Sea of thieves Myths

  • This is a collection of Myths I’ve heard while out on the seas. Rumors are the seed of creation in this game.

    1. My first and favorite! That if you jump From the crows nest and swim down as far as you can there is a secret cave in the middle of the ocean. Like a mermaid village (There are lots of uncharted caves but nothing like this. eventually I hope to have diving bells!)
    2. If you shoot the krakens tentacle mouth while it’s open 3 times then the krakens head will come up and you can defeat it. (This one has stuck with me and I sooo wish it were true.)
    3. if the kraken gets 3 tentacles wrapped around your ship then it will break your ship in half while sinking it.
    4. you can block a bullet or shark bite by blocking with your cutlass. (I’ve managed to do this but it seems more like coincidence. Like they missed)
    5. you can feed a pig bananas to get it to stop running away. (This ones actually real but it’s been removed for some reason.)
    6. if you play Merricks song it will summon the meg. (This obviously stems from the campaign but summoning the meg is not currently possible.)
    7. If you play Merricks song while the meg is present then she won’t attack. (You’ll feel betrayed haha. But Megs vary in their aggressiveness)
    8. you can find the lyrics to the shanties in game so that they will pan over your screen while you play. (The lyrics to the shanties are in game but they do not stay with you or pan on screen while playing)
    9. if the skeleton fort clouds eyes are flashing orange than the fort is contested. (One of the more popular myths)
    10. There’s a secret treasure in sea of thieves. Only found by using the alpha method of finding the secret skulls with keys on their head and linking them on the map to find out where the lines cross. (Its probably a myth of course. But this is actually how the alphas found treasure and some of these key skulls are present in current sea of thieves.) Secret treasures are what SoT is missing. Like the banana quest but in game!!
    11. @SurveyorPete has stated the myth that sunken ships will sink over time indicating how long since they’ve spawned.
    12. @KattTruewalker & @Barnacle-Blake have stated the myth that you can stop the chest of sorrows from crying by cheering him up with music (it wouldn’t hurt to play that poor guy a song anyways)
    13. @Tired0wl and her crewmate zombie have given birth to the myth that the legendary tune can unlock other locations besides the legendary tavern(not disproven yet!!)
    14. @KnifeLife has stated the rumor that you can drink the chest of 1000 Groggs empty by drinking all 1000. (more like chest of infinite groggs am I right?)
    15. that loot will spawn in the crows nest of sunken ships (i know there’s personably nothing there but I’ll just check anyways)
    16. That the kraken will growl when it’s near you. (The kraken always growls at 3 o clock. Seems directional but I can’t confirm that)
    17. slashing the krakens scar on its tentacle will make it release your ship. ( @Golgari-Hexmage made a post about the shooting the krakens nearby tentacle to release your ship)

    There were also myths about what Pirate legends will have.

    1. pirate legends spawn in the legendary tavern. Choosing where to enter the world.
    2. legends will have their ship saved in the tavern and will sail out of the waterfall on the taver “like the batcave.” (This is legendary captain status. It was put on hold for more content)
    3. legends will get to make themselves and their ship look like skeletons. (The ships need the “legendary” look of missing ghost parts, and personally all players should have a “skeleton form.” You either fight for the living or the dead!!)
    4. once you are legend you will have a ghost of your avatar present in the tavern.
    5. Legends will get to choose a spot in the world to Have their gamer tag carved in game. (This is my SOT dream. On day!!)
    6. @Blustar101 has stated the myth that legends will unlock the Banjo for use(the banjo is present in the legendary tavern but not accessible)

    I’m sure I’m missing a lot of myths. Before launch it was just a sea of myths haha. Message me any that I’ve missed and if they aren’t debunked already then Ill find out if there’s any truth to them!

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  • I like the list! I heard another though... some people swear up and down that pirate legends get the banjo... If only!

  • I have had several people tell me that the depth of a shipwreck indicates the time since it was spawned; I.e. they sink slowly over time.

  • There’s a myth going around that I’m a competent pirate xD

  • @straw-hat-blake

    This is brilliant, love to hear these myths and test them out, there are a fair few associated with the Chest of Sorrows as well :D

  • @straw-hat-blake
    Time to become myth busters!

  • @straw-hat-blake I do hope the Diving Bell is the next "row boat" addition.

    Attach a row boat or a diving bell... your choice... as one may bring hidden treasures.

  • Ahoy! You may be interested a bit in my story.

    My crewmate Zombie had an idea one day, regarding the legendary tune you can only pick up at an outpost. And as you know, the Meg tune originally could only be picked up in one spot and carried to where the Meg would be summoned.

    His idea: what if the Legend tune is hiding something, away from the outposts? What if it unlocks a secret when carried elsewhere on the map? Why else would the Legend tune be locked to only a few locations?

    So, he and I started searching. Everywhere. We've hit every island. I won't lie, we've found nothing. But we've had so many coincidences, and keep hearing new rumors about places hidden in the map, that we can't stop. We're going to continue checking them all.

    You can see see our progress on Twitter. Will we ever find something? Who knows. But I don't intend to stop until something, anything happens.

  • What a fun thread, thanks for compiling all them myths for us. There's a lot I've never heard of before, but make perfect sense. Obviously some of them, like the music summoning Megalodons stems from the Hungering Deep, but of course doesn't work anymore, but I find it fascinating how myths, or digital urban legends like these persist.

    Number 1 is very interesting. It's known that the Legend tavern, and Ferry of the Damned exists in the game world, located roughly at the center of the map, too far down to reach by natural means. I've seen the Ferry lights from afar once, and I could totally imagine players mistaking this for some new, strange phenomenon if they had no idea what they were looking at.

    9 is thoroughly debunked. My Quartermaster and I once sat on a hilltop at Sailor's Bounty, witnessing between 3-5 ships battle over Keel Haul Fort for literally, days. 3-4 if I remember correctly. From sunrise to sunset, no matter who was at the fort fighting who, the only thing that changed the clouds colors, was the sun and moonlight. It's real pretty for sure, but it indicates nothin'.

  • @straw-hat-blake I love these myths keep 'em coming

  • Playing happy music stops chest of sorrows from crying.

  • It’s possible to empty a chest of a thousand grogs by drinking them all 1000..

  • @tired0wl woah what a true adventure!! I remember looking for the legendary tavern in the betas after everyone heard that the tavern was currently present in game. Haha I also didn’t find anything but it sure was fun looking!

  • @tundra-793 it really is interesting. The one about the 3 tentacles breaking your ship and shooting the tentacle mouths to bring the head up was told to me by someone that swore it was true. So I whole heartedly believed it. And told a handful of people it was true as well hahaha.. until we tried and tried. And even after it didn’t work there was a rumor that the “kraken was bugged at launch and they removed defeating it so we can only fend it off.” so I get how they spread. But how they start is a mystery. It’s like a snowball getting more believable as more people spread it until it crashes right in front of you haha.

  • @barnacle-blake how could I have forgotten this!! Good looks

  • @dreamingnomad that would be amazing! Diving bells were one of if not my favorite part of black flags (besides the shanties haha) so I really hope we get something similar. with Images like this one I’m not surprised rumors have surfaced about them

  • @blustar101 that another one I’ve missed. At least we get to see a banjo in the Legendary tavern haha. If only we could play along with her

  • @surveyorpete Missed that one. I’ve waited around on sunken ships for people for a good while and the ship didn’t budge. That would be really cool tho. Like at one point you gotta hurry or you’ll be dragged down to the ocean with it!

  • @katttruewalker thank you!! I know I’ve forgotten a lot. Like loot being able to spawn in the crows nest of sunken ships. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve looked but never found anything. And I still keep looking! hahah

  • We used to tell new players to hold lanterns on chickens at night so they dont get cold. I would get message few days later with a lol message or them telling me I didnt need to do it haha.

  • @barnacle-blake haha you scurvey dog!! At my first job I was told to “empty the coffee machine.” Well it had a hose in the back so it was never ending.. tho it’s not really a prank when you boss tells you to do it

  • People used to say different outposts paid out better than others.

  • I honestly thought 9, 11 and 12 were true, are we definitely certain they're not? I've not had much success with the chest of sorrows music one, but the other two have always seemed true... there's definitely ways to stop the chest from filling your boat, or there used to be, not played for a while but the grate that let's you see the lower deck used to be the place to put it to avoid water flowing in when it cries

  • I can only think of things people told me I couldn't do (but did) like kill a Meg in melee

  • @reedski ya cloud eye color is mainly from time of day. Music never seemed to work either for me and I dont believe sunken ship depth changes over time at all. But ya never know ;)

  • @reedski Also you can do the emote at the same time you pick up the chest of sorrows to glitch it into yourself. But that’s more of a glitch that a myth. And will probably be patched over time.

  • @straw-hat-blake said in Sea of thieves Myths:

    @barnacle-blake haha you scurvey dog!! At my first job I was told to “empty the coffee machine.” Well it had a hose in the back so it was never ending.. tho it’s not really a prank when you boss tells you to do it

    When I was 18 and a kitchen mgr, I would have new cooks mop freezer. Most would toss mop down it would freeze to floor. We would open freezer with them tugging on mop and all have a laugh. This back fired on me,Which would be my last time doing this joke, the new employee I had set up was in freezer for a few min, we all go in ready to laugh and its like a horror movie style of fog in freezer.
    The new guy poured enough hot water on floor to unfreeze it lol guess joke was on me for which would be the last time I did that prank.

  • Another myth, I think i even witnessed, is that the big rock formation in the middle of the map gets struck by lightning supposedly every time a player joines the server/instance.

  • @Strawhatbl

    Oops, this is awkward but... I'm a lady pirate! Mind updating your pronouns for me? :)

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