SOT Street Team or Brand Ambassadors

  • So something I'm curious about and unsure if I just havn't checked the right places does Rare have Street teams or brand ambassador program for areas where major Comic cons and video game conferences don't take place. I mean like there are comic cons but not something the size of Pax, E3, or Sandiago Comic con where the big game devs show up themselves. Its something I would definitely volunteer my time for to see a presence in my area and surrounding areas. Any information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated

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  • We at the moment don't have a Street Team or Brand Ambassadors! We send employees of Rare and Microsoft to manage any booths! But it is awesome to know that members of our community would love to join such a team if it existed!

  • I am pretty sure Three Sheets Neate counts as a street team and brand ambassador!

  • @khaleesibot Gimme those exclusive skins and I'll be the street team for my community :D

  • @khaleesibot Sign me up I can be your Canadian Liaison eh? SoT branded hockey sticks and pirate maple syrup! As silly as it is I want both these things now!

  • @bo05ter lol in order to be a brand ambassador you can't work for the company its a volunteer thing

  • @truelokisaves Joe works for Rare??? I thought he was a groupie... HEHEHE

  • @khaleesibot So will we see a SOT presence at smaller comic cons in the future?

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