Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse

  • So I had an idea that would be very cool what if we could wear our own clothes on our skeleton curse but only hats, jackets, pants and boots because I have some cool combos I could put on my skeleton what do you think?

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  • @lost-s4ad0w unfortunately not a new idea and a huge undertaking on Rare’s side to have all the clothes fit on all the body types adjusted to the skeleton sizes.

  • @lost-s4ad0w the thing is, the original clothes would need considerable rework to be able to work with the skeleton curse.

    Alot/most clothes have pieces of skin attached to them or stuff like belts are not rings in which your body just fits they are actually just discs which are not open on the inside, no issue with regular bodies however with a skelly it would be visible

  • @lost-s4ad0w I initially expected that we could use clothes, hooks, crutches, bandages and other pirate paraphernalia with this curse, as well as costumes, especially such as a reaper costume, but for some incomprehensible reason this can not be done ... lol .. I don't understand WHY at all???

  • @krahaborr if you read the post i made just above the one you made you would know exactly why

  • @callmebackdraft I mean that stuff should have more quality lvl before releasing it into use

  • They have it for ghost curse so I like that they have diff approaches

  • @krahaborr the thing is it is an impossibility to just 1 on 1 use the regular clothing onto a model that is basicly 70% empty.

    It has nothing to do with the quality of the clothing models, it is called rendering efficiency.

    On the clothing vertex that is added adds rendering complexity, this is useless for stuff that isn’t seen. Hence why a belt would bee a disk instead of a ring a disk has a lot less vertices compared to a ring (50% or even less) and this is just one example.

    The inside of clothes are not textured for the same reason, it isnt seen. Just like the inside of rocks/islands etc don't have geometry or textures.

    Adding this to all the clothing pieces affected would not only be an enormous amount of work for all the clothing we have available to us it would also mean useless rendering passes for every players gpu every time a clothing piece is in render distance even though someone might not be wearing the skelly curse.

    The implementation they chose for, adding it as its own cosmetic system is smart and we have got to remember. We didnt start out with the hundreds of clothing pieces we have now. They can and will add more to this in the future

  • @callmebackdraft Its why I've wrote
    @krahaborr пишет в Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    @callmebackdraft I mean that stuff should have more quality lvl before releasing it into use

  • The idea from another thread was to allow people with the curse to use the clothing that is already done for skeletons, like the stuff the NPC captains and crews wear.

    The items themselves could be made available in any number of ways.

  • Well if not all of them, would it be as difficult to allow Boots/gloves/Hats? I mean it's some work to put in for sure, but a curse should be a curse and not a glorified costume.

  • The issue isnt just adjusting the clothes rigging for the bones size, most clothes since they tend to be hugging your character were never modeled on the inside, so if a lot of jackets, shirts or pants were put onto skeles, they would be totally see through from the inside.

  • @krahaborr said in Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    @callmebackdraft I mean that stuff should have more quality lvl before releasing it into use

    I dont know how much you know about modeling for games, but most games dont release perfectly modeled stuff that is designed to look like the real deal, game devs tend to create only what they need to for the player to see, if they dont expect that you would see the inside of a jacket or belt, why would they need to put in the effort to model an inside to them?

    Theres no reason to model something that the player was never intended to see, and considering the skeleton curse was probably not considered until the majority of cosmetics were released already, they had to make a choice to either make something new, or remodel and re-rig everything they have already made. I know which i would do in that situation,

  • All of this having been said Im surprised and truly disappointed they arent including 1 or 2 new skeleton curse cosmetics with each season.

  • @foambreaker yep, it is as nice variant, it also can be recolored and combine with different sets

  • @goldsmen pls enough about "3d modeling and etc" that allready in the game as skeleton npc or as costume models, that possible to do just need more work for that

  • @soulstinger2k20 said in Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    All of this having been said Im surprised and truly disappointed they arent including 1 or 2 new skeleton curse cosmetics with each season.

    At the moment, there's probably not enough players who have the curse to justify spending resources on adding more cosmetics to it. Once enough people have it, they'll probably start adding more cosmetics.

  • since the outfits fit different on skeletons it would be quite hard for this to be implemented, that being said it's not impossible, just very time consuming, and I think the devs are a bit focused on other things. however, I would love to see this, imagine the DA jacket on a skeleton! it would look sick!

  • @krahaborr said in Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    @goldsmen pls enough about "3d modeling and etc" that allready in the game as skeleton npc or as costume models, that possible to do just need more work for that

    The reason for bringing up 3d modeling, is because it isnt simple. The reason SOME skeletons have clothes and specific skeleton costumes have clothes is because those clothes were designed for them. Every item of clothing that is designed for the players is clear on the inside, and rigged for a fleshy pirate, which means they would have to re-rig the clothing to fit on bones, as well they would have to rerig and remodel EVERY clothing item in the entire game again, unlike making a single outfit for an npc or costume that doesnt even use the same model as the curse.

    Its not as simple as you think to be able to brush it off and just simply do it. Before you treat it like a simple issue, you should learn what the issue with it actually is.

  • Thats why I figured we would get maybe 1 or 2 skelly items per season.

    I cant imagine they couldnt model 1 per 4 months...

  • @goldsmen many of the clothing items skeletons use are also available as current clothing (for example shadow skeleton captains use the nightfall hunter jacket and Merricks jacket[minus the hooks and fluff]) so they already have player-rigged sizes and interior textures available.

  • @goldsmen пишет в Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    Its not as simple as you think...

    I not about that simple, I'm about the things would be more better with some work for this

  • @aut0-pii0t said in Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    @goldsmen many of the clothing items skeletons use are also available as current clothing (for example shadow skeleton captains use the nightfall hunter jacket and Merricks jacket[minus the hooks and fluff]) so they already have player-rigged sizes and interior textures available.

    As i said, the player skeleton is a different model from npc skeletons. They would still need to rerig the outfits that npc skeletons use because they have a single static model that does not change shape or size.

  • To be fair it is actually harder.

    NPC skeletons are one model. Maybe 2 or 3 if you count captains.

    Every single player size and gender is a seperate model, so every single cosmetic has to be made and properly rigged about 12 or 15 times, possibly more Ide say.

    Every skeleton cosmetic will have to fit every skinny, medium, chubby, tall, short, medium, male, female player model, and to do that with EVERY existing cosmetic is, yeah, too much.

    BUUUUUT like I said before... 1 or 2 new skelly pieces per season couldnt be THAT hard right? : (

  • @goldsmen im not saying they would need to rerig the model the skeletons wear, I'm saying they could use the textures from those models with already rigged player clothing into clothing that would better work with skeletons

  • @aut0-pii0t said in Let us wear clothes on our skeleton curse:

    @goldsmen im not saying they would need to rerig the model the skeletons wear, I'm saying they could use the textures from those models with already rigged player clothing into clothing that would better work with skeletons

    Are you saying to copy the internal texture of the skeleton clothing and pasting it to the internal of all player clothes? Thats how your post reads to me and if i am reading it right, that makes no sense. Modeling isnt a case of copy paste one texture to everything else, different clothes are shaped differently and have totally different textures and colors, different sizes and it would still need to be done to everything.

    I dont know about you, but i dont think that the blue jacket that skeleton captains would have a fitting internal texture if pasted onto the inside of merricks jacket.

    If you mean something totally different, then i have no idea what you mean or how the existing limited selection of clothes that is on npc skeletons could make it quick and easy to give player skeles all of the players selection of clothing.

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