Double shoot is getting fixed. Next, quickscoping/hipshoot!?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi

    PC absolutely does have enough advantage to warrant optional crossplay and its the right thing for rare to implement.

    the imbalance in combat between PC and Xbox is definitely about advantage that PC players inherently get

    its not my job to prove anything to him.

    Then I can safely assume you can't prove anything that you said prior and what you are arguing here holds no value and shouldn't be taken seriously.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi So do I take it from your almost utter lack of any substantive response that there is nothing you can evidence showing an advantage?

    Also I have played SOT on Xbox for about 5 minutes, and never again as it does not look as nice as on my PC and I absolutely detest using controllers - it is why I have almost never used my Switch. They just feel so wrong to me. I acknowledge though that that is purely personal preference due to my having used M + KB since I got my 286 back in the late 1980s.

    I have never understood how people can use controllers efficiently (especially for FPS games) but I know that it is a matter of personal taste and experience. I used to know a semi-professional Halo player that used a controller and just demolished everyone that he came across in game. Meanwhile in the same game, I was there wandering around looking stupid struggling to use the darned controller.

  • I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that console is locked to 30fps.
    But PC has no advantage 🤣

  • @urihamrayne Ok then. I mean I don't really need you to believe or "take me seriously" either. Its not like you're going to fix it, you actually seem invested in ensuring that its not fixed... which tells me you play on pc.

    I mean really, its not like KB+M over Gamepad isnt a well defined advantage, and its silly and dismissive of the issue to think that adding KB to Xbox is going to fix it.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi Not the most convincing argument. You make statement, statement gets challenged and you are questioned to provide evidence, you say you don't have to do anything. While that is true, it does reveal the truth. If you had any argument or evidence you and I both know you would be sitting there right now pasting it into a post. You haven't therefore you don't.

  • @urihamrayne said in Double shoot is getting fixed. Next, quickscoping/hipshoot!?:


    PC absolutely does have enough advantage to warrant optional crossplay and its the right thing for rare to implement.

    the imbalance in combat between PC and Xbox is definitely about advantage that PC players inherently get

    its not my job to prove anything to him.

    Then I can safely assume you can't prove anything that you said prior and what you are arguing here holds no value and shouldn't be taken seriously.

    Frames per second? Shall I continue?

  • @mcgovery So what about FPS, until I upgraded my graphics card recently my FPS often dropped to around 20 FPS (particularly at Thieves Haven, there is something about that island that makes computers crawl), and it never got above 40 FPS. This really wasn't very good on a 60hz monitor and was a pretty poor experience, also better a locked FPS than a fluctuating one. SOT isn't a twitch game, having super fast reflexes is not needed at all (though I would acknowledge that with a double gunning macro it could be, however that was unintended as acknowledged by the developers).

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi Evidence? Seriously unless you provide something to back up your allegation in your next post I am not going to waste further time responding to you.

  • @salvasian-au said in Double shoot is getting fixed. Next, quickscoping/hipshoot!?:

    @pcmr4lyfeboi Evidence? Seriously unless you provide something to back up your allegation in your next post I am not going to waste further time responding to you.

    Really? Promise?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi Lol I never said you had to at all. But you have revealed yourself for what you are. I am not being rude with this question, but I would be extremely interested to know what you age is (if I had to guess I would say between 15 and 25)?

    Edit: I know I promised to not waste time on you, but sometimes I just can't help myself.

  • @salvasian-au I'm six, please feel free to never reply to me again.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi

    No sniper is not a CQB weapon. I will admit that :P

  • @weakdexx said in Double shoot is getting fixed. Next, quickscoping/hipshoot!?:


    No sniper is not a CQB weapon. I will admit that :P

    It shouldn't be, but thats why all the "hardcore" are doublegunning til its fixed and plan to go saber/sniper when aferwards, lol

    its totally teh best CQB option right now because hipfire is way way too accurate.

  • @targasbr Hunh. I think I posted that comment to the wrong thread! Did you post on another thread a picture of a guy with his head down and in the background on the right hand side is a model of a ship with what looks like a couple red spritsails?

    I was interrupted last night while on here and think I started to comment on this thread, looked something up on another thread ...

    ... anyway. Clearly I was confused!

  • @garbhchu Don't remember that picture, I think it was not me...

  • Seeing this post again, not sure if the same guy but hey... How about we all sit in a campfire and wait for a fix. Who knows, if you wish it from the very bottom of your heart and believe it will happen. It might happen. Sooner than you think. How about that? We need to learn to be patient people, it's a good practice.

  • There are a couple quirks in combat in Sea of Thieves that I think should lead to other re-balancing of weapons in the game:

    -Unlike other FPS's, rate of fire between all three guns is relatively the same due to reloading after every shot.
    -Ever since the addition of gunpowder-barrel-wielding skeletons (and the nerfing shortly before it), the blunderbuss has lost usefulness because it is not suitable for battling barrel-skeletons.

    The weapons need to more accurately represent the ideal situation of usage. I think the following changes should be made to balance combat:

    • Don't simply fix the double-shoot exploit. Eliminate the ability to have two guns entirely.
    • Increase Pistol damage by 25%. Short-to-medium range combat should
    • Increase Eye of Reach loading time by 100%
    • Add bullet penetration for Blunderbuss beyond the first enemy
    • Add action-cancellation for players when being attacked by a sword.

    If I attack a skeleton with a sword, they can do nothing but block. The same should go for players. I recently died in a PvP situation when trying to slash a player holding two guns who was able to reload whilst I was slashing him.

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