Is the Pirate Code a joke?

  • I've seen more people which are aggressive at outposts, even tough I tought the outposts are like safe-zones, no aggressive fights, or fights at all. Am I wrong and understod the code wrong or are the people just idiots? Im really annoyed by the thing that Galleons attack sloops in outposts. you cant really do anything in that situtation.

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  • @cpt-anarchist The outposts are definitely not advertised as combat-free zones. You always have to be watching your back! As for the Pirate Code, which part of it are you referring? I don't think anywhere in the Pirate Code does it say to not attack other pirates. I believe the Pirate Code goes about how players do that. It is a pirate game, it's okay to use your cannons. Just don't grief, yell offensive words and be a jerk about it.

  • You are understanding the code wrong. The code essentially means not to take the fight out of the game, not that outposts are "safe".

  • @ionei-falcon

    Meh, alright. Got it. Thanks for the info.
    But I was referring to the '' Settle the fights in the waves ''

  • @cpt-anarchist like @Strinder mentions, this refers to keep the fighting in-game rather than let it spill over to the forums, messages etc

  • @ionei-falcon said in Is the Pirate Code a joke?:

    @cpt-anarchist Just don't grief, yell offensive words and be a jerk about it.

    And what exactly would you consider griefing? Some people believe that only members of your crew can grief you while other crews can't. What about you?

  • @megagamer96 Griefing is intentionally inhibiting someone from playing the game for absolutely no gain. By that logic the only person you can get griefed by is a member of your own crew. I could write numerous paragraphs explaining my point of view but so that we keep to the OP I'll just say a few things:

    1. If you're getting spawn-killed, than scuttle
    2. If you're getting witch hunted by another ship, than switch servers
    3. If someone is saying something that you don't like, than mute them.

    It seems that people would much rather complain on the forums about how they kept getting "Griefed" by another crew for hours rather than actually do something about it. I understand if people complain about someone on their crew constantly dropping the anchor or throwing their chests overboard, but when I hear that someone got spawn-killed for half an hour all I can think of is how uneducated they are.

  • @spunkus-skunkus

    Griefing is intentionally inhibiting someone from playing the game for absolutely no gain.


    By that logic the only person you can get griefed by is a member of your own crew.


    For example, camping a ship with no supplies, and no loot and that you have intention of sinking, just to spawn kill its crew over and over is "inhibiting someone from playing the game for absolutely no gain"... and therefore is griefing. The fact that the scuttle option is available does not change that.

    It just occurred to that what scuttle should do is create an explosion the size of ten powder kegs on your ship to fill it with holes and kill anyone on board, and maybe damage other ships nearby.

  • @surveyorpete I'm not starting an argument over a thread which isn't even related towards griefing. You have your opinion and I have mine, let's just keep it at that. Peace out!

  • for me that code means be fair, for me its absolutely no fun ruinin other players voyages stealin the loot from them they grinded for i decided just to defend myself ,dont get me wrong ,pvp is fun sot

  • Ten comments in and not one mention of them being more of guidelines! GG forums that’s got to be a new record xD

  • As a tip, I would go to an outpost with loot to turn in with the expectation that outposts are the opposite of safe zones. If you play the game expecting that other players are out to rob you (because they are) you'll be much better off for it. Can't be too cautious in the SoT!

  • @cpt-anarchist - Personally I treat outposts as safe areas and don't attack unless attacked first. I've had some great times with random crews by following this rule but I never let my guard down as you can never truly trust a pirate.

    I find it best to go in expecting hostility and be surprised by a friendly crew, than to go in expecting a friendly crew and be surprised by hostility.

  • @cpt-anarchist said in Is the Pirate Code a joke?:

    I've seen more people which are aggressive at outposts, even tough I tought the outposts are like safe-zones, no aggressive fights, or fights at all. Am I wrong and understod the code wrong or are the people just idiots? Im really annoyed by the thing that Galleons attack sloops in outposts. you cant really do anything in that situtation.

    How does the other crew know you won't steal from them at the outpost? You get killed/sunk so someone else has a "safe zone" to do their business.

  • They're more like guidelines you see!!!

    But no. The outposts were never safe. We're all Pirates and want that loot.

  • @weedstar-deluxe I take a passive aggressive approach personally, ill be friendly and form alliances with anyone. However if a ship attacks me its on lol i will ruthlessly hunt them down until i feel i am satisfied and vengeance has been served. xD

    @mKitDizzle Nooooo you broke the chain! xD Oh well looks like the new record to beat is 15 comments xD

  • @cpt-anarchist I was also a little disheartened at first when I also discovered this, I guess the pirate code is more of just guidelines anyways hehe! (Sorry had to get a movie quote in there :P)

  • @knifelife Queue Barbossa gifs.

  • @cpt-anarchist the sea of thieves pirate code doesn't cover the outpost and never has

  • @cpt-anarchist after two year this game is fun but they have the absolute most toxic community I have ever seen in a game in 28 years of being on this earth mainly taking a stroll in the sea of trolls is like licking a thumb tack worst everything besides the arena pepe fight there fight good

  • There are no safe zones.

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