Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4

  • @agreedterror311 There are a lot of Disney games out there that don’t deal with the pirate theme, and all that comes with playing such a game. If you are looking for something that deals with the sea, may I recommend The Little Mermaid game.

  • Who's brilliant idea was it to take equipment off the radial menu. Sigh....

  • @geno-on-a-boat Couldn't have said it bettter myself. Almost every long term goal has been wiped out. Unique titles aren't much but they are SOMETHING for the most dedicated players to strive towards, a small reward for sticking around and populating servers long after Pirate Legend and Athena 10.

    Salty indeed.

  • Sadly many long time players in my friends list have either already left before this update or have started leaving since this update. I was looking forward to the voyage grind after Athena 10 but now it's been

  • @shutupyouface nearly completed for me

  • @lady-aijou a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4 :

    @LibertadFr Please refrain from any type of discussion of internal test sessions, as it is a breach of the NDA you signed when joining the Pioneers. Your post has been removed accordingly.

    I apologize, I did not want to talk about things that are against the rules.
    I hope I didn't do something wrong
    All my apologies.

  • If I wanted ammo and food with buffs on them, I would go play Skyrim. No one was asking for this.

    The content and storylines have been good. The world itself feels more conplete, with more secrets and lore, than it did at release. The PvP thus far has added to the completeness of a beautiful and dangerous pirate world. Thats the direction it should be going. If I wanted an item-laden, needlessly complicated PvP, I'd download an MMO.

    I've been on board the whole way. Every past update was a net positive, even if there were parts I didn't personally care for. This is yanking the rug out from under the player base (who already like the game!) by changing it to a different type of game.

    The whole "we're listening to our community" lie got by until now, but it's clear that was just a cute marketing trick. Oh well. Won't be fooled by that one again.

  • @owl-hisson sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    If I wanted ammo and food with buffs on them, I would go play Skyrim. No one was asking for this.

    The content and storylines have been good. The world itself feels more conplete, with more secrets and lore, than it did at release. The PvP thus far has added to the completeness of a beautiful and dangerous pirate world. Thats the direction it should be going. If I wanted an item-laden, needlessly complicated PvP, I'd download an MMO.

    I've been on board the whole way. Every past update was a net positive, even if there were parts I didn't personally care for. This is yanking the rug out from under the player base (who already like the game!) by changing it to a different type of game.

    The whole "we're listening to our community" lie got by until now, but it's clear that was just a cute marketing trick. Oh well. Won't be fooled by that one again.

    Agreed. What happened to keeping it simple? Why design a game for that and then change everything in the most annoying way possible? The game doesn't need different food types. Are you going Minecraft now? If you want to make a short change and include food of different value, just make it so you can peel a banana for more health points. No changes to inventory needed. If you want to include cursed cannonballs just give each ship another barrel only for those. Remove the brig on the sloop if you need the space, it doesn't serve any purpose anyway.

  • If you wanted to ruin the game, you're doing well.
    Thanks to problems in the game, this horrible barrel you edited.
    I'm with the missions, all done I'm legendary / athena 10 and I'm going to do what now since you have facilitated this whole s**t?
    They made changes because a bunch of PVE players were crying.
    The game will only die, more than it is already dead.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    Who's brilliant idea was it to take equipment off the radial menu. Sigh....

    apparently this was a bug I encountered. its working fine now.

  • @morova said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    August 30th Patch - Changes to barrel inventory management.

    Guys, I've been playing since 3 days after launch, and have hundreds of hours into the game. This is the first time I've had a significant reason to provide feedback on a development change. This new inventory system is going to cause some ruffled feathers. There are at least 4 issues stemming from this update to barrels.

    1. You cannot see at a glance what your supply count aboard your vessel is without accessing the barrels.
    2. You cannot see if a barrel is empty when approaching it, meaning that it will slow down harvesting materials, and crucial moments when in a fight and trying to eat that banana before you die. This also has an unintentional effect of causing frustration when a player may encounter several barrels in a row that are empty. This will also effect crew coordination when collecting supplies as a team.
    3. It is much more laborious to interact with. Yes muscle memory will adapt, but seasoned players will see this as a step backwards. A simple task such as stocking or retrieving supplies should not feel complicated.
    4. This further widens the gap in response and difficulty between xbox and PC players, as xbox players have a limitation on the amount of hotkeys available to use.

    Solutions - Make supply count on vessels visible on the respective barrels aboard ship. Clearly mark resource barrels as (empty) if they are empty (although this is only a partial solution as clicking on a barrel that has resources you do not need still creates agitation). The other two issues, you guys are going to need to do some thinking on.

    I agree.

    It as really nice to be able to just spam the F key and not have to open a menu, move the cursor over and then manage stock.
    Maybe they can add a menu or just add a single key to restock your own supply so you can run up, see numbers or what's in, and quickly load up on cannon balls.
    Or... add a small pile of cannon balls to the deck we can use the old system with, but in a limited capacity... say 15 cannonballs.

    Still... this patch is adding dynamics to the game, and I like it so far.

    At least when people fly the Reaper's Mark, you know they are looking for sweet, sweet release by your sword.
    That's how I view them hahaha

  • Just read Mike's post about the inventory and I'm stoked.
    Looks like most of my concerns are already being addressed in the pipeline.

    I guess it's lesson learned for the Devs, so they remember to let people know how changes will be tweaked before they are put in -especially big inventory management and QoL changes.

    Now.... FISHING!!!

    And... HARPOONS!!!!!

    And... grappling hooks!!!!

    That'd be awesome... shoot a grapple over when you're less than 50M away and tie the ships up until someone cuts the chains...
    Otherwise... you'd better know how to fight!!!

  • @vasduten i fully agree with you and i hope a lot of people start to feel the same and enjoy the updates once they get used to them and the bugs are fixed :)

  • @vasduten said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    Just read Mike's post about the inventory and I'm stoked.
    Looks like most of my concerns are already being addressed in the pipeline.

    I guess it's lesson learned for the Devs, so they remember to let people know how changes will be tweaked before they are put in -especially big inventory management and QoL changes.

    Now.... FISHING!!!

    And... HARPOONS!!!!!

    And... grappling hooks!!!!

    That'd be awesome... shoot a grapple over when you're less than 50M away and tie the ships up until someone cuts the chains...
    Otherwise... you'd better know how to fight!!!

    People aren't disappointed about the inventory system per se, They are disappointed because it didn't receive proper testing and was pushed out buggy and unpolished to meet a self imposed deadline. I'll probably be fine with the inventory system once it's polished as will everyone else. But right now it's a bug riddle mess of a system.

  • Hmm, I really don't know where to start.

    But I'll try:

    Commendation Changes (Balancing?)
    I haven't played the game since the last update but I was miffed to find that commendations had been balanced. Seriously? All the work I did to get to 40 some fortresses and then some in fortress skills just wiped away like that. And I read in the notes that all you have to do is repeat the commendation to get the award. I am mostly a soloist in the game and while not a strong player managed to do a small portion of raids on my own. Now, I am only pointing out one such accommodation, but with the sweeping changes to the commendations it saddens me to see all that grinding away to find the commendations neutered without regard to the time put in by the player to get that far.

    The Inventory System:

    What ever possessed anybody to think this is better? As someone aptly mentioned, now it is harder to determine one's inventory of ship resources to better manage the logistics and supply chain. Cannonball, plank, and banana should get their inventory counts exposed as opposed to hiding them. Please return to the old system when it comes to resources, not only on ships but other areas where resources are gathered. With all the sweeping changes from previous updates it is going to make it more difficult to save one's self if they cannot find a barrel with bananas without getting killed. And stowing away resources has become more cumbersome; Open the barrel, stow or take a resource from the barrel and hope you don't get killed because of the extra steps to complete a simple thing. Please put back the means of putting a particular resource in to a barrel by holding up the item while standing in front of the barrel. Also, anything less then a fully crewed vessel and players will get lost in trying to keep resource tallies in mind.

    OMG, I don't know if I should laugh (And I did for a bit) or cry over this one. Have you seen anybody with the spy glass manhood? Quite a sight, but then it wears thin when someone keeps shoving their spyglass in your face.

    Misc. Issues:
    Came across a Villainous Skull on an island; Couldn't pick it up (No X to pickup indication)

    Well that's all for now. Ugh!!!!

  • Apologies for breaking up the salt fest but does anyone know when the current event offically ends?

    Normally they run a week, I assume since this update was delayed, it'll end Thursday?

    Knocking out 30 voyages with the Reaper flag in a week is a tall order. Most lvl50 missions are an hour or longer. That's roughly 4hrs of playtime all 7 days to knock that out.

  • @x1-two said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    @owl-hisson sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    If I wanted ammo and food with buffs on them, I would go play Skyrim. No one was asking for this.

    The content and storylines have been good. The world itself feels more conplete, with more secrets and lore, than it did at release. The PvP thus far has added to the completeness of a beautiful and dangerous pirate world. Thats the direction it should be going. If I wanted an item-laden, needlessly complicated PvP, I'd download an MMO.

    I've been on board the whole way. Every past update was a net positive, even if there were parts I didn't personally care for. This is yanking the rug out from under the player base (who already like the game!) by changing it to a different type of game.

    The whole "we're listening to our community" lie got by until now, but it's clear that was just a cute marketing trick. Oh well. Won't be fooled by that one again.

    Agreed. What happened to keeping it simple? Why design a game for that and then change everything in the most annoying way possible? The game doesn't need different food types. Are you going Minecraft now? If you want to make a short change and include food of different value, just make it so you can peel a banana for more health points. No changes to inventory needed. If you want to include cursed cannonballs just give each ship another barrel only for those. Remove the brig on the sloop if you need the space, it doesn't serve any purpose anyway.

    I think that since Rare is associated with Microsoft to come extent they have taken a page from their playbook. Made some changes for the better but include changes that serve no purpose but seemingly annoy the user base in some way or another. It saddens me to see some of the changes take a huge step in the wrong direction. Anything from the Inventory to Commendations. Ugh!

  • @khaleesibot has the Athena been fixed? I spent 2 hours doing one last night only for it to disappear after chapter one. It never gave us the location of the athena.

  • Everything wrong/bugged that I've encountered with this update:

    Barrels 2.0: As much as the community dislikes this particular update, it does have pros and cons. However with @MikeTheMutinous ignoring what the Pioneer feedback told him and what the majority of the community want, I doubt it will get resolved soon. There needs to be a balance between the Barrels 1.0 and Barrels 2.0. You shouldn't need a menu to quickly grab the basic supplies of Bananas, Cannonballs, and Planks. I'm fine with the menu for the Cursed Cannonballs and eventually additional food and potion items.
    Many concerns with this update such as no current Empty tag have been addressed and hopefully will be fixed soon, but once again, I doubt it.

    Commendations: I'm going to to go against the grain, and agree with this change. It makes these achievements seem much more attainable especially for newer players ( the reason for this change). However, the legacy players that went above and beyond what is now required should get something to recognize that. Not too big an issue IMO, but nerfing the accomplishments of those who put so much effort into these achievements is blatantly wrong. And we should of been given a better heads up. I thought I was having a huge amount of glitches til a crew member told me whats up.

    Skeleton Ships:
    It's great that these were added in as an alternative to Strongholds and Voyages, but they should not of nerfed the amount of loot dropped by them, especially the Fleet Captain's Ship, considering they are more difficult than a Stronghold; a 2 man sloop can clear a Stronghold in 10-15 minutes and get 13k to 16k worth of loot. Where the ships can still take up to an 30 mins to a hour to defeat to get 10kish of loot, even with using Gunpowder Barrels to speed along the process. You're still dealing with Cursed Cannonballs, bailing and repairing your ship, and fighting the Skeleton Ships, where with Strongholds all you have to do is get past the towers, park where they can't hit you and start taking down waves. I'm not even adding in other crews assisting or competing against yours.
    The Risk and Reward of the Skeleton Ships is not balanced.

    Cursed Cannonballs: This update sidetracks the momentum Rare was getting on moving the SoT experience away from being toxic and PvP focused, with PvE and questing elements to break up the monotony. Remember the "Sink Everyone Else Who Gets Close" mantra of the release period? All the progress Rare has gotten towards that balance of PvP and PvE has gotten a brake check. I understand that the spawn rate will be nerfed once the Cursed Sails event ends, but this update goes against "every player has an equal chance to succeed".
    I'm all about getting the upper hand against another player/crew, but I prefer it be through me and my crews skill and cooperation rather than RNGeezus bestowing upon us an OP item.

    Bugs encountered:

    Can't pick up random Skulls from beach or shoreline.

    Can't Feed the Pigs; the interface is still there and performing the action still removes a Banana from my inventory, but it doesn't get the lil squealer to perform the animation of eating and getting off its butt. Preferring them doesn't seem to help. I blame the new menu system. Occurred on solo sloop.

    Jumping off the ship high enough to reach the bottom of the water causes a lapse of movement so you are stuck for 1-2 secs.

    Transitions between Swimming or Sword Lunge Skimming and getting on Shore has this same lapse or skipping effect.

    I am highly disenfranchised with this update. I even rage quit for awhile after losing 3 pigs to that no feed glitch.

    Fix it, Rare! Shame on you for pushing out such an unwanted update with so many issues, especially after being given an extra week to get things right.
    If you're going to make such a huge change to a players experience, you should at least listen to the huge amount of feedback you get from the Pioneers and make the effort to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  • I hit Pirate Legend and Athenas Level 10 before Hungering Deep and I am VERY DISAPPOINTED with this patch.
    Cursed Cannonballs makes the PVP less skill based, The Barrel Inventory system is an unrequested chore. Making the commendations we worked towards easy to get is disrespectful.
    please just make each barrel have it's own resource and make cursed cannonballs extremely uncommon to find in the world and return the commendations to their original goal amount.
    I have lost my desire to play my favorite game.
    just swallow your pride and listen to your veteran players before they walk away.

  • @poopdeckmcgee
    Stop crying.....
    After fixing the Bugs, this Update will be great.
    I dont want to spend a Lifetime to get all commendations! It is great, that commendations become much easier. Thank you Rare, great Job!! This Game is also played by people, who cannot spend their hole Life in front of a Console or PC. And to all Legends and Athena Players....this is not your Game, so if you wanna leave, so please DO IT!!!!
    Again, thank you so much Rare!!!!
    The Game gets better and better!

    Be open minded for something new!

  • This is a really nice patch upgrade !
    It brings a lot of cool things for ships battle and player encounter (with this new flag, it will be soo easier to find people to interact with !).
    Even if a lot of people are blaming the new barrel system (I haven't tested yet), I think it will be the first step of a plenty new ressources added in the game.

    Can't wait for a second content update plan video !

  • @neolink said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    Knocking out 30 voyages with the Reaper flag in a week is a tall order. Most lvl50 missions are an hour or longer. That's roughly 4hrs of playtime all 7 days to knock that out.

    Merchant voyages can be done in several minutes. Chicken runs in the Ancient Isles are the quickest way to do this commendation.

  • I’m disgusted!!! - played the game from the start almost daily and found the commendations to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. Finding the rarer chests was a thrill knowing you had one more to go to a commendation, even the lowly castaway which became rarer at higher tiers was valued by me... because of the commendation! You have now cheapened the game for me, unraveling a lot of my hard work and time and that of others...

    It makes me strongly consider not playing anymore and by the sounds I’m not the only one!

    RARE!! - you have basically p****d all over your loyal player bases hard work and time, the players that stayed on the servers when populations dropped because the unloyal couldn’t care players (you want to reward for putting no time!in your game) quit or played a lot less. It’s bogles me Rare why you have done this... it’s madness!!

  • @bloodangels1979 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    I’m disgusted!!! - played the game from the start almost daily and found the commendations to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. Finding the rarer chests was a thrill knowing you had one more to go to a commendation, even the lowly castaway which became rarer at higher tiers was valued by me... because of the commendation! You have now cheapened the game for me, unraveling a lot of my hard work and time and that of others...

    It makes me strongly consider not playing anymore and by the sounds I’m not the only one!

    RARE!! - you have basically p****d all over your loyal player bases hard work and time, the players that stayed on the servers when populations dropped because the unloyal couldn’t care players (you want to reward for putting no time!in your game) quit or played a lot less. It’s bogles me Rare why you have done this... it’s madness!!

    1st world problems. If this is important to you, it's time to reevaluate your life.

  • @mattydove74 I agree it is indeed a first world problem and In comparison to things that do and can happen in the real world not a comparable issue in the slightest.

  • @mattydove74 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    @bloodangels1979 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    I’m disgusted!!! - played the game from the start almost daily and found the commendations to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. Finding the rarer chests was a thrill knowing you had one more to go to a commendation, even the lowly castaway which became rarer at higher tiers was valued by me... because of the commendation! You have now cheapened the game for me, unraveling a lot of my hard work and time and that of others...

    It makes me strongly consider not playing anymore and by the sounds I’m not the only one!

    RARE!! - you have basically p****d all over your loyal player bases hard work and time, the players that stayed on the servers when populations dropped because the unloyal couldn’t care players (you want to reward for putting no time!in your game) quit or played a lot less. It’s bogles me Rare why you have done this... it’s madness!!

    1st world problems. If this is important to you, it's time to reevaluate your life.

    I thought this forum was for airing thoughts on Sea of Thieves and it's content patches. Bloodangels1979 was doing just that.
    Supercilious comments like yours don't help.

  • @edzedd The game is perfect and so is Rare, this is known.

  • @edzedd being forced in to running the Reapers Mark while doing voyages is my biggest complaint with the Cursed Crews event.. I know I’m technically not forced to do anything but if I want all the commendations then I have to do that part and it has pretty much made this my least favorite event by far.

  • The barrels 2.0 are step backwards, all good, but this is absolutely wrong, it complicates restocking supplies and whole gameplay.

  • Time to get back to this amazing game😁😁

  • @brio-brumm i got Krakened 5 seconds after a skeleton ship battle and we still had to repair like 5 holes from the skeleton ship battle, we all got sucked out, it sunk and we never found the loot. great game 10/10

  • @white-rabbit380 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    @edzedd being forced in to running the Reapers Mark while doing voyages is my biggest complaint with the Cursed Crews event.. I know I’m technically not forced to do anything but if I want all the commendations then I have to do that part and it has pretty much made this my least favorite event by far.

    Is it because of the threat of PvP?

    So far it does not look like the Reaper's Mark has done anything to increase PvP and ship battles if that was part of its purpose. Player ship battles are still very few and very far between. There is an occasional attempt to attack your ship, but that has been rare. What you do is see ships just hitting each other once while marked to pop the reward.

  • The flags equipped on the ship disappear when the ship sinks. They remain selected in the menus, but are not seen in the game. A similar thing happens to the character's honors. Once equipped, they disappear or when you die, or when you return to the ship via the newt or when you start a new game. These are also selected in the chests, but can not be read on the screen.

  • @kdetna said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.4:

    The flags equipped on the ship disappear when the ship sinks. They remain selected in the menus, but are not seen in the game. A similar thing happens to the character's honors. Once equipped, they disappear or when you die, or when you return to the ship via the newt or when you start a new game. These are also selected in the chests, but can not be read on the screen.

    There is also a bug where u put say the Black flag.. but to some people they see a different flag. Ie the other day I put up the jolly Roger but my crew mates asked why is the white flag up. I looked up I saw the jolly Roger but on his screen he saw the white flag... Bugs..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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