I'm Captain Skulliah and this is my story - What's yours? ☠

  • Ahoy pirates! I'm Captain Skulliah son of Mary and John Anderson from an unknown little crew nammed The Flying Unicorns. On the 19th of June 1994, while they were exploring the wreck of an old ship they found an ancient relic. Once back on their ship, it began to shine. Legend says that a fog would have started in a deafening silence and a flying ghost ship would have appeared. They would have tried to defend relentlessly their ship till sea monsters would have took it under water. The little boy was drafted by pirates the next morning, but what happened to his crew remains unknown. Some people think they have been cursed by the ghost fleet and forced to serve them. The boy became a slave for several crews and sold multiple times. He finally was abandoned on an island out of fear that their ship suffer the same fate. A few days later, when he was looking for a chicken on the beach, he found a bottle into the sea. The riddle in it told him that a treasure was in the caves of the island. After facing skeletons, he dug to six paces South by South-East near the infinite snake painting. He managed to convince two pirates a few days later to take him to the nearest outpost to sell his loot. At that time, he decided to make The Flying Unicorns back to the sea with pirates who want to discover the world and create amazing stories. One day he will find out what happened to his parents and their crew. This is how the Captain Skulliah was born. A legend has always a story.

    That being said, I'm new to the forums and I'm a french guy who will speak english as my best. I'm looking for other pirates who want to join my crew and sail the seas together. I don't only wanna look after chests and other stuff, I'd also like to take time to explore all the islands and the seas, take awesome screenshots/virtual selfies and spread all our stories. I'm confident the journey to be Pirate Legends will be so much fun that way! That's a draft of my character's story and I'm waiting for the full game to be released to add some elements to it such as items he had from his parents or scars he had from the battle.

    So, what's your story guys ? #WeShallSailTogether

    BTW add me if you want to explore the world together @Skulliah

    PS: Feel free to correct me, it will help me to improve my english.

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  • The names BunglingNormal2, also known as Captain Bungling of Buccaneer Bay. I've mainly come to the Sea of Thieves to amass wealth and hopefully meet the Pirate Lord, or what may be left of him.
    I know that's a tad short lived I just don't feel like typing a lot :P

  • Deadlock Ganj didn't always use to be a pirate... He was a humble herb farmer... well one day the government decided to make his plants illegal, and raided his farm! They labeled him a criminal and put a bounty on his head! He grabbed what was left of his precious herb and made for his escape! Deadlock stole a government ship on his way to freedom, and the rest will happen on the sea of thieves.

  • I just woke up in a tavern and started drinking grog. They say you can still hear me vomiting at the Dagger Tooth Outpost.

  • I know that's a tad short lived I just don't feel like typing a lot :P

    @bunglingnormal2 Well, that's a beginning haha why do you want to meet the Pirate Lord? 👀

    Deadlock Ganj didn't always use to be a pirate...

    @deadlock-ganj You just didn't know it yet ☠ What's the name of your freedom ship?

    They say you can still hear me vomiting at the Dagger Tooth Outpost.

    @Frostycrypton Awesome! I'll go there to hear that then. What happened next?

  • @skulliah Not sure guess it’s just a goal I decided to work towards (and the hideout looks real nice from what I’ve seen)

  • @bunglingnormal2 yea can't wait to see it with my own eyes! If I saw him first, I'll introduce you to him.
    I hope he knows something about the ghost ship

  • How do you suppose Captain M**o got the nickname Madcap? Once upon a time he was just an average sea dog like you, but he ran afoul of a sinister mystic. Pride come before a fall me hearties! Most are wise enough to steer clear of the mysteries of the deep, of dark secrets and magic. Not so for Captain M**o.

    Some say M**o was deceived, others that he was punished for his misdeeds... Whatever the case, the story goes that a withered mystic wove his magic and took young M**o's bones, replacing them with a decaying old skeleton!

    Captain M**o never was the same after. The aches and rattles of his old bones drove him mad. To this day Madcap M**o roams the seas searching for the bones that were stolen from him, like a man possessed...

  • My name is Zalavaaris. I would share my story but we wouldn't wanna be ruinin the surprise. Ye be learning in a weeks time.

  • The names LEEDLEMAST3R AKA captainLEEDLE on the sea as a friendly hand to help a pirate in need but beware i can be a deeadly foe if looked upon wrong.

  • @skulliah Ahoy there and welcome aboard!

    Ye'll find a great many stories and legends written in this thread!


  • When I stole my 1st ship from some decent guys, I looked at my grilfriend and said "I am starting a pirate clan called Black Opc. It's pronounced Ops. Black Opc. Outpost Campers".

    She said "No. You're an idiot. Also, stop saying "grilfriend".

    I'm too drunk to be able to articulate much more than that, but I do know I have been on the waters ever since. ...however long ago that was.

  • @skulliah I eventually found myself on someone else’s ship, where I proceeded to drink their grog and fight them while they tried to kill me. Everything else is a bit fuzzy. . . (Also, fighting drunk is a pretty good strategy to blind your opponents with vomit XD)

  • @madcapmoro Maybe we will find your bones in a chest locked in skelleton fortress. If I find one, I'll try to bring it back to you!

    @Zalavaaris can't wait to learn your story then! Maybe you should give us some clues 👀

    @LEEDLEMAST3R I like to help other pirates too on the sea! What's the most amazing thing you've done to help one?

    @KattTruewalker Thank you! I'll read them all, they look amazing!

    @DISLEX-fx I guess she will soon see you are not an idiot when you will bring back your loots!

    @FrothierSet8674 well, rhum is the most precious loot and as you say, it is a pretty good strategy I thought too but I didn't try it yet. We could be allies and pretend to be friendly by landing on their ship, drinking grogs with them and vomiting on them. Then it will be quite easy for us to take their loot and run away! ☠

  • randomly gve crews free loot to hlp fellow piraes on their quest fr greatness.

  • LEEDLEMAST3R is the xbox GTanyone feel free to add me so we shall sail together. hpee to see you all on the sea at launch.

  • “If ye seek adventures and treasures untold...
    then welcome aboard the SeaDog we sail for gold.
    Beware the dangers that await us at sea,
    there’s no turning back...Legendary Pirates
    or fish food we’ll be...”
    -Captain LDG

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