And you thought "Hold my Grog" was a hard shot to make!

  • The title says it all!
    Feel free to share your favourite stories from the Skeleton Throne event below.

    I shall start with mine:

    I join the wonderful @FishSt1ck and his merry crew already working towards the first small throne hidden in the reef. Upon our voyage we pick up a sloop who we think is joining us as we head towards our next large throne... he didn't, but we DID pick up a new crew in @gizm0nky and rocksteady, who head over with us to Marauder's Arch...
    I aim the cannon, climb inside and fire! No dice, but "aim it slightly down" I tell Fish and away he goes - first shot - straight onto the throne.

    Thus started the most exhausting 90 minutes I have experienced in this game. Never before have I shot myself out of cannons so often, but we do it, eventually, we all sit on that throne and celebrate!

    So tell me friends, what was the hardest shot for you to make in the latest event on the Sea of Thieves??

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  • @sshteeve
    Man that one really seperated the men from the boys :) I was sitting there for at least an hour before anyone else managed to reach it!

  • @fishst1ck 9pm here we started that throne and we let sails down to leave around 10:35...
    Give me a shout if you need help with the last one this weekend!

    (p.s. nice new badge under your name I see there!)

  • @sshteeve Wow! All I can say Marauder Arch Man!

    That was a challenge... I was lucky and nailed it early but the crew we were helping took a long time to get everyone up! It was sooooo funny watching pirate fly by, get so close, bounce off rocks, get eaten by sharks, the long swim home... The event was designed with laughs in mind... and it delivered them by the bucket full!

  • @sshteeve
    Was nice sailing with you though good sir (apart from the echo you added to the party), I'll be up for sailing some more this weekend for sure.

  • My favorite: Having 4 crews sit on the throne, and all of us are waiting patiently for that one person to figure out how to aim the very same cannon we all took not moments before. It got so bad, it looked like they were going to start shooting him in air to save the sharks eating him. alt text

  • @sshteeve

    You're so right... it took us a good while to nab this one, especially as it was one that needed two crews - we'd already purloined another sloop from an accommodating couple o' pirates but the actual shooting into the throne seemed a fair bit more challenging than that leading to some shenanigans while we waited for the final crewmate to hit the bullseye.
    @CaptainPheebs @AdmiralF0x13 @eredhar

  • @lizardspider lol and the throne in your screenshot doesnt even require a cannon.

    I've had a blast doing marauders arch. We have one female player in our group going balistic over trying to get there while all 7 other pirates were already there.

    She kept overshooting and undershooting even with good timing and using the same cannon we used to get on the throne.

    She got louder after every shot untill she blew out our eardrums with a cheer after she finally landed the throne.

  • Marauders arch was really tricky, but I think the hardest one was on that skeleton fort...first shot I was underneath the throne, I was like: you're kidding? And then I spend maybe half an hour to reach it...

    Gladfully we found two french guys who sailed the whole time with us side by side and did all thrones with us yesterday...thanks to you, you're awesome (sorry, I don't remember your gamertags right now)

  • @schwammlgott hilariously, i did that one in 2 tries. The first i actually landed, but landed on the corner of platform and fell the second i took a step, so i adjusted to the left slightly and nailed it.

  • that event was pretty fun :D,marauders arch was a hard one ,but we dosent needed that long 15 minutes around.

  • Marauders Arch was the work of a s****t!
    The hardest part actually was getting the rest of the tour group up there too.

    Edit: The technical term for a person who enjoys being cruel is censored? o0

    Edit2: Now it's not? This gets confusing.

  • @schwammlgott the tower with the lights burning, there is a cannon who is aiming for the throne

  • @captain-cocatox sagte in And you thought "Hold my Grog" was a hard shot to make!:

    @schwammlgott the tower with the lights burning, there is a cannon who is aiming for the throne

    OMG...didn't think of that...did it from the ship and always had to watch the waves for the perfect shot

  • Yeah the Arch was definitely a hurdle, though the Hideway one did play tricks on me and me crew too.

    But on the other hand, the Watching Throne was hilariously easy. I honestly think one of the devs misplaced that particular chair.

  • @tundra-793 Was the hideaway one the one in the hole in teh middle of the rock plateau??

  • @sshteeve Nay, that be Cannon Cove.

  • @sshteeve @FishSt1ck be merry alright..


  • @sshteeve I’ve gotta day that Marauders Arch was the hardest one for me. 3 sloops took an hour to get everyone up there, the rest of the thrones only took another hour.

  • @sshteeve said in And you thought "Hold my Grog" was a hard shot to make!:

    Thus started the most exhausting 90 minutes I have experienced in this game. Never before have I shot myself out of cannons so often, but we do it, eventually, we all sit on that throne and celebrate!

    90+ minutes firing back and forth for 12 doubloons well worth it lol. The worst part was swimming back to the boat each time! Was often faster getting killed and respawning on the boat.

  • @gizm0nky hee hee yeah, in the end I found it easier to wait for the sharks to come and take me!

  • @Sshteeve Definitely Marauders Arch on the fourth trip out there. May have been because I challenged everyone to do it drunk.
    Newbie got his tactical c*****r throwing a bucket at someone standing at the top with their sword as he flew by. We also went for the
    Logest Hold My grog we could and managed about a 45degree shot where he landed on the deck by only the skin of his teeth.Was a lot of fun.

  • @daveyjay1984 That sounds truly awesome!

  • @schwammlgott said in And you thought "Hold my Grog" was a hard shot to make!:

    @captain-cocatox sagte in And you thought "Hold my Grog" was a hard shot to make!:

    @schwammlgott the tower with the lights burning, there is a cannon who is aiming for the throne

    OMG...didn't think of that...did it from the ship and always had to watch the waves for the perfect shot

    I was having a hard time with this one also as a galleon was coming up to sink our sloop. My buddy just found that cannon that shoots you right to it. That cannon saved my night. Was last throne I needed also

  • @sshteeve My main mistake was firing from a sloop anyone struggling with this need to shoot from a galleon. They are much more steady.

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