Toss the grog overboard and learn how to make bumbo! (Recipe inside)

  • Ahoy me hearties!

    I wanted to share a little pyratical history with you and teach you how to make the quintessential drink pyrates throughout history enjoyed! Now you may be thinking to yourself that pyrates drank grog. That's either because you saw it referenced in a movie or some other form of hollywood nonsense, but sadly this is wrong. True pyrates actually hated grog because grog was a drink made specifically for the Kings Royal Navy. Here is the full wiki if you'd like to more about it. The short version is that sailors were forced to drink stagnant water on long voyages, often times this water grew algae and slime. Water of such quality was hard to drink and even made people sick. Sailors started drinking rum and brandy they acquired from Jamaica instead but unfortunately would blow through all their supplies and end up super drunk. The navy didn't like this at all and in order to counter such shenanigans the Royal Navy decreed for it's sailors to instead add water to the rum which both diluted its (drunken) effects and accelerated its spoilage, preventing hoarding of the allowance.

    If you want to make Royal Navy Grog all you'll need is:

    • 4 parts water
    • 1 parts rum

    This is grog in it's simplest form however to help fight off scurvy, citrus juice was sometimes added.

    Now onto the good part!!!

    Pyrates didn't want to associate with the Kings Royal Navy and their watered down rum drink so they invented their own form of grog which they named "Bumbo" (also known as bombo or bumboo) which is a drink made from: rum, water, sugar, and nutmeg. Cinnamon is sometimes substituted for or added to the nutmeg. A related drink is called the Traitor: made with orange juice, rum, honey and nutmeg, mixed and heated.

    Bumbo was popular in the Caribbean during the era of pyracy, largely because it tasted better than Royal Navy grog. Pyrates and short-haul merchantmen did not suffer from scurvy as often as British sailors, largely because their voyages were shorter and their diet included plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. This meant that citrus juice could be dropped from the grog recipe, and sugar and nutmeg sweetened the mix.

    Bumbo was commonly used during election campaigns in colonial British America, to the extent that treating voters to gifts and other freebies during election campaigns was referred to as "swilling the planters with bumbo." George Washington was particularly noted for using this technique. His papers state that he used 160 gallons of rum to treat 391 voters to bumbo during campaigning for the Virginia House of Burgesses in July 1758.

    If you'd like to make bumbo at home and feel like a real pyrate all you need is:

    • 2 fl oz (50 ml) of dark rum (not clear/white rum)
    • 1 fl oz (30 ml) of water (or use citrus juice for added flavor instead)
    • 2 sugar cubes (or 1/2 teaspoon of grenadin)
    • Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon to taste nutmeg (You can also sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon to taste cinnamon with or without the nutmeg)
    • Mix in a shaker and serve
      Additional option is to add ice for a modern touch

    Drink up, enjoy and remember, pyrates don't let pyrates drink grog!

    Fun fact: It was reported that Edward Teach (Blackbeard) added gun power to his bumbo for an added pepper taste.

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  • @jonn-havoc Sounds interesting, might have to try it!

    Edit: If you were interested in other piratey recipes etc there is a thread I created a while back (now archived) that has some more recipes too :)

  • @stacky-a said in Toss the grog overboard and learn how to make bumbo! (Recipe inside):

    @jonn-havoc Sounds interesting, might have to try it!

    Edit: If you were interested in other piratey recipes etc there is a thread I created a while back (now archived) that has some more recipes too :)

    The drink "Flip" sounds rather interesting.

  • @jonn-havoc said in Toss the grog overboard and learn how to make bumbo! (Recipe inside):

    The drink "Flip" sounds rather interesting.

    Yeh I have to agree, seems weird to add egg yolk to it though. I really need to try make them all at some point - At least I have a good rum collection to start with :)

  • @jonn-havoc nice. Will have to try it!

    I think i might juat make grog with coke instead of water though lol

  • This is actually an off choice of grog, pirates were good mixologists and your research is fundamentally true. Grog was a rationing attempt as it prolonged the water rations as the alcohol stopped the bacteria forming thus preventing legioaires desease. However grog tasted foul... I know right, stagnant water and rum, whats not to like. But this led to flavourings of various forms. Lemon was added to stay scurvy, sugar was added to combat the bitterness of the lemon and eventually various spices were added to settle the flaviour. This was often still referred to as grog although many variations did take separate names (i honestly didn't know about bumboo so thanks on that, made me chuckle trying to say it like a pirate) the collective drink was still often referred to as 'the grog'

    On another note i believe i read somewhere that they were also the first to mix rum with coconuts, piraty pinacolda anyone.

  • I like my coffee
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  • And here I've just been slaying the kraken... dark rum. If I were smarter I'd add a pic of the bottle. But seriously, delicious rum.
    I'll be trying your recipe in the coming days, and the linked ones, can't wait!

  • @chaos217 kraken rum is no joke though

  • @chaos217 on cold nights like we been having I love Kraken hot butterd rum it yummy and keeps you warm

    You will need:
    – a teaspoon of unsalted butter
    – two teaspoons of maple syrup (or brown sugar)
    – half a teaspoon of mixed spices
    – 50 ml Kraken rum
    – 20 ml apple or pear juice
    – a cinnamon stick

    In a saucepan, melt the butter gently with the maple syrup and spices. Add the rum, the apple juice. Once warm, pour into a glass. The final touch? Heat the cinnamon stick a few seconds over a flame, to bring the flavours out and use it as a stirrer. And well, pretend you are a pirate for a little while.

  • @zombie-p1ague you've been having cold nights but we're in the middle of summer here.
    I'll be trying that recipe too though, going to need more rum!

  • @chaos217 when you heat up rum it seems to bring out the nuances of its flavor one of the reasons I like it so much you can also try a classic hot toddy (this can be made with Bourbon or rum)

  • I am drinking this on launch night. Kraken rum be the weapon of choice (I’d use Appleton but that be expensive.) I always found I did much better in pvp with rum in my system in SoT

  • This is amazing. 4 parts water 1 part rum. A pirates life for me!

  • @mrfortyse7en said in Toss the grog overboard and learn how to make bumbo! (Recipe inside):

    This is amazing. 4 parts water 1 part rum. A pirates life for me!

    Don't do it! It taste horrible!

  • @zombie-p1ague That hot buttered rum sounds awesome! - Will have to wait until winter to try it, our Aussie summers are a bit hot to be drinking hot drinks 😊

  • Yummmmm reminds me of this...

  • Tea was very important during the days of piracy. It was a valuable commodity that was always being shipped to the colonies. Here is a nice tea cocktail to bring the pirate out in you
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    The recipe calls for Darjeeling “2nd Flush” black tea, but you can get away with using any black tea you have on hand.

    You’ll need:

    1 1/2 oz Orleans bitters
    1 1/2 oz dry sherry
    ¼ oz lemon juice
    ½ pot of black tea
    3 small spoonfuls of agave nectar
    Start by making a half pot of black tea and let it steep. Then fill a mug about ¾ full with the tea before adding the rest of the ingredients. Garnish with lemon if you so choose.

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