Different Regions, Different levels of Aggression?

  • I just remembered I never asked this question to the community before.

    Are different regions more aggressive than others?

    I ask this for multiple reasons but 1 of them is that I am calling shenanigans on the PvE community's complaint about constant PvP.

    I'm in the mid region for the USA. I play mid day, evening, sometime early early morning around midnight to 4am. Depending on schedule.

    I usually do not run into aggressive servers if ever. I might get 1 server once every other week where I can find 2 ships or so that will actually fight or come after me for a change.

    What I mostly run into however, is a quiet server. People complaining about the PvP, name calling, trash talking, and begging to form an alliance as they see my ship rolling up. CONSTANTLY. I could roll around the server with my boat covered in Athena chests and I feel like no one would even bother me or take a second look.

    So what I want to know is if aggressive players are more so located in other regions or if people are really either exaggerating or just straight up lying about how often they get attacked.

    EDIT The servers I play are not empty. I go around and always find people. If I'm on a sloop its mostly sloops, brigs, and maybe a galleon or 2??

    The servers are not empty, just no one is aggressive. They are just avoiding each other.

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  • My experience is somewhat similar to yours. I may run into an aggressive set of players on a server once every 20 hours of play or so. I play evenings MST, and all day long on the weekends.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Different Regions, Different levels of Aggression?:

    What I mostly run into however, is a quiet server. People complaining about the PvP, name calling, trash talking, and begging to form an alliance as they see my ship rolling up. CONSTANTLY. I could roll around the server with my boat covered in Athena chests and I feel like no one would even bother me or take a second look.

    It's called dead server.


  • @bundui There I corrected my original post to clarify that the servers I am playing on are not empty. There are ships. I see them ALL the time. 3 to 4 ships in a single region, check the other 2 and theres more. However again, no aggressiveness from anyone

  • Well from my experiance is that the South American servers that has mostley brazilians and australians are the most friendly i have encountered, sure most of them only speak spanish but they are friendly as hell.
    The EU servers contains mostley germans, french and spanish talking people and most of them dosen't even speak english so they usually say: Im german/french/spanish - When you say: "hi what's up?" or something and the EU servers are pretty much both friendly and aggressive but mostley friendly. - Sure sometimes i encounter some brits but it's very rare.

    The U.S servers HOWEVER is the most aggressive and trashtalking servers i have ever encountered (when i play with my american friends) they are usually very mean and says words im not allowed, the good thing with it is that EVERYONE talks english which is great.

    That's my experiance anyway! - The way i notice this is when i play with people from different regions basically and i check my ping.
    My ping on EU servers are inbetween 40-80
    My ping on U.S servers are inbetween 140-250
    My ping on BrazilianAustralian (South American) servers are above 300

    The funny thing is that i usually never experiance any rubberbanding or similar stuff until im on a servers above 300 which is pure awesomeness!

  • @reapinglegion Then west coast servers in the US might be the more aggressive servers then? Because mid coast is almost always docile. I wonder if east coast is any different?

  • @xultanis-dragon I honestly don't know, american servers in general.
    Don't get me wrong, i love playing with americans btw :)

  • I've never had a huge problem with aggressive players, but I've also never been comfortable with the "it doesn't happen to me, therefore it must be fake" argument.

    That's a slippery slope.

  • Thats why I'm asking to get some information.

    Its not the "it doesnt happen to me so its fake" its the "it hasn't happened to me so lets find out whats going on"

    Just gaining info.

    EDIT Hombre - For some reason your name is restricted. It won't let me reply to you.....

  • I think i agree with hombre it’s a very slippery slope to suggest/ask etc.. certain regions/time zones or countries may be more aggressive then others.
    To be able to predict that would require an insane amount of data and research.

    I suppose the only way I could answer while being fair is, I play on EU servers, we have many cultures languages and creeds there and sometimes servers are aggressive others are peaceful, I personally can’t say there is a specific pattern in my experience where there is one or the other.

  • I play a variety of different times depending on the variety of chaos I’m enjoying in my life. I haven’t noticed a particular pattern to the aggressiveness of servers during a particular time of day. I do notice it waxes and wanes in general over the course of weeks.

  • I’m encountering the same type of thing. Usually once every couple of days I’ll stumble across a galleon that bullies my smaller ship but other than that not much and I don’t even mind that aspect of the game but what did happen once was a galleon with a full crew came up on my brothers brig and I while we were trying to leave an island ended up boarding our boat while we were trying to leave killed us. Again no big deal with that but I figured they would take what we had and leave but they just stayed and kept killing us as we respawned. That was really the only time I’ve encountered a really aggressive crew

  • @Xultanis-Dragon 100% retweet. I had gone a couple weeks without playing when the complaints started to really rise here (new job took my time), so I promptly headed out to sea to investigate. Immediately ran into other players -- one sank me while I was selling loot, but then felt so bad that they gave me one of their chests to make up for it (lol), and the rest were happy to play nicely. This definitely contributed to my cynicism of the multudinous stories of PC players being over-aggressive et cetera, et cetera.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    I'm on the east coast but i play at all different times on many different servers from different regions and all in all most i find are extermly passive. I tend to be the most agressive as i rarly get a good fight. I noticest however that Agression doesn't seen region based but rather time based. What i mean by that there seems to be an ebb and flow to the aggression. Like in the middle of event weeks are very agressive and weekends. I belive this to be caused by how players play the game. The most Agressive player/Competive Player frist focus on grinding the event award then end up attacking other ships. Because event starts in the middle of the week most player hunters understand to farm in low pop servers as it is the fastest way to grind while weekends when the playerbase is high they go hunt as there is the most prey. When there is no event eveing i find to be the most aggressive as that is when the most players are on.

  • @Hombre said in Different Regions, Different levels of Aggression?:

    I've never had a huge problem with aggressive players, but I've also never been comfortable with the "it doesn't happen to me, therefore it must be fake" argument.

    That's a slippery slope.

    It is but there is also a slippery slope of I had one bad session and five good ones, I came to the forums raging and stating that I was being having a rough time.

    While the majority of the time they gather loot, sell it, have a battle here or there and there is nothing to report.

    People have the tendency to focus on the negative ones or the epic awesomeness that happened. Generally speaking it just is a mix with the extremes being in the minority.

    If people forget about the decent or boring ones... all of a sudden everything can seem bad. Then they start responding ingame according to the assumption that they are out to get me and help that idea out.

    I have had people come for me,
    I have had repeatedly come for me,
    I have had people sweating hard and throwing bad language at me,
    I have had people attack me at the outpost I just spawned at,
    I have been outpost camped and
    I have been chased for hours.

    I understand and believe them when they tell their tale, as I have them as well.

    I have most likely also been the cause of some bad sessions for others as well. Be it by hunting them or with what I consider lucky timing's doubt that they would agree.

    Some of it you will have control over and other times you just have to roll with the punches.

    There is one key aspect to how things turn out, the people involved.

    I can be the bad guy, I can be a good guy and usually I start off more often than not as the guy looking for an opportunity to steal or gain something from the situation. I am usually a person that will negotiate a truce or a deal.

    I am considered ruthless by some, generous by others and I will bet there a lot of pirates out there like me.

    It is hard to gauge the extent of violence on the seas, as there are so many variations and encounters out there.

  • From personal experience only, I would say EU servers are generally way less aggressive than US servers. And it very much depends on time of day.

    I play on EU and I can hop on during the day and get a lot of PvE done with usually fairly chill encounters with strangers. Between 3pm and 7pm GMT is the best time to grind solo merchants, as you'll usually be left alone.

    In the evenings (after 9pm), there's a lot more PvP but it's usually fairly pleasant and I've met a lot of cool people to chat with at those times, from all over Europe. It's a good mix of encounters at that time of day.

    Anytime I've joined friends on US servers, however, it's been a far less friendly atmosphere and trash talk/aggression is very much ramped-up to 11. However, this could be down to time of day or events going on as well. Americans do tend to be a lot more competitive even in non-competitive games though, not that that's a bad thing, it's just a cultural difference.

  • @xultanis-dragon Here in South America people are accustomed to killing themselves all the time, but still very little PvP rolls.

  • i dont think people from different nations are less ore more agressive,when u play at peak time the chance is high running into agressive players.i crossed everything possible in sot from a lot countries agressive and as well friendly people:),but what is agressive? someone who just like pvp? or yelling griefing and swearing ones

  • @reapinglegion @RealStyli

    So the american servers are more aggressive in your experiences. Now is that because of the players you are PLAYING with or is it from enemy ships? I'm trying to get a feel for PvP activity. I know it happens because I hunt, steal, and sink other players. However, on the occasions I join an LFG group with other people they usually never get attacked. Even when I sloop with a ton of loot on my ship to see if anyone will attack me I get no one.

    So are the players you play with the issue or is it the ships you run into? If its the ships how often would you say you run into those. No exaggerations please. Like does it happen once a day, twice a week?


    Completely agree that from evidence on the forums, Aggressive hunting goes up about a week or 2 after the event goes out. Its been pretty high since shrouded spoils came out and a lot of newer players joined up on board.

    You suggest time of day. At what time and at what day would you say is the most aggressive? When would you say PvP'ers generally come out of their hibernation?? I want to see if there is a correlation. Maybe we come out during the weekend more, maybe its weekdays more. Before 6 or after 6.

    Thank you if you reply with anything.


    So what I'm looking for is not really personality behavior like trash talking.

    I'm looking for when ships attack you. Do you get attacked 2 times a session, once a session? Maybe only once a week?

    Because so far what I've noticed from personal experience is that I never get attacked. Rarely do I ever. On the days I just sit and chill I NEVER get attacked. Even on days I'm doing the attacking theres rarely anyone that comes back after me for revenge. They should to because I'm in a sloop and I try to hunt galleons.

    So I'm trying to figure out if the community is just exaggerating what is happening to them because their emotions are running high, or if PvP is happening as often as they say it is.

  • I honestly think it’s just down to random chance. I logged in earlier and before i finished stocking my ship and had a chance to put a quest down and get my ship customisation on a Galleon rolled up and blew my ship out of the water haha

    Not my worst wake up call but it’s definitely up there xD

  • Maybe a stupid question ( * Yep , and there is the man with the shovel who like to dig holes where he gonna fall straight in...Go on, Oh Mighty Moron, Enlight these Pirates with yer stupid questions) but how can you see on what server you play? Is this for PC people only visible or is there a way to see if Xbox players can see this too....i never saw it ( * No wonder , you wouldn't see an elephant backside if it was shoved over yer nose ...dumbo). Agressivness comes from every country , verbal trash talk too , it isn't region bound nor age bound , everybody can be a menace if he or she wants to be one...i don't mind Pirates that attack me or us , they can have every nationality , and yes the USA player seems to be the most aggresive ones but ....there are also the ones that put the most Pirates on the Sea , so it's hard to try to pinpoint wich country has the least aggressive players....And what does aggresive means in this post? Is it trolling / grieving behaviour /talk or is it just behaviour that chases every ship it sees on the horizon? The first kind of agressivnis is sad but the second i would like to not see as bad ...i like a good chase and an honest ,spawncamp free fight, and i really don't mind where a player comes from...Anger and hate dwells in every one of us , in me too, but it's the person that unleashes it ...

    And when it comes to languages ...Well, i don't speak many languages but i always try to connect with people , English is a great language to make a bridge ,because even if a person is unable to speak it , he/she often understands what you are saying...

    i fully know that the Original Poster didn't want to start a division of regions or people's background ,and this may NOT be seen as a stinging remark to him nor any other person that answered his Topic but when it comes to nationalities or regions or server regions i want to share one of the most beautiful quotes that i ever heard in this game...This comes from a Pirate that crosses my mind almost daily since i miss the Giant at Sea...Here is the quote from a man i look up to: " In Games , there are no countries ...We belong to one nation...The Xbox Country"....Mr Marek 1408...This quote said it all , almost tw years ago you said it and it still stands...We come to play with eachother , from every corner of the world, we may differ on so many fronts , still we want the same thing: Playing and fun...No more no less...And for the PC player that feels left out of this quote , this quote was said during the Alpha testings for Xbox , PC Alpha testing came later ,simply because there were two kinds of Xboxes but thousends of different PC combinations ...

    Global Gaming forces me to do my best to understand and to help build an atmosphere in wich every nationality may feel comfortable , it's a difficult task but when it succeeds , then oh man, that smile upon my face cannot even become brought down by a truckcollision ( * Oh Captain Tearface , may i test his words , pleeeeaaaase , i want to ride that smirk from his ugly mug...- Tssss ,tsss tsss always angry hey Sunshine....i wonder who made you like this ...* Your nagging and his nagging did ...dufus).

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Different Regions, Different levels of Aggression?:

    So the american servers are more aggressive in your experiences. Now is that because of the players you are PLAYING with or is it from enemy ships?

    No, the crew I play with are usually PvE-centric and don't typically go hunting for PvP. If we come across a ship we might attack it, but we don't hunt.

    If its the ships how often would you say you run into those. No exaggerations please. Like does it happen once a day, twice a week?

    It can depend on time of day, EU servers are typically quiet for me during the day but I will see 3-4 ships at least over the course of session and rarely do they engage in PvP. However, if I am solo-slooping and grinding PvE, I will actively avoid other ships where possible. Only time I go hunting for ships is when I am about to sign off and want to give some randomer my supplies.

    I've been caught out a few times where a I didn't see a ship approaching but, more often than not, they are friendlies or they just don't attack on sight. A lot of them just end up being a sail-by stand off, tense but nothing becomes of it.

    I had one sloop follow me last week and I thought it was going to attack but instead they were looking for help with a commendation and wanted me to kill one of them.

    Evening sessions are a bit different as I'll be in a crew. We'll usually do voyages and don't actively avoid anyone, if they come across our path, we might attack them if they look like they are PvPers (but, again, we don't go hunting). We'll typically see a good few ships but most don't come near us on EU servers - maybe sloops are a bit more cautious of galleons, like I am during the day. We can go a whole night without doing any PvP though, and usually do.

    So, yeah, in my experience at least, EU servers are pretty chill.

  • @clumsy-george said in Different Regions, Different levels of Aggression?:

    Maybe a stupid question ( * Yep , and there is the man with the shovel who like to dig holes where he gonna fall straight in...Go on, Oh Mighty Moron, Enlight these Pirates with yer stupid questions) but how can you see on what server you play? Is this for PC people only visible or is there a way to see if Xbox players can see this too....i never saw it ( * No wonder , you wouldn't see an elephant backside if it was shoved over yer nose ...dumbo). Agressivness comes from every country , verbal trash talk too , it isn't region bound nor age bound , everybody can be a menace if he or she wants to be one...i don't mind Pirates that attack me or us , they can have every nationality , and yes the USA player seems to be the most aggresive ones but ....there are also the ones that put the most Pirates on the Sea , so it's hard to try to pinpoint wich country has the least aggressive players....And what does aggresive means in this post? Is it trolling / grieving behaviour /talk or is it just behaviour that chases every ship it sees on the horizon? The first kind of agressivnis is sad but the second i would like to not see as bad ...i like a good chase and an honest ,spawncamp free fight, and i really don't mind where a player comes from...Anger and hate dwells in every one of us , in me too, but it's the person that unleashes it ...

    And when it comes to languages ...Well, i don't speak many languages but i always try to connect with people , English is a great language to make a bridge ,because even if a person is unable to speak it , he/she often understands what you are saying...

    i fully know that the Original Poster didn't want to start a division of regions or people's background ,and this may NOT be seen as a stinging remark to him nor any other person that answered his Topic but when it comes to nationalities or regions or server regions i want to share one of the most beautiful quotes that i ever heard in this game...This comes from a Pirate that crosses my mind almost daily since i miss the Giant at Sea...Here is the quote from a man i look up to: " In Games , there are no countries ...We belong to one nation...The Xbox Country"....Mr Marek 1408...This quote said it all , almost tw years ago you said it and it still stands...We come to play with eachother , from every corner of the world, we may differ on so many fronts , still we want the same thing: Playing and fun...No more no less...And for the PC player that feels left out of this quote , this quote was said during the Alpha testings for Xbox , PC Alpha testing came later ,simply because there were two kinds of Xboxes but thousends of different PC combinations ...

    Global Gaming forces me to do my best to understand and to help build an atmosphere in wich every nationality may feel comfortable , it's a difficult task but when it succeeds , then oh man, that smile upon my face cannot even become brought down by a truckcollision ( * Oh Captain Tearface , may i test his words , pleeeeaaaase , i want to ride that smirk from his ugly mug...- Tssss ,tsss tsss always angry hey Sunshine....i wonder who made you like this ...* Your nagging and his nagging did ...dufus).

    If you have a legitamate question I don't consider them stupid. Some people just see things before other people. Has nothing to do with stupid or smart so hopefully I can answer your questions as best as I can.

    So Rare's server selection algorithm is done by choosing the closest server in relation to who starts the ship.

    So I'm in Mid coast USA. If I peronsally start a ship the server will be mid-coast. Ping will be around 50 to 60 for me. Now if I join one of my friends that lives in the UK, I will be joining his regions server. I'll be playing with a ping of 150 or so.

    So no matter what time of day I play on the server I will get is mid coast USA since this is where I live.

    So when I meant region I didn't really mean nationality. I meant region as such. USA has 3 regions, West, Mid, East. If I join a ship that was started by someone in California I'll be in his region server which is West coast. I'll be playing with an 80 to 100 Ping relatively.

    So again the server is selected by who starts the ship.

    Which is the thing that a lot of players are ignorant of. Some don't realize that the friends they play with, if their friends are in a different regions, or nation, the game is going to lag. They don't realize it and equate anything that happens as hacks, Rare servers being bad, or whatever other reason.

    So pay attention to the games you join because you could be joining a different regions server which will effect your Ping.

    When it comes to aggressive play style I don't mean trash talking, just how aggressive the server is with PvP. Has nothing to do with toxicity or language or anything.

    Just how often do you join a game and get attacked by other players. Does it happen often, does it not? Does it happen during a certain time of day? What region are you in?

    Again has nothing to do with nationality. USA has 3 regions. I think UK has only 1?? I'm not sure.

    Thats all. Trying to get a feel of how often players actually get attacked vs the -


    Then what happens is we get other people who are holding a grudge to PvP chime in about how they get sunk 500 times in an hour. Then more agree and more and more. Then we get a whole thread about how PvP is an ever constant bane to where no one can play the game ever.

    So I'm trying to gather information so I can understand better what is actually going on or happening.

    @RealStyli Thank you for the information.

  • @xultanis-dragon Enemy vessels.

  • @xultanis-dragon some times that does not happen mate you just is having a different time on the seas (and I know there's a spelling mistake deal with it)

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