got almost everything you can buy, I'm PL/AF10 I dont really need a lot of loot (chests/skulls ect). I make plenty helping my friends. But loot isn't really what I'm talking about.

    I'm talking about people upset that people might have costmetics or titles or something that they dont think were "earned". Its silly because none of that stuff actually affects the people worried about it. Its all smoke and mirrors, the cosmetics cant be devalued, its fear of having the time you put into getting them being devalued that drives this goofy "only if it means nothing" movment for pve/private.

    I dont really care I dont need private or pve only I like pvevp. I just think theres a lot of silliness when it comes to people being afraid of other people unlocking things.

  • @natiredgals Im not being afraid "if" its a fact and yes it will devalue items and cosmetics does affects the game it dosent make you stronger but when the main goal is cosmetics you cant ignore the fact that people will grind rep and gold in a safe mode.
    Simply as that and your logic is poor if you want to let it just slide.

  • @faceyourdemon Its not poor logic. its not caring about that which doesn't affect me at all. Who cares? Dudes can go grind all alone and unlock every cosmetic and it would have absolutely zero impact on me.

    I have no idea why anyone would care.

  • @natiredgals Rare cares thanis god they dont see any reason to ruin the economy and value of everything

  • @faceyourdemon

    What economy? You cant trade anything with anyone.

  • @natiredgals
    I feel like allowing players in private servers to achieve pirate legend and those cosmetics does devalue it for everyone on regular servers.
    How many hours have pirate legends spent scanning the horizon to protect their loot? How many hours have players spent successfully defending their loot just trying to get a mission done? How many times have ppl lost loot, and had to start over just to get things done?
    I know its just cosmetics. But i feel like this would be a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard defending, grinding, and maanaging resources just for some guy to have no threat and achieve the same title.
    Just my opinion on it. I know ur gonna disagree and thats fine.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    I feel like allowing players in private servers to achieve pirate legend and those cosmetics does devalue it for everyone on regular servers.
    How many hours have pirate legends spent scanning the horizon to protect their loot? How many hours have players spent successfully defending their loot just trying to get a mission done? How many times have ppl lost loot, and had to start over just to get things done?
    I know its just cosmetics. But i feel like this would be a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard defending, grinding, and maanaging resources just for some guy to have no threat and achieve the same title.
    Just my opinion on it. I know ur gonna disagree and thats fine.

    I mean I guess, if the only the only value you derive from having ____________ is that someone else doesn't have it. For me I have ground and ground and ground and own every ship set that I want (so far) but it wouldn't put me out any if someone else got them without pvp.

    Why would it?

  • Its not about value. Its about what players had to go though to get those titles and cosmetics. How can someone feel a good about getting to pirate legend after all they have been through when someone else can get it with no challenge? All the blood, sweat, and tears. I would feel like it was all a waste of time grinding, defending, looking out, dealing with loss and starting over, if someone can gain that same title on a private server with no threats. Thats just me mate. Im not sayin im right on this. Its just how i feel about it

  • Also, Please can anyone explain what Private servers will bring to the game

    Less moaning- less people saying F that game - less bad reviews or mixed reviews - more player base as people start to see grief isn’t an issue thanks to PS- potential huge influx of players some bound to play on public servers- more downloads and numbers push sea of thieves higher in success charts - more reason for Microsoft to continue to pump into this game and add constant content

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    Its not about value. Its about what players had to go though to get those titles and cosmetics. How can someone feel a good about getting to pirate legend after all they have been through when someone else can get it with no challenge? All the blood, sweat, and tears. I would feel like it was all a waste of time grinding, defending, looking out, dealing with loss and starting over, if someone can gain that same title on a private server with no threats. Thats just me mate. Im not sayin im right on this. Its just how i feel about it

    Okay make all titles on a PVE server read PVE before all titles ?!

    If they carried over to start of with, which I don’t agree with, then in a normal server u could clearly see that this PL isn’t a PvPL ;)

    And on that note I couldn’t care if my title read “I’m a Effing Deck, who sings happy birthday as my favourite song, whilst I bath in butter” as long as I can enjoy the game

  • @itskingbertie
    So what is wrong with no progression or titles then? Just sail around dig up chests, do your tall tales, whatever u want. But no gold, rep, or titles. Still playin the game right?

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    So what is wrong with no progression or titles then? Just sail around dig up chests, do your tall tales, whatever u want. But no gold, rep, or titles. Still playin the game right?

    Cus what’s the point of working towards nothing?!

    If it’s on PVE call it BABY KRAKEN HUNTER, but still let me have goals, I could set my own but I’m not gunna come on one day and go “I’m not sure what I wanna do but I remembered that on my private sessions from January X to July Y I killed six krakens and now I should go do forts so that a kraken can spawn! Lool I want the exact same game without the lie that - “ any sail could be friend or foe” nope sorry rare I’m not taking that lie - the game mechanics and the systems in place punish any friendly player and now every sail on the horizon is out to attack you just some do it with class but most of them try push you off the game :)

  • @itskingbertie
    So no progression would be doing its job. The reason that there should be no progression is so that people are incentivised to play on open, so that it doesn't become 90% pvp.

  • @blazedrake100 said in Private Server:

    So no progression would be doing its job. The reason that there should be no progression is so that people are incentivised to play on open, so that it doesn't become 90% pvp.

    So what ur saying is “I want PvP but can’t hadle PvP myself so want you and other to play on my game so I can feed off you cus I can’t handle the pros who would feed off me”?!

    I would of thought that coming from a PVPer

    Also did u just say you don’t want it to be 90% PVP are u a PVE supporter who’s just doesn’t know it yet ;) loool

    Seriously if u don’t want PVE servers don’t make a valid argument for us.

  • @itskingbertie
    I do like to PvE. It's actually what I mostly do, I just pvp when I see an opportunity and I feel up to it at that time. So no, I don't want constant pvp If I did, I'd play arena. I also wouldn't want to have to choose my playstyle for the day when I log on. This game is great because I can never predict what will happen or what I'll even do in a session.

  • @itskingbertie
    Oh i see. So you want the same thing as everyone else but not have to put in the effort we do. Well im sorry mate. The games been out a year. Players like you have been asking for a pve server since day 1. Rare already said to to pve servers and from what 3SheetsNeate said it looks like those private servers are gonna be with no rep or gold. Might wanna start tryin to just play like the rest of us. Because your requests are falling on deaf ears

  • @blazedrake100 said in Private Server:

    I do like to PvE. It's actually what I mostly do, I just pvp when I see an opportunity and I feel up to it at that time. So no, I don't want constant pvp If I did, I'd play arena. I also wouldn't want to have to choose my playstyle for the day when I log on. This game is great because I can never predict what will happen or what I'll even do in a session.

    I can predict what u will do ima game session let’s be real come on, u log on set a voyage, or and a TT then u go about doing them since u said ur a PVE player, ur doing your things then boom a kraken attacks! Woo hoo you say I love random fun fights and I love PVE he shouts! Then boom a player comes round the corner and attacks u well u are fighting a kraken! Boom bash bosh your sink goes down with your dosh! That guy swoops in and loots the kraken and what u had!

    U start over continuing the same voyage and tall take u were lucky u hadn’t gotten far enough to have a TT item that is needed, u get a couple of islands down the line only doing tall tale this time and cus You think I don’t wanna lose these items to that PVPer, u get to the island to do the vault and crack on u finish the tall tale feeling great as u have done it by yourself! Oh no what’s that u emerge from the water on n13 another boat is sailing away! No loot no reason just a different bot sailing off!

    You think oh no just the randomness of the world soon my luck will change I will run into a nice guy who won’t attack on sight.

    You start finishing the voyage this time cus I think the TT is lost and finished now so cba to redo that I’ll finish the voyage! You do a couple of islands and see the next island, the last island okay I do this then I cash in! Boom a skull fort appears and u think I’ve been on for ages and got nothing so I’ll do that and get loads of loot make up for tonight!

    U sail over and boom u see me sailing over, now normally u would be like great a friendly player ( you wouldn’t actually know that so u would say that but if u know me and what I do u would of known I would of been friendly and wanted to alliance) but this time you are cautious after last two guys, so u say hey wanna alliance, I too am on my way to the skull fort so I think “hmmm this community gunna team up with me and not backstab me, yeah right looooool “ so I start taking measures to defend myself! We both get near the island fighting through the cannon fire of the island and boom we both park on different sides in safe areas, I see u are offering alliance again, I sink you, or u sink me why cus I ent trusting anyone, and for anything worthwhile then I’m definitely not letting u be sitting on a island in the horizon either! And boom no randomness at all just defend or attack :):)

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    Oh i see. So you want the same thing as everyone else but not have to put in the effort we do. Well im sorry mate. The games been out a year. Players like you have been asking for a pve server since day 1. Rare already said to to pve servers and from what 3SheetsNeate said it looks like those private servers are gonna be with no rep or gold. Might wanna start tryin to just play like the rest of us. Because your requests are falling on deaf ears

    Nope I’ll have harder AI, skelesships that shoot on site, no alliances, kraken can spawn with skull fort active, tentacles could grab u and suck and hit the boat at the same time instead of one or the other, megs could have increased health and less time between bites, the environment can scale up so if anything PVE becomes hard mode and PVPVE is easy mode just have to fight through all the deckheads to try fight AI

    Also more on the potential PVE mode, instead of pirate legend it could have merchant legend or sea legend, and the ranks could go up to 100, 500 I don’t care I want goals and I don’t want the community, if the community was randomness half being nice half being role playing PVPers then happy days but the fact that PVP rules the seas made the game become u PvP or u feed a PVPer :(

  • @itskingbertie
    Keep dreamin mate. I know how much pve servers would bring players to the game. Luckly for us Rare obviously doesnt need the extra cash. They even put off microtransactions because the game was so bare at the start that they knew the amount of hate it would give them. Ill check back with ya in year 2. By then you should have given up or realised what kind of game you bought and adapted

  • @itskingbertie
    Honestly though, I don't think that would happen to me. I only play around 30 minute to an hour long sessions, and a decent amount of ships I run into are friendly or scared of me and run. I sometimes chase, but I usually continue on my voyage. I don't have my mic on, due to the toxicity of this game at times, so I don't know how the friendly people were on the mic.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    Keep dreamin mate. I know how much pve servers would bring players to the game. Luckly for us Rare obviously doesnt need the extra cash. They even put off microtransactions because the game was so bare at the start that they knew the amount of hate it would give them. Ill check back with ya in year 2. By then you should have given up or realised what kind of game you bought and adapted

    Exactly rare didn’t cash in cus they knew it wouldn’t be a cash in when they can’t sell anything to no one, now the game has grown a lil and has content they can cash out now, weird how real money pets is the next big thing ?! Enit and rare never needed to cash in anyway they are Microsoft studios supported lol, this game has become an Xbox exclusive used to help push the premium game pass lol, they never needed the money instead need the clout, last 3 sets of cosmetics added to the game were all given through mixer arena matches! They don’t care about the current players they want new players to boost they downloads then put parrots ima ship for £1 and watch the millions of players come on see they have to grind for a decent Set so they spend a pound to get the pet then get greifed leave and never play again. who cares if we get 2 million of those we are fine and we don’t have to update content for players that left! Sea of thieves has had 8 million with 2 million played at least once in the month after the update so that tells me that if mixed views and Xbox game pass can send another 6 million that play once and leave but by a parrot then they will actually be happy.

  • @itskingbertie
    Mate pets are not the next big thing.... they have been around since before launch. They put them on the back burner to work on content. Now they wanna give them more meaning than originally intended. Seems like we are gaining alot of new players with the devs keeping the game pvpve, and also they get the joy of stickin to the game they wanted to make. Not the one players like you are trying to force them to. I for one am glad this game isnt like fartnight, tryin to please everyone. Or else it would end up like the generic product of stolen ideas like Epic games keeps peddling to everyone

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Private Server:

    Mate pets are not the next big thing.... they have been around since before launch. They put them on the back burner to work on content. Now they wanna give them more meaning than originally intended. Seems like we are gaining alot of new players with the devs keeping the game pvpve, and also they get the joy of stickin to the game they wanted to make. Not the one players like you are trying to force them to. I for one am glad this game isnt like fartnight, tryin to please everyone. Or else it would end up like the generic product of stolen ideas like Epic games keeps peddling to everyone

    Pets are literally the next big thing.
    They were out in the back burner cus who u gunna sell pets to when all reviews of your game are saying “being contentless it encourages players to cus greif to and troll other players, thats why the game is being compared to no mans sky. And many people are leaving the game”

    Then we had the big thing of content slowly coming to the game, never enough to be a game but slowly it built up, then they realised that they have saved it and have a chance to pump loads of content in then boom it will grow and now we can sell people stuff cus we have the people and we have reviews that’s not gunna push them away, worst review was we were contentless now we arnt so, job done.

    But we will ignore that cus it suits ur argument.

    Like I said we are gaining more players because they are pushing the mixer views as hard as they can by motivating players to use mixer via giving out the last three cosmetics added to the game for watching arena matches on mixer, funny that pushing mixer views to help get more people to play it, makes sense that does! But where is the cosmetics for the players that been here a year, nope u get a gold cup and ship(which is disgusting lol) for being a devoted PL for a year with nothing to do but kill each other but anyone can watch arena matches 30 times then u can have a nice looking gun set! Hahah wonder who got the better deal! The one helping get it up the mixer chart now that it wouldn’t bomb on its reviews.

    Now we are growing the fan base have a generally really buggy game with split community, what’s our next move that’s right mircotransactions, not sort out the hit reg or match making in arena or making a proper PvP arena, nope now we have thousands of views and good reviews it’s time to get money into the pockets of Microsoft who supported us through the first year of “no man seas” reviews lol.

    Rare love they game but I imagine Microsoft who Are trying to going to copy/compete with stadia by making any device accessible to game off via controller and the game streaming off your Xbox, or can play it on your pc via XBOX game pass, oh yeah we need to get mixer to compete with steam so why don’t we get our game and with the next set of cosmetics we make it a reward for mixer users not actual players that only get rewarded with cosmetics on the game! Lol

  • @itskingbertie
    Mate you are rambling about nothin. Those cosmetics you mentioned were already given out long ago through other means. I had the mixer ones already. For a long time. And the latest cosmetic wasnt a mixer giveaway. It was the halo one. Just sayin.
    You do know they had to push the mixer thing for new players BECAUSE they put the microtransactions on the back burner. Whats wrong with them tryin to show off their game?
    Did u see the latest patch notes. It was so full of bug fixes i didnt even wanna read it all. I know Rare is horrible at fixing issues in the game. Shootin yourself out the cannons, making for content for legends, the list goes on. But i see them tryin so i give them credit

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