PVP Mode / Ram Figurehead Suggestion

  • We should have some sort of 'hot item' in the game. A certain chest found in a shipwreck or a new play type, or even once you sink a ship.

    Here's the deal. We would find a chest (davey jones chest?!) and there would be a timer on it, say 1 game week. You would be required to have the item on the ship in order for the time to go down. While the chest/item is on your ship you'll appear on everyone's map that's in the current game. You'll have to survive for so long in order to turn this chest in.

    If another person takes the chest a new timer starts on the new ship, also giving the original ship an opportunity to go get the chest back however the timer slower increases so you'd need to end up holding it for a long period of time if you lose it.

    Of course now we get to the original figurehead idea in the title suggested. After being able to hold maybe 10-50 of these, you'd be rewarded a PVP figurehead of some sort.

    Thoughts?! :)

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