[Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat

  • One of the things I always disliked about GTA series is there was always a lot to see but nothing, with that said I don't think i will ever go back to any GTA game if they don't change that, so I hope Rare adds a bit more immersion.

  • @khaleesibot
    Salsa Here,
    Let me just start off with this, as a founder, insider and pioneer, having played through the alpha and beta, Sea of Thieves has come a long way, and just like every game out there, is not perfect. A lot of new players who are not use to Sea of Thieves gameplay style have made harsh judgement about the game and its content without realizing what it was built up from, and how far it has come. That being said, here are a few of my ideas that I feel would enrich the content of Sea of Thieves and appeal more towards newer players who are not quite used to how Sea of Thieves is played. To start, there should be some sort of protection to newer players and some way to discourage more aggressive players from attacking newcomers and go more for people who have a similar skillset (after all it is a pirate game, and in the alpha, it was actually more challenging than the current game), there should also be a tutorial for all new players to start out with, maybe a solo isolated server with a single outpost and a single island with a basic quest to show new players how to play. Second, I feel that there should be an introduction of a few more factions (this will go hand in hand with enhancing pvp, but discouraging trolling). The next factions to be introduced should focus on two main points, 1- content and lore, and 2- a structured pvp system for those who choose to focus more on that and show off their combat skills. The first faction I introduce to you would be the explorers. The explorers are a topography company that has come to the Sea of Thieves and works closely with the Gold Hoarders to map out the sea of thieves, and to discover the rich lore throughout the game. The quests would be mainly based off of the cave paintings throughout the islands leading explorers to hidden secret areas and discover the history behind the Sea of Thieves. Each quest would be a book, which upon discovering certain parts of islands, would add chapters to the book, and once the book is complete on that island, you turn the book in for gold. Along the way, explorers will find hidden legendary lore quests that will uncover ancient sea monsters such as the colossal eagle depicted throughout cannon cove, or sea serpents or giant crabs, the possibility is endless on what new kinds of enemies could be introduced through this faction. Another unique aspect of the explorers guild would be the way they navigate. Because the explorers are historians of the ancient world of Sea of Thieves, they do not follow compass bearings. They use the navigation systems the ancients used which would be star and celestial charts(because the ancients in the Sea of Thieves did not use compasses). Explorers would not only be mapping out and discovering the lore on each island, they would be collaborating with each other on different discoveries, and working together to navigate the stars to their next destination. The second faction I introduce to you is actually broken down into 3 different sub-factions, one for the Wilds, one for the Shores of Plenty, and one for the ancient isles. This would be the Navy. The implementation of the navy would introduce a complex pvp system that pits pirates agains each other who join the game to focus on pvp. Each pirate upon joining a server will be able to choose which Navy they choose to join, the one stationed in the Wilds, the one stationed in the Ancient isles and the one stationed in the Shores. Each Navy in the sea of thieves is at war with each other and their only goal is to decimate any opposing ship on the opposing team. Once you join a side, your ship gets a different color flag, and upon that flag your naval rank will be displayed based on how many ships you have sunk. People in the navy can sail to other oceans and plunder pirates who are doing quests, but beware because another purpose of the navy is to protect fellow pirates within your ocean. Any ship with a pvp quest active may only sink a ship that 1- attacks them first, or 2- any ship on an opposing faction that is running a navy quest (navy quests would be to sink x amount of opposing navy ships). Players participating in the navy would also get accommodations, experience or gold for protecting a crew who is questing in their ocean from unwanted visitors from the opposing oceans.
    I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and that this voice is heard, I have payed attention to many complaints about the game and these are just a few of the solutions I have to enrich the content Sea of Thieves has to offer.
    Pirate Founder

  • So I have been seeing the issue of people complaining about how when they are in a battle it is easy for the victors to begin losing supplies while those that died respond with supplies. I feel that an easy fix to this that may add to the game would be to have it that when a ship sinks, not only does it drop their loot but also barrels of the supplies they had. If you sunk a ship that had 20 cannonballs left a barrel filled with 20 cannonballs will float up after the vessel sinks, and then the crew can go and retrieve the cannonballs, bananas, planks just as if they had found random barrels floating in the sea. I feel this makes lots of sence logically, in where you would manage to salvage supplies from player ships as you do from sunken ships. I'd love to hear other thoughts on this concept?

  • Here are a few ideas (some have already been mentioned) on how to change the game to make it more approachable for a casual, solo player who doesn't have a lot of time to game. These are all just very basic, preliminary ideas, but any one of them would probably be enough the get me to re-install the game.

    Add an option to sail in an unarmed sloop, which would be faster than other sloops due to its lack of cannon and ammunition weight. This could also be used for a fast, hit and run, guerrilla style PvP method where an unarmed sloop solo or duo crew attempts to sail in, board, kill some or all of the enemy crew, steal loot, and sail away. Yes, I'd still be unable to outrun those fast sloop PvPers, but they would be a percentage of aggressive players I encounter, not all of them. At least some of the time, all I'd have to do to respond to PvP is stay alert and sail away whenever anyone gets to close.

    Add a matchmaking option that reliably puts me in a low population instance where ship encounters are in the 45-60 minute range. Maybe also add a higher population option, more like 5-10 minutes per encounter, with the game as it now exists being available as a middle ground option.

    Expand the map so that I actually have enough space to get completely out of sight of a pursuer when I have a speed advantage, even if they were close by when they started chasing. That way I could sail out of sight, change course, circle around and hopefully resume my activities, instead of just running from one edge of the map to the other and never getting enough distance to change course without being followed.

    Add a way to protect a percentage of my loot's value once I've acquired it, or at least some of the reputation. As it stands now it far too easy for one momentary lapse of attention, or one ship hidden behind an island, (or whatever) to turn any particular play session into a pursuit that will last longer than I can continue playing, thereby defeating whatever reasons I had for logging in on that occasion.

    Add a new type or types of voyage(s), or better yet additional optional objectives on existing voyages, that don't require players to carry physical cargo and can provide some amount of reputation and or gold that can't be stolen. I could still be attacked, my voyage interrupted, and have my traditional loot stolen, but once I escape, die, or otherwise disengage from the other ship(s) I can get back to what I was doing without having to start completely over on a whole new voyage.

    Finally, speaking directly to RARE, actually say something substantive about how you intend to change the game, or keep it the same, with respect to this exploration/combat balance issue. Can I reasonably expect something to be done to address my concerns, even if its not right away, or should I just give up on this game entirely and move on right now? Your commitment to being vague and cryptic about your intentions for the game's future is admirable, but sorely misplaced. The potential wow factor of all these "surprises" you have in store is being hopelessly watered down by the sad state things are in now and the near total lack of any compelling statements about how it will ever get better.

    Of course, I'd like any players with similar concerns to mine who would also like to see changes like these, please reply and or upvote this post, but I'd also very much like other players, who don't share my concerns, but who still would not mind seeing changes like these, to also reply/upvote. RARE is just as keen to hear about what changes wouldn't bother people as which changes would. As always, thanks for reading.

  • @canthavetesalsa I actually really like your idea about three navies set at each other's throats... It is one of the few ideas for this game I've ever heard that would actually encourage me to engage in PvP. Although I would still usually lose PvP fights as a naval vessel, I might at least be able to give another PvE enthusiast enough time to either escape, sell their loot, finish their voyage, or whatever, and that's something I might actually enjoy doing form time to time, as long as I get some kind of reward for protecting the local ship and crew.

    I also like the idea about exploration voyages, it's fairly similar to an idea I posted a while back, which sadly never garnered much attention. Hopefully it will pick up more steam this time around.

  • Hello dear pirates,

    Today I adress you to make you know the issue(s) I've faced.
    a couple of minutes ago, a stronghold-fight ended. In this fight, our ship and crew managed to kill one galleon twice, a sloop three times, and another galleon (the most persevering one) a total of 5 times. We were facing the last wave, when, due to attrition, one of the players of the other ship took the stronghold key and got to the top of the tower and used the "lay down" option to make himself invisible.
    After a quarter of an hour we found him and killed him, but not before he could hide the key. Now on the return and fully stocked, his crew with his ship came to fight our ship without resources. We died, lost all the loot on the stronghold and 3:10 hours of our time.

    Now I wouldn't have minded losing to them if they won fair and square, but after them having respawned a total of 5 times, this feels completely unfair. They were worse in PvP, worse in navigating the ship, but pure due to eternal respawns and luck, they managed to get all the loot.

    This is the third time such a thing has happened.

    This isn't balanced.

    Tips and tricks to fix this:

    • Make death timers increase everytime you die within x amount of hours
    • Make your new ship spawn further and further from the island you were at everytime you get a new one
    • Open the stronghold immediately once the boss is defeated, no hiding the key, or holding onto it forever. This isn't piratey, it's a fight of attrition.
    • Small note: don't make it so that using emotes makes you invisible to other players. This seems like a bug that shouldn't be exploited.

    Thanks for reading this, and I hope something will be done with this.

  • Just spent an hour doing a skeleton fort raid with a sloop of 2, and just as we got to the outpost to turn everything in, a galleon of 4 people with the complete royal sovereign ship set (level 50 required to buy) met us there and killed us on the island and sunk our ship.

    We were killed before we could turn in the fort chest or skull, which were the first 2 items we took on shore. Meaning after our hard work and time invested, we received 0 rep and 0 gold.

    My crewmate and I put A LOT of time and effort into a raid and were killed by a crew double our size, that only had to put in 5 minutes of work and minimum effort to steal everything we worked so hard for.

    I refuse to play this game as long as this is still a possibility, outposts need to be a safe space where PvP is NOT ALLOWED.

  • Just from the responses here I’ve seen, it seems to me that a large part of the frustration of mixing players preferring PVE and PVP is that, more than the inconvenience of dying, that PVE focused players could have a lot of their time and effort lost because of incidental PVP. But what if your hard-earned loot wasn’t necessarily good and gone just because you were killed and looted by another crew? What if there was a chance to maybe no eliminate, but instead potentially limit, the impact of a random PVP encounter?

    I’ve played as an explorer and I’ve played as a pirate, and I personally think a pure server based PVE or PVP experience would take away from the excitement of the game. At least to me, part of what makes the game exciting is not necessarily knowing what’ll happen when I see another ship sailing towards me or encounter another crew on an island. (My opinion. Just stated so you’ll know where I’m coming from.)

    My thought/solution would be this:

    • Introduce a NPC quest-giver at each outpost for a Bounty Hunter faction, where you can either pick up bounties or report your ship’s last killer (crew) for a bounty.

    • The Bounty quest that could be picked up like a voyage (maybe in addition to existing voyages) and would give a moderate amount (internally preset amount or range to avoid manipulation for profit) of gold upon completion.
    • After being reported for a bounty by 2 different ships within a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes, a bounty quest would be available through the NPC quest-giver to any third party in the server to eliminate the reported ship/crew.

    The need to be reported by two different crews to hopefully weed out vengefully placed, t*t-for-tat, bounties because of an incidental fight loss, as opposed to targeting those who are actually trying to live by the sword (or gun, or cannon, or even ship’s prow I guess).

    Every 2 additional reports past when the Bounty quests is created is treated like a new, and additional bounty quest. For example, 4 reports on a particular ship/crew means there would be two separate Bounty Hunter quests and that the reported crew would end up being sunk twice before the they would lose their bounty.

    As a result of a crew receiving an actual bounty:

    • Crews with a bounty cannot turn in stolen loot for 15 minutes, to give time for recovery. But can still turn in their own exploration-found loot.

    Based on replies from in game vendors, the game already seems to know if turned in loot was originally yours or not.

    • A Bounty does not expire until crew with bounty is killed by a third party with the bounty hunter quest, or after an hour of no further reports on said crew.
    • If they are sunk and stolen loot is recovered and turned in by any third party, both the original crew (even if offline at the time) and the current receive the reward.

    As noted above, the game already seems to track who the original owner was.

    • If stolen loot is tossed into the sea, if should float for a few extra minutes and occasionally shine, like a message in a bottle. Recovery and turn in by a third party would be the same as above.
    • To crews with the Bounty Hunter quest, bountied crew names appear in red, are visible from a longer distance, and are readily visible through a scope or eyeglass.

    Bounty Hunter Faction:

    • Successful completion of Bounty quests raises rank.
    • Crews with high Bounty Hunter ranks (crew average) are more likely to be put in the same servers as more problematic (often reported) crews.

    Hopefully resulting in crews who are fighting their way around the map having a greater chance to run into other crews who are likely more capable of fighting them.

    Just some thoughts off the top of my head, that hopefully wouldn’t require some kind of massive overhaul to implement. Bounty Hunters could provide a means of justice while also providing a means of help for those losing loot to PVPers, and still also provide a PVP outlet.

  • I did love this game, until I tried one player. You can't I have played one player by myself over 3 times. You cant do with one that you need 4 for. I's not a hole game

  • Bunch of ideas for balancing PvE/PvP

    Visual indicator whether or not ships have loot on board.
    Allows players to avoid pointless fights, if someone is coming at you when you have loot and they have none you can just avoid the fight but if you see they have loot at least you know taking the fight will at least get you something. Right now it's pretty much kill on sight, but if teams can see a ship with nothing on it they would be more likely to just leave it alone

    Allow players to transport one item with them using mermaid if ship is sunk
    So players don't end up putting in time only to come away with absolutely nothing. If I could grab my best chest and bail that would help with the frustration. Would have to only work if a players ship is sunk otherwise people would exploit. Teams sinking the ship would still get most of the loot but at least I could get something for my troubles. When I lose everything I've worked for in one swoop it makes me want to stop, where as if I could salvage one good thing I'd probably keep playing.

    Exploration Only Enhancements
    Doing exploration requires putting yourself and your ship at risk, you have to anchor down and search the island to complete quests, which makes you something of a sitting duck for other ships to attack. Players who only hunt other ships don't assume any risk by attacking untended ships on island. This could lead to no one wanting to go to islands or a boring experience for some players who have to sit on the boat to be a lookout. I propose that you add usable power ups that players can get by finding them on islands, more powerful cannonballs, b***y traps, something that makes your anchored ship invisible to other players, etc etc. Makes people who have been doing exploration less vulnerable, encourages PvP players to do some exploration thus putting themselves at risk (and hopefully means they will have more loot on board, it's lame to get into a fight where you were at a disadvantage, win and get absolutely nothing for it). Another good one, an item that let's you summon a kraken, because "Summon the Kraken" is fun to say.

    Gain Ship Resources when Sunk
    When a ship sinks have the planks/bananas/cannonballs float to the top. This would be great especially during skull forts when people can just respawn and charge at you again and again until your stuff is depleted. This coupled with the respawn proximity system just encourages people to cheese.

    Even playing field between Sloops and Galleons
    I believe the intent of the lack of player progression was to try and keep things on even footing in PvP, so that player level didn't determine outcome. I like this in theory but right now I feel like it's too easy for galleons to bully sloops, they can be faster, have 4 times the firepower (cannons) and twice as many players. I think a way to combat this would be to give the sloops more of a firing radius, maybe an extra cannon or two on the front, so they can fire straight ahead off the front

    Another idea would be to add environmental hazards that would effect the galleon but not the sloop such as more areas with treacherous rocks to navigate or shallow reef sections that would damage a galleon but not a sloop.

    Or you could give sloop players access to more tools in their inventory, like a grappling hook to go back and forth between ships quickly, or a hammer item to let them put holes in a ship that they are on board, allow them to carry two guns and a sword.

    Parlay or Negotiate
    Some mechanic that would allow players to negotiate with an attacking ship and give some portion of their loot to another ship quickly and peacefully,

    Non-Outpost Rewards
    Give players a chance to earn rewards while doing exploration that do not require turning something in at an outpost. Could be a quick quest that instantly gives you coin or a cosmetic item outright. Again try to reduce the chances that players are investing hours of playtime into the game only to come away with nothing to show for it.

    Really enjoying the game so far it's been a blast sailing the seas and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the game grows over time, could see playing something like this for years to come.

  • I just want to say that as a PvE player I find JUST the PvE of this game fun, engaging, entertaining:

    • No, I don't find fun the thrill of loosing the enterity of loot I've gained on an hour of gameplay, erasing all my progress and giving it to someone that doesn't deserve it.
    • No, it won't get fun for me when I "learn the mechanics and stay wise." It's not that I "don't get" what this game is about, it's that I don't like what it is right now.
    • No, a just PvE server won't make it boring for me. I don't find anything of the PvE boring. I do think the grind needs to be scaled down because it's out of proportion right now to get to Legendary, but not having the chance of "non-consensual PvP" won't make it boring for me.
    • Regulated PvP won't make it more fun either, I want no stress whatsoever, no less stress. I don't want to deal with killers. If I have to share servers, lets us be in a passive mode like GTA:O. Make it so you and your ship look like in the ferry of the damned, so killers know from afar that they can't fork you up.

    I'm just asking, if PvP players can ignore all PvE in the game and still grind for Legendary status (that, by the way, doesn't give any advantages whatsoever over other players and the only thing it unlocks is MORE PVE QUESTS—for the "you don't deserve it" crowd), why can't I opt out of PvP and play at peace? I want to relax, not be in constant tension. I don't find stress fun, I really don't, and taking it out of the game won't bore me, it will keep me from jumping ship to the next PvE friendly game that appears.

  • @deusnecrotis
    get as many people to upvote my post and it will hopefully get as much attention possible, quote it, post it in other threads. I adore this game, and I see the potential it has, I love being a part in that process as I have in the past. It saddens me when people slander the game without giving it a chance and having an open mind to the potential it actually has. another part to this idea is the navy you would level up as one faction, but each ocean would have its own commendation such as sink x amount of enemy ships for x ocean navy, depending on where you pick up a navy quest is what alliance it is for, green colored paper would be ancient isles, it would give you a green sail when active for ancient isles navy, blue for the shores, and red for the wilds. You can level up the navy as a whole by completing navy quests and protecting neutral players, but you can also get different tiers commendations for each ocean which would unlock unique pvp cosmetics.

  • @deusnecrotis
    correction to my previous response, colored flags not sails, along with the symbol of each ocean on it displayed with your naval rank.

  • Respawning

    So I know this topic has already been broached, but after the positively thrilling experience I just had, I feel the need to bring it up again.

    I had just left a disbanding galleon crew to play solo for one last voyage before calling it a night. Hunting about on an island for some chickens, I noticed a galleon approaching top speed. Needless to say I was too late back to save my ship. Fine, whatever, it happens.

    But it happened again. And again. Because I kept spawning one island over, the same galleon just kept steamrolling me. I had nothing, but even if I did I would much rather respawn somewhere completely different to try to start anew than attempt to recover anything I’d lost from the winning party. (Which is completely unrealistic, besides. If one ship sinks another, that should be it. The loot is theirs, the other player should not be able to swing right back at them after respawning.)

    At LEAST give the player the option to respawn nearby OR somewhere else. I do NOT enjoy being spawn camped.

  • @angrycoconut16 If someone wants to pvp all the time thats fine. Im thinking of the mother, father, daughter, or son who has maybe 1 or 2 hours to game. If they cant get a crew and have to solo it could be a bad experience. Im not saying every server I get put in has pvp players. Ive had some servers with friendly people all over and other with toxicity comparable to the overwatch community. These are all just ideas. I love SoT it is a great game. Just needs some changes. Voicing our opinions is the best way to help the teams figure out what they can do.

  • First off, I love this game. A lot. Here are a few things that could make it better (beyond the obvious, more things to do):

    1. Incentivize friendly playstyles. Currently, the motivation to attack another ship and steal their loot is far more appealing.

    2. Improve matchmaking. Current system does not appear to take into account things like playstyle (aggressive vs. friendly tendencies), skill level, or number of crew members (obviously if I’m a sloop, I’ll be more cautious about attacking a Galleon, but it feels unfair to put a solo sloop against a two-man sloop).

    3. Offer consolation reward for another crew taking your loot. It is incredibly frustrating to put time into this game, only to have everything taken from you and all your time more or less wasted.

    Writing this from a solo player perspective, but same principles could be applied across the board.

    Thanks for your hard work on making a great game that is fun to play. Look forward to seeing how the game evolves post-launch!

  • Blunderbuss is good power, can one hit at very close range.
    But can we get a buff to the Pistol and Rifle? (In PvP, they seem fine against skellies.)
    Also, headshots dont seem to do extra damage, (I might be wrong.) But they should.

  • @marlon-grando6 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    Bunch of ideas for balancing PvE/PvP

    *> Exploration Only Enhancements
    Doing exploration requires putting yourself and your ship at risk, you have to anchor down and search the island to complete quests, which makes you something of a sitting duck for other ships to attack.

    I feel that Rare will not make any changes to make it easier for solo players. When you select 'Solo only' the message says that the game will be more challenging, so Rare are addressing this up front. I'm not saying they shouldn't look for ways to help Solo pirates, but the risk of sailing alone is something you accept when choosing to sail alone.

    Gain Ship Resources when Sunk
    When a ship sinks have the planks/bananas/cannonballs float to the top.

    Not only does this idea make sense, but the collecting of resources from a destroyed ship adds another layer to the game

    Even playing field between Sloops and Galleons

    Another idea would be to add environmental hazards that would effect the galleon but not the sloop such as more areas with treacherous rocks to navigate or shallow reef sections that would damage a galleon but not a sloop.

    Some of the current rock formations look like they might be usable by Sloops as an escape path. I'm not sure. If these rock formations do exist then we need more of them.

  • So my third post in this thread, normally my crew and I (three man Galleon) are good at sinking enemy ships, but last Sunday we encountered a Galleon crew which sunk us three times when we attack them the forth time they weren't able to board us I could board them saw they ran out of stock. So yeah you can spawncamp other players or use the fast spawn to spam attacks. So the spawn must be fixed either way. Another example for a bad spawn is that we were together in a two man sloope and we attacked another sloope anchoring at an island. We sunk it and after that they tried to get their captains chest back, it ended up in them sinking again. After that we went back to the same Island and did our quest. While we did it they came back and left us alone, we were kind of merciless and when I heard them talking in-game and I killed one of them on the Island, after this my mate sailed the sloope next to their and he sunk it. While it was sinking we boarded it, and stole their storage. Then when I saw one of them respawning and I thought well I going to leave the ship anyway and it sinks, I let her live. My friend had another idea, he killed her after this we chased a Galleon and sunk it. The Galleon came back and it sunk again. So yes you can sink a Galleon with a sloope, just watch out not to get boarded and you are fine with your sloop. So yes PvP depends on skill. And I have to admit that the community is toxic. I gave it a try while I was solo. I searched for something of value and loaded in on board, and searched for another ship I told them I mean them no harm and got a present for them. I dropped it and got shot I don't care because I was expecting something like that. They sunk my sloope and I respawned. Well whatever I did at least they killed me and took the loot. So yes even if you try to be nice they will kill you either way. Luckily I normally the one who engages into a fight. And it is possible to solo sloope, you can easily sink other sloopes and even sink a Galleon, and if this doesn't work try to run out a Galleon many are to lacy to set their sails right. Yes you have to shut down your lights it's like a bright signal that tells other crews: "hey here I am come and loot me". And yes sloopes are more unlikely to attack you, then Galleons. I think this happens because they feel unsure if they can pick the fight. As I said before I think the game is balanced and depends on skill and good teamwork.

  • @k1ngbre4ker you can have a little bit of inaccuracy, or you can have a total disaster. Making a pirate game which is still fun and still this popular, but very accurate, would be garbage. Especially in an online only game. I get that they were going for a "fun" type of pirate game, but I feel like they didn't find a good balance between making your own story, and grinding the same dumb quests. From what I've seen, people love grinding quests. I totally get it. I remember the days when I could only have fun with things that set you up with a lot to do. Though, these days, I love video games, so I HATE main stories, I hate cutscenes, I hate missions, I hate direction. Give me a conflict to resolve with no help or tutorials and I'll play that game forever. Like dark souls. Enemies, weapons, conflict. You don't need a stupid story, you make the story. Granted dark souls has a story, but it's irrelevant to all the gameplay. This game did well in making a world where you able the story, but they did little to actually make it feel like another world. At this point, it's just a naval battle demo. I love this game more than a lot of other games, but I will admit to how disapointed I was to see that I bought the beta, with worse service(at first), and very little added content. People aren't wrong in hating. Everything needs conflict to get better. However, I absolutely love this game and almost every aspect is perfect.

  • @mickfuzzy said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:

    Reading through a little of this thread and speaking with me crew along our voyages, we've come to a few conclusions.
    For starters, similar to WoW. Having either a server list or drop-down to choose from, differentiating PvP, PvE, and RP. Or any mix. In our eyes would make everything simpler. Albeit there will be the trolls who want to PvP and mess with the RP'ers. But this community, I like to believe, it's not actually as toxic as I've been hearing. I believe it's just people with conflicting interests colliding. Hence would be easily remedied by different servers for respective interests. As well as PUBG style matchmaking; so you would have an option for a chaos lobby which would be 1-8 player crews in a single server (lil further down, you'll see what I'm talking about), Solo, Duo, and so on, only sailing with their mirrors, that way a solo sailer could have fair fights with other solo sailers, duo's with other duos, and then chaos lobby for people that want the diversity. you never have to worry about an unfair fight unless you actually are looking for one.
    Once everyone is playing the game the way they want to, and the community isn't as worried about "greifing", we believe that 3-4 on sloop and 5-6 on the galleon (Considering a "man o' war" is put into the game later that could be 7-8) would fit the ships better, a 4 man could very efficiently run the sloop, and a 6man galleon would actually put use to all four broadside cannons, seeing as how you could still have a helmsman AND someone else doing what-have-you. This would also encourage bigger crews and more teamwork along with some stories for the ages :), and with the afformentiond matchmaking system, wouldn't have to worry about an 8 man crew ruining a solo or duo ships day.
    As far as how people play together, these are our notes. We have some ideas for crowbars in the game, but that's for another thread! Cheers for now and look forward to the future of this amazing new world

    Just reposting because it seems like this is going a little off track, this thread is for balancing exploration and PvP. Not what customization options they should add

  • Hey after a few more days of testing, I'm very much in favor of PvE and PvP Server.

    I get a lot of featbacks from other players who have the same problem. You can not enjoy the game and play because the foursome groups kill the soloists or teams simply for fun or to catch the loot. That is not fair and I can not imagine that this in the sense of the inventor.

    Unfortunately, this does not mean that I will buy the game or recommend it.

    So please PvE and PvP server then there is the thumbs up and a purchase of the game

  • @carcinogenetxc Seriously that could eliminate most if not all of the brig abuse issues.

  • @brassymussel Agreed, and I do see your concern. I still worry it would change the game too much, I mean to take your example but if someone has only 1-2 hours surely they would play something where they are guaranteed to relax and have fun. If they are concerned about experiencing that on SoT then they perhaps need to do something else? For instance if I'm playing a different game and I know I really really want to play a specific character but they're popular and I'm worried someone will get it before I do, I sometimes make the decision to play something else if I have limited time... The VAST majority of the time you don't face PvP players.... it's a very rare occurance for me and even if you see another ship if you are both sailing players will often avoid each other as both want to protect their loot so I don't think it's a massive issue..

    PLUS think about your average player... like me, I'm impartial to it, I am very happy to PvE and I love sailing but sometimes I like to PvP as it's a fun part of the game. By creating DIFFERENT servers for PvE and PvP you are forcing people like myself to choose.. and the trouble is if I join a PvP server the chances are fights are going to happen A LOT more often because everyone who wants PvP is on there... and I like PvP being a small part of the game I need to be conscious of, ' on my guard constantly' so to speak... not a major part of the game where every time I see a ship I can expect a fight.

    TLDR: It's a pirate game, come on. This isn't minecraft. I'm all in support of trying to balance it to get the best of both worlds but asking for a separate server isn't a good way to deal with it in my opinion and will only create more problems. Plus at this early in the game (released about half a month) it's a bit early to ask for an entirely new server...

  • @duyzurich

    1. Untrue and completely subjective. I personally love sailing and solving riddles to collect my gold.

    2. Matchmaking? Seriously? How on earth can you balance a game like this? It would be far too complicated, how would you judge whether a player in a crew is more aggressive than another? Based on how many cannon balls they land on a ship? Based on player kills? What if the kills were only in self defence?... Perhaps having an easy option to leave and join a different server if you think people are too aggressive on your server would be an idea but matchmaking is really not needed in a game like this..

    3. Rubbish. This is a pirate game, when you cash in your loot your money is safe, losing money from one voyage is a b****r but that's the pirate life! Either visit outposts more often to hand in, or change your mindset. Don't treat a voyage as guaranteed income, treat it as you will hopefully get income but you have to be on your guard. Plus it really doesn't happen that often.. I've played this game quite a bit and only on a small handful number of voyages have we been attacked... it's not a major issue..

    If you are playing solo no wonder you are attacked so much, solo is in its nature a much riskier way to play.

  • @edward-doe

    1. They sink you, they deserve it. It's a pirate life. Don't like it, dont' play a pirate game. (I will say though I agree camping sucks and I think it's a good idea to make outposts a safe zone BUT I couldn't care less if they don't, if you see an enemy ship at the outpost and you're worried, you sail to a different outpost, it's not hard.)

    2. You don't like what it is right now? Then leave. I don't mean to sound horrible but a lot of people (myself included) LOVE what the game is now. And don't get me wrong I don't find it fun losing loot but that's the thrill of a pirate game! THE PIRATES! Don't treat it like minecraft, treat it like what it is. Stand guard. Be cautious. Prepare to defend your loot. Run, evade, shoot, do whatever you need to. For heavens sake, this is like trying to remove the guns from CS:GO, or remove mining blocks from sandbox mining games, being in the same ocean as others who want to attack you and pirate you is LITERALLY THE CORE OF THE GAME!

    3. What is wrong with having to earn a rank? Legendary should not be easy to achieve, it's a powerful rank. If you get a PvE server yourself I really hope the exp you get is scaled down to 50-60% of what people on a normal server get, because you don't have to defend it or worry about it being stolen.... you wouldn't have to take diversions or avoid ships because you're scared they'll attack, you won't have to leave a player behind to stand guard etc etc. And I don't mind all of that, it's part of the game. But a PvE server is literally an easy way through. Either that or pirate legend should not be achievable on a PvE server, because like I say, what is piratey about sailing around the ocean collecting loot with no threat to you? Perhaps you can become a 'sailor legend' or a 'treasure hoarding legend' but not a pirate legend. That needs to be reserved for those who have sailed in the same ocean as pirates.

    TL:DR you are basically saying you don't like what the game is. If you want to grind without threat, go and play minecraft.... don't try to change a PIRATE game into a randomly sailing the seas game, that's not what this game is about, and if you don't like that I feel like this isn't the game for you, especially if you don't find stress fun. Perhaps finding a different PvE game would be wise.

  • @canthavetesalsa I like quite a few of these ideas. Especially the immunity to new players on the ocean, perhaps for the equivalent of 48 hours game time or something, and a tutorial would be helpful for sure. Nothing extravagant, but explanatory with tips on how to survive and what to do in combat.

    I think some sort of solution like yours for PvP is much better than people suggesting a separate server... I mean, to be honest I think PvP players should be able to attack anyone, I don't think ANYONE should be exempt from being attacked, why should they in a pirate game, I don't find players to attack but I don't expect to be sailing without risk in a pirate game. However, your idea of ships also being out there to defend others players is an interesting one and one I like.

  • @angrycoconut16 said in [Mega Thread] Balancing Exploration and Player Combat playstyles:


    1. They sink you, they deserve it. It's a pirate life. Don't like it, dont' play a pirate game.
    2. You don't like what it is right now? Then leave. Perhaps finding a different PvE game would be wise.

    This is my favorite summary of the responses.
    Players ask for more options to continue playing the game and Stay a Customer.

    Forum users tell players to leave, play something else.


  • @echodoctrine don't even bother engaging, his replies are to other people are just trashing their ideas, gotta love those constructive comments. He's just looking for PvP in the forums l**o

  • all I'm going to say is that I'm never ever going to play this game again until I can move when someones hitting me with a cutlass the fact your stuck and legit cant even turn and face your opponent just shows how completely no time was spent balancing these weapons I love the game love it absolutely but that is legit the stupidest thing ive ever seen in my life like ever think about it if I hit you with a sword are you really just going to stand there?? why is this even a thing

  • This game needs a PvE option. To each their own. Give people a choice. Let the PvP players kill each other if they want. Out of the 12 people I met in the game the first couple nights post release only 2 still play it. To say that trend won't continue is turning a blind patched eye. Getting chased for 30 minutes 4 vs 1 by people just trying to snipe kill the 4 specific colored pigs a person took an hour to collect just isn't everyone's idea of fun.

  • Regarding combat. 2 concepts:

    1- Crews, even 2-player-crews could use combat roles.
    2- We all have 2 hands, let's use them.

    Each player could choose their role and adapt their character to the role:

    -Cutlas + Fire gun - Main config. No change from the actual gameplay.

    -2 swords - Fast mele fighter. No range.
    -2 pistols - Fast ranged fighter, no mele. More bullets.

    Also, characters with guns should have a way of carrying more bullets like a pouch on a slot, and we could play with an extra configuration:

    -1 Gun + extra-bullets pouch.

    Characters with a hook would not be able to wield a weapon on the off-hand but the hook itself would be a weapon that stunned opponents, for example.

    Also the hook would give the sniper a bit less stability.

    Obviously, each player should buy a second weapon in order to use it. This way, the items sold are not only cosmetics.

    I hope you like the idea.


  • Back in this thread, I have to say I made a fun experience today. You can skip the first part if you are not interested in a short in-game story of mine.

    While I was on a hunt for other players today (solo sloop, I was hunting down a player in another solo sloop as I recognized later. When I finally managed to catch up to the other ship and hit it, the other player dropped it's anchor and told me that he has a chest I can have. I think it was meant as you got me please leave me alone I give you my treasure. When I saw it, I first decided to accept. After a few moments while I was closing in to the other sloop I told the player he can keep it and I will escort him back to the next port. We met no other players, but if it where the case I would have engaged in combat to protect the other player. When we were at the port I watched him/her unload the ship already aware that he had lots of chests in the ship, but I just thought he/she trusted me why should I destroy that trust and loot him. At the end I got a chest gifted aswell.

    1. So now what I want to tell you with this post let two ships play together if one is doing a voyage,the other is like some kind of payed mercenary protecting the person which hired him/her. Let the so called mercenary only obtain a reward if he/she is close enough to the ship (I see problems in engaging combat while protecting). Let the person who brought the mercenary only lose gold if the mercenary did his job well if he sinks in combat but the protected ship finishes it's voyage let the mercenary get some money aswell. When they part away give them a bit of time before they can attack each other again or offer them to work together again.

    2. And what about a sea raid challenge? Like there will appear a nice warship (like a ship of the line) from time to time and it will be a raid like the skeleton forts. You can board it and it has lots of cannons in all directions and patrols from one location to another. The reward will be either loot or gold from a new faction. For all who participated in the fight depending on the shots fired.

    3. I just say one thing to PvP, in my opinion it is balanced. Sloops can take down Galleons and the other way round. Did both in every configuration you can imagine. From solo to four man crew. Yes it is harder if you are in a three man Galleon against a four man Galleon, and it is also easier if you are in a two man sloop against a four man Galleon. All in all PvP feels balanced for me you just need a good team and a person doing the right calls. PvP in this game is all about communication, and I always do this via TS, because the enemy is listening through in-game chat. I said more than I wanted to this theme.

    Your sincerely


  • I'm having an incredibly frustrating time lately. I'm doing Merchant quests and I'm level 15 or 16 or whatever. I get a quest to get 1 pink pig and 3 pink and black spotted pig. I go to a large island with pigs on it and it's just a slow, awkward experience slowly walking around trying to find the exact pigs I need. I manage to get the pink one and one pink and black spotted one, but then I'm stuck scouring the island for two more pigs that might not even be there. Is there a guarantee that the pigs I need for my active voyage spawn with other pigs?

    Oh, and before I could even find the third and fourth pig the game crashed and I lost the voyage and the two existing pigs I got. GG, Rare.

    EDIT: And one last thing. Let's say the game hadn't crashed and I was able to find the two remaining pigs I needed without going to a second island. My rewards would be maybe 800 gold and not even a level of Merchant reputation. From the time I activate the voyage, slowly get the four cages (one-by-one) from the Merchant rep, sail to the island, slowly gather four pigs, make sure the pigs don't die to starvation, and sail to the assigned outpost could easily be 30-45 minutes. That's... hardly any progression for the time given.

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