Greetings to all from the Shamanic Wolf...

  • I have only just discovered this game, but I have already been hooked on it based solely on the amount of content and customization this game has to offer. Here's to hoping they added some wolf based content! grabs tankard of rum, but in any case, will probably be running solo at first, will go by Captain Lycan, or "The Lycan ", but hope to join/ start a crew, and hope you guys can aid in that endeavor.

    We Will Be, The Wolves of the Sea!

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  • Hey!!! Glad to see you've enjoyed what the game has to offer thus far. Personally, I'm beyond excited for this release I didn't get to play any of the others except the final beta but it sucked me right in. When your ready to find a crew id suggest you check us out @ (There's a button that will say "Apply" on the main page or "Apply Here" in red if you're on our forums then select the Sea Of Thieves division) not only do we play SoT but we also have about 19 others that we play and over 3000 active members from all over the world and to top that all off we have been around for over 18 years.. We do have a recruitment thread up as well with some of the information on it about us if you wanted to check that out its right here: Click Me
    Regardless of your decision feel free to add me on the xbox app. and we can always sail the seas together!

  • @shamanicw0lf Cap'n Beastwood and his merry men welcome you ye scurvy dog hope to see you at the tavern for around if grog before we set sail

  • @shamanicw0lf

    Ahoy matey,

    Welcome to SoT.

    If yr in need of a crew, look no further. We be a fun bunch of sea dogs looking for adventure and booty. Ye can check us out at

    Hope to see ye there...

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