Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?

  • Tis true better the framerate remains constant otherwise it will become noticably choppy.
    I keep my settings down so its smooth but when I turn them up, my framerate drops from a steady 12fps to single figures and my pirate life is like a baywatch slo-mo montage...

  • @jkodis off course you can see the difference. If a screen is on I instantly see if something is 30 or 60. Or at least close to those numbers. 60 is much more easier on the eyes.

  • @longdrinkicetea yeah currently in the context of the release of SOT, yes. I have faith in the game as it is right now.

  • @jkodis Yeah it probabilly can't run it at 4k 60fps, but thats not what people are saying. They are saying they would take the downgrade from 4k to 1080p so that the xbox COULD handle the higher fps.

    Its hilarious that you missed this, as you admitted yourself "if the xbox could handle it at 60 fps it would be smoother than 30 fps" And if it can handle 4k at 30, it can handle 1080 at 60. Thats all people are saying.

    I keep reading you saying "the devs know the capabilities and how their game runs, and they chose 30" Yeah but they chose 30fps at 4k, you seem to forget that fact. If there was a 1080 option then that extra processing power could easily support a stable 60fps.

  • @hbl1234 u can build a gaming PC for the price of the X and the PC will crush the X. also u can do more on a PC then just gaming. but SoT is made to run on potatos. i can run SoT on my (Mod Edited) AMD E-350 PC thats from 2011, and this PC is under the min specs needed to run the game to. just look stuff up on youtube. there r videos out there showing when u could get and how to put one together

  • @jkodis sagte in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    @therealdadbeard You obviously don't know as much as you think you know. What you don't get is that if the xbox can't hold a steady 60fps when a lot is going on in the game, that 60 drops to 45fps, it will be noticeably choppy. I'm assuming that's why they went with 30fps, to insure that no matter how much is going on in the game, the frame rate will be consistent. So yes, a steady 30fps will look smoother than a game running at 60fps that sometimes drops from 60. IF the xbox could run the game at a steady 60fps, then of course that would look smoother. Again though, I'm pretty sure the developers know more about the Xbox's capabilities and how their game runs on it than you do, so there must be a reason they chose 30fps.

    The reason is games with higher graphical fidelity sell better. Not looks worse on Xbox but runs in smooth 60fps. I never said anything about dropping frames, you just assumed i did. I just talked about how 60fps will always be smoother.

  • @jkodis dijo en Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    Also, I don't know why people get so hung up on frame rates. As long as it's consistently 30 fps or 60fps and those rates don't drop, you can't really tell the difference. You PC nerds get hung up on numbers too much.

    And you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

    Consistency is good, but 30 fps is a slideshow for any trained eye, it's a pain for the eyes and the brain. I like that we are getting games on console with options, like NioH and some others, and listen, 60 fps all the way.

    On PC you can even go up and believe me, there is difference. I play Overwatch at 120 fps and is silky smooth, can't come back.

  • My understanding was the higher frame rate helps in a lot of fast action scenes and gameplay. The experience was pretty sedate for SOT say compared to Forza or COD etc, so 60fps is not generally needed. To see SOT on the XBOX One X in 4K with higher visual fidelity some people will prefer over the 60fps option. Don't forget Xbox One S and X are also adding a 1440p option as well, so maybe that may handle the 60fps option easily or adequately.

    I think its a preference, 30fps vs 60fps. Its noticeable, but not a mandatory requirement for some. Just depends on how much is going on in the game that perhaps drives that.

    Also, someone mentioned above the devs set the FPS for a reason, and I wholeheartedly agree, they know their game the best and how it runs on each setting and system.

    For me, I play on the X1X and PC on Mythical, both look amazing.

  • Not sure, on my pc i can play the highest graphic setting with like 65fps or so no sweat,

  • @therealdadbeard reaction time is the same, regardless, and the average human reaction time isn't going to be altered by 60 fps vs. 30 fps. Its something like a 17 millisecond difference or less

  • At launch Sea of Thieves on Xbox One X will indeed as far as I'm aware be running at a resolution of 3840x2160 and targeting 30 frames per second only.

    It would seem a given that the Xbox One X would also be capable of playing Sea of Thieves at resolution of 1920x1080 at 60 frames per second, and, I really hope Rare adds this option soon after release. I definitely regret not pushing for it sooner than I did.
    It seems an obvious good choice for Rare to make and one that would help balance crossplay just that slight bit more. Rare might even be able to turn some graphic settings up higher at 1080p/60 fps.

    And... perhaps some time down the line greater advances could be made in optimization of the game and we could see Sea of Thieves running at 4K/60 fps on Xbox One X? It's wishful.

  • The reason is games with higher graphical fidelity sell better.

    @TheRealDadBeard Right. Like the reason Zelda: Breath of the Wild was so successful was due to it's outstanding graphical fidelity and frame rates (sarcasm).

    I didn't assume anything, I'm not sure how I couldn't have been more clear talking about the consistency of frame rates being more important than what the fps actually is. Like I said, you PC guys get hung up on numbers too much. Most people, don't really give a poo. If frame rates are the reason you won't enjoy a game, that's your petty issue.

  • 1080@60fps will always feel better than 4K@30fps.

    On my PC, 60fps is the minimum I can accept. You really can tell the difference once you're used to 60+fps. Console users should have the ability to tweak their graphic preferences in a similar way to PC gamers, even if it's a simple fps/quality trade-off.

  • @hbl1234 said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    @uvg-reign I totaly agree with you, that's why i would like the X version. Half the price of a decent computer to, even dough its the double price of an S version.

    The S does HDR at 1080p at 60fps which is really nice.

    I haven’t upgraded to the X because of this.

  • @captain-bumfish

    Uhm... but One X can not? Where did you get this from? My TV doesn't support HDR unfortunately.

  • @jkodis said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    I didn't assume anything, I'm not sure how I couldn't have been more clear talking about the consistency of frame rates being more important than what the fps actually is.

    Consistency of the frame rate is important. When playing on monitors and televisions that do not support technology like AMD's FreeSync 2, having a super smooth, constant 30 fps is better than one fluctuating from say 60-30 fps, but having a super smooth and constant 60 fps is obviously greatly improved from 30.

    If Xbox One X can deliver Sea of Thieves at 1080p with comparable graphics settings (or higher) and play at a constant 60 frames per second, then it should be a thing. Simple.

  • @hbl1234 said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:


    Uhm... but One X can not? Where did you get this from? My TV doesn't support HDR unfortunately.

    Yeah of course the ONE X can. ☺️

    ONE S does Native 4K Video, 1080p (upscaled to 4K) gaming, 60fps & HDR.

    ONE X does all of the above, but also Native 4K gaming.

    And of course the ONE X has better loading times etc due to speed & memory boosts but in all the tests I’ve seen side by side, the X is faster but you’re talking seconds.

    For me personally, it’s not worth spending an extra £250 to save a couple seconds loading time & have native 4K over upscaled 4K for gaming.

    When the ONE X drops to under £300 I “might” consider it.

    Of course it’s all personal preference... 👍🏻

  • @crash4654 sagte in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    @therealdadbeard reaction time is the same, regardless, and the average human reaction time isn't going to be altered by 60 fps vs. 30 fps. Its something like a 17 millisecond difference or less

    You are completely right. Should clarify what I mean better next time. Input lag will be worse.

  • @jkodis sagte in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    The reason is games with higher graphical fidelity sell better.

    @TheRealDadBeard Right. Like the reason Zelda: Breath of the Wild was so successful was due to it's outstanding graphical fidelity and frame rates (sarcasm).

    I didn't assume anything, I'm not sure how I couldn't have been more clear talking about the consistency of frame rates being more important than what the fps actually is. Like I said, you PC guys get hung up on numbers too much. Most people, don't really give a poo. If frame rates are the reason you won't enjoy a game, that's your petty issue.

    Yeah you still don't get it haha. Man this is good. Thanks for enlightening my day. Still smiling from eat to ear xD.

  • Xbox One X at 4K with frame doubling done by the TV looks awesome. That's how I will play most of the time.

  • @therealdadbeard I know, I'm laughing at how incredibly blinded by your ignorant bliss you are. As long as you think you're awesome, then keep smiling while the rest of the world wonders what's wrong with you.

  • Some PC guys seem don’t know the difference between controller and mouse both running 30fps on PC.

  • @uvg-reign deffo think you should get the option. that said a solid 30fps is smoother than a choppy 60. this is because of the dropped frames when there is a dip.
    personally i pref 4k 30fps over 1080p 60fps. i really dont get the fps thing as it makes a bigger difference in looks. you never see people saying my bluray is not smooth yet thats 24fps lol. maybe because i play on a big a*s tv rather than a monitor.
    that said just because i dont get this craze doesnt mean i expect others to feel the same, so why should rare. people value different aspects and should have the choice esp when its already in the game on pc.

  • alt text

  • @splatulated said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    alt text

    Careful, you may cause some of the console folk to resolve their cognitive dissonance.

  • @captain-bumfish said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    @hbl1234 said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:


    Uhm... but One X can not? Where did you get this from? My TV doesn't support HDR unfortunately.

    Yeah of course the ONE X can. ☺️

    ONE S does Native 4K Video, 1080p (upscaled to 4K) gaming, 60fps & HDR.

    ONE X does all of the above, but also Native 4K gaming.

    And of course the ONE X has better loading times etc due to speed & memory boosts but in all the tests I’ve seen side by side, the X is faster but you’re talking seconds.

    For me personally, it’s not worth spending an extra £250 to save a couple seconds loading time & have native 4K over upscaled 4K for gaming.

    When the ONE X drops to under £300 I “might” consider it.

    Of course it’s all personal preference... 👍🏻

    Can you refer to documented information about this?

  • @tedakin maybe buy a pc and stop being a cheap tool with a console

  • @danablo I second this notion! Also the games are MUCH cheaper too! I don't feel like I'm assuming the submission position when I buy games on PC vs console.. This is the only game I've bought from microsoft in decades, only because it's made by Rare so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.

  • I really doubt that RARE and the Xbox One X have the capability to run the game at 60fps 1080p ... if it was the case , they offer the option ( like recently Witcher 3 or Gears 4 campaign, Rise of The Tomb Raider , The Surge , Fornite season 3 and some more )

    I think that it's very important to offer this option and RARE need to really consider it seriously.
    Even if the level of details is set to " LOW " , 60fps is trully a game changer , not just for the visual confort but also for the gameplay ( x2 times input responsivity than 30fps )

    On Sea of Thieves on consoles , when you turn the camera .... is a slide show .... it's hurts !

    Also , on the final beta, on Xbox One X at 4K 30fps we could notice many tearing and framedrops ... I hope they fix that ....

    1080/60fps option please on Xbox One X :)

  • @psycho-slash said in Can the Xbox One X run SoT @60 fps | 1080p?:

    I really doubt that RARE and the Xbox One X have the capability to run the game at 60fps 1080p ... if it was the case , they offer the option ( like recently Witcher 3 or Gears 4 campaign, Rise of The Tomb Raider , The Surge , Fornite season 3 and some more )

    I think that it's very important to offer this option and RARE need to really consider it seriously.
    Even if the level of details is set to " LOW " , 60fps is trully a game changer , not just for the visual confort but also for the gameplay ( x2 times input responsivity than 30fps )

    On Sea of Thieves on consoles , when you turn the camera .... is a slide show .... it's hurts !

    Also , on the final beta, on Xbox One X at 4K 30fps we could notice many tearing and framedrops ... I hope they fix that ....

    1080/60fps option please on Xbox One X :)

    are there any news on the toptic ?

    (last Xbox One X Patch did not change much for me)

  • If Xbox X can run the game in 4k 30 fps then it should be hard to run it 1080P at 60 fps.

  • PC can get 60 fps at any resolution because the hardware is not limited. Xbox hardware is limited and X , S Scorpio, One, doesn't matter what you plaster infront of it, it has limitations. The engine the game is running on is UE4 if I am not mistaken, has a good amount of things to render/light/shadows and of course the water+the players and the effects. All this is also considering that the current xbox gets frame drops under 30 but not consistently and well, yeah. You don't have enough power to get a steady 60 that's probably why it isn't an option. You do have the option to get a steady 30 though.

  • The Xbox One X should be able to run Sea of Thieves at 60fps if Rare adds a variable resolution, that scales down when needed to maintain the 60fps. Other games do the same.

  • weird, many other Xbox One X Games are adding a performance Mode

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