Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • @jakesteed5 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    After I die I wait how ever long on the ship then sit in a black screen for another 15 to 20 seconds or longer before I spawn back in.

    Same on PC.

  • @macdoland my fiance noticed that her gun skins get defaulted all the time, she has sovereign skins and i have admiral but i never notice a change to default.

  • @khaleesibot all of These fixes are dumb...
    fixed some floating candles... really???

    Well, all important fixes are not listed above.
    I am vry sad about this and feel like this game will not get better.
    May implement a Rejoin Session Function (due tons of Gameclient Crashes in the last time) but not fix some floating candles, thats totaly unimportant right now....

  • @jackythecaptain Yeah, as if the patch notes consisted SOLELY of floating object fixes.... (they didn't).

    They fixed some bugs that were brought to their attention, primarily on the Sea of Thieves subreddit. All of the bugs that were found and published there have been fixed, literally /all/ of them.

    Maybe if you tried just a bit harder to report your discovered bugs, something might get done about it. Crying on the forums about it isn't going to make the chances of stuff getting fixed any higher.

  • @tacticalpumaaa i posted many suggestions / wishes and Bugs but yeh..., i am still missing them on the list! (and the ones of many others!)

  • I noticed it wasn’t discussed why rocks were added into the gap at sunken grave making it no longer possible to boat through it. Why did you do this :’c

  • Recently I found myself suddenly falling off a ship, or even having booty splashing in the water where it hadn't done it before. I found it very annoying, and now I know why!
    Spring Cleaning - It is now easier to place chests and skulls on shelves in the Captain's Cabin, and to drop items overboard!

    I would be well away from any location that might be a place to drop over board and yet...After the drop I didn't see the item. I checked the side of the ship and there it was. In. The. Water.

    Thank you for breaking things.

  • Can someone show me the patch notes that state they tweaked shadow/lighting settings on PC? I've put in easily over 120hrs+ using legendary on everything since the betas. I used to get a full 1080/60fps experience until now, it can drop into the 40's or even less depending on the scene. I know it has to do with lighting/shadows, but can't seem to find mention in change logs.. Besides seeing shadows for ropes on boats, I can't tell a difference in visuals. It has to be an issue code wise.
    *I also experienced a total crash to desktop yesterday after changing my guys hair, first time ever. I've also noticed after 1.0.4 sometimes I can't see wind direction on ships, and I can see my guys arms buckle into themselves turning the anchor.

    PNY XLR8 1060 6GB
    16gb 1866
    Sammy 840 Pro 250gb

  • @adeezlfosheezl
    I'm noticing the same thing. I could go to any island at night and maintain constant 60 FPS before the update, but after 1.0.4 all outposts and some bigger islands with a few torches (at night) cut my frames in half depending on the direction I am looking.

    GTX 970 F*W
    8gb ram

  • @dunvar said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    I'm noticing the same thing. I could go to any island at night and maintain constant 60 FPS before the update, but after 1.0.4 all outposts and some bigger islands with a few torches (at night) cut my frames in half depending on the direction I am looking.

    GTX 970 F*W
    8gb ram

    Yes, I'd imagine all pc players are experiencing this issue, at least using nvidia cards. (I doubt amd is different). I'm really surprised we didn't see it mentioned a lot more. I've dealt with it since the patch released, even went back to the 3-20 nvda drivers optimized for this game, no change. I wonder what was done with shadow/lighting settings as those seem to be the culprit. Hopefully this is fixed though, it kind of dampens the experience.

  • So, cosmetic fixes (floating candles, etc.) are more obviously more important than real show stopping bugs like the ongoing Cyanbeard disconnects that once again where not even mentioned as known issues.

  • They need to make me happy and no one else. Jking

  • @cattaleyaathena Yeah right. Everyone has the right to enter my game session, as long as they do not bother me or anyone else. As you mention, take a nap, as long the person does not snore, bothering the rest. I also have rights, it seems to me.

  • Hi. The new update made the crew not able to hear shanties whrn they play anymore. Literally unplayable because of this

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