If you had to recommend someone play 5 games to really get a feel for you/your tastes, what five would you pick?

  • Inspired by something on twitter, it sounds a great way to discover more about the diverse Sea of Thieves Community!

    Not my top 5 favourite games but those I think represent my overall tastes, except I didn't have space to add anything creative grrr, I love games which include building or level creation possibilities like the Dimensions in Rift, Beseige or Creativerse - oh and Sea of Thieves... ;)

    Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
    Fallout:New Vegas

    Let's read about yours!

  • 117
  • @katttruewalker
    Fallout New Vegas
    Elder scroll Oblivion
    The Witcher 3
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Elite Dangerous

    If I could it would be every game in those respected series lol Exept MGS Survive....Just no.. xD

    Sea of Thieves as an addendum. Five is just to few! But love this idea I’m going to be keeping watch to see if there’s any games I should be hopping into!

  • Again like you not exactly my top 5, but certainly the ones that reflect me:

    Sid Meier's : Pirates
    the original Star Wars Battlefront
    X-wing Alliance
    RB6 Siege
    & of course SoT

    Basically I like pirating, planning & flying lol

  • @knifelife I had to choose between Oblivion and Skyrim grrr and plumped for dragons although I did love Shivering Isles :D

  • Gothic 1,2,3
    Brothers a tale of two Sons
    The Guild 2
    Star Wars the Old Republic
    Lord of the Rings - War in the North

  • @katttruewalker But what about that Horse Armor? Surely that counts for something! Aha

    I loved Skyrim aswell it was tough decision between both, but I felt like Oblivion’s RPG elements where more in depth especially when making your character.

    @J4dio It hurts I couldn’t put Star Wars battlefront in my list!

    @eredhar And War in the North! Oh god that game was amazing can’t believe they never bought out a sequel! It was great being able to see characters from the books like the sons of Elrond.

  • @knifelife And the statue of your character you could create? Also the Arena quest haha, it was an excellent rpg, but maybe I'm just a Bethesda pirate at heart, love good stories in a game. :D

  • @katttruewalker 5?! Are you mad?! There are too many games, but I'll give it a try!

    X-wing vs Tie Fighter
    Full Throttle
    The Division
    Command & Conquer
    Battlefield (3 or 4)

    I'm not happy with just 5 though Katt, not happy at all!

  • @luciansanchez82

    Well yes... I know.. but.... but... forgive me?

    Really interested in seeing the range of games people choose :D

  • @katttruewalker Let’s not forget your biggest fan from the arena! Oh god that guy as a follower. I might of accidentally on purpose threw him of the odd cliff now and again but reloaded the save because I felt bad aha!

    I think the thing for me about games is I love open world RPGs where you can be the “Hero” or Villain and actually be able to make a difference in the world due to your actions. One of the things I struggled with when growing up and seemed to focus on was all the negative horrible things happening in the world and I always wished I could just go stop them all and could never understand why people couldn’t just get on. So for me when these things got me really down it was always a really nice escape to be able to jump into a world where when I did do things it mattered and made a difference. I love games for that reason they really are gateways into other worlds!

  • @knifelife Has to be the very original one with battlefront, I used to play a lot of league SW games, always in the air for me. Kinda wish I'd put down Battle for Middle Earth Rise of the Witch King as well, man I pummeled some hours into that.

  • @katttruewalker I say some trilogies, because I don't want to decide what's the best:

    1. Prince of Persia - Sands of Time - Trilogie
    2. Mass Effect Trilogie
    3. Bioshock
    4. The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past
    5. Braid
  • @katttruewalker Honestly I could interchange all of my choices with so many others. But I think I've grasped the core of what I've been in to over the years. Give me time, I will find the strength to forgive...

  • @j4dio I actually have a confession about BFME 2 and Rise of the Witch king lol it’s extremly hard to get copies of that game and it was also one of my favourites but I never had a PC when I was younger.

    But I spent like £60 pound on the games last year just so I could play them again even with there servers offline lol!

    @LucianSanchez82 I think the list needs to be top 50 maybe? It will be a struggle but I think I could narrow it down if I tried really hard :P

  • @knifelife muwhaha, I've still got my copies of all my pc games, this nostalgia is making me want to go dig out my joystick and re-install X-wing Alliance, but alas the seas call me too much!

  • @katttruewalker Hmmm, that's a tricksy one and I know I'm cheating a little bit here, but I'm going to go for...

    Mechwarrior 2 & 3 - I love the in-depth simulator style, but they got pants and arcadey after MS took over.

    XCOM Series - Love the turn based strategy and difficulty level.

    Deus Ex Series - My fave single player FPS series. Love the setting and moral questions the story raises.

    Super Mario Cart - Just one of the best couch coop games going.

    Battlefield 3 or Overwatch - I can't quite decide between the two as they're both great FPSs I spent a lot of time playing. They both require good communication and teamwork, which is really what I love in any multiplayer game.

    Plus a special mention to World of Warcraft as I've probably spent more time playing that game than any other, even though I stopped around 2002!

  • @j4dio Did you ever play the Medival total war 2 mod: Third Age Total War Divide and Conquer?

    That is probably the best mod I have ever seen and I have put way to many hours into it. They are still working on it to this day aswell it’s a masterpiece and should be played by any BFME fan :)

  • @knifelife @J4dio Well I wanted to desperately put Potco on the list as it's a pirate mmorpg, but Runescape is a better representation of what I enjoy about mmorpg games - the sheer variety of things to do and people to meet, @LucianSanchez82 is right 5 is too few lol

  • the secret of monkey island

    cities skylines




  • @knifelife No I've never heard of it, I used to play Medieval Total war quite a bit too

  • Man.... I couldn't even pick only 5... this is too tough!

    And you guys are making me want to play some games I haven't played in a looooong time!

  • @katttruewalker Yep 5 was a short sighting, but like @LucianSanchez82 time will ease our wounds !

  • @knifelife I reckon I could fill out 50 pretty quickly, but that would be much more reasonable. Spotted at least one in everyone's reply that I could have said!

  • So we have a varied, but it seems not so varied gaming types, as I too could've called out many that I see on others list.

  • @weedstar-deluxe

    @weedstar-deluxe said in If you had to recommend someone play 5 games to really get a feel for you/your tastes, what five would you pick?:

    the secret of monkey island

    See.. I bought that a long while ago but haven't got round to playing it yet!

  • @j4dio If you get a chance look it up, it’s worth it.

    @LucianSanchez82 Same and the worst thing is I deliberately only used console games to make it easier on myself!

  • @katttruewalker :O Love Monkey Island!!!

    They are absolute classics and haven't aged one bit! Still a very funny series of games.

  • @katttruewalker i have no time for any other games since i play sot;)

  • Chrono Trigger
    Zelda A Link to the Past
    Super Mario 64
    Wave Race 64
    Halo 1

    They all have one thing in common, perfect balance between simplicity and complexity. Also if you compare them to some later entries in their series you can see that just adding more stuff into the game won't necessarily make for a better game.
    It's all about that perfect core gameplay loop.

    • Sea Of Thieves
    • TES V: Skyrim
    • Fallout 5
    • For Honor
    • (my 90's childhood addiction) Oddwordl: Abe's Exoddus

    I'd insert others such as Monkey Island, FarCry Series, the greatest Worms Armageddon and a lot more

    EDIT: oh, oh, ooooooh! and of course Age Of Empires
    EDIT2: aaaaand Sims

    AAAAHHH WHY YOU DID THIS TO ME @KattTruewalker ?! now i cannot stop thinking about my old games.

  • @nunoazuldimeter I was intrigued by that last one and googled it, looks and sounds fun!

  • @nunoazuldimeter Ha Abe's Exodus, I never really got into that, but my better half, spent hours on that, I never really understood why, but she loved it !

    EDIT: I think it was the sound effects she found hilarious ???

  • @katttruewalker it's amazing! they made a remake "recently" for all platforms of this old treasure called OddWorld: New 'n' Tasty .

    It's so funny and challenging. It's a Sidescroll platform game.
    We are an extraterrestrial specie enslaved by other superior specie, they secretly using our folks to make their fast food. our character discovered that and we need to rescue all the friends we can.

    we have a lot of interactions to perform through communication (even whistling and butt sounds ehe) then we have an ancient power through a vocal melodie we can swap consciences with other beings and use their bodies. then we can communicate with their species.

    It has quite some lore around and the art look amazing, the cinematic is awesome as well. an it's quite funny.

  • Not my top five most beloved games, but the most representative of my tastes:

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
    Half-Life 2
    Streets of Rage 2
    Conker's Bad Fur Day

    This was way tougher than I thought it would be.

  • @foxdodge Aye, it's why I thought it might be a good challenge :D

23 out of 117