• Why is it possible for there to be 1v4's? For three hours I was chased by a galleon. THREE HOURS. What was I supposed to do 180 cannon them? I was outnumbered, out-damaged and outgunned. Devs talk about items not giving an advantage over other players when there are 4 man squads able to fight a solo sloop. Why is this even possible? Solo servers for solo players was a no-brainer, there is literally nothing solo players can do against a 4 man squad, 3 or even 2. I'm not sure what the devs were thinking. Some other solutions would be buffing solo players, and solo sloop, for example, more health, more damage done by both. One other solution suggested by many players would be to make outposts a safe haven of some sort. This would get rid of campers and even allow people to communicate with each other without having there a** clenched about one of them shooting each other. This would be very helpful in gathering men to take down the Kraken. There are so many options to balance the game, solo players should not fell stressed when seeing another ship.

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  • @chuigt Hold up a second. Are you actually complaining that a crew of four can take on a solo player in an open world sandbox pirate sim??? Seriously.....

  • @gotwhity66 said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @chuigt Hold up a second. Are you actually complaining that a crew of four can take on a solo player in an open world sandbox pirate sim??? Seriously.....

    Hold up a second. Are you actually incredulous that someone would complain about 4v1? You seriously never thought anyone would complain about that?

  • @gotwhity66 I don't that's what he's complaining about. It's the fact that they're just griefing players because they're playing solo. It's fun to kill players for no reason other than to p**s them off by ruining any fun or advancement. Idiots.

  • @gotwhity66 Not just me, hundreds and probably even thousands of players, so yes the game is unbalanced and it doesn't matter if the game is an open world alien simulator, BALANCE=FUN

  • @chuigt I get where you coming from and I would personally like some changes. So far I never engage solo players in combat unless, for some reason, they attack first.

  • @chuigt or just turn into the wind.

  • @flowerofcarnage said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @gotwhity66 said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @chuigt Hold up a second. Are you actually complaining that a crew of four can take on a solo player in an open world sandbox pirate sim??? Seriously.....

    Hold up a second. Are you actually incredulous that someone would complain about 4v1? You seriously never thought anyone would complain about that?

    Hold up a second. Are you actually surprised that a person that makes a post like this did not get away from a galleon which against the wind is way slower than a sloop!

  • @gotwhity66 Yea it's fun to kill other players but not when it's an unfair fight. An even fight would be understandable but 1v4's? This shouldn't exist.

  • @chuigt said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    Why is it possible for there to be 1v4's? For three hours I was chased by a galleon. THREE HOURS. What was I supposed to do 180 cannon them? I was outnumbered, out-damaged and outgunned. Devs talk about items not giving an advantage over other players when there are 4 man squads able to fight a solo sloop. Why is this even possible? Solo servers for solo players was a no-brainer, there is literally nothing solo players can do against a 4 man squad, 3 or even 2. I'm not sure what the devs were thinking. Some other solutions would be buffing solo players, and solo sloop, for example, more health, more damage done by both. One other solution suggested by many players would be to make outposts a safe haven of some sort. This would get rid of campers and even allow people to communicate with each other without having there a** clenched about one of them shooting each other. This would be very helpful in gathering men to take down the Kraken. There are so many options to balance the game, solo players should not fell stressed when seeing another ship.

    Sloops have a very good turn radius that a Galleon cannot keep up with. Use your strengths to your advantage.

    Also, stop carrying so much loot that you feel like you need to run away for hours to save it.

  • @chuigt I don't think it's fair either. Sadly, this is an open world, anything goes, kinda game so it's allowed. Curious to see the changes they make.

  • They warn you up front that solo is difficult; this is why.

    That said, why did you allow them to chase you for three hours? You had options for attempting to outmanuever or distract, and ways to turn in loot without stopping/risking your ship. Search around, I promise there are plenty of ways. I assume you had loot to turn in, since you could have easily scuttled or logged out to get away from them otherwise.

  • @shofficer I did turn multiple times, three hours and all I wanted to do was stop at an outpost. I finish a voyage and return, I don't do that. Why are you assuming I lost a lot progress? I am posting this because it's not right, not because I lost multiple chests.

  • @labarge28 Why would I allow someone to do that. Don't you think I tried outmanuever them? I only had two castaways chest. This did't anger me , what angers me is the unbalance there is .

  • @chuigt said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @shofficer I did turn multiple times, three hours and all I wanted to do was stop at an outpost. I finish a voyage and return, I don't do that. Why are you assuming I lost a lot progress? I am posting this because it's not right, not because I lost multiple chests.

    I assumed you had a lot of loot, because otherwise the only thing prolonging your chase was your sheer determination to get away. If you wanted the chase to stop, you could have turned to fight to the death, scuttled, or hopped servers.

    I'm a big fan of looking for other galleons that are minding their own business, and leading my pursuer right up to them. I'd say roughly half the time the two galleons will engage each other (as they see each other as the bigger threat). Heck, you can lead them up on parked sloops as well, although I tend to feel bad dumping that on them.

  • @chuigt

    Scuttle your ship and start up somewhere else?

    Know what's the most frustrating thing pursing someone is?......... when they sink there own ship, disappear and leave you with nothing..... not even a shoot out.

    I think scuttling your ship for this reason is almost a form of greifing in itself.

  • "I only had two castaways chest"Why would turn around and lose progress? I did eventually stop.

    I literally couldn't find anyone. There are times I think I'm in a solo session

  • @roosterilluzion said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @gotwhity66 I don't that's what he's complaining about. It's the fact that they're just griefing players because they're playing solo. It's fun to kill players for no reason other than to p**s them off by ruining any fun or advancement. Idiots.

    Really really?

  • Jeez can we not just lock these threads. GROUNDHOG DAY

  • @stem589 True, I'd have to come back for the chests though.

  • @stem589

    I got to agree with with, had a 2 player sloop chasing me for about 15 mins yesterday, I tried taking them into the storm but still couldn't get away, one of the players boarded me and dropped my anchor, I just managed to kill him and raise anchor before his friend could turn around.

    Ultimately I Left the storm and pointed my ship directly south to sail off map, Jumped overboard so they wouldn't see me and swam underwater, when i surfaced and looked up I saw their ship sinking down from the oceans boarders. was very satisfying.

  • @chuigt you want to change the game because you chose to put yourself at a disadvantage and then got mad because it didn’t work out?

    Solo play is for EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY! It’s meant to be very difficult. That being said you just don’t know how to solo sloop. If done correctly there’s no reason another ship should ever get close enough to mess with you in the first place

    I’m sick of people suggesting pointless changes for things that don’t need fixed due only because they are ignorant of how to play properly...

  • you are aware that scuttling your ship just spawns you at the nearest island to the greifalleon rihgt?

  • @chuigt
    Please no, safe havens would ruin this game. It is balanced as it is, if you are struggling in solos you can always join a 3 man and talk to them.

  • @toastywrath Pointless changes? I've been playing this game since the alpha, rarely have I lost a solo fight, or a galleon fight with friends, One cannot simply 1v4.

  • @chuigt

    Personally, I dont think safezones would help, however I am in agreement with the often mentioned bounty system, if you kill someone at an outpost you get an ever increasing bounty allowing other players to hunt you down

  • @chuigt said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @toastywrath Pointless changes? I've been playing this game since the alpha, rarely have I lost a solo fight, or a galleon fight with friends, One cannot simply 1v4.

    Sure one can. Practice more?

  • I just took on a 3 man crew all by myself. Their galleon showed up and started obliterating my ship just as I got a banana crate (fill with nanners and turn in for reward).

    I stashed the crate behind a building in a bush and returned to my not quite dead ship and killed one guy in the water and another on board my ship. The third killed me and they destroyed my ship.

    I respawned on a nearby island, returned to the outpost and found them there. So I started killing them non stop. They eventually ran off in their ship and I was able to continue filling my banana crate and turn it in without headache.

    Don't be such a scrub. Assess. Adapt. Overcome.

  • @sigtric I would rather they devoted development and server resources to adding new content and features to the game. If you dont want to fight 4v1 then run or use matchmaking and get a crew of your own.

  • @chuigt So have i buddy. And I have never had this issue. Although I don’t allow ships to approach me in the first place. Even if they give chase you have plenty of options to protect your treasure.

    Yes it is a pointless change. Your issue is remedied by knowledge not by segregating the playerbase.

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  • @subaqueousreach I survived the kraken with my hurdy gurdy

    Don't be such a liar . A***s.Adapt. Overcome.

  • @wtexas8 They're not your skulls and chests until you actually physically hand them in. Until then, they just happen to be on your ship.

  • The game is designed around having a crew and player interaction. You chose to go solo, which it will even warn you against, as it is harder than with a crew. Not the game's fault you decided to go the hardest possible route. Me and a buddy in a sloop have taken out many 4 man crews on a galleon using sound tactics and patience. Know the strengths of your ship. You turn faster, you are faster against the wind....Use that to get into a shooting position that they cannot fire back from. It can be done.

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