New Pirate Legend Commendations

  • Ahoy Mates!
    I was thinking we could use a few more Pirate Legend exclusive commendations.
    Here's a few I came up with:

    • Legendary Hoarder of the Mermaid's Treasure
      Sell 500 Mermaid Gems as a Pirate Legend.

    • Legendary Kraken Hunter
      Defeat 50 Krakens as a Pirate Legend.

    • Legendary Hoarder of Lost Artifacts
      Sell 500 Trinkets as a Pirate Legend.

    • Legend of the Devil's Fortune
      Sell 500 Devil's Roar Treasure items.

    Well mates, what do you think of my proposed Pirate Legend Commendations?
    And what other Pirate Legend Commendations would you like to see added?
    Let me know, until then see ya on the seas!

  • 9
  • I agree but I think it's more important for the original legend commendations to have rewards before they add more.

    Chicken figurehead

  • @sgt-palooggoo Legendary Kraken Hunter is already a Commendation so might have to reword that.

    Uh, other than that; yeah I agree. Would be cool if they also added more items but that’s asking for the moon!

  • I like the idea. I think i would already have the kraken and trinkets. You think it would be retroactive?

    Its kinda disappointing that counters dont continue. I should be able to see how many krakens defeated, not just 10 :(

  • @sgt-palooggoo Those would have been great if they were added a while back. But I don't really want more commendations for things I would already have done.

  • @zaannox said in New Pirate Legend Commendations:

    @sgt-palooggoo Legendary Kraken Hunter is already a Commendation so might have to reword that.

    Uh, other than that; yeah I agree. Would be cool if they also added more items but that’s asking for the moon!

    Oh... yeah, quite right mate!
    Maybe... Legend of the Kraken Slayer?

  • We definitely need the mermaid gem one.
    Right now there's no reason to turn in mermaid gems aside from the gold.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Like 16/10? I would totally be down for that!

  • @ninja-naranja said in New Pirate Legend Commendations:

    @pomalotacusmk3 Like 16/10? I would totally be down for that!

    Hey that's a great idea!
    Example: 796/500 Chests sold.

    Love it.

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