Separate PVP and PVE

  • If you are going to have a quest system, NPC enemies, puzzles and adventure based play you should have a peaceful quest or merchant only mode or server or vice/versa.

    I have been struggling for days to complete a single merchant mission only to be annoyed by aggressive players who seek only to ruin my day, steal my crates and sink my ship in a childish display of dominance. Some players have limited game time and this is frustrating. I repeatedly take a friendly posture, use lights, chat, etc. and am repeatedly disrespected.

    Rewarding aggressive player behavior by awarding experience for stolen items seems unfair as well. Shouldn't experience be gained from voyage completion? Ships supplies should be off limits to discourage petty aggression. There are barrels on every island, and floating randomly in the water. Making ships supplies available to petty looting only encourages aggression against peaceful players.

    There is no need for questing or experience if the game is going to be PVP only. Just make it a $20 boat battle game. Why bother Questing? Love the sailing and treasure hunting, but forced PVP is NOT fun. I enjoy hunting for treasure, merchant quests, solving riddles and killing skeletons. I DO NOT enjoy be FORCED to fight other players all the time. There is a deep sea of fun game in there waiting to come out, but it seems the shallows is where its wallowing at the moment.

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  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Seperate PVP and PVE:

    If you are going to have a quest system, NPC enemies, puzzles and adventure based play you should have a peaceful quest or merchant only mode or server or vice/versa.

    I have been struggling for days to complete a single merchant mission only to be annoyed by aggressive players who seek only to ruin my day, steal my crates and sink my ship in a childish display of dominance. Some players have limited game time and this is frustrating. I repeatedly take a friendly posture, use lights, chat, etc. and am repeatedly disrespected.

    Rewarding aggressive player behavior by awarding experience for stolen items seems unfair as well. Shouldn't experience be gained from voyage completion? Ships supplies should be off limits to discourage petty aggression. There are barrels on every island, and floating randomly in the water. Making ships supplies available to petty looting only encourages aggression against peaceful players.

    There is no need for questing or experience if the game is going to be PVP only. Just make it a $20 boat battle game. Why bother Questing? Love the sailing and treasure hunting, but forced PVP is NOT fun. I enjoy hunting for treasure, merchant quests, solving riddles and killing skeletons. I DO NOT enjoy be FORCED to fight other players all the time. There is a deep sea of fun game in there waiting to come out, but it seems the shallows is where its wallowing at the moment.

    It's the way the Seas go. Quests generate loot, PvP generates conflict. If you have loot it's not really yours if you can't defend it. There will, and should never be a separate care bear PvE server that would be boring and a waste of resources. This game is designed that anyone can interact with everything the same way so I can take your cannonballs and you can drop my anchor. There doesn't need to be a change on the game side just on the client side. Change your playstyle and just have fun with it.

  • These threads are my favorite. "The game has THIEVES in the title and I just don't understand why people keep trying to kill me and take my stuff?"

    Edit: The game is what it is. It does not need to change to suit you. You need to change to suit it or move on.

  • My patience for analyzing and breaking down the game design for these threads has worn thin. Well... I mostly just don't have time at the moment so, welcome to the terror dome 😂😛

    Edit: @RumHam636 only I may use bold font. It's somewhere in the pirate code or something.

  • @the-kr1tt3r Maybe this whole thread should be discussed as part of an existing megathread:

    PvP in SoT is Rares plan of risk vs. reward in this game. Aggressive players are sadly a common thing nowadays in many games, it takes luck to encounter friendly crews.

  • @sirliborius Is your point that I should have added to the discussion in the mega thread and not begun a new topic? If so, I can happily move my contribution there if that is more appropriate? In direct response to your other comment, I don't really care what the trend toward inconsiderate, base aggression is. Nor do I need to pay money to subject myself to it. I will certainly be more careful when purchasing full priced Rare games in the future if they plan to cater to this childish trend.

  • @the-kr1tt3r написал в Separate PVP and PVE:

    If you are going to have a quest system, NPC enemies, puzzles and adventure based play you should have a peaceful quest or merchant only mode or server or vice/versa.

    I have been struggling for days to complete a single merchant mission only to be annoyed by aggressive players who seek only to ruin my day, steal my crates and sink my ship in a childish display of dominance. Some players have limited game time and this is frustrating. I repeatedly take a friendly posture, use lights, chat, etc. and am repeatedly disrespected.

    Rewarding aggressive player behavior by awarding experience for stolen items seems unfair as well. Shouldn't experience be gained from voyage completion? Ships supplies should be off limits to discourage petty aggression. There are barrels on every island, and floating randomly in the water. Making ships supplies available to petty looting only encourages aggression against peaceful players.

    There is no need for questing or experience if the game is going to be PVP only. Just make it a $20 boat battle game. Why bother Questing? Love the sailing and treasure hunting, but forced PVP is NOT fun. I enjoy hunting for treasure, merchant quests, solving riddles and killing skeletons. I DO NOT enjoy be FORCED to fight other players all the time. There is a deep sea of fun game in there waiting to come out, but it seems the shallows is where its wallowing at the moment.

    Not. Gonna. Happen.
    Dude there is no PvP Battle grounds, there is no pvp arena - its sea, you can see someone approaching you from far far away be vigilant and you will be fine.
    And it much funnier to defend your loot if enemys can steal it - blood is boiling ! :)
    Im playing 90% solo and only few times i was surprised that some one close to me, all of my time i'm trying to "watch the horizon" :) you should try it.

  • @the-kr1tt3r

    This can help

  • It...Is..A...Pirate...Game...

  • @ve111a I don't want a "carebear" server. I want to be able play passively if I choose. As I understand it was intended that there would be some respect paid to peaceful players using lights, chat etc. that is out the window entirely. So, if there is no possibility of peaceful play than there need be no illusion and it should be clearly stated that you play at your own risk and that unbalanced play between mouse and controllers players may occur.

  • @the-kr1tt3r I would suggest so, as Rare said they want to bundle opinions on some subjects so it is easier for them to get an overview.
    We'll see what Rare will publish in the future, but for SoT they really went for an always active PvP mode. To be honest i hoped for a pure PvE mode too in the beginning, but before release it seemed clear to me that this will not happen. I thought this was promoted too, but seeing your post i guess it wasn't described as such well enough.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @sirliborius Is your point that I should have added to the discussion in the mega thread and not begun a new topic? If so, I can happily move my contribution there if that is more appropriate? In direct response to your other comment, I don't really care what the trend toward inconsiderate, base aggression is. Nor do I need to pay money to subject myself to it. I will certainly be more careful when purchasing full priced Rare games in the future if they plan to cater to this childish trend.

    Sounds like you should be more careful when purchasing any game in the future. if you don't do your research, you don't know what you're buying into.

  • @drunkpunk138 rudeness is not necessary. I don't appreciate it. You impress no one.

  • @drunkpunk138 Spelling is clearly not your strongest attribute.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @drunkpunk138 rudeness is not necessary. I don't appreciate it. You impress no one.

    Not an attempt to impress anybody, just a simple factual statement. Your "childish little trend" comments are just as unnecessary and unappreciated, yet you felt the need to include them anyway. The simple fact of the matter is, this game made no secrets about PvP being an unavoidable thing. If you had done a bit of research into it, you would have known this. Rare or not, if you don't do some sort of research, you set yourself up for disappointment.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @ve111a I don't want a "carebear" server. I want to be able play passively if I choose. As I understand it was intended that there would be some respect paid to peaceful players using lights, chat etc. that is out the window entirely. So, if there is no possibility of peaceful play than there need be no illusion and it should be clearly stated that you play at your own risk and that unbalanced play between mouse and controllers players may occur.

    It's just bad luck, Not everyone is shoot on site. Myself and my captain @DrunkPunk138 are not. We are quite good at pvp and i'd say or win rate is quite high so its not like we can't but we try to be peaceful to sloops, Especially solo ones. We will say hi first and if you shoot at us we will warn you against it. It's just some people don't care and want to just go "rekt stuff". Keep your chin up and stay positive. We aren't all dirty cuthroats.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @drunkpunk138 Spelling is clearly not your strongest attribute.

    Actually, spelling is one of my stronger suits. Unless you are referring to "git gud", which if I have to explain, well.....

  • Stop asking it will never happen Rare has made it clear. Also as a solo sloop’r I actually enjoy the adrenaline of knowing I could be ganked. It provides a semblance of actual loss in the game, also it would make PVE missions so dull if I knew there is a absolutely no threat to me.

    So thank you Rare for making a great dynamic that weaves PVE and PVP. Thank you!

  • What about NO ?

  • @drunkpunk138 oh I clearly made a mistake. one of many in my long life. But I find nothing helpful in your purely critical comments.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @drunkpunk138 Spelling is clearly not your strongest attribute.

    Actually, spelling is one of my stronger suits. Unless you are referring to "git gud", which if I have to explain, well.....

    It's true, I can confirm this. he is quite articulate and makes me feel stupid most times lol.

  • Another spam thread. Whoopeeeeeeeeee!

    No. No PvE servers. Nuh uh. No, no, no.

    This game is called "Sea of Thieves." The only thieves are other players. Remove the PvP, and the game is no longer Sea of Thieves.

    You should practice becoming more aware of your surroundings. Don't try to be friendly, if you have a lot of loot to lose... pirates are backstabbers!

    I have a funny story, from just yesterday! I was sailing around an island, and before I dropped anchor I noticed another sloop approaching. I had loot onboard (3 captains chests, and a disgraced skull), so I wasn't really interested in being sociable. We navigated around each other, dancing at a fair-good distance (well outside of cannon range), and I pulled up to Lone Cove's dock. The other sloop ended up turning about, and pulling up aside me.

    I figured, no shots have been exchanged yet, so I gave [them] a chance to at least see their intentions. He pulled up about 2 boat lengths away, and dropped anchor, then went below deck. He (I found he was also solo, at this point) came back up with a sunken captain's chest, and started jumping around on his deck. I started jumping around too, just being silly. Then he jumps into the water, and swims over to my boat.

    I tried talking, but the other guy never responded over voice-chat. I let him board my ship with his treasure, and we start jumping up and down on my boat (continuing with the sillyness). He drops the treasure behind my map table, and comes back up and waves and dances. I tried making friends, via the salute option, and that's when he pulled out his blunderbuss and blasted me. LOL.

    Lucky me, after I returned from the Ferry of the Damned, the other pirate took his sunken treasure back to his boat, and set sail again, leaving my boat afloat and my booty right where I left it.

    I love this game!!!! LOL

    Edit: Sidenote - thanks to this experience I earned the Racing achievement, because neither of us fired a shot (until after the achievement was rewarded).

  • Feel better? What have you accomplished? Were you helpful? Nope.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    Feel better? What have you accomplished? Were you helpful? Nope.

    he was helpful yes.

  • @the-kr1tt3r I tried to help, Now you are trolling. I'm done here just another spam post for the @Deckhands to have to clean up. All its going to do now is spiral downwards towards negativity.

  • I've been playing this game almost every day - at all times of day since launch.

    I've never seen an outpost camped.
    I've never been robbed while doing a quest.

    I have been attacked on the way to an outpost.
    I have been attacked leaving an outpost.
    I have been attacked while on an island doing a quest - but guess what - I saw it coming and I got out of there and lived.
    I have been chased down and killed a few times (with an empty ship)
    I have been lost treasure after an ocean fight but most of the time I get away.

    The game was more dangerous when it launched.

    Now it's a freaking ghost town and people still come to post about PvE/Solo play.

    If the game gets any easier - I'm turning on my lights and putting the treasure on the front mast and jumping up and down with a lantern - yelling "please attack me!" into the mic.

  • Wow a bit rabid aren't we? I never once suggested changes for you all. It can exist just the way it is. I just want a separate adventure mode for those who just enjoy that aspect of the game free from aggression. It sounds to me like you don't want anyone taking your helpless unwilling victims away from you.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    Wow a bit rabid aren't we? I never once suggested changes for you all. It can exist just the way it is. I just want a seperate adventure mode for those who just enjoy that aspect of the game free from aggression. It sounds to me like you don't want anyone taking your helpless unwilling victims away from you.

    Yes, you are suggesting changes for us all. Pirates are aggressive. Thieves are aggressive. You're playing a game that stokes fear and anxiety based on the aggression of other players. What you are asking for, @the-KR1TT3R is another game. So you should either learn this one, or throw in the towel.

  • @clumsy-george Thanks for those VALID suggestions George. I truly appreciate them. In order to play and enjoy the game, which up to this point has been a frustrating waste of money, I will employ your strategies. Thank you!

  • My only argument is this:

    If you told World of Warcraft it should have single player they wouldn't.

    If you told Angry Birds to have aim assist they wouldn't.

    If you told any First Person Shooter they should make it less competitive they wouldn't.

    Etc, etc, etc.

    My point is at some point we have to accept what a game is and what a game isn't. They will never add/remove anything that goes against/with what the game IS. Suggestions are nice but no matter how many people want a core change that doesn't mean it will happen. Maybe they will jump on the opportunity to sell you a next game that meets these needs but this game is set in what it wants to be and that includes a potentially hostile game world.

  • @wodyo just plain rude. is this really the most you are all capable of for new players? I wonder if Rare supports these types of comments?

  • @john-hatter logical and fairly considerate. I appreciate that.

  • @mhulhavhaka and I you.

  • @the-kr1tt3r said in Separate PVP and PVE:

    @wodyo just plain rude. is this really the most you are all capable of for new players? I wonder if Rare supports these types of comments?

    Rude? Please. If I was being rude (like I initially wanted to be), I would have called you a few choice words as well. I'm not sorry that the truth offends you.

    This is not a single-player adventure game. It is a shared-world adventure MMO. If you had read the description, prior to downloading/buying the game, then you would already know that.

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