Finding Snake Baskets

  • I have found pig crates and chicken cages randomly on islands. But never, not even once, have I found a Snake Basket. Are they out there? Has anyone found one just lying around? I don't mean one a player dropped. You know half buried like the pig and chicken crates?

  • 48
  • @touchdown1504 now that u say this i dont think ive seen any either

  • @touchdown1504 we were on a legend quest last night and one of my crew somehow lost a snake basket after googling and island searching I came to the conclusion that they are not out there, we had to rob a skull fort off another galleon and force them to trade a basket with us. I would love to know if anyone has found a snake basket you can just find ?

  • Well thanks everybody, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me!

  • All 3 should be purchasable from the merchant IMO. The crate, coop, and basket aren't worth anything alone and losing them is like losing your shovel. You can find crates and coops occasionally but if you had a 5 animal voyage and sunk, you probably are only going to be able to turn in like 2-3 animals.

  • @t377y said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    @touchdown1504 we were on a legend quest last night and one of my crew somehow lost a snake basket after googling and island searching I came to the conclusion that they are not out there, we had to rob a skull fort off another galleon and force them to trade a basket with us. I would love to know if anyone has found a snake basket you can just find ?

    Why would you force someone to trade you a snake basket after they raided a skeleton fort, when the treasure in the fort is probably worth several thousand times more than a snake basket.

    You get snake baskets from either the merchant's guild, find them lying around on a dock, or on an island.

    You cannot google in the game. If you did, then please explain how you did it.

  • @fantome-of-blue we didn't give them anything were pirates we double crossed them lol I know very mean of us.

    it was our last island on a legend voyage so we couldn't just start a merchant quest and you only find them on docks if another player leaves one there, and what island have you found a snake basket please ? I never have

    no sorry I was googling locations for snake baskets on my p.c it wasn't a in game thing :)

  • I always find them. Snakes are dangerous and don't always pay a whole lot, so I rarely go after them. But you usually get snake baskets when your reputation is high enough with the merchant's guild. Which means you need to do a lot of chicken and pig hunting.

    There is sometimes one on an island, like a pig cage or chicken coup. I think there is a permanent one on one of the larger islands (I forget which), but you can't pick that one up because it's part of the scenery.

    Snake baskets are out there, but they are rare.

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    I always find them. Snakes are dangerous and don't always pay a whole lot, so I rarely go after them. But you usually get snake baskets when your reputation is high enough with the merchant's guild. Which means you need to do a lot of chicken and pig hunting.

    There is sometimes one on an island, like a pig cage or chicken coup. I think there is a permanent one on one of the larger islands (I forget which), but you can't pick that one up because it's part of the scenery.

    Snake baskets are out there, but they are rare.

    you are cprrect about the one on snake island that you cannot pick up .. but there is no snake baskets in game to find you absolutely have to geet them from the merchant lady ... you clearly dont understand t377y problem as he was on a legend quest , he didnt get to pick what animal was to be delivered . the only way to finish the quest for the legend chest is to turn in the animals asked of you .. you will realize this once you become a legend

  • @touchdown1504 Nope, now you mention it..... 0 snake baskets for me as well! Not that I really want to go around catching those hissing critters....

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d Well, I'm not legendary status, but I have found and picked up snake baskets that spawned randomly. Most of the time they spawn at the merchant lady, but I've picked them up off of islands when there were no other ships around.

    And where I've gotten snake baskets from the merchant after accepting a quest, I've also picked up snake baskets just sitting on the dock. They may have been left there from another player, but one time I did a quick chicken run to a nearby island around Plunder, and when I got back there were like three or four snake baskets at the lady merchants feet. there were no other ships around, and I was within visible range of Plunder Outpost the entire time. It was also day time too going into evening by the time I got back.

    And that's happened a few times. So, there you go. It's just the way the game is coded. Some players find them, other times other players don't.

  • @fantome-of-blue

    three or four snake baskets at the merch's feet is def a player churning merch voyages & leaving baskets, my dude

  • @hoboprof It's happened several times.

  • @touchdown1504 They aren't usually half buried, just sitting around at places.

  • @mad-jack-ketch The ?snake" baskets? I have never found a random one just laying around. Chicken and pig crates...all the time. Not snake baskets.

  • I've never found any don't think they spawn in the wild

  • @touchdown1504 I have :) I have maxed merchants so I don't need to worry about it anymore anyway aha :)

  • I have found a snake basket this week, But I don't know if it was from an other player or if it's really a "natural" spawn.

  • @mad-jack-ketch Thats awesome! MA is such a pain....

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    @p0pc0rnh3mer01d Well, I'm not legendary status, but I have found and picked up snake baskets that spawned randomly. Most of the time they spawn at the merchant lady, but I've picked them up off of islands when there were no other ships around.

    And where I've gotten snake baskets from the merchant after accepting a quest, I've also picked up snake baskets just sitting on the dock. They may have been left there from another player, but one time I did a quick chicken run to a nearby island around Plunder, and when I got back there were like three or four snake baskets at the lady merchants feet. there were no other ships around, and I was within visible range of Plunder Outpost the entire time. It was also day time too going into evening by the time I got back.

    And that's happened a few times. So, there you go. It's just the way the game is coded. Some players find them, other times other players don't.

    Being the level that I am and how many gameplay hours I have put in , I would bet a substantial amount of money there is no snake cages in the wild . any snake cages found will be left by other players for sure , same with the ones at the merch ladys feet .. I repeat you cannot find a snake cage in the wild.

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d well, I've found them on beaches. Like the other guy said, whether they spawned there or were left by other players I can't really say. But I have found them.

  • @fantome-of-blue they were left by other players , that's for sure

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    @fantome-of-blue they were left by other players , that's for sure

    Well, you don't know that.

  • There's no snake baskets in the wild. We can only acquire it with merchant alliance.
    If we see some around it was loose from other players.

    The reason is simple. Snakes are dangerous but it can be really helpful to players. It can guard our loot for us and avoid players to board our ship safety.
    So we can only obtain it if we pay for it (quests).
    It's like a precious item we can only acquire at some lvl through the merchant.
    If we lose the baskets we can forget about that active quest we have.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    All 3 should be purchasable from the merchant IMO. The crate, coop, and basket aren't worth anything alone and losing them is like losing your shovel. You can find crates and coops occasionally but if you had a 5 animal voyage and sunk, you ptobably are only going to be able to turn in like 2-3 animals.

    I missed this post earlier. You make a great point "losing them is like losing your shovel". maybe they will make them similar to supplies or something?

  • @touchdown1504

    i doubt it, you can finish a legendary voyage chapter even if you don't complete both merchant contracts on time (granted, the extra hour or two you have to wait for them to expire is a killjoy) but i think this is just how the game works. (given that reg merch voyages never have a chapter two, just getting a new voyage there is simple)

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    @p0pc0rnh3mer01d said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    @fantome-of-blue they were left by other players , that's for sure

    Well, you don't know that.

    Lol yes, yes I do know that .. I also know for a fact that you cannot find random spawn snake baskets .. that is how I know that . you can continue lying to yourself it doesn't bother me one bit , im just telling you how it is in real life

  • @touchdown1504 - The basket at Snake Island is like Thor's hammer, only I can pick it up .... mwahahaha..!

    Seriously though, I don't believe snake baskets spawn randomly in the world like pig & chicken crates. So an option to purchase more would be beneficial as I've had to abandon many quests because one has gone astray, or make them spawn like the other crates do.

    If I have any baskets on my ship at the end of a session I usually leave them by the ME NPC before logging out. I know many others also do this and would explain why you occasionally find crates/baskets there.

  • @tartansnake-8 Well, this begs the question...Was it intended that random snake baskets are never found....or is it an unfortunate bug? I know it seems like such a small thing to wonder about. But it seems so odd that the pig crates and chicken cages are all over the place...yet no snake baskets!

  • @touchdown1504 said in Finding Snake Baskets:

    I have found pig crates and chicken cages randomly on islands. But never, not even once, have I found a Snake Basket. Are they out there? Has anyone found one just lying around? I don't mean one a player dropped. You know half buried like the pig and chicken crates?

    Now that you say this, I have never found one of these either lol.

  • They do soa

  • They do spawn randomly, just more rare because of them being a higher level quest item. I don't think that another player would actually take the time to place it on top of a barrel on a dock no where near the merchant stand.

  • @fantome-of-blue have u heard of a phone

  • I realise this may be considered necro but it was the top result when searching for the solution on google so figured I'd pop in and let people know they do spawn randomly.

    Me and another guy were doing an Athena voyage last night and a random joined, sold one of our snakes to the wrong outpost and left seemingly dooming us to being unable to finish the voyage.

    We googled for a bit, found this thread and essentially gave up assuming we'd never find a snake cage, decided to finish the rest of the voyage maps and just wait for the merchant one to fail.
    As we reached snake island to do our final riddle, as if the devs themselves had been looking down on us, we found a snake cage on south coast next to a rock (not the unlootable one up the hill) and were able to complete the voyage and get our athena chest.

  • I noticed last night after the latest patch; Random snake baskets have started to appear. I found two on different islands. However it's possible they may have been left by another crew. Worth keeping an eye on.

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