There can be honor among thieves, but not among pirates

  • Well in this game at least!

    I’ve watched countless videos where players act friendly simply to lure a ship in for a kill. And videos where the whole intent is to join a crew so they can sabotage the other players progress.

    These videos and my in game experiences sadden me, and make me feel bad for the community as a whole.

    I’m a solo player who enjoys the game, and the thrill of sailing with the prospect of attack at any moment. But I’m also a social player and at times like to say hello and gift players items mid play as well as when I’m leaving the server. Sometimes I like to sail past and jump ship with a captains chest, plant it somewhere inside the other ship and mermaid home.

    Sunday was a first for me however, and here is my story.

    Having played for over 4 hours virtually alone after seeing one sloop at the start I decided to call it a day. A new skull fort had just activated, so I figured I’d see players. I had been trying to give like 15 chicken coops, and 5 pig crates away for about 20 minutes. The first ship I encountered fired no matter what I attempted to do to prove my good intent. So I sailed away and saw a ship anchored at mermaids island. As I rounded the North West side, I saw a back sailed sloop anchored with his cannons up. I sail this way as a sign of my peacefull intent, so I circled around to offer the player my items. A cannon on the island started to fire so I turned away, and as I did so I saw the sloop drop sail and take chase. I took this as a bad omen and headed for golden sands.

    Now this is where the funny begins. I sail to the dock and perfect anchor. I grab the captains chest I found on a shipwreck just prior to mermaids ( which I had planned on giving to the sloop as well ), and ran for the chest merchant. As I lept off of the pier towards the merchant, the other player that had pulled into the western dock runs but me carrying a TNT keg! I turn in my captains chest and hear the explosion. I run toward his sloop and see it scuttle sinking. I run back laughing at the insanity of this form of griefing and remember the villenous skull I had forgotten on my sloop. The other player must have logged out because I found the skull still on my sinking ship and turned it in.

    I did not bother saving my ship, I just grabbed my kegs and turned them in for money. I then ran over to check his spot where he scuttled his ship and found 10 tnt kegs bobbing. So I decided to turn them in for the about 1.5k in gold. And then decided to go salvage the coops and crates for another player to possibly find.

    So thank you fellow pirate for teaching me an valuable lesson, and the reason why most players attack when I sail in to say hello. There is simply no honor in this game and giving the appearance of honor is simply a trick to lure people into your trap. Good job sir, good job.

    i also realize there are players like myself, so I will not fire or attack until fired upon. So as always if you see my cannons set to the sky, sail over to say Hi, but beware for it might not be me, there is no Honor on this sea.

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  • @boca-g ending your posts with a rhyme? Thats a power move...10/10 upvoted

  • @RumHam636
    Lol @ power move, it was one of those days where the words just came together :)

    I wasn’t even mad at the guy, when I saw him run out of the bushes and turn towards my ship, I laughed litterally out loud. I wish I had been recording because it was that funny. I knew what he was doing and didn’t care. I still don’t know if he jumped in the water and let go, or if he put the barrel down and shot it, ending his life In the process.

  • @boca-g Me too bro! Its alot more fun of a game the less serious you play. Hope to see you on the seas!

  • @boca-g besides the obligatory response (its a pirate game ) lol. ur right. and its kinda sad. honestly most people on line dont even know what honor

  • @boca-g
    I tried to help some players at the skull fort today, all they wanted to do was cut me down, so I obliged and came back three times. ;) I really didn’t want the loot but no mics made it difficult to express my intent. Even when I sailed over to congratulate them at the outpost they still couldn’t figure out I wasn’t firing on them.. really bad shots at the cannon, but great at straiff jumping however!

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