Hunters Call Ideas

  • An emissary for Hunters Call would be absolutely amazing. As someone who is currently trying to get the "Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves" title, you get very little money from fishing and an emissary would help fix that. Also a few voyages and Hunters Call specific areas would allow for more dynamic gameplay that'll help keep fishing fun and interesting for people on the grind. I'm not the most creative person but I believe the devs could absolutely smash a Hunters Call update! Hope yall feel the same.

  • 13
  • Perhaps bigger payout for cooked fish instead of a system that's advertised as a target on your back. I had similar suggestion, but changed my opinion afterwards.

    P.S. (off topic) Did you know that Lobsters, which is a luxury meal, served only in posh restaurants - used to be food for poor people and prisoners. There used to be so many of them that they were dirt cheap. But unsustainable fishing tactics almost lead to their extinction and now they are scarce therefore the price.

    So who knows, maybe Ruby splash tail will one day be the most sought out fish by Sovereigns. ^^

  • I've suggested a few simple ideas that could be easily implemented but I honestly feel like they don't care about the hunters call.

    I think hunt quests are a good idea, another posted had mentioned going to certain islands to hunt down big game. I also think they could have "Go and fish up x fish" quests with increased spawn rates/give you bait to do it. They could make fishing slightly faster or allow you to actually set the line when the fish is running off into the middle of the ocean. (a fishing mechanic overhaul of course would take more time but would also be appreciated).

    If they wanted to spend more time on the big things they could also introduce fishing boats with harpoon weaponry and create a "go and hunt moby d*ck" kind of scenario (this would never happen either of course).

  • As someone who is currently trying to get the "Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves" title, you get very little money from fishing and an emissary would help fix that.

    So you just want a Boost in fishing because it too much of a grind
    No thank you.

  • @burnbacon You never have anything of value to say

  • add dry racks for selling and the longer it sits there the more it is worth (up to a max) and have it be worth more than cooking

    have racks portable like stools so people can do fishing trips with them and so they can be stolen and count for commendations

    like a fish defend/stealth type of scenario

  • @n0soup4u
    The thing is, he's not wrong. I'd be OK with emissary for the Hunters Call but only if they go up to lvl 75 like everyone else does, otherwise it's too easy and a slap in the face to everyone else who did it the hard way.

  • If we're talking hunters call idea's, how about a new ship set that isn't just a re-colour?

    And how about the ability to buy fishing rods with different string colours?
    E.g. The forsaken ashes rod is glow in the dark orange/yellow, but I'd like more options for glowing lines please!

    Or trinkets for the boat that are fishing themed, like fishing rods, tackle boxes or a jar of leeches that squirms when you strike it?

  • @wolfmanbush I really like this idea!

  • Big Hunters Call fan and new to the forum. Saw this topic and had to respond! I apologize ahead if these concepts have already been proposed.
    As loot is loot no matter the treasure, here it is fish. Be it catching or turning it in, it is always nice to cash in a cooked black cloud or snow wrecker.

    Hunters Call could easily follow the same formula that the Merchant does.

    Purchasing quests
    -Catching certain type of fish to deliver to other sea posts/out posts that have a supply/demand for gold.
    -Meg hunts following hints along a trail of ship wrecks, similar to that like the The Shrouded Deep?
    -Fish down in the Shrines
    -Plunder rewards

    Encourage sailing into parts of the map that pirates don't commonly go
    -Hunters Call Chests (similar theme like that of chest of rage, crying chest, chest of ancient tributes)
    -New fish, animals (crabs has been mentioned and teased via emotes)
    -Fishing Rowie only bought from the Sea Post

    Eventually Sea Posts could get overhauled (or even one main Sea Post like Reapers outpost is?)

    And finally bring back the fishing weekend event to encourage the sport.

    The Hunter's Call is a different kind of game play that is really unexplored in the Sea of Thieves thus far. On my 4th year of this game, I have really started to play Hunters Call this last year as a social outlet. It's a nice break between PvP, or doing another World event. Just sailing out and getting away from everyone with your friend/crew and visiting. Have had interesting experiences that were organic and entertaining because we were not paying attention and someone snuck up on us. It's a part of SOT that really could be developed and encouraged.

    Great to post and share ideas, and thanks for sharing yours!

  • @burnbacon The guy wasn't talking about rep, but about gold and making the long grind less tedious. I don't mind that it's along grind, but i have to agree that it gets boring. I would certainly welcome variety like voyages for fishing and/or some more gold for the fish you catch. Has nothing to do with earning more rep for Hunter's call. Since the fish sell so incredibly cheap it really feels like you've wasted your time fishing 30-40 fish when they only sold for like 10k.

8 out of 13