Pirate levels (my take)

  • Heres my pirate types i have encountered over the past yr.
    Dirt bag- a pirate who rolls up on a ship and fires without a word, toxic talk and an all around doucer. Hey Joe Neate or a rare employee may be on the other boat, you wouldnt want to leave a bad taste in there mouth would ya? ( avoid)

    Chicken dumper-they avoid all boats and pirates at all cost, scuttling at the first sign on danger, rarely high level (help them)

    Lazymen- a pirate who joins the crew and does nothing, good at the concertina, not much else, waiting for you to do everything. (Avoid)

    Time wasters- dropping ancor while full bellow, shooting cannon balls in to the sea. Drinking grog to throw in your face chasing you for no reasons(Avoid)

    The Richie-hardworking Rich pirate, a joy to have on your crew( add)

    The Royal- a good all around pirate knows all factions on the game, a hard worker( add them)

    The Legend- few steps above Royal, the true pirate legend, showing new players the ropes, finds treasures quickly, and always a kind word. Great pvper.The best of the best( add them if possible, they rarely add because they are so good)

    Just my opinions on pirates i have played with. Im sure you have more :) Which type of pirate are you?

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  • The Cutthroat (Shameless fleet promotion lol) : Highly aggressive Pirates who have mastered all aspects of the game and constantly push themselves to be better fighters regardless of whom they hurt along the way.

  • @richiearizona None of them. I know all the factions, I navigate with out using the map at all, I show new players the ropes, I find treasures quickly but rarely have any kind word for anyone and I'm bad at PvP. I also shoot at every moving keg.

  • You forgot those who have gone beyond the legend and have achieved athenas fame these level 10 athenas PL. but they also come in flavors

    Lampshade athenas - these are the high level athenas 10 who rock every athenas outfit and ship livery that you can buy: status is everything to these pirates and will generally go around trying to prove it by any means necessary

    The altruistic Athena pirate : this pirate has sailed the seas and has amassed wealth way into the millions and at this point money is not a motivator and it’s the thrill of achievement hunting at this point and will gladly help you take down a Skelton fleet or fort and let ya keep all the treasure just to help ya grow.

    Coat tails Athena pirate. This is a Athena pirate who may have reached max level but is not even a pirate legend himself and has gained this fame because of a friend who was a legend and they tagged along for the ride. These are the athenas to watch out for because they generally are not very good at the game and just look the part.

    Toxic Athena- when money is longer a motivator they pray on ships for the hell it . Solo sloop dead, noobs dead , no treasure dead. They sail with no purpose other than kill and tell you your trash even if they lose

    The charitable giver Athena- these guys just want to help and will join open crews only to lay down a Athena voyage for unsuspecting players and leave without a trace

    The disguised Athena - these guys don’t need to flashy clothes or ships they wear what ever they feel like as well as ships you wouldn’t know they are athenas 10 unless they change closthes or tell you. These guys view the grind as merely a title and doesn’t make you truly legendary.

  • Oh you asked what type of pirate I am - I’m a disguised athenas 10 with a streak to be defensive I don’t go looking for fights but people are usually sorry they have. I make my ship look fearsome and show them to back away. I help new ones when I can but on occasion I do pirate and loot other ships. I’m what ya call a neutral good Athena

  • @fuzzyh1ghland3r Ok, disguised Athena at least fits. But this only reflects the attitude towards cosmetics and titles, it doesn't describe character or playstyle.

  • I'm a cozy Pirate Legend.

    I go only for fun, but i can and will do all is needed take "serious" as long as we not strive and work hard, but mainly do it while having fun.
    I'm at max a decent or average at pvp, most often i need only one hit with my shovel but recently my one hit shovel chest stsatistic dropped.
    Some islands and maps are challenging sometimes, of you weren't there for long time.
    Riddles i mostly do good, but also sometimes i feel like beeing blind.
    We still have some translations into german what at best are interpretable :-)
    Fighting PvM i consider myself average to good. I can clear whole Fort Waves solo without to die, depends on how many snipersy pistols and blunderbuss skeletons are there or when solo and it's dark and you need your lantern first and they have plenty of shotguns it can become difficult.
    I can sink Skaleones solo or do Megs solo. until no Kraken while solo.
    As long as we have enough ressources it's maybe some trouble sometimes, but mostly just a matter of time.
    If you run out of supplies well, we mostly make sure to have a rowboat.
    I did not manage it until to kill a Meg or a Kraken from a rowboat, but with some kegs you can do a Skaleone on a rowboat, just make sure they go the right Route where you have dropped them or stay away and keep attacking them with kegs and your bucket.

    Im cozy mostly and i dont take it too serious, most important is to have fun and i mostly have fun.

    Only very toxic and skillfull players can spoil it for me a bit. But mostly i'm immune to their attacks, applaud them and wish them a good day.

    Millionaire for the second time now, there is nothing but the fun to play what keeps me playing.
    And maybe this or that new cosmetics.
    I would have been able to buy them all, but some i didnt buy, because i knew they would look bad on my fatty Pirate :-)
    But i at least buyed the hat to show i was part of it. Barnacle cloth set for example.

  • @crimsonraziel hmmm I’ve never really thought about this much as a pirate I do like cosmetics but I feel titles don’t make u a legend just means you’ve played along time I value people who pull their weight and can defend a ship at all costs.i guess I’m a admiral type. I’m usally a captain and I pride myself on being the one still afloat despite taking multiple hits. Though I’m good at pvp I usually stay with the ship for defense. Our crew views the ship as a home and we became family after playin for a year. Communication is very key in this game above all else as well a comradery. So I feel a pirate captain/admiral is where I stand with a little dash of disguised Athena

  • @bugaboo-bill that’s a nice life too.

  • I'm a thief in the night, usually along with a crewmate, we'll hide on ships and wait for them to collect loot. If they already have loot, we take their rowboat ASAP. I don't mind the island life either, especially with the current Reaper's Run voyage.

    Oh, and we both dress like clowns. You'll know us if you see us, but most never do. =P

  • Blue collered pirate - the hard working, multitasking woodworker below deck. No ship sinks while I am doing my trade.

  • @omnipotence13 sagte in Pirate levels (my take):

    Blue collered pirate - the hard working, multitasking woodworker below deck. No ship sinks while I am doing my trade.

    Those who allways keep the ship up are the most worthy Pirates.
    I mostly care too a lot, but sometimes i did mistakes and was triggerd and left the ship when it was better to repair it.
    Too greedy to do a lucky shot :-)

  • Hardest roll I have found in the game. It is the least glorious and yet most important. The guy below deck will save you from a boarder. If he calls for help too early it pulls needed hands from elsewhere, but too late and you are sunk. He must be able to assess the situation and communicate well. But the results are all the reward you need

  • @hisdarkestfear I dress like a clown too :). Ronald McDonald lighting people up.

  • @richiearizona I would say that I am a legend, this includes having a very good knowledge of all the islands, knowing how to tackle voyages properly and being good at pvp helps too when people try to steal my stuff, hence the word "try" lol.

    my main aim when playing is just to be as efficient as possible, I like to have fun and enjoy the game but I do like to get voyages done properly and fast. I am not one of those people who don't wear the ghost clothes simply because they are easy to spot. if anything I want people to see me so they say hi to me or so I can kill them if they are not friendly

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