Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels

  • @lord-szarvas said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    But to give an explanation and blame someone that might think that barrels are a problem (and its not the barrel - its the lack of knowledge/skill is the problem - is their viewpoint) then that is a poor argument.

    A forum exists to share/discuss knowledge and opinions, as well as to allow players to give feedback and suggestions on the state of the game.

    You preemptively dismissing and outright belittling the former because you do not agree with, or are "tired" of hearing them, is going against the entire point of having a forum.

    Your personal assessment of the strength of someones argument, or the validity of their opinion (which is completely subjective by the way), does not give you any right to tell them not to present them.

    If you have a problem with someones post, flag it for moderation and let them deal with it if they see fit. But anyone is fully allowed to share their opinion on here regardless of if you approve of it or not.

    For the record, I do agree that the range of damage caused by the barrels is a bit to large as I have completely disabled a brig with one. But I do still think they should fully destroy anything that is very close to it. Explosives are meant to be powerful in my opinion, and given how slow you swim with them, it really is not easy to sneak up on an experienced crew. Awareness is an important and learn-able skill in this game, and I think anyone that engages in PVP without this skill should be open being out played by a more experienced crew.

    But again, that is just my opinion, one that I am completely allowed to share on here with or without you approval. :)

  • @spartem

    Uh no its not. Its making a clear discussion about the barrels capabilities to do dmg. Thats what this thread I created is all about. The first page already has people saying things like 'don't let it explode or avoid' which isn't a discussion about the topic at hand. Its a suggestion that we already know what we can do in certain situations.

    Theres nothing wrong with dismissing that, which you're missing the point of. And the moderators can do the moderating with or without tags thank you very much. You're no moderator.

    And I can't flag someone's post on the suggestion that something is wrong with their play-style and not the GPB itself. I'm suggesting that the dmg is too high for GPB.

    Nobody is disputing that GPB are supposed to be powerful. Again, thats not the point. The question is how powerful are you comfortable with? If you read the examples that I and others put on here, the way they work and the output of dmg is excessive.

  • How is it in any way surprising smaller ships are more heavily damaged than bigger ones?

    Reduce the explosive impact on smaller ships and bigger ships will become even more difficult to damage in turn. Then que complaining how bigger ships are overpowered and harder to damage.

    The gunpowder barrels are just fine the way they are.

  • @walperr

    Its not surprising. It is the fact that due to the configuration the blast is more likely to kill the sloops crew while doing that amount of damage at the same time. Initially I was wrong, I thought only the sloop was affected but all ships have this problem.

    The point is the amount of damage per 1 barrel. So it isn't barrel(s) - before 2 or more barrels would be good to sink a ship. Now, only 1 has a severe payload.
    Because of this, they are not fine the way they are: 100%+ (Almost a full 200%) increase in plank requires for 1 barrel strike.

    That amount of damage now is ridiculous. It takes 3 cannonball shots (not an easy thing to do) to take down just 1 of these things on a ship. It takes 1 barrel to kill all 3 things on a ship (more masts per brig/galley). Plus the 4 large holes to bail water out of.

  • @lord-szarvas I have zero issue with the damage level of the GPBs. They're supposed to be powerful explosives and they work great.

    Yes, they're ship killers. That's the point.

  • The OP is simply pointing out that Barrels are now over-powered. Which is true. One Barrel is all you need to wreck any Crew's day. (But we still always send 2 just to be 100% of victory!) And thinking you can defend against decent players boarding your ship with these Nukes is ridiculous. Yes you may kill the boarder, but not before he has crippled your ship.

    The new Ship Damage was created to encourage more Ship-vs-Ship combat. The damage caused by Barrels makes any other choice of attack a secondary plan B. My crew and I are destroying Ships of all sizes and Crews of all skill levels right and left using Suicide Barrel Boarders. Boom, boom, boom.

    There is no stopping us. It's too easy. Which indicates bad game mechanic balance.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    Theres nothing wrong with dismissing that, which you're missing the point of.

    There is absolutely something wrong with you telling people not to use the forum to give their opinion on a subject simply because you don't agree with it.

    And the moderators can do the moderating with or without tags thank you very much. You're no moderator.

    I'm just going to assume that you understand the hypocrisy in that statement, and that I don't have to point it out to you.

    And I can't flag someone's post on the suggestion that something is wrong with their play-style and not the GPB itself. I'm suggesting that the dmg is too high for GPB.

    Well no your right, you can't. Then why try so hard to moderate these things your self?

    If these statements are not against forum rules, then why do you try to control them as if they are?

    Nobody is disputing that GPB are supposed to be powerful. Again, thats not the point. The question is how powerful are you comfortable with?

    Did you even read my post? I already answered that question.

  • @spartem

    A. If the opinion of others is aimed at bringing the 'topic' from what 1 barrel does to any of the ships to oh it must be your skill level is the problem (which has occurred on this forum many times - case and point - used to shut down people like me and others that have suggestions to the game). To answer your question, to defend the spirit of people's ideas from the trolls that always use those same skill-level arguments in a lot of the suggestions on these forums. If you haven't noticed then you haven't been on here long enough. This isn't unique to SoT, almost all games experience these levels of criticisms.

    B. Its my thread and I have the right and opinion to be dismissive to people like you that attempt to change the conversation. Again, you're no moderator and I haven't broken any policies here. So, you're the one trying to moderate me. I'm simply attempting to dissuade people from using the same tired arguments of "get good" and "don't let them explode" from this thought process. Because, if you actually read this thread, it has already been explained by me and others on the problems of the new dmg and what barrels can do now.

    C. I'm not trying hard at all. I put out a statement.

    D. Yes I read your post but you're too vague. You haven't offered anything specific. Like "I think a barrel at the back of the ship should affect A B and C. Not D because of this or that". What you said was "I think they range (distance) of their effect is too big but they should do MAX dmg to where they are exploding." Ok, so you think barrels shouldn't do dmg to where? You haven't specifically identified the how (to what effect). I guess I have to break down what you already wrote....

  • @walperr

    Again, I'm not arguing that they should or shouldn't kill ships. The topic of this thread is what 1 barrel can do (kill an entire ship in one go essentially) - reasons why are already explained.

    And I know that's the point of them. Thanks for that.

  • @lord-szarvas said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    A. If the opinion of others is aimed at bringing the 'topic' from what 1 barrel does to any of the ships to oh it must be your skill level is the problem (which has occurred on this forum many times - case and point - used to shut down people like me and others that have suggestions to the game). To answer your question, to defend the spirit of people's ideas from the trolls that always use those same skill-level arguments in a lot of the suggestions on these forums.

    My opinion that the barrels are not hard to spot swimming up to your ship, and the trade off with how hard they are to get on board is more than enough for how much damage they do (though the range could be tweaked a bit); is just me trolling?

    Again, trolling is against forum rules, me (and other people here) giving our opinions that the barrels are not over powered because they are easily out played by simple awareness is not against forum rules. And we are perfectly allowed to present these opinions despite what you think of them. :)

    B. Its my thread and I have the right and opinion to be dismissive to people like you that attempt to change the conversation.

    All I did was give my opinion on the subject, and discuss your original post; including your apparent need to have only posts that align with your beliefs. Just because I take issue with you generalizing and belittling opposing opinions as "trolling", does not mean I am trying to change the conversation; In fact, I have discussed nothing but your original post.

    I'm simply attempting to dissuade people from using the same tired arguments of "get good" and "don't let them explode" from this thought process.

    Again, by definition, this is moderation; and action reserved for moderators only. I am only trying to point out that enforcing you own rules over the actual forum rules goes against the entire point of having an open forum. You created the thread, but that does not give you any right to enforce what is allowed to be said on it.

    D. Yes I read your post but you're too vague. You haven't offered anything specific. Like "I think a barrel at the back of the ship should affect A B and C. Not D because of this or that". What you said was "I think they range (distance) of their effect is too big but they should do MAX dmg to where they are exploding." Ok, so you think barrels shouldn't do dmg to where? You haven't specifically identified the how (to what effect). I guess I have to break down what you already wrote....

    I don't have to, I gave my opinion that the barrel damage is fine, but the range of said damage should be nerfed a small amount. I leave the interpretation of specifics, if they decide to eventually take action, to the devs that spend all day every day designing these kind of features. They know more about the game than I do; and I think most game designers would agree with me that feedback on how someone feels about a feature, is far more valuable than a hundred theories on how to fix it from someone who did not design the game.

    Again, I've given my opinion on this thread multiple times now, only to be met with someone telling me what I can and can't post. I am not obligated to deal with this kind of intolerance of specific opinions because you don't like hearing them.

    I'll leave it with this:

    In an OPEN forum designed to give feedback and opinions on specific topics, telling people not to use them for this purpose if their opinions oppose your own is manipulative, rude, and goes against the entire point of having these forums in the first place.

  • @spartem

    Ok, lets settle this.

    If anyone were to use "get good" in every single suggestion on this forum, what is your point of view on that? I'd really like to know.

    Because to me, and I'd imagine others on here, that would be more of a personal attack on ones skill level or how they choose to play the game (which by the way doesn't answer all scenarios. There are ways to sneak barrels on to people's ships - which is why the speculation doesn't amount to what this topic's subject matter is all about).

    The way you chose to order your information in your responses have to do with the spirit of an open forum vs the actual topic on this thread.

    You don't want to give out any specifics because you believe an expert opinion on game design is required for that to occur. Which is completely false. Game companies have always hired and had regular ordinary people to beta test and give feedback to their games to get their input (which is why anyone can be an Insider and test early builds) - Duh.....

  • Regular keg if placed at the map table on a galleon will take out all 3 masts anchor wheel and but 5 holes in the boroom deck

  • @steveboddy I knew the GPB would knock down the mast if placed in the crow's nest, but does it really knock down all 3 on the galleon?

    That doesn't seem right, even to me.

    Regardless, the crow's nest is still the safest place to put them, as it is still the only place on the entire ship that won't cause your boat to start sinking. Immobilize it? Yes. But sinking it? No...

  • OK, this is slightly off-topic, but speaking of storing them in the crow's nest... does anyone know for sure if one can 'protect' them from snipers by surrounding them with normal chests? Or do bullets pass through chests?

    Edit: did some testing this evening, placing different chests and even tea beside a keg, and was unable to shoot through any of them with the EoR to blow up the keg.

    Also, another option with regard to the main topic here might be to make the regular gunpowder kegs spawn less. Yeah they do more damage, but are harder to come by, so it evens out maybe? Just a thought. :shrug:

  • @lord-szarvas
    If gpbs can do that now, they really do need a nerf. Maybe they still make 4 holes in the ship, and can destroy one ship part. Because they are more risky now, but completely destroying a ship is too much of a reward for that risk.

  • @galactic-geek And? So?

    The "just don't let the readily available nuke get near your boat" argument doesn't alter the need to balance the damage that a readily available item can do. The regular GPB shouldn't be a nuke - full stop.

  • @entspeak These are not fireworks...

    It's a barrel. Full of gunpowder.

  • @arsigi pass through I have sniped someone's crows nest out of render distance but saw chests surrounding their barrel when I was a bit closer

  • @arsigi You can shoot GPBs through the bottom of the crow's nest. Did you try that with your chest protection?

  • @galactic-geek said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    @arsigi You can shoot GPBs through the bottom of the crow's nest. Did you try that with your chest protection?

    Ah, no, I did not. Didn't realize it was possible to shoot through the bottom, actually!

    My tests were performed on land, anyhow - I was assuming it would hold true up in the nest.

  • @arsigi Try it and let me know of your results. ✌😉

  • @galactic-geek Aye aye, cap'n!

  • @galactic-geek It’s a game requiring balance between realism and gameplay. But, you knew that, right?

    And, I never said the GPB should do the damage no damage, so you can take down the strawman, m’kay?

  • @entspeak said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    The regular GPB shouldn't be a nuke - full stop.

    Yes it should be - it is arguably the hardest way to win in a ship-to-ship fight and reduces your own crew's effectiveness/ship protection by 1 at the same time. Anyone who hits your boat with 1 has earned the right to effectively sink you because you were outplayed. Besides, it's not a 100% guarantee - I myself have recovered numerous times from a GPB attack. It isn't easy, certainly, but it's absolutely doable.

    So, get off your high-horse and deal with it like everybody else seems to be doing. They can manage, so why can't you?

  • @galactic-geek Ummm. No.

    Yes it should be - it is arguably the hardest way to win in a ship-to-ship fight and reduces your own crew's effectiveness/ship protection by 1 at the same time.

    Used to be. Used to be.

    They added the Stronghold Keg to do instant sinks. This is dull. It makes zero sense for such a readily available item to be able to nuke a ship. Full stop. You can claim that it does because realism, because difficulty (not difficult), because folks who make a mistake deserve to have their ship instantly sunk more often than requiring it be the Stronghold Keg currently allows for, and you are entitled to that opinion. But, you’ll never convince me that you’re right. So, we’ll just have to leave it at that, because I’m bored. In my opinion, a readily available item like the GPB shouldn’t be a nuke.

    It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve been sunk by an enemy with a GPB. But, oddly enough (not really), I am still allowed an opinion on the topic. So, how about you stop making assumptions about my gameplay simply because I have an opinion. My tests were of me blowing up my own ship to see the impact - so that I knew what I would be talking about (cough, cough) in these discussions.

    Not on a high horse.


  • @entspeak A pleasure arguing with you today... 😅

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