Pirate Superstitions

  • Docking a rowboat to your sloop will cause you to be attacked by Kraken, you have been warned!

  • 10
  • What goes around comes around

    go against the conscious and it's rough seas ahead
    stay true and it's smooth sailing

  • Even if you say the word "Kraken" while sailing will summon it sometimes when there's no world event in the sky. Me and the crew prefer "Karen" instead. No offense to Karen's you all are great pirates.

  • BLAST! I read the word kraken and the black water appeared... Im not even in game! I was drinking that water!

  • I was playing my favorite song on the Hurdy-Gurdy "Summon the megalodon" WELP! guess what showed it's face. Yup. The meg, Guess what I'll still be playing because it's my favorite. XD

  • @lil-adam-gather Music definitely draws trouble, the vibrations in the water!

  • Shrouded Ghost only shows up in storms and fog...

  • @pithyrumble said in Pirate Superstitions:

    Shrouded Ghost only shows up in storms and fog...

    I have heard so many theories that people genuinely believe about the ghost over the years

    My personal favorite thing about the ghost is how I've heard literally hundreds of "I saw it once but..." which ends with no kill but some big thing that lead to losing it lol.

    Many different people that aren't connected having a "it got away story" is fascinating to me

  • @wolfmanbush

    I saw it once. In a storm.

    (Cries in pirate)

  • @wolfmanbush I agree. Maybe its tied to how new the players are. I had a friend who claimed he saw one when he was new but chose to sail away because he was scared and wasn't ready as a new player. Same thing happened to me, i recall seeing a megalodon that was grey with red eyes in my first few days of playing. I didn't know it was rare, i just had loot on board and was rushing to sell it.

7 out of 10