Glowing green skeleton glitch or secret?

  • So I just jumped on a galleon and for a very split second a glowing green skeleton appeared! Really freaky and cool, is it a glitch or a secret? No idea what it is. I have a great screen shot and video but it won't allow me to upload here.

  • 8
  • @mo7airborne I have seen this myself! Video on my Xbox live account!

  • Isn't it another player spawning? I've seen it in the pub a few times and it's another player. I'm not positive about that.

    ETA: When I say I'm not positive, I'm not positive it's always another player.

  • It’s people spawning in. Their base body spawns in before the skin, textures and other items.

  • I've had this happen a few times when a bunch of skellies are despawning from an island... they go into a death pose and then glow green and evaporate while making a creepy noise.

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in Glowing green skeleton glitch or secret?:

    It’s people spawning in. Their base body spawns in before the skin, textures and other items.

    This^ is correct. Just your crewmates spawning.

  • @mo7airborne Thirded, that's just your crew loading in with a placeholder model until their real character shows. Sorry buddy.

  • I saw them too

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