The reapers run quest appears to not gain progress

  • did 2 missions and 0 advancement in the mission thing. I had the flag up before and until the voyage was ended. Pls help

  • 9
  • @shadowstrider-0 Dang, that's rough! So you didn't try to make an alliance either? Were you server migrated?

    You should make a support ticket if you really feel like you met all the requirements.

  • @ionei-falcon all parameters for proper completion were met i assure you :). I was with another crew who had been complaining of similar things.

  • Same happened to us today.

  • I managed to complete my Reaper voyages. Can anyone confirm that it is a requirement that your ship never sinks during the voyage in order for it to count towards the Reaper commendation?

  • @lawwedier It doesn't matter if you sink.

    Also joining an alliance take down the reapers flag for some reason and I hope Rare sort this out.

  • @lawwedier no your ship can sink as many times. The only requirement is that the reaper flag is up before the voyage is voted on. Also alliance flag will take down the reaper flag.

  • Played it twice where all the requitements were met but the commendation did not count. Will log a support ticket as I also have crew experiencing the same.

  • I did the voyage once, the one that says you need to do it 5x and it still shows 0/5. So you have to do that voyage 5 separate times to get that done or do all those voyage in there and then it completes the 5? Cause 5th those are 5 chapters each and take as long as the Athena stuff lol

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