What Company Did You Choose to Level First?

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    When you first started playing the game; what faction did you gravitate to? Was there one you found easier to level? Are there ones you have yet to level? One you're currently working on leveling?

    For me and my partner MonochromeSL, we are trying to level The Merchants first. Since we are still new to the game we enjoy just visiting the islands and collecting the loot that's on the shorelines which tends to be merchant items so we normally grab a merchant voyage and head off to island hop with the voyage in mind.
    We have a lot of fun just exploring the islands along the way and because I enjoy the fishing our Hunters rep has also been slowly increasing, Monochrome hates when I get sucked into fishing while he's sailing. 😅

    The other two main Companies are around 35 rep level for us just for simply handing in stuff we've collected and doing a voyage here and there. Our Reapers rep is at around 20 by doing the same thing pretty much. And then we haven't touched the other ones.

    I've noticed a slowdown in EXP when the level starts to climb towards 40; does doing the Captained Voyages give more overall EXP or is there no real difference between the regular voyages?

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    xbox onegeneralquestionjust for fun
  • I like the Burton vibes of order of souls

    my attachment to a faction is hunter's call.

    do their own thing, hunt, fish, keep to themselves but work alright with the rest when needed

    my kind of place

    I do like visiting the Danny Trejo character at gold hoarders from time to time though.

    The effort you put in your threads is great.

  • @technicolourss I'm a Reaper's guy, though I'm not very good at PvP lol (working on getting better). I like them lore wise as they wants true piracy and the end of the corrupt trading companies.

    I've noticed your posts recently and engagemnts with the community, keep it up!

    Happy Sailing!

  • @wolfmanbush thanks! I like making posts that engage the community, the unofficial reddit seems to really like them and since I joined the creator thing on here (I stream) figured I should have a presence here too!

    I have a lot fun see the different play styles people have, tips and tricks, the convos flowing, gives me the dopamines. 😝

  • @riptide3683 We are so bad at PVP lul, we are trying to get more into the spirit of the game being a PvPvE game instead of letting the loses deter us too much. I've started spitefully sailing us off map when we are being hunting 😂😂😂

  • @technicolourss it was so long ago that I could even level a faction but I wanna say Gold hoarders was the first one I leveled followed by MA, and then OOS

  • When you first started playing the game; what faction did you gravitate to? Was there one you found easier to level? Are there ones you have yet to level? One you're currently working on leveling?

    Gold Hoarders

    Yes, it was the most easiest back 4 years ago.
    I've done every faction besides, Reapers (73) Athena (19)

  • Hunters call

  • I was really fascinated by Gold Hoarders, the traditional X marks the spot and the way the riddle mechanics worked, it was really really enjoyable and full of immersion, I wish I could delete my memory and experience it all over again. OOS was close second and I did not enjoy merchants much, delivering cargo where plants block your vision was not fun and not really rewarding, never even bothered to catch animals. Like literally not even a single time I tried to catch a pig, I might have transported a snake once.

    I've noticed a lot of things I thought I will never do in SOT, I start doing since I am running out of things to thrive for, so I wonder if I will ever chase that pig like in the trailer.

  • @TechnicolourSS

    I've noticed a slowdown in EXP when the level starts to climb towards 40; does doing the Captained Voyages give more overall EXP or is there no real difference between the regular voyages?

    The best way to level up a faction is to raise the emissary flag of chosen faction, do voyages for chosen faction, collect loot for chosen faction, level up emissary to grade 5 then sell all all loot to faction merchant for 2.5x gold and xp.

    Once you reach grade 5, the chosen faction representative will offer you an emissary voyage. It’s usually a high tier loot voyage.

    You need to keep a good look out tho, cuz the reapers hunt the ships with their emissary raised.

    Good luck out there

xbox onegeneralquestionjust for fun
7 out of 10