[Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5

  • @captancola I didn't suggest PvP being rewarded.

    I agree with your second suggestion. I think there needs to be some sort of ranking system, or PvP faction, in other words pirates can somehow tell your PvP experience/PvP rep just by looking at your ship. Perhaps each player has PvP rep/ranking or something and it's added to each member of your ship to give you a ranking. It would be easier to see how good or bad enemies are. I don't agree with splitting servers apart at all... but how about a system of positive reinforcement - people who enjoy PvP are encouraged some how to fight people who are more experienced in PvP, thus making noobs look like less attractive targets. You will never stop noobs from being attacked and that's a part of the game but if there was some way of making stronger pirates more attractive targets it would work better. I suggested a PvP faction/bounty idea on one of my threads but I'm sure there would be other ways to achieve this.

  • My crew and I feel it is focused too much on combat. We try to explore and almost always end up in combat before we finish a single gold voyage.

  • @lorddasmythe Well me and my friends did about 2 hours of normal gameplay and then pursued ships for 2 hours and had a fun time playing Sea of Sailing into the Wind. This galleon wouldn't even 3v4 us. My friends quit and I was pretty tilted. I stole a sloop and spawn camped the guy on board, but the galleon was still running

  • Looking forward to the DLC and the continuing grind to Legend (solo).

    Back to the reality of SoT! Today i could not complete a voyage without PvP becoming an issue. One Island left to solve a riddle... One sloop, 2 man crew, refused to back off. Every time i came back they would show up to engage in PvP. Knowing full well i had no treasure. Even told them in game chat (yes finally someone in game chat) that i just needed to finish this voyage and would even give them the chest... NOPE! Took them out to sea, scuttled the ship, and left the game.

    So no completed voyage after a few hours of playing today... What do you accomplish if you are a crew that just goes around, knowing full well there is no reward for sinking an empty sloop, other than ruining someones experience in the game?

    Good luck Rare figuring out a solution to this exact reason why no one i know plays this game anymore. I will continue to play, but have no expectations at this point other than to have a PvP encounter that ruins my experience.

    Please, if you want people to come back, BALANCE THE SERVERS based on players game play / traits. Not saying in anyway to offer only PvE servers, but put these hardcore PvP players with other crews with the same mentality.

    I feel pretty confident, with the PvP in its current state, that it will take FOREVER to see legendary with a solo sloop. Yah its "the hardcore" game mode, i get it, but these guys are absolutely ruining the experience and forcing, it appears, people to leave the game period.

    Back to trying to play during off peak hours and hoping servers to avoid some of these crews...

  • @suchlikekey568
    You will find it almost impossible to solo all the way to legend.
    The OOS quests become way too much to take on alone!!

  • @lorddasmythe The thing is I think combat is a core part of the game. PvP is already fairly infrequent - Rares servers work so that players meet other crews every 15-30 minutes, which is fine, the trouble is they can be so punishing at the moment..

    @SuchlikeKey568 Personally I hope this never happens, it is healthy that you have players who are aggressive and players who aren't fussed about PvP together, that's what allow for the interesting encounters.... but yea, as I said above, the PvP loss is so great it usually feels too c**p for the victims. They have to alter the reward system a bit..

  • Another option to consider changing: if you're in the middle of a voyage and get dropped out of the server (which has happened to me several times) or, like in the case above, you get grievers that won't leave you alone no matter what and force you to either leave or server hop, let the player retain the voyage up to that point so that they can go back to it.

    Especially when you get to the higher ranked voyages that take a long time, especially if you're alone. For example, every time you complete one of the maps for the voyage, it "saves", so that if you have to leave the server (either voluntarily or dropped), when you rejoin you still retain the remaining maps, but still lose any treasure on your ship and you still start off at an outpost. This way you don't waste the few gold to buy a voyage that you won't be able to complete in one sitting or waste the time invested up to that point. A simple checkpoint system.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @lorddasmythe The thing is I think combat is a core part of the game. PvP is already fairly infrequent - Rares servers work so that players meet other crews every 15-30 minutes, which is fine, the trouble is they can be so punishing at the moment..

    I feel like the every 15-30 minute range they're aiming for goes out the window due to people server hopping constantly. Yeah there would still be the same number of people on the server but it increases the chances of overly aggressive players ending up on the server you're on and it's why we see so many people complaining about not being able to play without constantly being attacked.

    EDIT: I'm also for a PVE option. Let people play the way they want. There's no advancement, so it doesn't effect anyone.

  • @laughsmaniacaly said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    5 mega threads and what has actually changed due to them?

    Seriously, do we have a list or is this just pointless.

    Not sure if you know how a development works... or time... but you should take a moment to figure it out.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @captancola I didn't suggest PvP being rewarded.

    I agree with your second suggestion. I think there needs to be some sort of ranking system, or PvP faction, in other words pirates can somehow tell your PvP experience/PvP rep just by looking at your ship. Perhaps each player has PvP rep/ranking or something and it's added to each member of your ship to give you a ranking. It would be easier to see how good or bad enemies are. I don't agree with splitting servers apart at all... but how about a system of positive reinforcement - people who enjoy PvP are encouraged some how to fight people who are more experienced in PvP, thus making noobs look like less attractive targets. You will never stop noobs from being attacked and that's a part of the game but if there was some way of making stronger pirates more attractive targets it would work better. I suggested a PvP faction/bounty idea on one of my threads but I'm sure there would be other ways to achieve this.

    This is a bit of a contradiction

    PvP shouldn't be rewarded, but it should be with a ranking/cosmetics like everything else..

    His suggestion was to match make based on skill, which Microsoft has that TruSkill thing going for it still probably that can abstract behind the scenes statistics and figure out who should be matched.

    By grouping by skill it means players can cut there teeth on easier targets first while each side learns the game. By making it obvious you've destroyed part of the uncertainty that makes player engagements fun. The incentive structure your proposing likely won't work because of the amount of people that generally are on a server or around each other.

  • @savagetwinky
    Would you care to elaborate on your point?

    The case I'm making (more prevelant in my later post) is that there seems to be a disconnect between the community giving ideas and any acknowledgement from the rare team to those ideas. If you scan through the previous 5 megathreads you'll see loads of great ideas, some loved by the community and some hated however as time goes on less and less people post, in part because it feels like shouting at the horizon, without some commitment or at least acknowledgement, the posts died out.
    The very number of posts in a time frame at a given moment from megathread 1 to current shows a clear picture of people not as involved as they were previously.

    Granted the lack of communication is only a factor in this post reduction but from other conversations I have had, it seems to be a big part.
    The common feeling of :
    "why should i bother if no one is listening"

    As for the post you commented against, i did in fact find a list of community driven changes. Sadly it wasn't a big list.

    (sloop addition, no death penalty, moved ammo box and bell, expanded paint region on sloops, object value scaling, an array of bug fixes.)

    Those are the key ones i remember.

    Do i know what development is?

    ACTIVELY working to improve quality.
    The key being actively, a step that works better with a level of acknowledgement.

  • @laughsmaniacaly

    You missed the... time aspect again. It takes lots of time to digest thousands of posts of suggestions and formulate it into a plan they are even able to communicate. Step 1 to development. A lot of the stuff they have changed is low hanging fruit. The fact that there specific mega threads there is a level of acknowledgment of issues with the game.

    There is no lack of communication. They gave us a teaser of content updates and speak to us every week about what bugs/fixes they are trying to tackle now.

  • @pikavenger But it doesn't work like that, people are instanced onto different servers, there aren't a set number of players per server.

    PvE server is a terrible idea in my mind. If people decided to do any research before buying the game, as you should before buying any game but particularly one in the reason of this price tag, then you would have seen that player vs player combat is a large part of the game too. By all means make PvP healthier but if you want to remove it completely or run away to a server where it doesn't exist, this simply is not the game for you. Particularly when Rares resources should be focused on new content at the moment and not servers..

  • @angrycoconut16 Except Rare's "approach to servers" isn't working. Their servers are causing all sorts of issues. They'd be better off adopting a more traditional server approach and allowing people to play the way they want.

  • @savagetwinky And how do you suggest assigning ranks to players?..

  • @angrycoconut16 we must just have the wrong servers each time. We get pvp is part of the game but when it is almost every ship that gets near attacks you, it gets excessive.

  • @angrycoconut16

    And do what halo does now, hide that rank from players. So it's unknown and completely transparent. The key is matching players.

  • I love, love, LOVE exploration, and I really wish there was more reward for doing it. At the moment, the random spawns have been almost eliminated, and the wrecks seem to be mostly empty (though maybe that last one is just my s****y luck - out of 5-6 wrecks last night, I got a single skull and a seafarer's chest). And there's no reward for simpy discovering new things, at all. Thus, there's no real reason to explore, especially once you've seen most of the easter eggs, and I would really like there to be!

    On the PvP vs PvE question, my position is "meh". I don't really engage in PvP, but I think sailing around without the threat of other players stealing my stuff would get old REAL quick.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @pikavenger But it doesn't work like that, people are instanced onto different servers, there aren't a set number of players per server.

    PvE server is a terrible idea in my mind. If people decided to do any research before buying the game, as you should before buying any game but particularly one in the reason of this price tag, then you would have seen that player vs player combat is a large part of the game too. By all means make PvP healthier but if you want to remove it completely or run away to a server where it doesn't exist, this simply is not the game for you. Particularly when Rares resources should be focused on new content at the moment and not servers..

    PvP will cause people to lose time/progress. That's how it works. It will always work this way. Even the World of Warcraft suffers from this problem on PvP servers. If you engaged fighting players over nothing your not doing anything to progress. The only concept of "healthier" PvP is remove it from PvE.

  • @savagetwinky What sort of game is Halo? Is it basically like CoD? A FPS? If so I think this structure would be less effective on SoT, it relies on a few assumptions - for one thing that players PvP a lot. You could easily have players who don't PvP very much as they prefer voyaging, but they are actually quite skilled at PvP combat. Plus what counts as rank? Killing a player? Or sinking a ship? Both? I feel like this system is far better suited when both parties are mutually interested in PvP...

  • @savagetwinky
    To that i say most of these topics have beed iterated from before launch. Through the pioneer and founder sessions we were able to test features long before release dates were given. We gave feedback on them then and still had the same none existent responses. Many of the issues and complaints being discussed were also being discussed over a year ago.

    And having the post here counts nothing towards acknowledgement of the community ideas. The team occasionally reply with "we are watching" but that says nothing substantial in regards to if an idea is to be considered or not.

    As for their development updates, i already covered that, i even listed the community driven changes acknowledged so far.

    I understand that development needs time to build and implement in as much the same way as those who devlop the ideas may need guidance as to whether or not ideas are in keeping with the development plans.

    Kind of a 2 way street is what I'm saying.

  • @matzor said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    On the PvP vs PvE question, my position is "meh". I don't really engage in PvP, but I think sailing around without the threat of other players stealing my stuff would get old REAL quick.

    I feel the same way. I'm vocal on the subject just because most of the people I know who play dislike PVP and because I believe it would be good for the game. I like options. The more options the game has, the more inclusive it will be.

  • @savagetwinky Rubbish. There are plenty of ways to improve PvP.

  • @laughsmaniacaly said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    To that i say most of these topics have beed iterated from before launch. Through the pioneer and founder sessions we were able to test features long before release dates were given. We gave feedback on them then and still had the same none existent responses. Many of the issues and complaints being discussed were also being discussed over a year ago.

    And having the post here counts nothing towards acknowledgement of the community ideas. The team occasionally reply with "we are watching" but that says nothing substantial in regards to if an idea is to be considered or not.

    As for their development updates, i already covered that, i even listed the community driven changes acknowledged so far.

    I understand that development needs time to build and implement in as much the same way as those who devlop the ideas may need guidance as to whether or not ideas are in keeping with the development plans.

    Kind of a 2 way street is what I'm saying.

    The fact that they pulled thesed out means they are considering them and getting more player feed back. The thing about a year ago and before the final game was release? It was a year ago which would mean they probably had a bunch of work to get to a finished state (ie feature freeze to some extent)

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @savagetwinky Rubbish. There are plenty of ways to improve PvP.

    Not along the lines of what is being discussed with PvE apart of it. The one thing you'll never fix without completely disabling it is players being killed by other players and impeding progress.

  • @savagetwinky Yes I completely agree, and I am against removing that completely anyway. It shouldn't be removed. PvP is a core part of the game. If players want to escape PvP completely they have bought the wrong game.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @savagetwinky Yes I completely agree, and I am against removing that completely anyway. It shouldn't be removed. PvP is a core part of the game. If players want to escape PvP completely they have bought the wrong game.

    Right... not sure you seem more sensible then this other guy in a thread called Reputation - loss, risk and negativity, adamant that making changes will fix that issue without realizing it will just be a problem that pops up in slightly different ways. When you built a game around progression being tied to loot then it will pop up when you lose loot, if you tie it to collecting / finding loot it will prop up when you can't complete those tasks...

  • Don't make a safe zone. Revamp one of your outposts into a small city and have it be policed by a royal guard of sorts. No safe zone, just punishment inflicted by NPC's when players start disobeying the regional laws of the city. Just an idea. Something like that may encourage groups to engage in questing together etc. Maybe even open up the door to more friendly player interaction all together if we just had a social gathering spot that we could maybe do mini games in etc.

  • @angrycoconut16 I'm with you. My crew and I find it very deflating to go through the work of digging up something or taking down captains for order of Souls, only to be attacked by a ship that was waiting for us to set sail, kill us and take the stuff we worked on and get nothing. Spending an hour to get 4 skulls and then lose the ship and having nothing to show for it does take it out of you and makes you wonder if the game is worth it.

    Some kind of system for scaling pvp would be nice. People that focus on pvp after getting so many kills or rep, go to servers with people that are on the same rep or similar. Would leave some servers for noobs or those that like to explore more but still offers pvp on those servers. Those that do a lot of pvp get matched with other like minded people. Makes it more challenging for pvp and if you are into pvp, that's the fun of fighting people with equal skill.

  • @navarita said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @mrbrocksego said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    @navarita I think your overestimating the effect on player numbers. There seems like a rather large base of people that understood what they bought and are relatively happy with it.

    On a side note I feel like there are better ways to solve that problem than by cutting up the game. Once again creative game design would be key to solving the issues. Not segregating players into different servers.

    Ways to fix SoT for people that only want to PvE:

    • A certain song that plays when a ship gets within a certain range of yours
    • Some shorter mid length voyages between shipwrecks and full on voyages. This would give PvE desiring people some more bite sized stuff to do solo, as well as smaller quests that can be turned in sooner.
    • A skeleton crewmate that can be hired (from the OOS) they won't help out on the boat much but they'll follow you around and shoot things. Maybe have them able to do one single task on the boat if you tell them to steering cannoning, sails, etc, but they won't do it very well.
    • A hireable NPC for solo players that would hang in the crows nest and scan for ships, notifying you via text chat with a "Ship spotted to the []". For in game flavour the NPC should be a half sized character, a child thats hired on to swab the deck and mind the crows nest.
    • A bounty system, as has been implemented many times
    • Some type of NPC skeleton ships (would provide some alternative action for PvPers)
    • A way for PvE people to connect up with each other and create little PvE fleets. Safety in numbers
    • An incentive of some sort to encourage attacks on galleons over sloops. Maybe a golden nameplate or something that could be salvaged and sold.
    • A server shared instanced safe zone that has multiple access points on the map. Basically have a bunch of caves scattered around various locations that all lead to tortuga or whatever. A semi safe zone (friendly fire enabled for all), with some big guards to keep people more or less friendly
    • Just in general more activities for people that want more action in the game. I don't think its necessarily a problem with people wanting to PvP, they just want to have boat fights and get the adrenaline pumping.

    Even the slightest chance of me losing my loot to another player is enough for me to not play this game AT ALL.

    Sounds like you definitely bought the wrong game.

  • @savagetwinky
    I'd agree if they'd managed to make it to a better state, again many errors and bugs being squashed are those we reported many months before.

    In regards to your post however, could you clarify fot me what you were referring to with "they pulled these out" comment, sorry but it confused me a little.

  • @laughsmaniacaly said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    I'd agree if they'd managed to make it to a better state, again many errors and bugs being squashed are those we reported many months before.

    In regards to your post however, could you clarify fot me what you were referring to with "they pulled these out" comment, sorry but it confused me a little.

    mega threads are curated by rare employees.

  • @savagetwinky
    They are created by deckhands, these are community members with moderator status acting on behalf of and with some connection to RARE, they aren't actually employees.
    They have no real ability to directly impact the games development beside communicating ideas to the dev team.

  • In order to balance exploration and PvP you need to implement some type of aggressor flagging.

    One of the hardest parts of the game is not knowing your enemy. In PvE I know the skeletons will attack me, and sharks as well. But when I encounter a player, or ship, I have zero clue. And even the small gestures and clues used by players are suspect. A wave or cannons facing the sky mean nothing in game. It’s usually just a trick to lure players close for an easy kill.

    I’m not opposed to PvP, it adds an element of risk that I enjoy. What I’m saying is that risk vs reward needs to work both ways. I risk you attacking me on my way to turn in my loot. The aggressor risks nothing but death which has zero consequence!

    A system needs to be implemented that tracks the aggressor and allows for this risk. It could be a bounty system, it could be a murder count, it could be worked into a quest system where a new guild offers rewards for turning in the skulls of the most aggressive,

    I’m proposing that if you want to balance the game, make it risky to be a murderous pirate. And create some way for us to know if someone consistently attacks on sight every single time they encounter another player!

  • @boca-g said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat - Part 5:

    In order to balance exploration and PvP you need to implement some type of aggressor flagging.

    One of the hardest parts of the game is not knowing your enemy. In PvE I know the skeletons will attack me, and sharks as well. But when I encounter a player, or ship, I have zero clue. And even the small gestures and clues used by players are suspect. A wave or cannons facing the sky mean nothing in game. It’s usually just a trick to lure players close for an easy kill.

    I’m not opposed to PvP, it adds an element of risk that I enjoy. What I’m saying is that risk vs reward needs to work both ways. I risk you attacking me on my way to turn in my loot. The aggressor risks nothing but death which has zero consequence!

    A system needs to be implemented that tracks the aggressor and allows for this risk. It could be a bounty system, it could be a murder count, it could be worked into a quest system where a new guild offers rewards for turning in the skulls of the most aggressive,

    I’m proposing that if you want to balance the game, make it risky to be a murderous pirate. And create some way for us to know if someone consistently attacks on sight every single time they encounter another player!

    Do you have an intuitive, non-exploitable, simple-to-program idea in mind that would be able to differentiate between bloodthirsty aggression and self-defense? Opportunistic PvP for loot vs aggressive PvP for the sake of sinking a ship, when players themselves have no idea what's on the other ship? What about players who use a best-defense-is-good-offense strategy, or simply fire first at what they perceive to be an aggressive ship that has approached them?

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