XBox Ultimate deal for the SoT people on game pass or not.

  • Just want to drop this for anyone with xbox live and apparently with, or without, game pass (I was in the without camp)? I found this on reddit and gave it a shot. All I know is for $61, and using my remaining XBL sub, I now have xbox ultimate until Dec of 2020. If you have friends or fam that you'd like to play SoT with, this is something that they may be interested in even if they don't want to play. XBL is like beer and toilet paper, you're going to use it so you may as well stock up. And it's reported that this works up to 36 months and you can revert back to the old system when it's finished. Hope this helps someone!

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  • You're going to have to remind me what Xbox Ultimate is, despite having heard of it, I seem to have forgotten. Please refresh my memory.

  • @galactic-geek It is the combination of Xbox Live and Game Pass rolled into one subscription.

  • @archangel-timmy Did a quick Google search. Apparently it's slightly cheaper than what I am already paying for now (I get both XBL Gold and Game Pass). Nice!

  • @galactic-geek Yea, and if you sign up for the $1 Ultumate package, it will convert all of you current subscription time over to Ultimate. So if you extend you Xbox Live Gold by another year then subscribe for the $1, you will get a great deal on it.

  • @archangel-timmy Yeah, I just have to make sure I have enough right now to renew or have to wait a bit. How long does the promotion go for?

  • @archangel-timmy @Galactic-Geek

    It's even more than just these two subscriptions:

    Xbox Game Pass Ultimate:

    • Xbox Game Pass for Xbox
    • Xbox Live Gold
    • Xbox Game Pass for PC (new)
    • upcoming xCloud (rumours)

    and yes, it's cheaper than Xbox Game Pass + Xbox Live Gold separately.

  • Yes IDK if this is intended or not but on one of my deal sites I go to everyday this was the top topic. My Gamepass was set to expire in 1 month but I had 2 years & 4 months of Xbox Live. I then read that to get most bang for buck on this deal to extend out your Xbox Live as far as possible so I bought another two 3 month Xbox Live cards using Bing Rewards. This extended out my Xbox Live to 2 years and 10 months, I then did this deal and paid $1 for an extra month of Gamepass plus be converted to Ultimate. I now have Ultimate until June 2022. BEST DEAL OF THE YEAR IMO!!!!

  • @contentzilla Yea, I should have got two years :) Anyway, if anyone has a friend that they wish would join their crew? Get them to extend their XBL and cough up that $1 and they can play on game pass!

  • @drizkillz said in XBox Ultimate deal for the SoT people on game pass or not.:

    @contentzilla Yea, I should have got two years :) Anyway, if anyone has a friend that they wish would join their crew? Get them to extend their XBL and cough up that $1 and they can play on game pass!

    Yeah this is literally the best deal of the Year, at least so far. I was actually on the fence about extending Gamepass after July because I don't really need it since I purchased SOT for $60 on launch and I use it mostly just to try games I normally wouldn't buy and have found some gems. But to basically give you Gamepass FREE for 3 years is a $360 value so I had to jump on it. Only tough thing will be in 3 years we may have to call M$ customer service to switch it back to regular Xbox Live but in the mean time make sure you TURN OFF AUTOPAY for Ultimate to be on safe side.

  • Oh and you might want to repost this to the main forum OP so it gets more views. I was gonna post about this in the morning but I didn't know if it was against the rules here and the mods can act like a certain German political faction from the 1930s sometimes so I didn't want to risk getting moderated.

  • @contentzilla Matey there's no need to be like that...

    ... We are a nice bunch really!

  • @musicmee said in XBox Ultimate deal for the SoT people on game pass or not.:

    @contentzilla Matey there's no need to be like that...

    Tbh I'm just calling it how I see it. I would tell about the one time I was moderated but that would probably get me banned.

  • @contentzilla @Musicmee Sorry, I really wasn't sure where to post about it exactly and had to go out of town for a few so I just went with one. 👍

  • @drizkillz Ahoy matey!

    No worries with me at all :D It could have gone in either but I feel the social space was probably the best place to put it :)

  • I signed up for this yesterday.

    It simplifies my live and gamepass subscriptions and now I also get a game pass on my PC for £4 less a month overall.

    What a deal!

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