April Fools

  • I have the perfect April Fools joke me and my crew mates are gonna pull on one of our own.

    One of our usual crew mates (lets call him 'Z') has been obsessed with finding the Wondrous Box of Secrets and has repeatedly told us that if we ever come across it whilst playing without him to call him immediately to drop what he was doing to join our session (not really sure how he's planning on doing that because I don't really plan on 3 manning a galleon/2 manning a brig).

    There is a beautiful screen shot of the Box of Wondrous Secrets uploaded to the Xbox Watch tab by the player named iRealms UK (shout out to you if you see this, thank you!). Z is usually playing League of Legends or that new LOTR card game with our other friend, so we are gonna wait till he's doing one of those, send him that screenshot and say "DUDE WE JUST FOUND THE BOX OF SECRETS!!! YOU GOTTA JOIN US!!!"

    So, he's gonna freak out, quit whatever game he's playing, and then join our crew. But instead of getting the elusive box, he's going to get something else...

    A little backstory. Some years ago, Z was playing Minecraft with another friend of mine (let's call him 'M') where M spent an hour building a giant house out of TNT. Once he was finished, he teleported Z into the house of TNT (M was an admin), lit the TNT, and the explosion was so big that it crashed the server and Z lost all of his items. Z was so mad about that and apparently stayed salty about it for weeks.

    Well, M is also part of our Sea of Thieves crew, so this time around, we are just going to spend close to an hour fort hopping - grabbing as many gunpowder barrels as we can, and we are going to LLLOOOOAAAAADDDD this galleon up with gunpowder barrels. So, after he spends all that time quitting his game and joining ours, hes just going to spawn and immediately explode, and hopefully, be salty about it.

    So, that's the plan. I'm super excited to do this - I just had to share it with you guys.

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  • @cstrap lol this is fantastic. Please post screenshots when you pull it off! And at least let the poor guy stick around to turn in the fort loot -- just so he has something to laugh about with y'all!

  • @vorondil1 haha will do - assuming he even falls for it. He might just be like “it’s april 1st and found the rarest item in the game and just so happen to have an open spot in your galleon? Hmmmmmmmmm.....”

    Oh, and when I said fort hopping I meant like inactive forts - just collecting barrels. No loot. Kind of mean, I know haha

  • @cstrap ok lets hope your mate get over it after and doesn't stay salty for a long time

  • @closinghare208 he’ll live :)

  • @cstrap I know

  • Sorry guys, he never got online yesterday. He never got on Xbox, discord, Skype - anything. We sent him a text and he didn’t even respond until hours after we gave up. Maybe we’ll try again some other day

  • @cstrap lol he's learned! Good try though :)

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