New Players

  • I was going to do the introduction. I bought this game on xbox 3 months ago. A group of us as you call newbies have struggled leveling up do to the fact the the legend ships just like to destroy all ships. I have enjoyed the game, but after this morning trying to work on metchants just to get sunk 4 time un less than an hour. It may be time to move unto other games. It seems there is no code or honor in the Sea. Enough said.

  • 27
  • @captiancasanova If you go into battlefield three months after release, you're going to get ganked; if you go into Call of Duty three months after release, you're going to get ganked - so if you go into Sea of Thieves three months after release, you're also going to get ganked.

    Look, I know I might sound degrading, but my point is that the less you play a game, the less skilled you're going to be at that game; the amount of effort you put into the game is equal to the amount of reward you get out of it. I've played since the technical alpha days and also during the pioneer program sessions so as you can imagine, I have a leg up on even the people who've been playing since launch (btw that's not me [Mod edit - Language pushing it a bit for these forums, let's go with "tooting my own horn"], I'm just putting it into perspective).

    But yeah, getting sunk by players who're better than you does suck as it can often be hard to watch all of your hard earned loot go to someone who (in your eyes) didn't earn it. However I'd like to remind you that it's all in the name of the game, the title Sea of Thieves says it all; if you don't want to get hammered as soon as you spawn in then just make an effort to hide your ship (if you're on a sloop) or have someone in the crow's nest whilst your crew is on the island (if you're on a galleon); additionally you could just look at the plethora of videos online regarding how to get better at Sea of Thieves.

    And remember, the only one who's stopping you from getting better is YOU (or your schedule).

  • Join a galleon crew, you’ll be safer in no time.

  • Try LFG or Discord. Even just recruiting one experienced player into your crew will teach you so much and help you on your journey.

  • There is no doubt that getting attacked, robbed, sunk and killed by experienced players when you’re new and trying to learn the game can be excessively frustrating and discouraging. I was also a relative latecomer to the game so I definitely feel your pain. The time and effort it takes to develop the PvP skills to defend yourself and/or evade attackers is not insubstantial. You have to really want to play this game to go through the aggravation. But if you stick with it, things do get better (eventually). Gradually you’ll find yourself getting away more often, and even winning one once in a while. That’s a pretty satisfying feeling. Is it worth it? I think it is. This is a gorgeous game with a lot going for it. When it’s bad, it can be really bad. But when it’s’s incredible. I say stick with it. Try to be patient. Never take it personally when some knucklehead does you wrong in this game. It definitely will happen and there’s no getting around it. Just swallow your pride, grow from the experience and carry on. You’ll be glad you did.

  • Hello Captain Casanova, Sir. i can understand your frustration and the feel of quiting the whole game and walk or sail over to new horizons...Still i would ask you to reconsider a bit , because with a few little tactics you can get pretty far...Take, you are on a sloop with yer friend. Let one person keep an eye on the horizon so you can't get ambushed , keep that anchor up at all times except when moored in a storm..." Oh, yokel " i hear you say, " i can't kill those skellies all by myself"...No need to , lure them to the shore and the " bodyguard of the ship" can lay waste with the canon on them.... Make your hoard not that big , cash in often, be a bit paranoid and drop off the cheapest chest / skull first..If you run into an ambush then you lost the smallest spoil and the " bodyguard of the ship" can run away....Running seems to be in order all the time ,you might think...But no, as time progresses so your cannoning skills will progress and in time you will all of a sudden see that an already lost battle, in yer mind, may turn out into a victory...

    In the beginning you need to be on yer guard , all the time, try to learn the cannons by shooting skellies on the shore , you will see that you will learn the angle of the cannons pretty quick...Remember that a sloop turn alot more nimbly than a sluggish Galleon....What you lack in speed as a Sloop , you have all the more advantage in turning...If you still get followed then steer towards the bigger islands, they always have gunners at the ready , will shoot you but also yer " enemy"...If they still follow ye , then steer into a storm....Don't be afraid , make sure you have more than planks enough and keep yourself or yer friend as a repairman...You will lose them in the fray of the weather....

    As a Galleon ,many of those same advice may count too for yer Galleon...Keep yer eyes and ears open, with yer ears you can hear somebody splashing in the water....Check yer ship frequently for stowaways and keep at least one pirate behind to guard the ship...Remember about the anchor , don't drop it unless you drift off by storm...

    Now, why do i desperately to keep you on baord ? Do i get something from this ? NO, but you can get something from this...Because this game is absolutely fun if you can get a crew running, you can have feelings in this game that my little knowledge of the English language can never describe....This game is worth learning, is worth to undergo , since ,when you get the hang of this game , it's running of crew and ship...Well, my man, then you will see all those hidden layers light up to you like a hidden caleidoscope that got revealed in the pale of a full Moon....

    i'm normally very bad at multiplayer games , i'm slow, have little or no reflexes anymore and ...well , with that kind of assets you are hated in crew or teambased games....But this game is sooo different , even a slowpoke like me can find a role in this game where he or she can outshine the fastest flintlock slinger of the Sea because a good Helmsman/Helmswoman, Sailhandler or Sailhandleress , a repair man or repair woman can grow out as important or sometimes more important than that swashbuckler or flintlockshooter...The ship is the most important part of the crew, it is for her you go through fire and by doing that you grow as a crew....All these kind of games ,comparable with SOT have a learningcurve and sometimes the learning part can become made difficult because you can get harrassed / ambushed by more experienced players but bite through that sour apple and you will find a core that will embrace you with so much fun and joy that this game will be named first when your Grandchildren go to visit their cool Grandmother or Grandad that has always stories to tell about that cult game that contained Thieves on a Sea....

  • @captiancasanova until you know the bigger islands, just take missions to small islands. discard all the others. log off and find another server if you have to. drop off often. I got to legend solo just recently. it was super stressful but it can be done.

  • Thank all for the suggestion. I enjoy this game and have put in alot of gaming time. Just frustration showing. I will get there. See you on the seas, if my ship is still afloat.

  • @captiancasanova

    I feel you mate. I've been under sail a bit over 50 hours [?] and have repeatedly met with tragic ends, even recently by 2 sloops and a galleon, sailing together, with a full compliment of crew. The seas are not friendly and the shores [outposts] even worse, but we'll get there, no matter how many times we go to good ol' Mr. Jones, the skull and cross bones is an old symbol of resurrection after all ...

  • Why do people come to the forums just to tell people they’re quitting? Bunch of attention seekers.

    Also the use of UN instead of IN and ON is grammatically killing me 😂😂

  • @flippin-loud

    @flippin-loud said in New Players:

    Why do people come to the forums just to tell people they’re quitting? Bunch of attention seekers.

    Also the use of UN instead of IN and ON is grammatically killing me 😂😂

    This is a non-sequitur, no-one is quitting, they are instead seeking solace and advice. Perhaps you are the attention seeker? There, you got some.

  • @llamcryf whats the 3rd to last sentance of the post tho? 🤔🤣🤣

  • @flippin-loud said in New Players:

    @llamcryf whats the 3rd to last sentance of the post tho? 🤔🤣🤣

    I'm a grammar fanatic, myself. But being an international forum, English is a second (or even third) language to many people here. I tend to give folks a break on grammar for that reason, even though privately it still makes me cringe.

  • Don’t give up on the game. Honestly this game is the most fun I’ve had in multiplayer ever. If I feel like soloing and running merchant missions and I’m in a super hostile sea I just jump servers. You’ll find the balance. Some days the seas are peaceful and I go hours without as much as a sail on the horizon. Other days it’s complete pandemonium. If you enjoy the game and like the “vision” set out before us it’s worth it.

    I’ve been playing since the beta. There have been times I’ve been frustrated. I’ve had to solo drop off all my loot by doing drive-by drops at out posts because 2 guys on a sloop refused to give up the chase. Took me like 2 hrs to drop off all my loot. I was mad as hell but the time I spent gathering my treasure wasn’t going to be in vain. They wasted both my time and their own. After my last drop I stayed on the outpost, drank grog and watched as my adversaries chased an empty sloop into the horizon.

    You make the stories what you want them to be in this world. Hang in there.

  • @captiancasanova hang in there buddy. I'm a 40 year old mom whos kids were like no way are you going to be able to play this game. Well, guess what? I battled my way through infuriating moments of galleons destroying before I even made it of the spawn post, my husband yelling at me because I use to think that the fort towers were ships,...(lol) and NEVER being able to switch back and forth from lantern to sword to kill shadows....and what levels an I now you say? Working my way past 40s!....and I'm actually a pretty amazing player! I can keep up with the best players out there and I actually got a " hey babe, your pretty good now" from my husband.....the ultimate compliment. We recently galleoned up with some newbs to help them beat the skull fort and was did- except JUST as we finished another galleon came up just as we loaded and where heading towards the Outpost. They caught up with us and in the end stole our loot and these boys were DEVISTATED. I just had to remind them able this is a PIRATE game called Sea of THIEVES, and they called down, but don't think I didn't take note of those scallywags gamertags..... This wee meet again Captain.....Bwhaha!!! Play on my friend!!! Don't give up...I would play with you guys anytime!

  • @captiancasanova no code or the sea of THIEVES

  • @captiancasanova Well that is part of sea of thieves..get a crew or something I guess? I dont know what to tell you but that is part of the game. Keep an open eye and dont let ships sneak up on you.

  • @captiancasanova You need to just stick with it, and be more alert. If you are in a sloop, and worried about Galleons', don't. When you notice them coming for you, turn directly into the wind, and they can never catch you. Most know that that move means they are getting nothing, and then disengage. The ones that chase you for a half hour, just sail off the map in a "scorched earth" move. Those times are not frequent, and just the thought of someone spending all that time for nothing makes me smile. :)

  • @captiancasanova mate just find a fine crew thats the key, and iT Calls Sea Of Thieves not Sea of Friends , i love to kill end r**e the newbies and also the legends dont care if i see a ship i Will try to robe iT unless one of the crew members hold me 🤪 .... just what i say if u have a fine crew then u will survive , got the same ship same cannonballs !!!

    Good luck new pirate 💪🏻
    Stay strong

  • @spunkus-skunkus you are wrong I am a new player also and I'm ready to quit this game also. You can hold you own in battlefield or cod or black ops. Just don't play hardcore. You guys are a bunch of a******s ruining the game. That's why at no charge we getting a new DLC with alliances. So this game doesn't go belly up.

  • @letslipthedogs just confused by ur name... is it Let Slip The Dogs? (If so what are u slipping them?) Or is it Lets Lip The Dogs? (If thats the case what the “heck” does that mean?) Either way what the “heck” does ur name mean? 😂

  • @flippin-loud let slip the dogs of war....look it up Professor!

  • @letslipthedogs why am I professor? Lol i googled it and i guess shakespeare is better than whatever lipping a dog would be (eew)

  • @flippin-loud some gamers actually put some thought into there tag. This is a quote from a play by Shakespeare.

  • @letslipthedogs yeah i know, like i said in ny last post. And are u implying i didnt put thought into my name? Im FLIPPIN LOUD! Its a double meaning too. If u knew me u would understand 🤓

  • @captiancasanova hit me up if you ever want to sail together.. I use to play scared worried I was going to get wiped out.. now I'm pretty sure I can stand my own or at least escape.. take yesterday I started to dig up a captains chest then noticed a galleon heading my way.. I left it where it was.. and took off. they tried to chase me.. but finally gave up.. so I headed back.. and the chest was still partially stuck in the dirt where I left it.. took a little longer.. but I left feeling like I got away with it.. etc..

  • @captiancasanova

    Hello and welcome to SoT.
    If ye be interested

    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style

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