
  • I've seen a lot of people complain about constant pvp on these forums. They make it sound like everyone is constantly searching for pvp and never pve.
    This is just wrong. It's probably people like me who will pvp when there's an opportunity, but mostly pve.

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  • Being on the other side of that argument, as in the Shoot on sight type. Its absolutely a pain just trying to find another Reapers mark in the game. It takes hopping dozens of servers just to find one, chances when we finally get the ship prepped for combat they end their session and the flag disappears. Now we are back to square one. This game is a far cry from shoot on sight, when the PvP crowd talk about hours between ship fights, its quite clear the seas are rather peaceful for a bulk of the time.

    Hell, take a look at all the Griefing PvP posts that try and justify PvE servers. Near all of them have one thing in common. The claim of loosing multiple hours of progress after being attacked. They fail to realize that they were safe for practically multiple hours of not being attacked. Clear evidence the seas aren't as deadly as they think they are.

  • I don't know how many of us there are, but I do PvP and forts exclusively. I'm done with errands.

  • @wilbymagicbear
    And that's fine! I'm just saying that not all people play like that who pve. And like @Nabberwar said, the pvers have plenty of time to sell most of the time.

  • @wilbymagicbear

  • @blazedrake100
    As someone who only pvps can say with certainty that noone ever wants to fight. Most of the time im the only guy attacking ppl on the whole server.
    When i hear ppl say they are constantly being attacked i get jealous. Where are all these dreaded griefers?

  • @blazedrake100 I'd say I'm about the same, I have a hard time defining myself as being any specific type of player, I just want to do everything in the game! I always have a voyage or Tale down, and I go wherever the winds take me from there.

    If I see wrecks, megs, skalleons, forts, player ships, if I hear a mermaid statue as I pass an island, if I see something glinting on a beach, a storm (fishing), I'm a total A.D.D. pirate, I do everything on my way.

    If there is a player ship, I will attack. If it's miles and miles away, maybe not, but if it's not too far or on my way, you bet I take the opportunity. Sloop, brig, galleon? Bring it on! I will fight any ship, while sailing any ship.

    It's nothing personal

    They are just... there.

    My PVP encounters are often rather far in between and I never see that many ships when I play, so when I see an opportunity, I make sure not to miss it.

    Again, I'm never actively hunting for players, but I will never run away or back down if I feel like attacking a often unfortunately too uncommon adversary.

  • @bloodybil I'm with Bill on this. There's so much to do within the game that designating my play style as PVP or PVE is impossible. The more pve we do the more adrenaline pumps through our veins as we're combing the horizons, keeping a look out for rancid pirates. Sometimes we're clicking so well we arrogantly attack others while carrying 20-30k on us. It makes the hunt more exciting! I tell the crews if they want to keep the loot you need to bring your "A" game. I use pve to inspire great pvp play! It works........... Most of the time.😂

  • @blazedrake100 I'm the guy server hopping for pvp encounters I can't stand doing pve since I'm maxed out in my commidations and stats also for the loot

  • @duke-of-spire said in Kos...:

    @bloodybil I'm with Bill on this. There's so much to do within the game that designating my play style as PVP or PVE is impossible. The more pve we do the more adrenaline pumps through our veins as we're combing the horizons, keeping a look out for rancid pirates. Sometimes we're clicking so well we arrogantly attack others while carrying 20-30k on us. It makes the hunt more exciting! I tell the crews if they want to keep the loot you need to bring your "A" game. I use pve to inspire great pvp play! It works........... Most of the time.😂

    Exactly! People have got to stop boxing themselves (or others) in categories.

    What amuses me the most is people with the loot generation argument.

    "PVE players are the only ones generating loot, PVP players are lazy, all campers and griefers, and they put no risk or effort in getting loot".

    Pal, I've been generating my own loot for the past 2 hours (or 3, or 4...). If I stumble onto you and decide to take yours as well, your stuff is just the cherry on top of my own cake. If you can't secure your own haul, it's in 👏 no 👏 way 👏 my 👏 problem. If you couldn't defend it, it's mine now, plain and simple.

    People are welcome to try to rob me at any time too, whether I'm solo slooping or in a group. I will defend myself with great pleasure! If you win my haul, congrats, you earned it. If I spank you and you didn't have anything on board, too bad. Thwarting an attack and besting fellow thieves is satisfying in itself! 👌

    Edit: People are welcome to attack me because that's what I signed up for when I bought this multiplayer pirate game. That's what I expect from other players. If people are friendly, cool, maybe we can add each other after a good fight and having said GG to each other, next time we can be on the same team! I didn't buy a pirate game to have tea parties. If no one's on the horizon, my current PVE voyage continues, there is no shortage of fun things to do. If something shows up in the distance, I will be drawn to it like a skeleton ship to it's prey, whatever or whoever the prey is.

  • @bloodybil
    The argument pvpers have nothing to lose bothers me more than any other.
    95% of the time i have more loot than the guy im attacking. I am a true pvper so i am always prepared. If i get sunk i lose my time, usually over 300 each of supplies, my cursed cannballs, gunpowder barrels, and my bait loot.
    Sorry for the rant mate. I always get hyped when i hear ppl say that pvpers have nothing to lose.

  • Provide statistics to support this claim

  • I love how all the claims on this post have no real proof only fantasized narratives. Way to bash a bunch of the community and not provided any real evidence

  • Ahoi fellow PvPirates,

    If you are out to seek and destroy please keep one thing in mind:
    Take a little care for your fellow players to reduce their pain.
    Ya i know all arguments.
    It's PvP get ready or git gud or play hello kitty or whatever :-)
    It's also me who want people to understand the game properly, that it includes PvP, that it is a sort of sandbox PvP and all that.
    But what does it help if they are constantly complaining and crying for PvE Servers.
    I can sympathize with them, because i also made some bad experiences with PvP and i'm ready to PvP all the time and i like SoT to be a PvP sandbox game.
    it's a huge difference to steamroll others or have a fun and challenging fight.
    It's also a difference if someone talks friendly as a player, makes fun, roleplays and keep the situation playfull instead of trashtalking and spawnkilling.
    That said, spawnkilling to get supplies!?
    C'mon really?
    I mean that is really a weak argument isn't it?
    I mostly get more supplies from one island run or from a fort honestly.
    Dont do that to an extent, it's just not fun for the other.
    And yes it should still be fun.
    Scuttle is an option, yes, but it's the option you don't want someone to use. Same for serverhopping or ragequitting.
    If you don't care for your fellow player you aren't playing together when you should, but play for yourself on the cost of others.
    That's bad and creates this gap, these differencies and neverending discussions and in the end it will lead to PvE or private modes for sure, because the game ends with you searching for victims forever, because they all have left.
    Then you can play deathmatch of the Sea of Thieves among each other and the lifespan of the game dwindles rapidly.
    PvP is all fine, it can be fun for both parties when you roleplay, make fun, don't steamroll, spawnkill over and over to loot 20 planks and 30 cannonballs, trashtalk or even insult others.
    Try to be empathic, Ya i know hard task for a gamer, but try, maybe it is also more fun for you.
    You will still win and still feel you have been bedder, that doesnt mean you need to spoil the others game.
    You can parlay for the loot.
    Need the loot at all or is it to destroy the others progress or the others will to play further?
    One day in another thread someone said he is out to break someones will and make him ragequit.
    I blocked this jerk, so i dont know if he's posting here.
    That is the best and fastest way to get PvE servers.
    And that is egocentric, not playfull and dull like nothing else.
    It's pitiful tbh and a poverty certificate ( german english?!).

    Still trying to make a code of honor for PvPirates a thing and have as many as possible PvPers become beloved Pirates.
    Imagine you go sink someone and he has a blast playing although he lost. Maybe you are mercifull and bring him with x chests of his choice to an outpost or leave him a rowboat with some of his loot?!
    I want to read a post like: got sunk by most fun and cool pirates ever!
    PvP is all fine, playing without thinking about the other is a lack of social competence and this game is designed for social interactions, roleplaying, cooperation, competition and highly depends on an empathic and social playerbase.
    Especially for the PvPers.
    Become the Robin Hood type of a playerkiller, become a fearsome Pirate, but stay a polite player!


    Thanks for reading.
    Good winds and have fun.

    "With great power comes great responsibility".
    Uncle Ben

  • @bugaboo-bill Great post. Thank you Bill.

  • @bugaboo-bill Best post I ever read

  • @bugaboo-bill while I do agree the pvp has calmed a ton and is way frequent the initial posts here were poorly laid out and nothing but bash posts. I must say your post definately turned this topic around for the better

  • @bugaboo-bill
    Calm down mate this mean ol' pvper has some rules i like to follow.
    I dont spawncamp. Unless it to make sure your boat sinks. Its all im there for.
    I dont need their supplies. I brought my own.
    I dont sink a ship more than once unless they break one of my 3 rules.

    1. They are a challenge. I will always want round 2 with a good crew. Not enough around.
    2. They dont fight back at all. I cant stand cowards. At least fight back.
    3. They come back for revenge. Happens more than ya think.
      And i dont talk to crews. Im here to sink their boat. Not conversate. I dont need to brag or call ppl names.
      See im not that bad of a pirate.
      In all seriousness im not out to ruin players nights. I know the balance needed to keep players commin back.
      Thats was a nice speech tho. Almost made me wanna be a nice guy when i play tomorrow.
  • @nwo-azcrack I tend to also look to see if they are on tall tales since theres nothing to gain it doesnt feel right thats just me personally

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I agree with you to a degree. I know what you are saying and I understand what you want out of the player base.

    Empathy is always a good thing. BUT

    Yes the UT-BAY

    I'm a firm believer that each player should play the game how they want, its up to the person who loses to choose how they handle the situation.

    I won't spawn camp someone unless they force my hand. Either by taking the situation incredibly poorly or saying some suggestive things about certain conquests with certain parental figures.

    I will also spawn camp someone UNFORTUNATELY when I am low on supplies and it was just their bad luck to be near me.

    My mood will also change. Somedays I will protect sloops that are being chased, other days I will chase sloops, solo or not, to the edge of the world.

    I will say this though, if I saw a Galleon or sloop on the horizon, I will always choose the Galleon. Regardless of the ship I am in, which is usually 2 man sloop, I will stop mid Tall Tale to go attack a Galleon. I've left almost completed Forts to go attack Galleons. Hell I've chased after a Galleon in a row boat for 45 minutes just to attack it, and yes I sank it. If you are flying a Galleon and I see you, I'm coming :).

    That aside, I will not condemn a blood thirsty players choice of play style.

    I believe that having all kinds of players is what makes this game intriguing.

    I understand that the blood runs deep and dark in this game. The carrot is far in between the huge stick being swung around.

    However, I firmly believe thats what makes this game what it is.

    One moment you have a ship going around attacking everyone, spawn camping, and getting on the mic trash talking. The next moment you have a random ship defending another ship trying to run away from an enemy.

    I don't think the responsibility is up to how a player chooses to play the game be it evil or good. I think the responsibility is up to how a player chooses to react to how another player chooses to play.

    Not saying I'm right or that you are. I'm being the other side of the coin. The tails to your heads if you would. Yin to Yang.

    Always like your posts broski even when I disagree with you still like your posts.

  • @xultanis-dragon sagte in Kos...:

    Always like your posts broski even when I disagree with you still like your posts.

    Same here, Yin and Yang to some degree, i also like your pov and it's also to make the sour loosers happy loosers and make them understand what is griefing and what is not (read another post of you about it and agree).
    Yap we both share the same or very equal opinion, but aproach it from the other side each.
    It's good, both is important!

    Good winds mate!

  • My personal PvP experience:
    -Put up Alliance flag, everyone attacks you.
    -Put up Reapers mark, everyone avoids you.

    So, if you want to PvE, it may sound weird, but put up the Reapers mark. You'll just have trust me, it works.

  • @blatantwalk4260 Provide proof? Lmbo. Everyday some poor sap who just got jacked is posting up about it! Go to "Unread" or "recents" and I guarantee you that there's someone who is begging to change the parameters of the game because of their recent fate on the high seas. Your post is basically just a poor attempt at trolling. Shame on you.

  • @blatantwalk4260
    I take my view from a lot of the anti pve server people. Some are pure pvpers, but lots are also pvpvers. Any way you play is fine as long as you aren't being toxic over the chat.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Kos...:

    I dont spawncamp. Unless it to make sure your boat sinks. Its all im there for.
    I dont need their supplies. I brought my own.
    I dont sink a ship more than once unless they break one of my 3 rules.

    1. They are a challenge. I will always want round 2 with a good crew. Not enough around.
    2. They dont fight back at all. I cant stand cowards. At least fight back.
    3. They come back for revenge. Happens more than ya think.
      And i dont talk to crews. Im here to sink their boat. Not conversate. I dont need to brag or call ppl names.
      See im not that bad of a pirate.
      In all seriousness im not out to ruin players nights. I know the balance needed to keep players commin back.
      Thats was a nice speech tho. Almost made me wanna be a nice guy when i play tomorrow.

    Wow are you me? I was about to write a similar post with literally the same 3 rules lol.

    On top of that for me, I never attack fresh spawns or re-spawns (I won't sink the same ship twice under an hour unless they come at me), fishermen at sea posts, or people away from their ship doing Tall Tales. I might help myself to a pocketful of supplies and nab a few pieces of regular loot if I have time, but I will not needlessly sink them.

    As @Bugaboo-Bill says, it's all about balance. PVP does not need to entail evil intentions. Sure there are trolls out there as in every game, it doesn't mean that the sea is full of them though.

  • @bugaboo-Bill truthfully RARE could stop the spawn killing if they'd just add a "surrender" emote that freezes a character in place on one knee with his hands up until the threat has left. He can't be attacked but also can't stop the theft of his loot or supplies. I wonder though........ Would all of those complaining about spawn killing use this emote?
    On a side note: I generally love your posts Bill but in this current one you're inferring that it was the "aggressors" goal to chase a ship for 5-30 minutes just to spawn kill for supplies. This simply isn't the case. Spawn killing for fish & supplies is the final act of "looting" a ship. A crew isn't going to waste 5-30 minutes of it's time chasing another ship down without taking what is available.

    Lastly: I solo'd a brigantine the other day for 3 1/2 hours before my crewmates arrived. I kept a keen eye on the surroundings during that time keeping my distance from all but one threat (another brig). I "bluffed" the brig into believing I was the aggressor and then peeled off on the South side of Snake Island heading SE as the North facing cannons of Snake started lighting them up as they were headed East. My point is if you get caught sleeping while PVEing that's on you! And if you think just because pve'rs "quit" the game is going to crash and burn you're mistaken. If we had no PVE players on the servers more ships would have loot when going into battle because most of the pvpve players have pride/ guts/ and a penchant for hoarding! Yes there would still be those pure pvp flash in the pan ships that show up for an hour but the quick cashing, hard running sloopers would all be gone! Hallelujah! Then we could all get back to engaging one another for real pay outs and the sloops we'd come across would get respect for bringing a real challenge to the table.
    Add the "surrender" emote!

  • @duke-of-spire said in Kos...:

    @bugaboo-Bill truthfully RARE could stop the spawn killing if they'd just add a "surrender" emote that freezes a character in place on one knee with his hands up until the threat has left. He can't be attacked but also can't stop the theft of his loot or supplies. I wonder though........ Would all of those complaining about spawn killing use this emote?
    On a side note: I generally love your posts Bill but in this current one you're inferring that it was the "aggressors" goal to chase a ship for 5-30 minutes just to spawn kill for supplies. This simply isn't the case. Spawn killing for fish & supplies is the final act of "looting" a ship. A crew isn't going to waste 5-30 minutes of it's time chasing another ship down without taking what is available.

    Lastly: I solo'd a brigantine the other day for 3 1/2 hours before my crewmates arrived. I kept a keen eye on the surroundings during that time keeping my distance from all but one threat (another brig). I "bluffed" the brig into believing I was the aggressor and then peeled off on the South side of Snake Island heading SE as the North facing cannons of Snake started lighting them up as they were headed East. My point is if you get caught sleeping while PVEing that's on you! And if you think just because pve'rs "quit" the game is going to crash and burn you're mistaken. If we had no PVE players on the servers more ships would have loot when going into battle because most of the pvpve players have pride/ guts/ and a penchant for hoarding! Yes there would still be those pure pvp flash in the pan ships that show up for an hour but the quick cashing, hard running sloopers would all be gone! Hallelujah! Then we could all get back to engaging one another for real pay outs and the sloops we'd come across would get respect for bringing a real challenge to the table.
    Add the "surrender" emote!

    Love the emote idea, although you could also just choose not to respawn.

    Also, you possibly unintentionally explained PvPers in this game. They don't want to fight another of their kind, they just want to hunt those who want to avoid fighting, because they see them as easy pickings.

    This does mean however bluffing can work wonders to stop you getting hunted down.

  • @Duke-of-Spire
    The emote would be not that bad maybe.
    The few occasions it happened to me i told them don't shoot nit neccessary anymore, take what you want, not neccessary to kill me over and over and started waving.
    It's for sure a risk, i also can bluff and try to become a problem.
    Maybe Rare need to think about this special situation.

    No problem if you got killed 2 or 3 times and then you come back and got sunk or ship is still ok, but completely looted.

    I'm more thinking of mindlessly killing for 5+ times when there is nothing anymore left.

    Scuttle! sure, but why, it would be much better experience when we talk and someone says to me it's over mate, but keep going, we also wont harass you the next hour, but we keep an eye on you, make sure you hand in your loot quickly or something like that.

  • Yup, finding people who want to fight is very rare. I'm usually just doing PvE in adventure mode but I love a good fight and I hardly ever encounter someone who wants to fight anymore. Heck, a galleon ran from my solo sloop the other day. C'MON MAN!

  • @marsmayflower said in Kos...:

    Yup, finding people who want to fight is very rare. I'm usually just doing PvE in adventure mode but I love a good fight and I hardly ever encounter someone who wants to fight anymore. Heck, a galleon ran from my solo sloop the other day. C'MON MAN!

    Put up the Alliance flag next time then watch then watch them charge head first at you lol. Or put up the Reaper flag and watch them run away even faster. The player logic in this game is weird.....

  • @mrat13 said in Kos...:

    Put up the Alliance flag next time then watch then watch them charge head first at you lol. Or put up the Reaper flag and watch them run away even faster. The player logic in this game is weird.....

    Well when you think of it, it kinda makes sense, it signal certain things. Alliances flag usually gives the impression that the ship wants/needs help and gives an impression of weakness. Reaper's mark (especially outside of events) signal that this ship is not fearing anything or anyone (come at me bro) and is confident of it's fighting chances. Using those two flags to get the opposite of what you want is a great idea to bluff other crews!

  • Don't try to apply logic to people. Everyone is different.

    If I see a Reaper flag, I'm going to attack you.

    If I see a black flag, I'm going to attack you.

    If I see a jolly roger, I'm going to attack you.

    If I see an alliance flag (aka the Care Bear flag), I might attack you or I might join you... it depends on if an alliance suits my particular circumstances at the time. But you can bet I'm not going to the same outposts as you to drop loot off.

    Trust. No. One.

  • @marsmayflower This is one of the reasons we push for optional crossplay, probably find a lot more people willing to fight when the playing field is more level.

  • @mrat13 said in Kos...:

    My personal PvP experience:
    -Put up Alliance flag, everyone attacks you.
    -Put up Reapers mark, everyone avoids you.

    So, if you want to PvE, it may sound weird, but put up the Reapers mark. You'll just have trust me, it works.

    Its true, I've never had more peaceful sailing than when running the Mark.

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