Poll: Best pirate movies

  • What are your 3 favorite pirate movies? Number them in a reply and I'll keep track to determine the Forum's pirate-y preferences. Here's my vote as an example:

    1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
    2. Treasure Planet (1999)
    3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

    Note: Order doesn't matter, I'll just tally the votes. No voting for the same movie multiple times. Only 3 votes per person. Theatrical releases only (sorry, no Black Sails). Also, add the release year or the name of an actor/actress if you can. You wouldn't believe how many "Treasure Island" movies there are.

    Edit: Switched one of my votes from Muppet Treasure Island to Master and Commander. Sorry Kermit...

  • 26
  • Captain Phillips (historical nerds please dont beat me : - )
    The Crimson Pirate
    Störtebeker (2006)
    : -)

    EDIT: The Black Sails series is also good because of the girls xD

  • [mod removed]

  • @karstenx1971 lol That's not exactly what I had in mind but it's definitely a pirate movie. It's good too! Counted! If you want, you can vote for two more movies as well. Just edit your post to keep everything together.

  • @holycrusader78 Awwww spoil sport

  • Muppets Treasure Island!!! Not only a classic but some of the best pirate songs going. Iv got cabin fever waiting for the launch of this beta :)

  • Pirates of the Great Salt Lake (2006) Fun fact, I helped fund this movie and my name is in the credits :)
    Yellowbeard (1983)
    Cutthroat Island (1995)
    Blackbeard: Terror at Sea (2006)
    The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
    The best obviously

  • Captain Blood - 1935 - Errol Flynn

    They don't make them like that anymore, but it was a fairly good take on the book by Rafael Sabatini - Errol Flynn at his peak - (yes dating myself)

    Acting a bit over the top and corny sometimes, and in black and white and no great visual effects but some of the battles looked pretty good for those days - a definite swashbuckler...

    Good Fortune!


  • My favorite pirate movies to this day are all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I love action pact movies and these are very action pact. That is also why I’m sooo excited for Sea of Thieves!!

  • @drbullhammer Master and Commander was pretty amazing.

    Anyway to be honest i cant really make a top 3 for pirate movies. Some of my favorites aren't really all pirates, but have pirate themes in them. Im always searching for excellent pirate movies, but when it comes to realism they usually fall a bit short. Which is usually what I'm after. So my list is currently mostly comedies. Pirates of the carribean movies wont make my list theyre too fake, although great costumes and such.

    Best pirate movies I've seen, that are completely pirate movies:
    Pirates: Band of misfits
    The Pirates (2014) Korean film
    Roman Polanskis Pirates (1986) Walter Matthau

    Best Pirate themed movies that are not all pirates:
    The Goonies
    Pirates Passage

    Im going to have to try and watch some of these that are on the others list. I love classic movies just because the story and dialog are always better than newer movies.

  • @summer-scholar

    1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
    2. Pirates: Band of Misfits
    3. Blackbeard 2006
  • Goonies
    The Bounty
    The Hunt for Red October

  • @drbullhammer Oh man, how could I forget about Master and Commander? I have to edit my list.

  • Any one ever see the classic movie BLACK BEARDS GHOST??

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  • @nanach I definitely think that Hook and The Goonies are pirate movies. I haven't seen Pirates Passage but really if you think it's a pirate movie, I'll count the vote. I don't want to limit people's options.

    I do want to cut off votes at three per person though. The limitation forces people to choose and ensures that popular, well-known pirate movies won't sweep the poll.

  • Here's the Poll leaders so far:

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - 3
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - 2
    Master and Commander: Far Side of the World (2003) - 2
    Pirates: Band of Misfits (2012) - 2

    There's a handful of other movies with a single vote so it's still a very close race. This post hasn't gotten a lot of attention lately so I'll declare a winner in a few days if there aren't any new votes.

  • @drollblock2492 Gotta agree, it's just incredible.

  • @jonn-havoc Three votes. You nailed it xD

  • @jcmdeadpool said in Poll: Best pirate movies:

    @jonn-havoc Three votes. You nailed it xD

    1. Pirates of the Carribbean
    2. Space Pirate Captain Harlock (does this count? It's got a pirate.)
    3. Scooby Doo Pirates Ahoy
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  • @zombie-p1ague Ahh, the old classics. Acting was still a little over the top from the old silent movie days but was calming down a bit. Swords fights (especially the mass battle set pieces were quite funny sometimes, even more so when they appeared to be sped up a little to make them look more intense. They really held onto the romanticised view of piracy though. Growing up as a kid, pirate films were one of my favourite genre's, especially thouse filmed in or around the WWII era.

    @Summer-Scholar Not necessarily 'The best' pirate movies, but some of my fondest memories...

    1. Is really a tie between The Seahawk (1940 Errol flynn) and The Black Swan (1942 Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara) Both made during the war where a lot of movies were used (knowingly or otherwise) as morale boosters and donation drive encourages and to instill a patriotic feel in the viewing masses.

    2. The Buccaneer (1958 version about Jean Laffite with Yul Brynner and Charlton Heston)

    3. Treasure Island (1950 Disney live action version with Robert Newton).

    Yes, more modern movies have been 'better', more realistic, historically accurate but childhood memories are a hard thing to ignore. ;)

  • @summer-scholar I shall add a vote for Kermit then!

  • @wargrym your very right a lot of movies were made to destruct from the horrors of war still the scene in CAPTAIN BLOOD where One of the crew shoots his own toe off after a skirmish to try and earn an extra share for a lost limb. Is my favorite.

  • The Muppets - Treasure Island
    The Goonies
    Time Bandits

    All time bests! :p

22 out of 26