[Mega Thread] - Cross Play (Part 1)

  • This whole threat is about fear. Fear of having a playexperience spoiled due to the freedom PC is giving compared to a console.

    Fear..never gave any good advises

    @its-s****. said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Personally, I think that giving the option to not take part in cosplay

    I wont ever take part in cosplay... I promise !


  • @its-s****. said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Personally, (My opinion, Don't care if you dislike it), I think that giving the option to not take part in cosplay restricts how vast the game can be and reduces its potential.

    Yeah I love to dress up as a pirate whilst playing SoT!
    Haha well, I think Rare has done quite a good job with this crossplay feature. People always give their opinions on the internet as stated facts or almost making threats... It's just the way their anger with their lives comes to manifest. Can't blame that! Everyone is angry and/or salty once in a while.

    For those saying "But the graphics are better on PC"... Yes, IF you spend the money on graphics, And I'll be honest, on Xbox One, The imagery is already pretty darn amazing..

    Nah I know what you mean. Xbox HAS great graphics, and you didn't spent your money on a GTX 1080Ti to get such detailed gfx... The difference isn't really that great if you would assume both platforms will support the 4k resolution.

    For those saying "Mouse and Keyboard can react faster", You're wrong, I suck terribly in PvP on mouse and keyboard, And I was a PC gamer. I react faster and play better with a controller.

    Well, I can't really say I'm better with a controller.. But I do have both, so I switch occasionally to get some more experience using the SoT controller. I actually am still faster with M+K, but that's because I've played a lot of fast-paced shooters the last 15 years, if I'd done that with a console instead of PC.....
    I'm getting your point ;)

    "But what about haxors"

    Who cares about haxors.. Every game has a bunch of them.. no need to give them any more energy than they deserve, except reporting them ofcourse :)

  • @sprungnickel427 I'm on PC and I fully plan on playing with a controller :)

  • @williamherschel As a PC player, I think we're not at a huge advantage. Of course, the faster turning is nice in the heat of battle, but as soon as you ADS, the speed gets cut more than in half. There is no way to increase the ADS speed in the settings either.

    As annoying as this may be, I think it's intentional, to not create that huge gap between PC and XBox.

  • I can't wait for to sail the sea with my crew, We have both PC/Xbox players ready to sail under the same flag. Cross play is a awesome feature to this game!

  • Just got my sea of thieves controller, looks awesome. Now I just hope that there will be some news about beeing able to disable crossplay on Xbox. So i can pre order this masterpiece.

  • Cross play is a great option to give people, however you should be able to turn it off if you wish. After reading many posts on this thread it seems clear that some love it, some hate it but most just want the option to use it or not.

    The servers do not hold an insane amount of players, I don’t believe it will be difficult for Rare to split them into three categories(Xbox only; PC only; Cross play) and still have their servers populated properly. Once implemented it should be easy to see which servers are in most demand and shuffle things around accordingly.

    If cross play cannot optionally be disabled then I will not be buying the game, I suspect others won’t either. To lose sales over something so trivial and easily fixed would be bad business and a damned shame.

    To summarise, give people the option to play with cross play or not.

    Also I would love to hear an official response from Rare regarding this feature, this mega-thread has gone on long enough. People need to know so they can make an informed decision on whether or not to preorder.

    Thanks for reading this long post.

  • @seedy-platypus said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Cross play is a great option to give people, however you should be able to turn it off if you wish. After reading many posts on this thread it seems clear that some love it, some hate it but most just want the option to use it or not.

    The servers do not hold an insane amount of players, I don’t believe it will be difficult for Rare to split them into three categories(Xbox only; PC only; Cross play) and still have their servers populated properly. Once implemented it should be easy to see which servers are in most demand and shuffle things around accordingly.

    If cross play cannot optionally be disabled then I will not be buying the game, I suspect others won’t either. To lose sales over something so trivial and easily fixed would be bad business and a damned shame.

    To summarise, give people the option to play with cross play or not.

    Also I would love to hear an official response from Rare regarding this feature, this mega-thread has gone on long enough. People need to know so they can make an informed decision on whether or not to preorder.

    Thanks for reading this long post.

    100 % in agreement, great post

  • @seedy-platypus I couldn’t put it better myself

  • Pc or xbox add choice matchmaking with country, russian don't speak spanish who dont speak chinese who dont speak english who don't speak french, its a coop game so make an option to choice the matchmaking country.
    And so for sure before matchmaking, find a guy who speak your langage and play with him.

    Its just a matchmaking option like Ghost Recon Wildland, choose to speak for coop not choose to always use google trad, reverso or others translation tools.

  • I am worried about cross-play with PC Modders How long before were are at sea and this giant Thomas the tank engine comes along shooting rockets or armed with flamethrowers blows you out the water.

  • if im honestly after some hours while im playing Sea of Thieves i see many disadvantages for this Cross play

    Low Sensitivity while zooming in my opinion this is an worse try to balance PC gamer and XBox gamer sniper becomes meaningless cause u cant aim on an moving target and nobody stand still like a stone in this game

  • Besides the ADS, M/KB vs Controller thing, it's also the FPS. High FPS lets you react faster as well.

  • Just have a check box like in Rocket League. If people want more players to match up with they can leave crossplay enabled.

  • More games need cross play. I have a PC and an Xbox 1 in my son's room. 90% of the online games I own don't allow a way to cross play. I miss the old LAN days of Xbox and Halo with everybody yelling at each other across the house. We need more of this again.

  • i think cross play is a must have, almost like the pve + pvp thing.

    the performance issue with different view distances and so on hat to be corrected. but i dont think controller vs mous and keyboard is a huge differenc by skilled players.

    yes there is a huge gap when you have a "noob" mouse and keyboard user vs a "noob" controller user. but if you are a good controller guy, you have almost simmilar skills and options. but for that they need different sensitivity while aiming or not. so i think if they can customise this, there will be no problem.

  • @dielikekane said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Let console players use mouse and keyboard.

    I really hope if they do add M&KB support for Xbox that they let you use any USB mouse and keyboard. You can buy a $20 keyboard and $10 mouse which is 99% as effective as a $100 keyboard/$100 mouse combo.

    If they make Xbox users buy ridiculously overpriced mice and keyboard combos it'll just be a money grab.

  • Just leaving this comment to remind Rare how awful the forced crossplay is. Give us an option, or lose a lot of players due to frustration. Just look at what's going on with this and other topics, where PC players basically think of console gamers as handicapped. Let the bunny-hoppers 360 no scope play against each other. I certainly don't want to. I've been there, done that and then switched to console after years for more relaxing and fair gameplay. Don't take this away from me.

  • @mykemichail You folks gotta stop with this nonsense with mouse & keyboard. It's already supported in the games on xbox. Just plug any USB keyboard and it will work if the game allows it. I use the keyboard in many games for chatting. Mouse works too with some games (some RTS games allow it, Minecraft as well). It's up to devs to enable M&K. What Phil meant is that they'll be adding mouse&keyboard support for the dashboard and apps. With that being said, M&K will never be globally supported in every title. Phil also mentioned that if a game supports it, there needs to be a separate playlist so gamepad players aren't at a disadvantage.

  • I'm really happy to see cross play implemented into the game. I have many friends who play just on PC and really looking forward to being a crew together and plundering ships.

  • I love cross play. Me any my kids all get to play together in the same game. Its great and I have a choice of how i want to play. I pref xbox to pc for games but if the wife want the tv then i can go play on my pc.

  • I don't mind it, I'm playing it on PC so if consoles wana have a go at me thats fine, I will 360 no scope that sh** in my sleep with my mouse, THO the game itself puts up some balance issues for PC in the form off low FoV, unless you tweak it yourself in the files, and also the mouse sens when you are scoping is horrible low, personaly i think they need to fix it or add an option atleast to have same mouse sens when you scoping you do normal looking around.

  • Why do you open the doors for cheaters to console?
    How stupid must one be ? Its like if a Bank would leave their doors open overnight and be like "most people are fair and good, nothing should happen".
    Crossplay is a big invitation for cheaters and supports cheat makers and sellers.
    They laugh now and jump like crazy "hahahaha this noobs we will hack them into 50000*50000 pieces and say "learn to play noob" "
    Exactly this is what will happen.
    Because of that make an option in the matchmaker for people that dont want to play "mixed" with PC. Thats only fair and should not be complicated to do .

  • @karstenx1971 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Why do you open the doors for cheaters to console?
    How stupid must one be ? Its like if a Bank would leave their doors open overnight and be like "most people are fair and good, nothing should happen".
    Crossplay is a big invitation for cheaters and supports cheat makers and sellers.
    They laugh now and jump like crazy "hahahaha this noobs we will hack them into 50000*50000 pieces and say "learn to play noob" "
    Exactly this is what will happen.
    Because of that make an option in the matchmaker for people that dont want to play "mixed" with PC. Thats only fair and should not be complicated to do .

    its a play anywhere game, all of them go cross platform now, don't like it? don't buy it! G0W4 is fine, so are the Forza games. So you're just blowing this out of proportion. Not to mention you site no real examples or reasons.

    alt text

  • @tougetuned
    "don't like it? don't buy it!" I don't think devs would support this approach. And yea, Gears of War 4 is fine with its crossplay but IT'S OPTIONAL. You can turn off crossplay in GoW and that's what most people do. In SoT they force us to play against PC players which is a great way to show a middle finger to everyone who believed Rare when they said on multiple occasions that SoT is all about fair play and not giving anyone any advantages. Mouse & Keyboard vs a controller is literally the biggest advantage one can get. You PC folks don't even get me started with "oh I didn't notice any advantage when using a mouse"

  • @tougetuned
    i bet you "play" PC only right?

  • @captain-surgee i instantly refund the title if there is no option to turn of "hackermode" as i already call it .

  • @captain-surgee said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    "don't like it? don't buy it!" I don't think devs would support this approach. And yea, Gears of War 4 is fine with its crossplay but IT'S OPTIONAL. You can turn off crossplay in GoW and that's what most people do. In SoT they force us to play against PC players which is a great way to show a middle finger to everyone who believed Rare when they said on multiple occasions that SoT is all about fair play and not giving anyone any advantages. Mouse & Keyboard vs a controller is literally the biggest advantage one can get. You PC folks don't even get me started with "oh I didn't notice any advantage when using a mouse"

    You don't actually know yet that this will be forced. All we seen so far is a beta where they specifically wanted to test there servers. For all we know this is already an option you don't know.

    That said I agree this should be an option but I deffo love that we can crossplay as it means i can play with my kids etc and one copy of the game play on either system winner winner.

  • @lumpaywk said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:
    Mouse & Keyboard vs a controller is literally the biggest advantage one can get.

    There is even a bigger advantage you can get, wich is playing with full premium wallhacks and aimbots on PC vs console players(no matter if they use MnK or not, no chance) , and THAT IS what every 3rd PC player WILL do.

  • @karstenx1971 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    @lumpaywk said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:
    Mouse & Keyboard vs a controller is literally the biggest advantage one can get.

    There is even a bigger advantage you can get, wich is playing with full premium wallhacks and aimbots on PC vs console players(no matter if they use MnK or not, no chance) , and THAT IS what every 3rd PC player WILL do.

    Not sure this is happening as much with the windows store apps but i could be wrong. Also in a lot of games yes mouse is a huge advantage but this game its only slight plus if your that worried you can use a mouse and keyboard on the xbox.

  • My brother can't use a M&K for the life of him and even when playing Rainbow 6 siege on PC he used the controller support offered and still kicked butt.

    The Controller has it's own advantages and when it comes down to it, the main issue would be the Frames 30 fps on normal xbox and whatever you want on the PC.

    I started playing on the Xbox on a projector and loved it, still got kills still had fun. Now I've moved to the PC and monitor setup for the game and the real advantage for me was the frames I was getting... TBH I'd possibly even use the controller on the PC and still get kills and still have fun.

    As for Cheats well, that's for Rare to fix and us to report.

  • @lumpaywk you only have to look at the sick, and i mean really SICK amount of hack users in PUBG on PC, its the ultimate proof what an extreme high percentage of players on PC do indeed cheat.
    PUBG is on Windows Store too.

    Anyway i hope for the best , all i want is to avoid this neckbeards , thats why i bought a Xbox X and a Playstation 4 Pro, to finally get rid of that "PC cheater race"

  • @karstenx1971 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    @lumpaywk you only have to look at the sick, and i mean really SICK amount of hack users in PUBG on PC, its the ultimate proof what an extreme high percentage of players on PC do indeed cheat.
    PUBG is on Windows Store too.

    Anyway i hope for the best , all i want is to avoid this neckbeards , thats why i bought a Xbox X and a Playstation 4 Pro, to finally get rid of that "PC cheater race"

    PUBG is noNOT a windows store app at all???? You can get the xbox version on there but its not a store app for pc. I'm not talking about silly steam or origin apps that leave the game files wide open and i am not saying it cant happen but from my understanding the xbox store apps (used to be called metro apps) are fairly safe from this.

  • @knightx13 Crossplay on an FPS game seems unfair. I'm not apposed to it as on PC I would be at an advantage but it may not be too fun for any XBOXers

  • It's awesome. I have a lot of friends that can't justify building awesome rigs, or they can't afford them. However, they have an Xbox. It's cool that the pool of players will be that much more broad due to this capability.

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