This game needs more long term motivation

  • So my friends and I started playing SoT this week and are really excited about this beautiful game. While we will still enjoy the game for a few more weeks, we already have the feeling that at some point there will be missing long term motivation to play the game.
    I think there needs to be more to SoT, things you can achieve to keep playing. So here are some suggestions:

    The only thing you can grind right now are cosmetics which really doesnt change too much. In my opinion, it would be great if there were upgrades to your ship or your weapons (for example mortars or a ram). This should be balanced with the standard weapons and just add more variety to the fight and long term motivation as well.
    Also, there should be a better leveling system, for example unlocking items with level. That keeps players grinding.

    I read a bit into the forums to find out what the community wants from this game and I recognized that there are two kinds of groups in SoT: Some want the game to be more PvE (for example askin for PvE servers) and some are enjoying the PvP aspect more (more ships per map). So I think there should be added content on both sides:

    -hunting whales (there are a lot of articles about this already)
    -more difficult raids
    -maybe another monster (pottwhale?)

    I think there should be some kind of multiplayer mode added into the game.
    The PvE players have less trouble with PvP because the PvP players would play the MP, but the great concept of PvEvP remains the same.

    As a person who really doesnt like Battle Royale games too much (why does every game need a BR?), I still have to say that this game has one of the best potentials for it. This game already has the basics of BR which is a big map, loot and a storm.
    The best part is that dying would mean something (no respawn) which makes the feeling of this game even better in my opinion.
    Maybe there are better solutions than a classic BR but something in that direction would be great. Because I think a simple MP, for example 3 galleons vs 3 galleons, would take that great open world feeling away and take too much freedom.

    SoT has the potential to become one of the greatest games ever if long term motivation gets added. It already has such great feeling and mechanics. Seriously, I could play it for years! What are your thoughts?

  • 7
  • @pfnatsch said in This game needs more long term motivation:

    Ahoy there!

    So my friends and I started playing SoT this week and are really excited about this beautiful game.

    Welcome to the Sea of Thieves community! We're glad you came aboard, and I'm glad you have a reliable crew to share stories with. Having a great crew is the secret sauce to Sea of Thieves after all :)

    While we will still enjoy the game for a few more weeks, we already have the feeling that at some point there will be missing long term motivation to play the game.

    The thing about Sea of Thieves is that while it's an incredible game to adventure in with your friends, just like any game, you run the risk of eventually getting burned out. The brilliant thing about this game however is that in a years time you could come back to a completely brand new game with tooooons of new stuff to do because every update is completely free.

    The only thing you can grind right now are cosmetics which really doesnt change too much. In my opinion, it would be great if there were upgrades to your ship or your weapons (for example mortars or a ram).

    Rare has said that they won't be adding in content that allows players to "purchase" an advantage over other players. Perhaps one day they'll allow us to go to a shipwright and sacrifice a couple of cannons on the galleon for a mortar (for free) but we'll never be grinding Skeleton Lord fleets in hopes that they drop an epic grade mortar or a legendary ram.

    Also, there should be a better leveling system, for example unlocking items with level. That keeps players grinding.

    I think the current leveling system through reputation is just fine. It gives Sea of Thieves a breath of fresh air because it doesn't follow other traditional online games. We're not leveling up, unlocking talents or skill points, we're not grinding for gear to increase our stats, it's just gaining rep through playing the game. Sea of Thieves should never feel like a grind, the game isn't about getting to Pirate Legend and Athena 10 it's about the journey and adventures shared with friends ALONG the way to Pirate Legend and Athena 10.

    -hunting whales (there are a lot of articles about this already)

    Rare has hinted at some form of fishing for quite a while now. I'm sure we'll see it at some point this year.

    -more difficult raids

    I wouldn't mind more challenging raids. I've heard suggestions from other community memebers about Legendary Raids that only Pirate Legends can activate but anyone can participate in.

    -maybe another monster (pottwhale?)

    I don't know about a pottwhale but I'm sure Rare has quite a few more sea monsters and maybe even some aerial monsters up their sleeve.

    I think there should be some kind of multiplayer mode added into the game.
    The PvE players have less trouble with PvP because the PvP players would play the MP, but the great concept of PvEvP remains the same.

    As a person who really doesnt like Battle Royale games too much (why does every game need a BR?), I still have to say that this game has one of the best potentials for it. This game already has the basics of BR which is a big map, loot and a storm.
    The best part is that dying would mean something (no respawn) which makes the feeling of this game even better in my opinion.
    Maybe there are better solutions than a classic BR but something in that direction would be great. Because I think a simple MP, for example 3 galleons vs 3 galleons, would take that great open world feeling away and take too much freedom.

    As you're new to the community you might not have had a chance to catch up on exactly everything that's coming soon to the game and that's fine! Thankfully Rare is coming out with a Developer Update today that will give us a glimpse at a few things to come in 2019. One of those new features, revealed back at X018 in November, is The Arena. This new game mode will be separate from Adventure mode (the mode that we're currently playing) and will allow for a more condensed of Sea of Thieves experience.

    There will be numerous ships all confined to a small section of the map and they'll be given the same maps as one other. Each crew has one goal, to collect as much treasure as possible in a short amount of time. At the end the crew with the most treasure wins! There will be unique cosmetics for the Arena and cosmetics will transfer back and forth between Adventure and Arena so everything you unlock can be used in either game mode. It also introduces the 4th trading company, The Sea Dogs, and allows for us to obtain Pirate Legend in a different way.

    There's a ton of exciting stuff on the horizon for Sea of Thieves. It's truly going to be an incredible year for the game. I'd be sure to check out that Developer Update when it launches today. You can like them on Facebook at Sea of Thieves and be one of the first to see it once it's published.

    Good luck out there and once again, welcome to the community!

  • @pfnatsch I am a pirate legend and level 10 Athenas.

    The fact that the game does not have upgrades for weapons, ships, stats and such to make your character by default better than that of everyone else is the most important factor in the game. It is the core principle and beauty of the game.

    The world does not have areas that are not suited for people, everyone has the same tools available and it is your experience and expertise that makes you feel like a pirate legend ruling the seas or a landlover with a shovel and an eyepatch being harrassed by skeletons.

    There is enough to learn within the game to keep you busy and the sessions are different based on the people you meet and the situations that the sea provides.

    The progress you make is your own and your ability to defeat your foes and defend your ship is all up to you and it isn't based on a number on the screen. There is no must have done or should have acquired X before you can join in the fun.

    My brother started this week with playing and we can instantly play together. Though he has a lot to learn in regards to being a pirate.

    Enjoy the game and become the best pirate you can. There is nothing else that you need to keep playing other than maybe a small group of companions to set sail with from time to time.

    In regards to the BR version, well we ain't going to have that. Though soon we will have a PvP focused Arena update to provide us a dedicated PvP oriented mode more in line with a battleground than a battle royal.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie said in This game needs more long term motivation:

    The thing about Sea of Thieves is that while it's an incredible game to adventure in with your friends, just like any game, you run the risk of eventually getting burned out. The brilliant thing about this game however is that in a years time you could come back to a completely brand new game with tooooons of new stuff to do because every update is completely free.

    Thats true and i will! But I am really hyped about this game and want to play it for a few months straight, rather than looking into it twice per year and then play it for 2 weeks. But I'm new so let's see what the future brings.

    Rare has said that they won't be adding in content that allows players to "purchase" an advantage over other players. Perhaps one day they'll allow us to go to a shipwright and sacrifice a couple of cannons on the galleon for a mortar (for free) but we'll never be grinding Skeleton Lord fleets in hopes that they drop an epic grade mortar or a legendary ram.

    That's why I said it should be balanced with the standard weapons, it should not give an advantage, just more variety. But even more weapons without the need to purchase them would be great in my opinion.

    the game isn't about getting to Pirate Legend and Athena 10 it's about the journey and adventures shared with friends ALONG the way to Pirate Legend and Athena 10.

    That's a good point. Maybe I should see it more from that perspective :)

    I wouldn't mind more challenging raids. I've heard suggestions from other community memebers about Legendary Raids that only Pirate Legends can activate but anyone can participate in.

    I love that idea! This kind of PvE content would keep me playing for sure!

    Thankfully Rare is coming out with a Developer Update today that will give us a glimpse at a few things to come in 2019.

    I watched it but unfortunately nothing about The Arena :(

    One of those new features, revealed back at X018 in November, is The Arena. This new game mode will be separate from Adventure mode (the mode that we're currently playing) and will allow for a more condensed of Sea of Thieves experience.

    There will be numerous ships all confined to a small section of the map and they'll be given the same maps as one other. Each crew has one goal, to collect as much treasure as possible in a short amount of time. At the end the crew with the most treasure wins! There will be unique cosmetics for the Arena and cosmetics will transfer back and forth between Adventure and Arena so everything you unlock can be used in either game mode. It also introduces the 4th trading company, The Sea Dogs, and allows for us to obtain Pirate Legend in a different way.

    Awesome! That's exactly what this game needs. A PvP mode so that PvP players have more action and PvE players don't get annoyed too much. Battle Royale or not, I don't mind. The most important part is a good implemented multiplayer, but I'm sure it will be as amazing as the rest of the game!

    There's a ton of exciting stuff on the horizon for Sea of Thieves. It's truly going to be an incredible year for the game.

    It seems like the developers care a lot to improve the game and I'm really looking forward to the new content already.

    Good luck out there and once again, welcome to the community!

    Thanks for the kind answer and remember to always sail sober! ;)

  • @cotu42 I like the concept of having everything from the beginning in competitive games so everyone has the same chance to win. But in games like SoT I need something to grind on, i can't change it :( But maybe Athena+the upcoming PvP mode is motivating enough. I need to play more i guess.
    Another question: As a Athenas level 10, what keeps you motivated playing SoT? You've done every single mission/raid right?

  • @pfnatsch the sea just calls to me. I really enjoy the game play itself. It is a very fluid and beautiful game, the water, the sound design and the ability to make the story.

    What I enjoy in the game:

    • I enjoy the PvP and a good scrap.
    • I enjoy the PvE as well with my buddies or an open crew.
    • I enjoy the wonder of new players in open crews or that I come across on the open waters.
    • I enjoy the challenges of being solo and not yielding at the first sight of others in most cases (and I have the tendency to horde loot).
    • I love the sneak and cheese plays.
    • I love the unknown when encountering others when not going in for the kill.

    In crews
    I tend to do whatever my crew feels like, and ensure to swap my actions from the grind for some action to some sneak play.

    My goal
    The drive to become better at the game in all aspects is one of my motivations. The game is simplistic, but making the correct choices, communicate and execution of them is vital. Learning the limits and pushing them. It can be hard to defend against invaders, but play it right and you shouldn't lose. You are on a leveled playing field and pretty well balanced ships after all. Be the best pirate I can. As they say easy to learn, hard to master.

    Small contributors
    Commendation and doubloons are a motivator at times.

    Sharing is Caring
    Teaching someone to sword dash or the first time killing a skeleton ship and hearing OMG I didn't think a sloop could win. Can be enjoyable as well.

    When solo
    My personal focus when solo is just sailing around and see what comes to me: I tend to focus on the threats lurking in the depths and other players, but will have a voyage running (all types).

    That said my view is different than most by being at max. The commendation counters I keep in mind, but those numbers are huge and I have done it already. The actual loss of the ship and battle are more annoying, than losing 40k of loot.

    I prioritize usually game play and my ship survival over loot. The numbers will come, we play the game for enjoyment. So, go out and do what you enjoy. Everything is available to you, pretty much.

    Hope that gives you an impression of at least one Athena 10 Legends mind.

  • @cotu42 It does, glad you found your game! I am only playing SoT right now because it is so fun :)

5 out of 7