Tavern Tales - Episode 4

  • Ahoy there, me lads and lasses!

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    Welcome to the forth episode of the "Tavern Tales" series. This time, our journey takes us through an exciting Fleet experience.

    It all started in a small Sloop, manned by myself and my trusted @AdmiralF0x13 . As we were adventuring on the high seas, in search for booty and treasure we saw a little ship anchored at "The Crooked Masts". Carefully and with a bit of hesitation, I swam towards it. The water was filled with sharks, like something was making them agitated, but that's a story for another time.

    Finding myself on the deck of the ship, i went below to see if someone was there, but the whole thing looked abandoned. That's when i heard Admiral shout "Rock! On the rock!"; I ran back up and looked towards the rocky shores and saw a man raising his lantern up to the sky. A sailor stood before us, humbling asking us not to engage in unpleasant interactions.

    @MakrosCaos was his name and our intentions were far from mischievous; we explained to him that our Fleet suffered some heavy losses and as consequence to that we lost many ships. We bargained and after a few hours we came to an agreement: He will forever be under our protection in exchange for his Sloop. I joined his ship and took her to the dock at "Dagger Tooth". There, we were greeted by one of our own, @Ortomith , who joined me. As we waited for the Shipwright to finish mounting the new sails and hull, the ones of our Fleet, we sent word for our boys to meet us there. Thus came from the Outpost at "Sanctuary" island, @AwesomeAnon, to lend a hand and sail with Admiral.

    As time went by, our Sloop was ready to set sail. We gathered around and decided what to do; we were to split and find treasure, treasure that would be divided among us at an Outpost. As we sailed away, Anon and Admiral headed West while myself and Ortomith went to "Shipwreck Bay. That's where we found our third ship.

    As we docked at the side of the island,we were greeted by a lovely lad, @AdamLuck97. We saw that his ship was in good shape and decided to bargain for it. After a few discussions, we managed to acquire it. To bring her safely to the dock, to undergo visual upgrades, I took captaincy over it, while Ortomith became the captain of the other one. We sent a pigeon to the far shores of the "Ancient Isles" and from "Plunder Outpost", @Tratog2829 and @fellowsiren1st answered the Fleet's call.

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    The Sloops were now ready to go, with Admiral and Anon on one, Ortomith and Fellowsiren on the second and myself and Tratog sailing the third ship. Admiral brought it to my attention that a menacing skull has formed in the sky and that it was our duty to vanquish the evil that it had brought to Sea of Thieves. My ship and theirs were to take on the threat while O**o's was to gather treasure from long forgotten islands.

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    Our journey was not going to be an easy one, for an enemy ship sailed towards us. Having Admiral's Sloop on our starboard we circled the enemy and a dreadful and long fight commenced. For hours our ships fired on one and other, punching holes into our hulls. As supplies were running low, our moral drastically damaged, we managed to the cannon-shot that won us the fight!

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    Time was running short as the cursed took control of the Fort island, the dead restlessly trying to take control over it. With precise coordination, we docked at the side of the island and devised a plan. Myself and Tratog were to offer sniper support, while Admiral and Anon were to take the skellies head on, on the beach.

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    The fight lasted days but as the sun rose on the 3rd day, the Captain of the Ferry of the Damned finally forbid the skeletons from coming back. As we looted the riches of the vault, we sent word to O**o and Fellowsiren to meet us at Outpost where the sand was shining golden under the sun. The seas were safe and our Fleet coudl finally rest under the moon's soothing light and the campfire's warmth.

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    Thank you, lads and lasses, for taking the time to read this third episode. I hope that you've enjoyed our little tale and until next time, we wish you smooth sailing!

    With love,

    Episode 2
    Episode 3

  • 6
  • An epic tale... and you managed to form a fleet.... interesting!!

  • @katttruewalker

    Thank you so much, birthday girl grins

  • Also, one thing that we can learn from this episode is the miracles that communication can do. Being friendly and open to communicate can bring you more than being a trigger-happy crew.

    I will always chose communication over fighting!

  • Yarra this was truly am amazing tale! The bonds made here im sure will never be forgotten ! Cheers!

  • @voodoochild24
    It was truly an amazing session. The way we communicate and work together has only become better

5 out of 6