Marked killers or ship bounties?

  • In Tom clancy’s The division when a player kills another player they become marked in a way that you know they are hostile. This has a cool off time. I think this should be something added to players when they sink other ships. This is a PvP game so I understand people probably don’t want a deterrent from killing other players but it makes it so that you can’t just sink every single ship you see and steal their chests with no risk what so ever. I previously suggested that there be a “raise a white flag” feature that allows you to go into peaceful mode so long as you don’t have a chest on your ship. This may just make you a ghost but more exciting than that would be that if you shoot a ship with a white flag raised you instead get a bounty in your ship and whatever crew sinks your ship collects the money. This I think would make it to where not everyone is just crazy about killing any ship they see and may make the footage from the trailer actually more probable because in the beta every player i saw wanted to kill me and sink my ship regardless of whether I had a chest in my ship or if I was docked and just exploring. Everything in the game that has a reward should have a risk which is why you shouldn’t be able to go into peaceful mode with a chest on your ship. I would maybe even go far as to say that your ship should be marked as “carrying treasure” or something to let other players know there be loot to pirate! What do you guys think? Should there be no peaceful mode or deterrents from players simply sinking every ship they can or should people have a reason to think twice before they light off the cannons?

  • 7
  • I like that if you've been running around killing a lot or sinking ships you get some kind of title so others know. But if they don't add it. it adds to the suspense of "who are you? are you going to attack? Should I attack because I don't know your intentions?" I mean if you see someone with something like that, chances are you'd just run away.

  • Pirates will be pirates! This game is created as an open world do what ever you want. No matter what you do the killings will continue. That is the nature of the game and of course Being a PIRATE!

    Anything that would penalize the people who play as pvp will just make them want to push more because now it becomes a bigger challenge. How far can we go befor weget taken down because I’m marked kind of thing.

    You have to build the skills with others to get better then them or learn how to run away successfully.

  • I like the idea of being similar to the division in the sense that multiple player kills (or in this case sunk ships) marks your ship in a way on the map. This allows other PvP oriented players to hunt you, possibly for some gain, and gives other less PvP inclined players a place to avoid.

    This works well in the division as a whole "Police force" evolved from hunting players who stole from others. In a pirate game that may not fit the story but it would still be the emergent game play rare seems to want

  • No. Since we cant down vote i can only say no.

  • I like that.

    It’s similar to Rogue system in the Tom clancy’s division.

  • Division also strict pve zones. The areas in sea of thieves are all pvp. The ghost thing wouldn't work because there is no reason to become invisible. Another thing is the maps were small enough where you were surrounded by players in close proximity. Sea of thieves map is large enough that you can be alone for a while but small enough that you can still see players in the distance.

4 out of 7