Devs: Please Switch to Triple Buffer on PC

  • The game seems to use a double buffer, which is to say if your framerate drops even a little below 60 it cuts clear down to 30fps. So if you're hovering right around the refresh rate you get this awful erratic effect where it jumps back and forth.

    Because this game suffers from the cancer that is UWP format I can't just force triple buffering in the Nvidia control panel. You guys have to fix this, I don't know how or why it was ever set up this way.

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  • @cyberlith Triple buffering can add a lot of latency to the game and it requires a fair amount of extra memory.

    It's also possible that it wouldn't sync well in cross-play with the xbox players.

    Either way, double buffer is the safest bet for now, imo.

  • @xx-mirth-xx

    I seriously doubt it would cause any crossplay issues. It doesn't add enough latency to affect gameplay much, and this isn't exactly Unreal Tournament where twitch reflexes matter a lot. The issues caused by having it far outweigh any positives.

    And they could always offer both options for PC players. That's what PC's all about, options. At the moment I have to lower settings to make sure it never dips below 60 or uncap the framerate entirely which causes screen tearing. Neither a great choice.

    And I mean, I'm assuming this is the issue. This erratic back-and-forth between 60 and 30 is usually a side effect of a double-buffer vsync.

  • I'm with @Cyberlith here. With VSync on, there appears to be a stutter when moving the camera around and the in-game performance counter shows an erratic framerate. If it gets anywhere near 60 it stutters. In my experience this type of behavior has always eluded to the lack of triple buffering. This could be a limitation of UWP but unfortunately that also means it's impossible to force from our end. This would need to be a fix done by the developer. I for one can't stand tearing so VSync is always on for me and triple buffering is the only way to have a smooth experience.

  • Follow up for anyone who finds this thread:

    For those of you with NVIDIA cards, I enabled VSync and a 60fps frame limit (frame limiter v2) via NVIDIA Inspector. Then, in the in-game settings, I disabled VSync and enabled the 60fps limit. I got silky smooth frame times. I don't know enough to understand why this could possibly work, but it did for me!

    All I know is that even with a single frame limit option (in-game or using Inspector) and VSync I still saw odd fps behavior (jumping from 59-60 rapidly) using the in-game performance counter. However, when using 2 limiters simultanously along with VSync, the fps stays at an even 60fps and I observe a smooth experience.

    This may seem like overkill but it's the ONLY thing that allowed for a smooth experience while using VSync (for me, your results may vary). Obviously triple buffering would be preferred, but I'll take it.

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