[CLOSED] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC)

  • @pikaaroon Sea Dog Figurehead.
    All characters on the ship become a true cursed skeleton crew. Members become skeleton models. Doomed to forever sail throughout the sea of thieves leaving a dark black trail of death behind the ship as it sails in the water. Anyone slayed by the crew become new recruits. Obtaining the simplest of tasks including swabbing of the deck.

  • The Kraken Figurehead, when pirates sail with this fearsome creature aboard their ship, they are protected by its evil snares but beware those who seek to steal its fortunes for the kraken is more likely to entangle those who dare plunder those under its protection

  • Hello, I'm Doom.

    I am Athena 10 and I've bought a new figurehead for my ship: the Spectre Figurehead.
    All my ship is Spectre-skinned.
    With this figurehead, other pirates are hypnotized. It has the power to change their mind. It makes fear in their brain, so that when they see it in their glasses, they change their roadmap. Nobody (or near to nobody) can attack my teamates and I with this figurehead, which represents the death herself who is bringing lost souls to hell by the Styx on her boat. My boat. My ship.

  • Arg, finally with the Kraken figurehead, I can call summon the beast against me foes

  • @pikaaroon I don't know if that has been said but have the different figureheads for each fraction have the ability to increase the chance of getting their type of quest within the message in bottles.
    So as an example the lion figureheads increase the chance for 40% getting gold horder in bottles and the better lion figurehead (lvl 50 one) give you 80% with the chance of being better rewarded (captains or cursed chests only) since the lvl 50 one means you also have the better voyages and more experience ;)

  • The huntress figurehead, once owned by the most feared bounty hunters, is said to come to life as the ship approaches another and use its 2 mighty guns to mortally wound ANYONE within its reach.

  • Shark Hunter Figurehead.

    Jaws Theme Starts Playing
    Were all are these sharks comin from?

  • (Crab Figurehead) A chance on ram, a giant crab claw comes up and grabs the enemy ship, doesn't deal damage but holds onto the ship much like the Kraken tentacle does for a short period of time.

  • The plants are red
    The sky isn't blue
    With Forsaken Ashes figurehead equipped
    You will get a clue

    To sail this devil land
    Courage is what it takes
    For its glowing aspect
    You won't be alone
    In this death race

  • The wind was howling fiercely and relentless, turning the sea unruly and wild. 15 foot waves crashed down on deck, spray mixing in the air with the heavy rain. The sloop was rolling and pitching like never before, making the pigs below deck squeal in their cages and chickens fluttering their wings in panic.
    Lightning cracked across the sky, lighting up the pitch black night for the briefest moment, enabling the captain to take a quick look on his watch. Three more hours to make that delivery. The Merchant Alliance always delivers on time, he thought to himself.
    A tight schedule had forced him to go through that storm instead of going around it. Had he been on a different ship, he would have hesitated to make this decision. Sailing deliberately right into rough weather like this would have been a foolish undertaking, the monstrous waves and intense wind requiring at least two strong men at the helm, wrestling with the unbound forces of nature just to keep the ship on course, while the rest of the crew would be busy bailing water out the hull and repairing damage from the heavy swell, everyone fearing for their lives.
    But as a wise man once said, "Fear, that's the other guy's problem." With a smile, the captain turned his gaze to the outlines of his proud figurehead that plowed through the sea and spray on the bow of his ship. It resembled Poseidon, the ancient greek God of the seas. He knew that the figure's enchanted trident would help him keep his course with nothing but the slightest turn of his hand, guiding the sloop through the roaring storm and towering waves around him as if they were a calm morning breeze.
    Far ahead in the distance, he could see the slightest glimmer of lights, the first signs that he was getting closer to the outpost. Just a little while longer, and the sloop would be docked in the harbour safe from the storm, the cargo delivered, and the captain would enjoy a mug of rum by the warm fire in the tavern.
    Another flash of lightning. Two hours and fourtyfive minutes. Poseidon's trident would guide him there.

    So in other words, the admiral's figurehead would keep a ship steady in a storm and not let the steering wheel be tossed from left to right. :)

  • Legendary Unicorn Figurehead allows the ship to go fast even upwind towards the adventure!

  • @pikaaroon The kraken, it's drawn the mystical items and consumed some of the shattered figurehead the Forsaken Ashes in the waters. The figurehead of the Kraken is cared from the bones of a real Kraken imbued with the powers and other mystic items it has consumed.

    Or maybe the Huntress, has the powers of my wife, tells me every time I do something wrong, keeps the ship on course.

  • @leskar Absolutely Awesome.

  • hello take me item spinal)

  • Pirates don't use twitter, they used messages in bottles and the tides. Need the figure head played this game all summer, pirate legend and athena 10 on one character, started another and almost pirate legend and athena 6. Bought a sea of thieves beanie cap and have all the figure heads but this one. Know it is Thursday but please send me a code for all the times I was booted, lost loot, did not get credit for turn in, and other glitches. Thank you for the most addictive game i have played since COD 2 in 2007.

    It is when pirates count their booty that they become mere thieves. - William Bolitho

  • Kraken figurehead.
    Able to manuver thru the inkcloud of a kraken unimpeeded.
    But increases the chances of an encounter with the beast, as it thinks the figurehead looks like one of its young.

  • «Bear and Bird figurhead” has the power to rid the world of the uprising of the bears and big orange birds union.

    Oh, you never heard of the uprising of bears and orange birds or even seen them in game?

    Well. You’re welcome

  • The bilge rat firgure heads always seem to keep the ship a foot longer than it should with all those holes.

  • @pikaaroon
    The Anglerfish figurehead could emit more light when it's dark around!
    The Dragon figurehead could breath fire when you ram an enemy!
    The huntress could fire her weapons with skeleton accuracy at enemy pirates!
    The Banjo figurehead could make a circling bird overhead ;)
    The Kraken figurehead should definitely give immunity to encounters.
    The Hunter figurehead should have a speed boost / boost in HORSEPOWER!

    The figureheads can have effects that are fitting and balanced and won't ruin the game but at least give incentive to the ones we equip!

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Good Luck and have fun everyone!!

  • I thought it would be cool for Athena's People if they equip the Legendary or Ghost Figurehead there would be special islands that are surrounded by a magic storm (Or maybe a new type of skull fort) Where on approach they glow brighter to allow you and your crew to pass through the veil unharmed.

  • So the Ghost skeleton figurehead actually ties in with the new Festival of the Damned. The figurehead helps safely guide scuttled and ships which have been sunk by lighting the way through the waters of the afterlife for the Ferryman.

  • The hungering deep figurehead should have the power to attract sharks at all times around your ship including Meg.

    The feeling of danger for hanging one of their kind as a trophy on your ship and they will try to get revenge for your evil deeds.

  • @pikaaroon arr the skeleton crusher figurehead puts a chill in even the krakens bones!

  • The Royal sovereign figure head should have to power to navigate your ship towards washed up treasures on islands, shipwrecks, and loot dropped by other sunken ships.

  • The Huntress figurehead would be able to shoot what's in front of the ship with deadly accuracy. No maneuver needed to get that canon angle.

  • The sovereign figure head makes you and you're crew immensely more powerful in the sun, but! Immensely weaker at night. works as a double edged sword

  • Sea Dog figure, to make my enemies magically surrender their booty!

  • Well obviously the kraken figurehead allows you to spray ink at your enemies and blind them PERMANENTLY. Or you could just give their ship a nice new paint job.

  • @pikaaroon
    A long time ago a crew embarked on a journey into the unknown, each of them hoping for infinite wealth from this journey, but they soon learned that the Sea of ​​Thieves is much more than wealth.

    The weeks passed and they plundered one ship after another, everyone was happier than ever. One night, the scout saw a bright golden light in the distance, though they were actually heading for a port, turning off course and heading for the light. The light was getting brighter and bigger and there were more and more smaller lights around the big one. Some crewmembers jumped into the water to see what the lights were doing, they were completely greedily preyed, more and more jumping into the water ... But then all the lights went out and almost everyone in the water was pulled down could save themselves to the ship. But as if that had not been enough, a giant fish sprang out of the water that had previously caused the great light. He repeatedly attacked the ship, leaving a lot of damage and demanding some lives. After a long fight, however, the crew could defeat the monster. To enter history and to spread fear, they took the creature's body as a figurehead. But you quickly on, that was now a magnet for other ships, this is an advantage, because from a distance you could see again a bright golden light, which could not be read about which ship it is trading and if it is friendly. Only at close range read this and it was already too late for attackers to flee.

    And so still today the bilge rats use the figure of the frogfish as an ugly camouflage.

  • The hungering one figurehead gives you the power to control the megaladon and send it after any pirate who dares even think about plunderin you!

  • The Lion Figurehead would give a bonus to Gold Hoarders payouts (i.e. bonus % when turning in chests)!

  • The Huntress has the power of "S******s only"

  • Figure de proue du kraken.

    Figure de proue unique et maudite, peu de pirates ont pu s'en sortir saint et sauf grâce à cette figure, elle est la malédiction incarné, le capitaine Flameheart lui même en a fait l'expérience. Capable d'appeler le kraken au fin fond des mers les plus agitées, coulant des centaines de milliers de navires. Gare à vous, si vous possédez cette figure il est possible que vous ne vous en sortiez pas vivant.

  • @sahlen13 sla ppe r only
    Can't believe the message board blocked this classic Rare multiplayer setting from GoldenEye 007 which Perfect Dark is the spiritual sequel to.

  • The sovereign figure head would put you ship on auto pilot and go to the most gold in the immediate area.

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